Resurrecting old Satellite - need help

I needed a serial port for a car diagnostics machine so I am trying to resurrect my son's old Satellite. 
The hard drive is bad - I hear it working and then get an error for hard drive password. I bought a replacement IDE HDD and of course then need to use the recovery CDs.  First problem is I kept getting a media error, check cable, PXE 61 or something like that.  I disabled the internal LAN, set boot to FDD, CD, LAN, HDD and now get "Insert System Disk in drive, press key when ready". I hear the DVD spin up so it's at least half alive - but no joy.  I put a old DOS boot FDD in FDD and can boot to DOS from floppy.  I don't have DVD driver for DVD so can't verify whether DVD is working.
Which leads to the most frustrating problem..  I wanted to find device driver for DVD to check if it's good - but...
I can't find a model number - the tag is worn smooth. I can't, of course, query OS because it's gone. I took picture of laptop - if anyone knows what model it is - I'd appreciate it!
Also - any gotchas, clues on why I can't boot from DVD w/ brand new HDD - I'd appreciate that too.
Old satellite.jpg ‏50 KB

First thing we need to know in resurrecting you old laptop;
How LONG has it been since you have had it actually running?
If you have had it off for a long period of time, it would be a good idea to replace the CMOS battery.
A low CMOS battery can cause all kinds of issues.
The second thing is to check on the BIOS version, it may need to be updated.
The third thing is to check the connectivity of each of your port connectors, USB, serial and so on.
Once you have these items completed, then you can go back and reset your BIOS  to boot from DVD and it should work.
Let us know the results.
"Knowledge should be unrestricted and the most important commodity we can offer to help one another."

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    I sent the following to someone else a few minutes ago. It may help you also:
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    This is a user to user forum, not Adobe support... ask a question and someone may be able to help
    The information you need to provide when you ask a question is below... sorry... video editing IS fairly technical
    From the Premiere Elements Information FAQ
    NOTE - McAfee kills the program
    •You MUST use an account with Administrator Privileges to run Premiere Elements
    •(Doing Run as Administrator [says Encore and also for "All" versions of Premiere] will sometimes fix "odd" errors)
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    •Has this ever worked before?  If so, do you recall any changes you made to Premiere Elements, such as adding Plug-ins, brushes, etc.?  Did you make any changes to your system, such as updating hardware, printers or drivers; or installing/uninstalling any programs?
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    OK I'm doing this again since someone flagged my post but only the second one was erroneous.
    The first one was to send you to Apple's site:
    Where a download of Snow Leopard will cost you $19.99. (Is that ok?)
    Your MacBook (2008?) can run Snow Leopard 10.6  and 10.7 for sure. The last version in that year will run 10.8.

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    The MacBook 5,2 is a 2009 MacBook "Core 2 Duo" as shown here:,2
    Good news:  That model is capable of running the current release of OS X which is Mountain Lion!  See:
    System requirements for OS X Mountain Lion
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    You can login to
    You will see a Combine Files option on the right side, please click on it.
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    This starts along the same lines as Ernie's suggestion.
    1) in Mail, create a folder: I called mine .Mac Mail Backup
    2) quit Mail.
    3) Stay offline, turn-off airport, unplug ethernet depending on your connection type.
    4) copy all of the .emlx files to your inbox
    5) delete the Envelope.Index file
    6) Open Mail, it will rebuild.
    7) Now all of your email should be in your Inbox folder.
    8) Move them all to the folder you created.
    9) go online to your .Mac, let mail go online too, it will compare its index versus .Mac and wipe everything in your inbox, that's ok.
    10) in .Mac Mail page, create a folder called Transfer, or Rubby Ducky, anything you want.
    11) this folder should now appear in Mail. if it doesn't just restart the application.
    12) Drag your Backup Mail into your Transfer folder. It will upload to .Mac.
    13) in .Mac mail, you can then transfer all your mail from Transfer to Inbox and you are done. Mail will sync again and all your messages will reappear as they were before.
    Hope this helps, and sorry for having so many steps, this is what i ended up doing until 4 am last night.
    Good Luck!
    p.s. for daily backups I am using Super Duper! It's after this incident, it has paid for itself.

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    Then Reset your Keychain...

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    Where  did  my  Disk  Space  go?
    OmniDiskSweeper is a good program to see what's taking up space:

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