Rezound-ics weather, location, and gmail

There may be a quick fix for this, so Ill put it out there, since the ICS update, I havent had 4G, I have to manually update weather and location, also there is no notification for gmail anymore, I have to open and manually refresh for new email.  Is there a setting Im missing? I have all notifications on with sound, Im a bit confused, any help would be appreciated

settings> accounts and sync> google
settings> accounts and sync> weather
not too sure about 4g

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    Thanks for the info! It sounds like you have done some fantastic troubleshooting so far, thanks for your time and patience. Its important to have a properly working phone, so lets get this resolved. Try resetting the application called "Weather". Go to settings>applications>manage applications>all>click on weather>clear cache & force close. Go back to the main screen, and see if the device can now determine where you are  located. Keep me posted.
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    <code>alert(Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIProperties).get("ProfD", Components.interfaces.nsIFile).path);</code>
    "Application Data" in XP/Win2K and "AppData" in Vista/Windows 7 are hidden folders, use %APPDATA% in the File name field.
    See also
    Go to: Control Panel > Folder Options > "View" tab > under "Hidden files and folders", select "Show hidden files and folders".
    You may want to un-check the box "Hide extensions for known file types" to see the file extensions of all files.
    XP: C:\Documents and Settings\&lt;user&gt;\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\&lt;profile&gt;\
    Vista/Windows 7: C:\Users\&lt;user&gt;\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\&lt;profile&gt;\

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    Terabithia wrote:
    I thought there were problems with POP downloading duplicate messages or failing to download messages, that's why I wasn't using it. Does it work ok with gmail's archiving rather than deleting thing?
    POP does not mainain any syncing once the messages have been downloaded so you can just move or delete any messages from a POP mailbox without fear of this happening on the server.
    What if I archived my current mailbox, moved it to an external drive, and then switched to Pop. How would that work?
    that could work and is an option. you can set gamil to only download POP messages that arrive from now on. that's done in gmail webmail->settings->POP/IMAP. you can archive your current IMAP gmail mailbox. then delete the gmail account in Mail and recreate it as POP.
    but as I said, another option is to keep gmail IMAP but change what it keeps locally.
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    you'd have to import the whole archive back into Mail.
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    no. Mail archives are not spotlight searchible. if you want that option instead of archiving using mailbox menu->archive mailbox you can do the following. quit mail. then go to the folder homedirectory/library/mail. locate the gmail imap folder inside and copy it to the external. it will then be searchible via spotlight and you could open individual messages too assuming you do have all messages completely downloaded to the hard drive now.

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    Hey there sajam,
    First of all this isn't supposed to be a support forum.  If you had checked my website you would have seen a support link that lets you contact me directly.  I would have seen this faster if you had done so.
    Anyway onto your problem.  When in Mission Control, no applications are able to be interacted with.  Here's how the app was meant to work: it was supposed to be like a widget that is overlaid on top of your desktop.  It wasn't meant to be a normal application (although I might add this capability in an update later).  If you want to quickly see QuickWeather just use the "show desktop" shortcut to quickly check it, because it's "sticky" and won't move with Expose.  The shortcut is ⌘-F3, I belive.  This makes it really easy to check the weather just by making your windows fly away, see the weather, and have them fly in again. 
    The menubar dropdown wasn't really meant to be a source of information.  Perhaps in a future update I can add the forcast in there, but it wasn't really meant to hold the main info. 
    If you want to talk further you can always write me by visiting my website: (, and clicking "Support".  If you're not happy with the purchase you can always write me and I'll try to guide you through getting a refund. 

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    I downloaded Weatherbug (free) from the market and am also using Beautiful Widgets (paid) for the clock/weather widget (suppose to be more efficient that the stock HTC flip clocks).
    I then can set it up so tapping the weather on the screen launches weatherbug instead of HTC's weather, tapping time on the screen launches the desk clock app and tapping the date launches the calendar. As a bonus my phone finds me in Rochester NY and not Northwest Comanche OK

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    We use google calendar at my office and share it with our staff. I thought we would be able to sync those calendars with icloud and google. Before icloud, I set up an exchange account on Ipad, iphone, imac and it works well for calendar and email.  I thought I could replace that sync with icloud, but it seems to not be designed that way. Should google calendar and gmail users stick with google?

    THANK YOU ithos! 
    I have searched and searched to try and find a way to sync my Google calendars with iCloud.
    You don't exactly say how to make this happen, but you gave me enough nuggets to put it together.  Thank you for responding and helping me put it all together.
    I have 5 Google calendars (Family, Work, Church, Extended Family Birthdays, US Holidays).  My wife, two different assistants and I all share and update the calendars.  I want all this to continue since it affects every aspect of my life.  I sit at a PC at work and need to be able to view all those calendars during the work week, I also need to be able to view and edit from work (pc), iPhone, wife's iPhone, assistants computers, and our home (mac).  So, staying Google - for now, is what I need. 
    I just upgraded to the 4S and Siri is one of the main reasons.  Without iCloud syncing with my calendars Siri is USELESS with calendaring stuff.  So, I have to have Siri able to view my calendars as well. 
    So, with that info, here's how I got it all to work. 
    For those of you who need a start to finish explanation, here it is:
    1. Computer running the OS Lion (mine's an iMac)
    2. Open iCal on the Mac
    3. Open your Google Calendar
    4. In iCal go to iCal --> Preferences --> Accounts. 
    Make sure iCloud is listed under Accounts.  This was my default, so I didn't have to make any changes.  If yours lists something different, sorry.  I don't know how to change it.  But I believe this is a KEY component as ithos above mentions that the subscription be 'located' on iCloud.  
    5. In iCal go to Calendar --> Subscribe
    This will force a pop up asking you for the URL of the calendar you are trying to subscribe to. 
    Where do you find this URL?    I found this article from 2006 that gives the low down:
    Don't worry, even though it's from 2006 it still works.  Here are the steps in a nutshell, but you should read the short article so you don't miss anything.
    6. In Google Calendar you need to dig into EACH calendar that you want to 'Subscribe to' and find the unique URL for that calendar.  This will allow you to then force iCal to look at and scrape the data from this calendar as often as every 5 minutes.  As you follow the articles steps (they are very easy) then your iCal calendar will populate with the Google calendar data from the calendar you subscribed to.  I had to do this for EACH calendar I wanted to show up on my iCal calendar.
    7.  I then grabbed my iPhone and asked Siri, "What does my day look like tomorrow?"  She responded with all my iCal / iCloud (which are all subscribed to my Google calendars) calendar data.  I smiled
    This ONLY allows the Google info to be pushed to iCal / iCloud.  It doesn't allow the info to go the other way. 
    It won't let Siri manipulate the iCal/iCloud calendar or the Google calendar.  But at least Siri can see what's already there.  So, a step in the right direction. 
    Good luck!

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