RFC Connect to SAP with JavaScript

Dear all,
is there a way to directly connect to SAP via RFC using JavaScript. Are there any tutorials or code snipplets?
Kind regards

If you are running in a windows environment you can use COM functionality to connect to SAP. Here is some example code for you.
function main()
     var txt;
     var Row;
     var Row2;
     var BAPI = new ActiveXObject( "SAP.Functions" );
     var Connection = BAPI.Connection;
     Connection.ApplicationServer = "xxx";
     Connection.Client = "xxx";
     Connection.SystemNumber = xxx;
     Connection.User = "xxx";
     Connection.Password = "xxx";
     var Running = BAPI.Add("EW_TH_WPINFO");
     var Servers = BAPI.Add("TH_SERVER_LIST");
     var Tables = Servers.tables("LIST");
     var Dest = Running.exports("DESTINATION");
     Dest.value = "NONE";
     var CPU = Running.exports("WITH_CPU");
     CPU.value = "00";
     var List = Running.tables("WPLIST");
     for (var enumerator = new Enumerator(Tables.Rows) ;
     !enumerator.atEnd(); enumerator.moveNext())
          Row = enumerator.item();
          Dest.value = Row("NAME");
          for (var enumerator2 = new Enumerator(List.Rows);
          !enumerator2.atEnd(); enumerator2.moveNext())
               Row2 = enumerator2.item();
               if (Row2("WP_REPORT").length > 0){
                    txt = txt + "\n" + Row2("WP_PID") + "\t" + Row2("WP_REPORT") + "\t" + Row2("WP_BNAME");
function jsTrim(strInput)
     var strResult;
     var objRegex = new RegExp("(^
     strResult = strInput.replace(objRegex, "");
This code just gets a list of current users. Save the file  as running.js and fill in the xxx parameters with what is relevent for your system.
You will need wdtfuncs.ocx and librfc32.dll registered on your machine.
Hope this helps.
PS in the widgets forum I have given you an example of how to connect to SAP via RFC within widgets.
Message was edited by: Nathan Jones

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    Dear all,
    Please, i need help. i was tray to connect to SAP with SAP JCo on linux ubuntu, but i have an error.
    this is the error :
    com.sap.mw.jco.JCO$Exception: (102) RFC_ERROR_COMMUNICATION: Connect to SAP gateway failed
    Connect_PM  GWHOST=myhost, GWSERV=sapgw00, ASHOST=myhost, SYSNR=00
    LOCATION    CPIC (TCP/IP) on local host
    ERROR       hostname 'avatar-bumi' unknown
    TIME        Thu Feb 14 15:25:48 2008
    RELEASE     640
    COMPONENT   NI (network interface)
    VERSION     37
    RC          -2
    MODULE      niuxi_mt.c
    LINE        388
    DETAIL      NiPGetHostByName2: hostname 'avatar-bumi' not found
    SYSTEM CALL gethostbyname_r
    ERRNO       110
    ERRNO TEXT  Connection timed out
            at com.sap.mw.jco.rfc.MiddlewareRFC$Client.nativeConnect(Native Method)
            at com.sap.mw.jco.rfc.MiddlewareRFC$Client.connect(MiddlewareRFC.java:1125)
            at com.sap.mw.jco.JCO$Client.connect(JCO.java:3138)
            at sapjco.Main.main(Main.java:34)
    Exception in thread "main" com.sap.mw.jco.JCO$Exception: (121) JCO_ERROR_NULL_HANDLE: Invalid rfc_handle = NULL encountered
            at com.sap.mw.jco.rfc.MiddlewareRFC.nativeGetAttributes(Native Method)
            at com.sap.mw.jco.rfc.MiddlewareRFC$Client.getAttributes(MiddlewareRFC.java:1233)
            at com.sap.mw.jco.JCO$Client.getAttributesInternal(JCO.java:2940)
            at com.sap.mw.jco.JCO$Client.getAttributes(JCO.java:2994)
            at sapjco.Main.main(Main.java:38)
    How to resolve this error....
    Edited by: Lisa Yanti on Feb 14, 2008 9:35 AM

    I was resolve this error by my self.
    We can handle this error with registering our current IP and host name on /etc/hosts.
    content of /etc/hosts: localhost myhost.workgroup
    The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
    ::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
    fe00::0 ip6-localnet
    ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
    ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
    ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
    ff02::3 ip6-allhosts
    added the ip and host name to be like this configuration localhost myhost.workgroup myhost
    The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
    ::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
    fe00::0 ip6-localnet
    ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
    ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
    ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
    ff02::3 ip6-allhosts

  • After a system restart i cannot connect to SAP with SAPGUI.

    After a system restart i cannot connect to SAP with SAPGUI.
    See attached log  "dev_disp" and "dev_w0"
    At the end of this message you can see the comparison between the
    defective system and another working system
    I notice the absence of the "IGS400" process
    Could you please help me ?
    Best regards to everybody.
    "dev_disp" log file tell me : ************************
    trc file: "dev_disp", trc level: 1, release: "640"
    Thu Jun 21 13:21:24 2007
    kernel runs with dp version 132(ext=102) (@(#) DPLIB-INT-VERSION-132)
    length of sys_adm_ext is 312 bytes
    sysno      00
    sid        SVI
    systemid   324 (IBM iSeries with OS400)
    relno      6400
    patchlevel 0
    patchno    147
    intno      20020600
    make:      single threaded, ASCII, 64 bit
    pid        380
    Thu Jun 21 13:21:27 2007
    ***LOG Q00=> DpSapEnvInit, DPStart (00 380) [dpxxdisp.c   1100]
         shared lib "dw_xml.so" version 147 successfully loaded
         shared lib "dw_xtc.so" version 147 successfully loaded
         shared lib "dw_stl.so" version 147 successfully loaded
         shared lib "dw_gui.so" version 147 successfully loaded
         shared lib "dw_mdm.so" version 147 successfully loaded
    MtxInit: -2 0 0
    DpSysAdmExtInit: ABAP is active
    DpIPCInit2: start server >FRASTEST_SVI_00                         <
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(wp_adm)          10712     (824)
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(tm_adm)          3021432     (15032)
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(wp_ca_adm)          18000     (60)
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(appc_ca_adm)     6000     (60)
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(comm_adm)          216000     (432)
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(vmc_adm)          0     (448)
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(wall_adm)          (22440/36712/56/104)
    Thu Jun 21 13:21:28 2007
    DpShMCreate: SHM_DP_ADM_KEY          (addr: 700000080000000, size: 3337656)
    DpShMCreate: allocated sys_adm at 700000080000000
    DpShMCreate: allocated wp_adm at 700000080001830
    DpShMCreate: allocated tm_adm_list at 700000080004208
    DpShMCreate: allocated tm_adm at 700000080004230
    DpShMCreate: allocated wp_ca_adm at 7000000802e5ca8
    DpShMCreate: allocated appc_ca_adm at 7000000802ea2f8
    DpShMCreate: allocated comm_adm_list at 7000000802eba68
    DpShMCreate: allocated comm_adm at 7000000802eba80
    DpShMCreate: allocated vmc_adm_list at 700000080320640
    DpShMCreate: system runs without vmc_adm
    DpShMCreate: allocated ca_info at 700000080320668
    DpShMCreate: allocated wall_adm at 700000080320670
    MBUF state OFF
    EmInit: MmSetImplementation( 2 ).
    Thu Jun 21 13:21:29 2007
    <ES> client 0 initializing ....
    <ES> InitFreeList
    <ES> block size is 4096 kByte.
    Using implementation std
    EsIUnamFileMapInit: ES base = 0x7000000d0000000
    EsStdInit: Extended Memory 4096 MB allocated
    <ES> 1023 blocks reserved for free list.
    ES initialized.
    Thu Jun 21 13:22:33 2007
    rdisp/http_min_wait_dia_wp : 1 -> 1
    Thu Jun 21 13:22:35 2007
    ***LOG Q0K=> DpMsAttach, mscon ( FRASTEST) [dpxxdisp.c   10036]
    Thu Jun 21 13:22:36 2007
    DpStartStopMsg: send start message (myname is >FRASTEST_SVI_00                         <)
    DpStartStopMsg: start msg sent
    Thu Jun 21 13:22:47 2007
    CCMS: AlInitGlobals : alert/use_sema_lock = TRUE.
    Thu Jun 21 13:22:49 2007
    CCMS: start to initalize 3.X shared alert area (first segment).
    DpMsgAdmin: Set release to 6400, patchlevel 0
    MBUF component UP
    DpMBufHwIdSet: set Hardware-ID
    ***LOG Q1C=> DpMBufHwIdSet [dpxxmbuf.c   1025]
    DpMsgAdmin: Set patchno for this platform to 147
    Release check o.K.
    Thu Jun 21 13:39:13 2007
    DpSigInt: caught signal 2
    DpHalt: shutdown server >FRASTEST_SVI_00                         < (normal)
    Thu Jun 21 13:39:14 2007
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiPWrite: writev (32: Broken pipe) [niuxi.c 1140]
    ERROR => MsINiWrite: NiBufSend (rc=NIECONN_BROKEN) [msxxi.c      2455]
    ERROR => MsIModState: MsINiWrite (rc=NIECONN_BROKEN) [msxxi.c      3695]
    MBUF state OFF
    MBUF component DOWN
    DpModState: change server state from STARTING to SHUTDOWN
    Thu Jun 21 13:39:15 2007
    Stop work processes...
    Thu Jun 21 13:40:18 2007
    ERROR => DpWpKill(411, SIGUSR2): kill failed [dpxxtool.c   2462]
    Stop gateway
    Stop icman
    Terminate gui connections
    waiting for termination of work processes
    Thu Jun 21 13:40:19 2007
    waiting for termination of work processes
    Thu Jun 21 13:40:20 2007
    waiting for termination of work processes
    Thu Jun 21 13:40:21 2007
    waiting for termination of work processes
    "dev_w0" log file tell me : ************************
    trc file: "dev_w0", trc level: 1, release: "640"
    ACTIVE TRACE LEVEL           1
    M sysno      00
    M sid        SVI
    M systemid   324 (IBM iSeries with OS400)
    M relno      6400
    M patchlevel 0
    M patchno    147
    M intno      20020600
    M make:      single threaded, ASCII, 64 bit
    M pid        404

    M Thu Jun 21 13:22:00 2007
    M  ***LOG Q01=> tskh_init, WPStart (Workproc 0 1 404) [thxxhead.c   1146]
    M  calling db_connect ...
    C  DB4 SQL Reparse Activated

    C Thu Jun 21 13:22:11 2007
    C  R3INLPGM: RmtExeLib from /usr/sap/SVI/SYS/exe/run/DBSLDB4RMT
    C  R3INLPGM: RmtExeLib is R3640ASVI

    C Thu Jun 21 13:22:13 2007
    C  Connection to database done without problems.
    C  -
    C  -
    DbSl EGO Structure
    C  -
    C     SAPSYSTEMNAME               = SVI
    C     Character encoding          = ASCII
    C     process class               = dialog process
    C     workprocess id              = 0
    C     local host                  = FRASTEST
    C     dbhost                      = FRASTEST
    C     rdbname                     =                  
    C     dbname                      = SVIFRASTEST
    C     dblib                       = R3SVIDATA
    C     application server          = DVEBMGS00
    C     Connect type                = LOCAL
    C     pid                         = 404
    C     dbjobname                   = WP00     
    C     dbjobuser                   = SVI00    
    C     dbjobno                     = 025901
    C     wpjobname                   = WP00
    C     wpjobuser                   = SVI00
    C     wpjobno                     = 025901
    C     DB2/400 vers. appl. server  = PASE 4
    C     DB2/400 vers. DB server     = V5R4                           
    C     da_cache_size               = 100
    C     reopen                      = ON
    C     timeout_retry               = 3
    C     ODP threshold               = 800
    C     ODP commit thresh.          = 810
    C     ODP open thresh.            = 850
    C     QAQQINI library             = Default (QUSRSYS)
    C     Alternate QAQQINI library   = Not specified
    C     use_lobs_for_long           = ON
    C     use_lobs_for_short          = OFF
    C     single_execution_threshold  = 2000
    C     single_execution_reuse      = OFF
    C     keep_tmp_SQLpkgs            = OFF
    C     dbsl_trace                  = off
    C     allow_cancel                = OFF
    C     nqe_optimize_method         = O - All I/O (compatibility mode)
    C     query_compl_reval           = O
    C     nte_list_size               = 10
    C  -

    C Thu Jun 21 13:22:17 2007
    C  SQL monitor started for job

    B Thu Jun 21 13:22:18 2007
    B  Connection 0 opened (DBSL handle 0)
    B  Wp  Hdl ConName          ConId     ConState     TX  PRM RCT TIM MAX OPT Date     Time   DBHost         
    B  000 000 R/3              000000000 ACTIVE       NO  YES NO  000 255 255 20070621 132200 FRASTEST       

    M Thu Jun 21 13:22:37 2007
    M  db_connect o.k.

    M Thu Jun 21 13:22:38 2007
    M  ICT: exclude compression: .zip,.cs,.rar,.arj,.z,.gz,.tar,.lzh,.cab,.hqx,.ace,.jar,.ear,.war,.css,.pdf,.js,.gzip,.uue,.bz2,.iso,.sda,.sar,.gif
    ACTIVE TRACE LEVEL           2
    M  -
    C-STACK -
    => 64 bit R/3 Kernel
    => 64 bit OS400 Kernel
    => Heap limit      = unlimited
    => Stack limit     = unlimited
    => Core limit      = unlimited
    => File size limit = unlimited
    => Heap address  = 0x40000000000000009ED34587C2E94220
    => Stack address = 0xffffffffffff3f0
    => Stack low     =  0xfffffffffffdb30
    => Stack high    =  0xffffffffffffa90
    => Stack Trace:
         Unknown at 0x3618
         sleepms() at 0x1000f9324
         SpinLockSemRq1() at 0x1000f926c
         SemRq() at 0x1000fcf6c
         ThIPCInit() at 0x1000ac1a0
         tskh_init() at 0x1000ad704
         tskhstart() at 0x1000c0950
         DpMain() at 0x10175ad2c
         nlsui_main() at 0x10172dee8
    => CPU Registers:
         msr = 0x800000000000f032     iar = 0x0000000000003618
         ctr = 0x0000000000003610      lr = 0x09000000000a2890
         xer = 0x0000000008000000      cr = 0x000000002a404445
         r00 = 0x0000000000000000     r01 = 0x0ffffffffffff3f0
         r02 = 0x00000000000000a4     r03 = 0xffffffffffffffff
         r04 = 0x0000000000000000     r05 = 0x0000000000000000
         r06 = 0x0000000000000000     r07 = 0x0ffffffffffff520
         r08 = 0x0000000000000001     r09 = 0x0000000010108003
         r10 = 0xb00010000c90e000     r11 = 0xb00010000c90ef30
         r12 = 0x0900000000001eb0     r13 = 0x0000000182784a50
         r14 = 0x0000000000000002     r15 = 0x00000001810e6c48
         r16 = 0x0ffffffffffffb28     r17 = 0x000000018001bf20
         r18 = 0x0000000000000003     r19 = 0x0000000000000004
         r20 = 0x0000000180c6de34     r21 = 0x0000000180c6de28
         r22 = 0x000000018004ce60     r23 = 0x0000000180c6e244
         r24 = 0x0000000000000064     r25 = 0x0000000000000158
         r26 = 0x0000000000000158     r27 = 0x0000000000000000
         r28 = 0x0000000000000000     r29 = 0x0fffffffffffffe0
         r30 = 0x09001000a005ec48     r31 = 0x0000000000000000
    Thu Jun 21 13:40:23 2007
    Library   |(SRV)PGM  |Module    |Function/Statement No.
    Thu Jun 21 13:40:24 2007
    QSYS      |QP2USER2  |QP2API    |__Qp2Fork  8
    QSYS      |QP2USER2  |QP2API    |runpase_main__FPi  6
    QSYS      |QP2USER2  |QP2API    |runpase_common__FiPvT2  2
    R3640ASVI |O4PRTLIBC |AS4STACK  |As4Stack_From_PASE  3
    R3640ASVI |O4PRTLIBC |AS4STACK  |As4StackOut  10
    R3640ASVI |O4PRTLIBC |AS4STACK  |_MATINVS2__8O4_StackFv  8
    M  -
    Opz  Sottosis/Lav  corrente    Tipo  % CPU  Funzione        Stato             
          R3_00         QSYS        SBS     0,0                  DEQW              
            DISP_WORK   SVI00       BCI     5,3  PGM-disp+work   CNDW              
            GWRD        SVI00       BCI    10,9  PGM-gwrd        RUN               
            ICMAN       SVI00       BCI     1,8  PGM-icman       RUN               
            MSG_SERVER  SVI00       BCI     0,0  PGM-MSG_SERVER  SELW              
            RSLGCOLL    SVI00       BCI     0,0  PGM-rslgcoll    SELW              
            RSLGSEND    SVI00       BCI     0,0  PGM-rslgsend    SELW              
            SAPOSCOL    SVI00       BCI     1,0  PGM-SAPOSCOL    RUN               
            SAPSTART    SVI00       BCH     0,0  PGM-sapstart    EVTW   
            WATCHDOG    SVI00       BCI     0,4  PGM-disp+work   SELW              
            WP00        SVI00       BCI     1,0  PGM-disp+work   RUN               
            WP01        SVI00       BCI     1,0  PGM-disp+work   RUN               
            WP02        SVI00       BCI     1,0  PGM-disp+work   RUN               
            WP03        SVI00       BCI     1,1  PGM-disp+work   RUN               
            WP04        SVI00       BCI     0,9  PGM-disp+work   RUN               
            WP05        SVI00       BCI     0,9  PGM-disp+work   RUN               
            WP06        SVI00       BCI     0,8  PGM-disp+work   RUN               
            WP07        SVI00       BCI     0,6  PGM-disp+work   RUN               
            WP08        SVI00       BCI     0,0                  RUN               
          R3_03         QSYS        SBS     0,0                  DEQW              
            DISP_WORK   TST03       BCI     0,0  PGM-disp+work   SELW              
            GWRD        TST03       BCI     0,0  PGM-gwrd        SELW              
            ICMAN       TST03       BCI     0,0  PGM-icman       SELW              
            IGS400      TST03       BCI     0,0  PGM-igswd_mt    THDW              
            IGS400      TST03       BCI     0,0  PGM-igsmux_mt   THDW              
            IGS400      TST03       BCI     0,0  PGM-igspw_mt    THDW              
            IGS400      TST03       BCI     0,0  PGM-igspw_mt    THDW              
            MSG_SERVER  TST03       BCI     0,0  PGM-MSG_SERVER  SELW              
            RSLGSEND    TST03       BCI     0,0  PGM-rslgsend    THDW              
            SAPSTART    TST03       BCH     0,0  PGM-sapstart    EVTW              
            WATCHDOG    TST03       BCI     0,0  PGM-disp+work   SELW              
            WP00        TST03       BCI     0,0  PGM-disp+work   SEMW              
            WP01        TST03       BCI     0,0  PGM-disp+work   SEMW              
            WP02        TST03       BCI     2,5  PGM-disp+work   RUN               
            WP03        TST03       BCI     0,0  PGM-disp+work   SEMW              
            WP04        TST03       BCI     0,0  PGM-disp+work   SEMW              
            WP05        TST03       BCI     0,0  PGM-disp+work   SEMW              
            WP06        TST03       BCI     0,0  PGM-disp+work   SEMW              
            WP07        TST03       BCI     0,0  PGM-disp+work   SEMW              
            WP08        TST03       BCI     0,0  PGM-disp+work   SEMW              
            WP09        TST03       BCI     0,0  PGM-disp+work   SEMW              
            WP10        TST03       BCI     0,0  PGM-disp+work   SEMW              
            WP11        TST03       BCI     0,0  PGM-disp+work   SEMW              
            WP12        TST03       BCI     0,0  PGM-disp+work   SEMW

    Following your suggestions i got this error message in the log file "dev_w0"
    This process creted also a very big "core" file
    B  ***LOG BY4=> sql error 304    performing FET on table DDNTF      [dbntab#7 @ 10281] [dbntab  1028 1]
    B  ***LOG BY0=> Conversion error in assignment to host variable *N. MSGID= Job=028178/SVI00/WP00 [dbntab#7 @ 10281] [dbntab  1028 1]
    B  *** ERROR => missing return code handler     
    caller does not handle code 1 from dbntab#7[3098]     
    Here is the complete log:
    trc file: "dev_w0", trc level: 1, release: "640"
    ACTIVE TRACE LEVEL           1
    M sysno      00
    M sid        SVI
    M systemid   324 (IBM iSeries with OS400)
    M relno      6400
    M patchlevel 0
    M patchno    147
    M intno      20020600
    M make:      single threaded, ASCII, 64 bit
    M pid        317

    M Wed Aug  1 17:53:03 2007
    M  ***LOG Q01=> tskh_init, WPStart (Workproc 0 1 317) [thxxhead.c   1146]
    M  calling db_connect ...
    C  DB4 SQL Reparse Activated

    C Wed Aug  1 17:53:05 2007
    C  R3INLPGM: RmtExeLib from /usr/sap/SVI/SYS/exe/run/DBSLDB4RMT
    C  R3INLPGM: RmtExeLib is R3640ASVI
    C  Connection to database done without problems.
    C  -
    C  -
    DbSl EGO Structure
    C  -
    C     SAPSYSTEMNAME               = SVI
    C     Character encoding          = ASCII
    C     process class               = dialog process
    C     workprocess id              = 0
    C     local host                  = FRASTEST
    C     dbhost                      = FRASTEST
    C     rdbname                     =                  
    C     dbname                      = SVIFRASTEST
    C     dblib                       = R3SVIDATA
    C     application server          = DVEBMGS00
    C     Connect type                = LOCAL
    C     pid                         = 317
    C     dbjobname                   = WP00     
    C     dbjobuser                   = SVI00    
    C     dbjobno                     = 028178
    C     wpjobname                   = WP00
    C     wpjobuser                   = SVI00
    C     wpjobno                     = 028178
    C     DB2/400 vers. appl. server  = PASE 4
    C     DB2/400 vers. DB server     = V5R4                           
    C     da_cache_size               = 100
    C     reopen                      = ON
    C     timeout_retry               = 3
    C     ODP threshold               = 800
    C     ODP commit thresh.          = 810
    C     ODP open thresh.            = 850
    C     QAQQINI library             = Default (QUSRSYS)
    C     Alternate QAQQINI library   = Not specified
    C     use_lobs_for_long           = ON
    C     use_lobs_for_short          = OFF
    C     single_execution_threshold  = 2000
    C     single_execution_reuse      = OFF
    C     keep_tmp_SQLpkgs            = OFF
    C     dbsl_trace                  = off
    C     allow_cancel                = OFF
    C     nqe_optimize_method         = O - All I/O (compatibility mode)
    C     query_compl_reval           = O
    C     nte_list_size               = 10
    C  -

    C Wed Aug  1 17:53:09 2007
    C  SQL monitor started for job
    B  Connection 0 opened (DBSL handle 0)
    B  Wp  Hdl ConName          ConId     ConState     TX  PRM RCT TIM MAX OPT Date     Time   DBHost         
    B  000 000 R/3              000000000 ACTIVE       NO  YES NO  000 255 255 20070801 175303 FRASTEST       

    M Wed Aug  1 17:53:12 2007
    M  db_connect o.k.
    M  ICT: exclude compression: .zip,.cs,.rar,.arj,.z,.gz,.tar,.lzh,.cab,.hqx,.ace,.jar,.ear,.war,.css,.pdf,.js,.gzip,.uue,.bz2,.iso,.sda,.sar,.gif

    I Wed Aug  1 17:53:13 2007
    I  MtxInit: 0 0 0
    M  SHM_PRES_BUF               (addr: 700000200000000, size: 4400128)

    M Wed Aug  1 17:53:14 2007
    M  SHM_ROLL_AREA          (addr: 700000210000000, size: 268435456)

    M Wed Aug  1 17:53:15 2007
    M  SHM_PAGING_AREA          (addr: 700000220000000, size: 67108864)
    M  SHM_ROLL_ADM               (addr: 700000230000000, size: 2672386)
    M  SHM_PAGING_ADM          (addr: 700000240000000, size: 164896)

    M Wed Aug  1 17:53:16 2007
    M  ThCreateNoBuffer          allocated 324144 bytes for 1000 entries at 700000250000000
    M  ThCreateNoBuffer          index size: 3000 elems
    M  ThCreateVBAdm          allocated 7440 bytes (50 server) at 700000260000000
    X  EmInit: MmSetImplementation( 2 ).
    X  <ES> client 0 initializing ....
    X  Using implementation std
    X  ES initialized.

    B Wed Aug  1 17:53:20 2007
    B  db_con_shm_ini:  WP_ID = 0, WP_CNT = 13, CON_ID = -1

    B Wed Aug  1 17:53:25 2007
    B  dbtbxbuf: Buffer TABL  (addr: 7000002d0000100, size: 64000000, end: 7000002d3d09100)
    B  dbtbxbuf: Profile: max_objects = 5000, displace = 1, reorg = 1
    B  dbtbxbuf: request_unit = 2000, sync_reload = 5, inval_reload = 5
    B  dbtbxbuf: protect_shm = 0, force_checks = 0
    B  dbtbxbuf: tsize_retry = 31427136
    B  ***LOG BB0=> buffer TABL       started with length 64000000   bytes [dbtbxbuf#8 @ 16037] [dbtbxbuf1603 7]

    B Wed Aug  1 17:53:26 2007
    B  dbtbxbuf: Buffer TABLP (addr: 7000002e0000100, size: 16776192, end: 7000002e0fffd00)
    B  dbtbxbuf: Profile: max_objects = 500, displace = 1, reorg = 1
    B  dbtbxbuf: request_unit = 2000, sync_reload = 5, inval_reload = 5
    B  dbtbxbuf: protect_shm = 0, force_checks = 0
    B  dbtbxbuf: tsize_retry = 8322944
    B  ***LOG BB0=> buffer TABLP      started with length 16776192   bytes [dbtbxbuf#8 @ 16037] [dbtbxbuf1603 7]
    B  dbtbxbuf: Reading TBX statistics:
    B  dbtbxbuf: Opening /usr/sap/SVI/DVEBMGS00/data/tbxnew failed (No such file or directory).
    B  dbtbxbuf: Renaming /usr/sap/SVI/DVEBMGS00/data/tbxnew to /usr/sap/SVI/DVEBMGS00/data/tbxstat failed (No such file or directory).
    B  dbtbxbuf: 110 object entries precreated
    B  Layout of EIBUF buffer shared memory:
    B  0: 1 * 4 = 4
    B  1: 1 * 360 = 360
    B  2: 13 * 40 = 520
    B  3: 8009 * 40 = 320360
    B  4: 4000 * 160 = 640000
    B  5: 8009 * 8 = 64072
    B  6: 1 * 200 = 200
    B  7: 65 * 8 = 520
    B  8: 319664 * 128 = 40916992
    B  Tracing = 0, Shm Protection = 0, Force checks = 0, Recovery delay = 500000
    B  dbexpbuf: Buffer EIBUF (addr: 700000300000108, size: 41943040, end: 700000302800108)
    B  ***LOG BB0=> buffer EIBUF      started with length 40960k     bytes [dbexpbuf#6 @ 2342] [dbexpbuf2342 ]
    B  Layout of ESM   buffer shared memory:
    B  0: 1 * 4 = 4
    B  1: 1 * 360 = 360
    B  2: 13 * 40 = 520
    B  3: 4001 * 40 = 160040
    B  4: 2000 * 160 = 320000
    B  5: 4001 * 8 = 32008
    B  6: 1 * 200 = 200
    B  7: 65 * 8 = 520
    B  8: 28755 * 128 = 3680640
    B  Tracing = 0, Shm Protection = 0, Force checks = 0, Recovery delay = 500000
    B  dbexpbuf: Buffer ESM   (addr: 700000310000108, size: 4194304, end: 700000310400108)
    B  ***LOG BB0=> buffer ESM        started with length 4096k      bytes [dbexpbuf#6 @ 2342] [dbexpbuf2342 ]
    B  Layout of CUA   buffer shared memory:
    B  0: 1 * 4 = 4
    B  1: 1 * 360 = 360
    B  2: 13 * 40 = 520
    B  3: 16411 * 40 = 656440
    B  4: 8191 * 160 = 1310560
    B  5: 16411 * 8 = 131288
    B  6: 1 * 200 = 200
    B  7: 193 * 8 = 1544
    B  8: 57325 * 256 = 14675200
    B  Tracing = 0, Shm Protection = 0, Force checks = 0, Recovery delay = 500000
    B  dbexpbuf: Buffer CUA   (addr: 700000320000108, size: 16776192, end: 700000320fffd08)
    B  ***LOG BB0=> buffer CUA        started with length 16383k     bytes [dbexpbuf#6 @ 2342] [dbexpbuf2342 ]
    B  Layout of OTR   buffer shared memory:
    B  0: 1 * 4 = 4
    B  1: 1 * 360 = 360
    B  2: 13 * 40 = 520
    B  3: 4001 * 40 = 160040
    B  4: 2000 * 160 = 320000
    B  5: 4001 * 8 = 32008
    B  6: 1 * 200 = 200
    B  7: 81 * 8 = 648
    B  8: 28754 * 128 = 3680512
    B  Tracing = 0, Shm Protection = 0, Force checks = 0, Recovery delay = 500000

    B Wed Aug  1 17:53:27 2007
    B  dbexpbuf: Buffer OTR   (addr: 700000330000108, size: 4194304, end: 700000330400108)
    B  ***LOG BB0=> buffer OTR        started with length 4096k      bytes [dbexpbuf#6 @ 2342] [dbexpbuf2342 ]
    B  ***LOG BB0=> buffer CALE       started with length 500000     bytes [dbcalbuf#2 @ 2212] [dbcalbuf2212 ]

    C Wed Aug  1 17:53:29 2007
    C  *** ERROR => Error 304 in function db_fetch
    [dbsldb4.cpp  9041]
    C  === DBSL Begin of SQL request after execution ===
    C  === DBSL SQLP0400 ===
    C  Function              5
    C  Package               DDNTFIH             Library               R3SVIA2062
    C  Main_Pgm                                  Main_Lib                                 
    C  Statement_Name        "Wx3AAADpDB"        Cursor_Name           "CADDNTF16461"     
    C  Open_Options          x80                 Clause_For_Describe   N
    C  Commitment_Control    C
    C  Date_Format           USA                 Date_Separator        /
    C  Time_Format           USA                 Time_Separator        :
    C  Naming_Option         SYS                 Decimal_Point         .
    C  Blocking_Factor       1                   Scrollable_Option     0                  
    C  Position_Option       0                   Relative_Record       0                  
    C  Rows_To_Insert        0                   Direct_Map            N
    C  Reuse_DA              N                   Name_Check            Y
    C  Use_Ptrs              0                   With_Hold             N
    C  Close_File_Name                           Close_Library_Name    *THRESHOLD         
    C  Reopen                0                   Use_Perf              1
    C  Query_Compl. (Reval)  !                   Statement_Text_CCSID  819
    C  Sort_Sequence_Table   *JOB                Sort_Sequence_Library *LIBL              
    C  Language_ID           *JOB                Allow_Copy_Data       S                  
    C  Allow_Blocking        L
    C  === DBSL SQLDA ===
    C  sqldaid: SQLDA 2 , sqldabc: 816, sqln: 10, sqld: 4
    C  === TRACE VAR 0 ===
    C  sqlvar: 0, sqtype 469, sqllen 30, sqlname.data 13488
    C  sqlind: 0
    C  sqlname (hex):
    C  0008000034B00000  0000000000000000  0000000000000000  0000000000000000 
    C  sqldata row=0 (hex):
    C  005400430041004C  0053002000200020  0020002000200020  0020002000200020 
    C  0020002000200020  0020002000200020  0020002000200020  00200020
    C  === TRACE VAR 1 ===
    C  sqlvar: 1, sqtype 501, sqllen 2, sqlname.data 0
    C  sqlind: -2
    C  sqlname (hex):
    C  0000000000000000  0000000000000000  0000000000000000  0000000000000000 
    C  sqldata row=0 (hex):
    C  0000
    C  === TRACE VAR 2 ===
    C  sqlvar: 2, sqtype 497, sqllen 4, sqlname.data 0
    C  sqlind: -2
    C  sqlname (hex):
    C  0000000000000000  0000000000000000  0000000000000000  0000000000000000 
    C  sqldata row=0 (hex):
    C  00000031
    C  === TRACE VAR 3 ===
    C  sqlvar: 3, sqtype 405, sqllonglen 32700
    C  sqldatalen NULL
    C  sqlind: 0
    C  sqlname (hex):
    C  00080000FFFF0000  0000000000000000  0000000000000000  0000000000000000 
    C  sqldata row=0 (hex):
    C  0000028742000007  4100000000010000  0000280001000000  0100010000004944 
    C  0000000000000000  0000000000000000  0000000000000000  00000000004B4142 
    C  === DBSL errc ===
    C  errc: OK
    C  === DBSL sqlca ===
    C  sqlcode: 304
    C  sqlerrml: 68, sqlerrmc:
    C  00035CD540404040  4040404040404040  4040404040404040  4040404040404040 
    C  4040404040404040  4040404040404040  4040404040404040  4040404040404040 
    C  40400006
    B  ***LOG BY4=> sql error 304    performing FET on table DDNTF      [dbntab#7 @ 10281] [dbntab  1028 1]
    B  ***LOG BY0=> Conversion error in assignment to host variable *N. MSGID= Job=028178/SVI00/WP00 [dbntab#7 @ 10281] [dbntab  1028 1]
    B  *** ERROR => missing return code handler     
    caller does not handle code 1 from dbntab#7[3098]     
    ==> calling sap_dext to abort transaction
    [dbeh.c       93]
    M  -
    C-STACK -
    => 64 bit R/3 Kernel
    => 64 bit OS400 Kernel
    => Heap limit      = unlimited
    => Stack limit     = unlimited
    => Core limit      = unlimited
    => File size limit = unlimited
    => Heap address  = 0x40000000000000009E570787C2ED4260
    => Stack address = 0xfffffffffffd6f0
    => Stack low     =  0xfffffffffffd6f0
    => Stack high    =  0xffffffffffffa90
    => Stack Trace:
         AixStack() at 0x10008d040
         CTrcStack2() at 0x10008d138
         ThControl() at 0x1006551a4
         dyThControl() at 0x1003ab070
         dextIntern() at 0x1003aa06c
         sap_dext() at 0x1003aff24
         dbeh_exit() at 0x100416924
         db_ntab() at 0x10039d48c
         read_ntab() at 0x101512474
         db_cbufload() at 0x10150f40c
         reset_handling() at 0x101512f00
         init_shm_and_load_cals() at 0x10151394c
         db_cbufinst() at 0x101514c48
         db_calinit() at 0x1005ae8bc
         db_init() at 0x1001c7ae0
         ThCallHooks() at 0x1000c3654
         ThIPCInit() at 0x1000ac574
         tskh_init() at 0x1000ad704
         tskhstart() at 0x1000c0950
         DpMain() at 0x10175ad2c
         nlsui_main() at 0x10172dee8
    Wed Aug  1 17:53:29 2007
    Library   |(SRV)PGM  |Module    |Function/Statement No.
    QSYS      |QP2USER2  |QP2API    |__Qp2Fork  8
    QSYS      |QP2USER2  |QP2API    |runpase_main__FPi  6
    QSYS      |QP2USER2  |QP2API    |runpase_common__FiPvT2  2
    R3640ASVI |O4PRTLIBC |AS4STACK  |As4Stack_From_PASE  3
    R3640ASVI |O4PRTLIBC |AS4STACK  |As4StackOut  10
    R3640ASVI |O4PRTLIBC |AS4STACK  |_MATINVS2__8O4_StackFv  8
    M  -
    M  ***LOG R1B=> ThControl, sap_dext-call (00 ) [thxxdynp.c   355]
    M  in_ThErrHandle: 1
    M  *** ERROR => ThControl: illegal sap_dext call !!! (step 1, th_errno 5, action 1, level 1) [thxxhead.c   9564]

    M  Info for wp 0

    M    stat = 4
    M    reqtype = 1
    M    act_reqtype = -1
    M    rq_info = 0
    M    tid = -1
    M    mode = 255
    M    len = -1
    M    rq_id = 65535
    M    rq_source = 255
    M    last_tid = 0
    M    last_mode = 0
    M    int_checked_resource(RFC) = 0
    M    ext_checked_resource(RFC) = 0
    M    int_checked_resource(HTTP) = 0
    M    ext_checked_resource(HTTP) = 0
    M    report = >                                        <
    M    action = 0
    M    tab_name = >                              <
    M  Entering ThSetStatError
    M  Entering ThReadDetachMode
    M  ThISend: still inside critical section semaphore ?

  • Unable to open RFC connection to SAP System NSP

    Hi all,
    During installation i am getting an error which is as follows,
    "Unable to open RFC connection to SAP System NSP.
    Solution: Start the system."
    And the second problem is that there are no connections shown in SAPGUI.
    Please help me out.
    Thanking you,

    HI Kranthi,
    Have you checked this thread NW Preview Installation error?

  • Number of remote RFC connections to SAP from third party application

    Hi All,
    We are using an external application which is using the JCO API to make a connection to the SAP server to pass invoices. But the connections are note properly closed after invoking the RFCs and SAP seems to be not able to handle further requests once the numer  of connections reach the maximum limit.
    Could you tell whether there is a max limit on the number of connections opened to SAP from remote function calls from a third party product?
    Is there anyway by which we can make sure that connections are properly closed in SAP after the each remote call?
    Thanks in advance for your pointers.

    Dear Arun,
    Here are the parameter settings which you can do to set up RFC connections to SAP servers.
    This will resolve all your problems.
    Thanks & Regards

  • Remote Connection to SAP with SAP Web Dispatcher

    Dear Experts,
    i have installed a SAP Router + SAP ECC 6.0 IDES + SAP Portal 7.0 + SAP Solution Manager 7.0. The remote connection works.
    SAP Router is in a DMZ
    SAP ECC 6.0 IDES + SAP Portal 7.0 + SAP Solution Manager 7.0 are in another network only for SAP Systems
    Fo security reason, i would like to install a SAP Webdispatcher with the SAP Router's Server.
    I already:
    have extracted the icmadmin.sar file
    have executed the sapwebdisp -bootstrap command
    have started the web dispatcher with sapwebdisp pf=sapwebdisp.pfl
    have activated /sap/public/icman and /sap/public/icf_info/* services inthe SAP Solution Manager
    As the saprouttab file for the saprouter, i would like to establish the connection to SAP withe the SAP WebDispatcher.
    My questions are:
    What are the parameters i have to put in the sapwebdisp.pfl file?
    Do i have to create the PERMFILE and the AUTHFILE?
    Any example of profil file? (another than the SAP Library example)
    Thank you very much for your help in advance.
    Best regards.
    Pascal Tran.
    PS: Here is the sapwebdisp.pfl file
    Profile generated by sapwebdisp bootstrap
    unique instance number
    SAPSYSTEM = 50
    add default directory settings
    Accessibility of Message Servers
    rdisp/mshost = <Solution_Manager_hostanme>
    rdisp/msserv = sapms<Solution_Manager_SID>
    ms/http_port = 81<Solution_Manager_Instance_Number>
    SAP Web Dispatcher Parameter
    wdisp/auto_refresh = 120
    wdisp/max_servers = 100
    wdisp/shm_attach_mode = 6
    configuration for default scenario (medium size)
    icm/max_conn      = 500
    icm/max_sockets   = 1024
    icm/req_queue_len = 500
    icm/min_threads   = 10
    icm/max_threads   = 50
    mpi/total_size_MB = 80
    #maximum number of concurrent connections to one server
    wdisp/HTTP/max_pooled_con = 500
    wdisp/HTTPS/max_pooled_con = 500
    SAP Web Dispatcher Ports
    icm/server_port_0 = PROT=HTTP,PORT=8050
    SAP Web Dispatcher Web Administration
    icm/HTTP/admin_0 = PREFIX=/sap/wdisp/admin,DOCROOT=./admin,AUTHFILE=icmauth.txt
    Hostname per default
    icm/host_name_full = <SAP_Router_Hostname>

    The two important paramters are covered in your profile.
    Accessibility of Message Servers
    rdisp/mshost = <Solution_Manager_hostanme>
    rdisp/msserv = sapms<Solution_Manager_SID>
    ms/http_port = 81<Solution_Manager_Instance_Number>
    And the port on which your webdispatcher listens from outside world.
    icm/server_port_0 = PROT=HTTP,PORT=8050
    For additional security you can use the https port also.
    I dont think you need to maintain any other file manually.
    I had configured web dispatcher but for 640 stack. It should be more or less the same.
    An example file sapwebdisp.pfl
    Profile generated by sapwebdisp bootstrap
    unique instance number
    Accessibility of Message Servers
    rdisp/mshost = <hostname>
    ms/http_port = 8101
    ms/https_port = 8005
    SAP Web Dispatcher Parameter
    wdisp/auto_refresh = 120
    wdisp/max_servers = 100
    wdisp/shm_attach_mode = 6
    configuration for default scenario (medium size)
    icm/max_conn      = 500
    icm/max_sockets   = 1024
    icm/req_queue_len = 500
    icm/min_threads   = 10
    icm/max_threads   = 50
    mpi/total_size_MB = 80
    #maximum number of concurrent connections to one server
    wdisp/HTTP/max_pooled_con = 500
    wdisp/HTTPS/max_pooled_con = 500
    wdisp/shm_attach_mode = 6
    SAP Web Dispatcher Ports
    icm/server_port_0 = PROT=HTTPS,PORT=1443
    icm/server_port_1 = PROT=HTTP,PORT=1081
    icm/HTTPS/verify_client = 0
    SAP Web Dispatcher Web Administration
    icm/HTTP/admin_0 = PREFIX=/sap/wdisp/admin,DOCROOT=./admin
    DIR_INSTANCE = C:\Secudir
    ssl/ssl_lib = C:\Secudir\sapcrypto.dll
    ssl/server_pse= C:\Secudir\SAPSSLS.pse
    wdisp/ssl_cred = SAPSSLS.pse

  • RFC connection from SAP R/3 to OS400 server

    I am trying to establish an rfc connection between an R/3 system and OS400 server.
    I dont have much experience on communication interfaces i have seen different options in SAPRFC.ini file but still i wanted to get some expert comments from the experts.
    Please help me on this.

    We had the same scenario here also. You can call .NET code from ABAP program using SAP .Net connector.
    The data can be downloaded to SQL server based on periodic job wise (every Half an hour or 1 Hour) .
    1. Write an ABAP report to get new personnal numbers from HR master tables based on created date.
    2. Create a RFC to pass employees details.
    3. You can create a proxy in .NET server stub code based on the above RFC.
    4. Write code to get data .NET object and establise a connection to SQL server.
    5. Write code to push data into SQL server tables.
    6. After you complete the .NET code, when you generate this code will create an exe file.
    7. You have to execute that exe with few command line arguments.
    8. The command line arguments need to setup in RFC destination (SM59).
    9. In that ABAP report call this RFC with RFC destination as you defined.
    .NET code can be done by .NET person.
    Let me know if you have any clarifications.
    Thanks & Regards,

  • RFC Connection From SAP to Iseries server

    I wish you can help me wtih this issue.
    We are running ECC 6.0 on iseries v5r3m0.
    We are trying to connect to an other non-SAP V5r1M0 system. We are using OSS note 146624 for this purpose.
    Our first problem is that we cannot copy pgm files to a V5R1 system from V5R3 system. This can be solved with manual extraction kernel.
    However our problem is that we are getting an "SQL Error 0" short dump when we start abap report. What ever the entry in DBCON table is we get this short dump.
    Did anyone configured RFC connection to a non-SAP Iseries system? What methos should we use?
    Best Regards

    Hello Volker,
    it is some time ago, you posted the original message here. I have a follow on question and I hope you can help.
    Apart from the redbook I can't find any documentation about rfc with iseries and that gives some examples but no real explanation about what you are supost to do 
    I followed the rfc example "ILE RPG evoked from ABAP" and I can get it to work, as long as I ask for only one parameter from the ABAP.
    Do you know how to get multiple parameters from ABAP? Just repeating the RfcGetData with different parameters doesn't work. The ABAP will cancel with "no data to receive" on the second parameter.
    Also do you know how to create a rfc-trace for these requests?
    Best Regards.
    Richard la Croix

  • RFC connection (SM59) fails with load balancing enabled.

    Hello All,
    We have an RFC connection setup between two SAP systems. The RFC connection works fine if it points to the destination system. But if we enable load balancing, the connection fails with this error:
    ERROR                partner not reached (host <hostname>, service sapms<SID>)
    LOCATION             SAP-Server <source system> on host <host name of source> (wp 1)
    DETAIL               NiPConnect2
    CALL                 SO_ERROR
    COMPONENT            NI (network interface)
    COUNTER              3027
    ERROR TEXT           Connection refused
    ERROR NUMBER         79
    MODULE               niuxi.c
    LINE                 1069
    RETURN CODE          -10
    SUBRC                    0
    RELEASE              46D
    TIME                 Mon Aug 18 18:33:30 2008
    VERSION              34
    I've checked the /etc/services file, the following entries exist
    sapms<SID> 3606/tcp
    sapms<SID>s 3600/tcp
    lstst at the source system works fine
    lgtst -H <target host name> -S sapms<SID>
    niping at the target system has a problem
    > niping -c -S 3606
    Mon Aug 18 10:23:14 2008
    connect to server o.k.
    ERROR => NiTClientLoop: NiTReadLoop (rc=-6) [nixxtst.cpp  2629]
    ERROR       connection to partner broken
    TIME        Mon Aug 18 10:23:14 2008
    RELEASE     640
    COMPONENT   NI (network interface)
    VERSION     37
    RC          -6
    MODULE      niuxi.c
    LINE        905
    DETAIL      NiPRead (, hdl 1)
    SYSTEM CALL recv
    COUNTER     1
    Please help me figure out the problem.

    I think you have added wrong port entry in services file.
    The entry of sap servers in services file for load balancing are
    sapms<SID>  36<instance number>/tcp
    so please check once again and add the entry using above formula in services file.
    Also add the entry of all SAP servers in your hosts file.

  • RFC connection from SAP Data services to SAP ECC

    We have data services set up in linux machine. I am trying to set up RFC connection between data services and SAP ECC.
    From data management console after creating RFC connection i am getting "RFC_bad_connection" error message. Username , password, system number, hostname and client is working from SAP GUI and has all the authorizations. SAP  gateway and service is name is correct.
    Did anyone had similar issue and what was the solution. Do we have start the RFC connection from linux data services machine, i didn't see any sh executable to do so.
    Thanks in advance for helping to solve the RFC connection issue.
    Edited by: gupta sasha az on Dec 19, 2011 7:24 PM

    I am new to SAP and we have just started work on Data Services.
    I wanted to know the complete procedure as in how can I establish a connection between Data Services and ECC.
    Thanks for your help and time.

  • RFC connection from SAP to AS400 system

    Hi ,
    I am working on a Interface requirement wherein I need to get connected to AS400 fetch some data and update in Shipment Document in SAP at runtime.
    I am thinking about calling RFC but not sure whether it will work or not.
    Has anybody worked on the requirement like this.
    please help me out with this regard.
    thanks in Advance,

    Hi Nitin,
    RFC works other way around. Means you can login from other system to SAP to get the data using RFC. For your requirement you can ALE.

  • Connect to SAP with R3 Support stfk.oez file problem~

    Dear Archana,
    I tried to open R3 support for SAP Verification session.
    1.Service Connector installed and started.
    2.SAProuter status shows connected.
    3.R3 support is open and shows connected.
    but there is an question...
    I set the stfk.oez file type Association in Windows Server 2008 with
    wordpad by accident,so it can not be able to execute now(coz it edit
    by wordpad),I don't know what program can run stfk.oez so I can't
    reset the file type as default in Windows Server 2008.
    Please tell me how to solve my problems~

    How did u resolve this issue. I am facing a similar issue now.
    <br>Jaianandh V

  • RFC connection between two SAP systems (with SAP router)

    I would like to set up a RFC-connection from SAP Solution Manager to other SAP system.
    The network connection between the servers is VPN.
    How can I set up this RFC-connection, if my connection between two SAP systems looks as follows,
    (I use the following SAP routers)?
    my server  --> customer
    my server --> internal SAP Router server xy (10.101....) --> SAP Router customer 2 (10.1....) --> SAP System customer (134....)
    SAP Systeme customer --> SAP Router customer (134.1....) --> internal SAP router (212.6....) --> my server
    How can I set up this RFC-connection, if my connection between two SAP systems looks as follows,
    (I use the following SAP routers)?
    something like:
    Thank you very much!

    Same answer as in the other forum where you cross posted....

  • Error RFC Connection

    Hi Gurus,
    I have a problem when i try to do a RFC connection Between SAP and Windows, this's the error message log Tx, sm59..
    EntrSist.     Error de conexión
    Det.error     / CPIC-CALL: 'ThSAPOCMINIT' : cmRc=17 thRc=236 SAP gateway connection failed. I
    Det.error     ERROR: SAP gateway connection failed. Is SAP gateway started?
    Det.error     LOCATION: SAP-Server devinc_ICT_02 on host devinc (wp 1)
    Det.error     COMPONENT: CPIC
    Det.error     COUNTER: 6
    Det.error     MODULO:
    Det.error     LINE:
    Det.error     CÓD.RETORNO: 236
    Det.error     SUBRC: 0
    Det.error     RELEASE: 700
    Det.error     TMP.: Tue Aug 31 11:13:57 2010
    Det.error     VERSIÓN:

    the entry sapmsDEV is missing in your "services"-file on the computer that hosts your SLD-Server/J2EE WAS. Windows locates it at %WINDIR%/system32/drivers/etc, unix usually at /etc/.
    make an entry like that:
    sapmsDEV   3600/tcp (in case, your Systemnumber is 00, otherwise replace the "00" with your actual systemnumber)
    kind rtegards, achim

  • Program ID Required for RFC Connection

    Hi All,
    I'm trying to create a RFC Connection betwen SAP BI and SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services). In SM59 screen i'm unable to get the appropriate Program ID required for the connection. Could someone please help me in knowing how to get it.

    While creating TCP\IP type RFC destination, when you select Radio button "Registered server program", there you have to provide Program Id there. So for your information:
    Program Id is a string which can be anything even your name.
    i know only R3 and XI integration and in that case you will make your RFC communication channel active first with a program Id(ant thing) and with logon credentials of other system + gateway host and service.
    then use that program id in RFC destination and test it.
    If get empty request then RFC destination is ok.

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