Richiamo iPod nano 1G, tempi?

Ciao a tutti, anche io dopo verifica del SN nell'area di supporto Apple, sono risultato possessore di un iPod Nano 1G (capacità 4GB) affetto dal potenziale problema della batteria esplosiva.
Ho iniziato la procedura di richiesta di sostituzione il 16 novembre, ed a tutt'oggi lo status della riparazione è fermo allo stato di richiesta:
( )
anche se mi è arrivata un paio di giorni dopo la richiesta una email in cui si diceva che entro 10 giorni avrei ricevuto il kit di spedizione.
Ieri ho deciso di chiamare il Customer Care col numero a pagamento per chiedere chiarimenti, e mi sono sentito dire che a causa della grande richiesta ci sono dei ritardi nelle sostituzioni.
Capisco le ragioni, però altri amici che hanno chiesto la sostituzione (Nano 1G da 1GB e 2GB) hanno già ricevuto l'occorrente pur avendolo richiesto dopo di me, può essere dovuto al fatto che è un 4GB?
Quanto avete aspettato voi per ricevere il pacco per la sostituzione?

io ho fatto la richiesta assistenza il 15. novembre.
il 24 hanno spedito il pacchetto che io ho ricevuto il 7. dicembre (anche se cera su posta prioritaria)
io ho spedito poi l'ipod il 12. dicembre e ieri (19.12) l' hanno ricevuto.
sempre al 19.12. è passato tutto sul passaggio 3 !

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    Come chiamo apple(NON SPENDENDO)?
    In Italia abbiamo un numero a pagamento, e il tempo di attesa è lungo, quindi onde evitare di spendere un patrimonio e ottenere risposte insoddisfacenti, la soluzione è cliccare qui, scegliere ipod nano->domande non tecniche->domande siullo stato della riparazione, mettere il vostro numero di cellulare e aspettare di essere richiamati. (grazie a qw3rty per la segnalazione)
    Quanto tempo ci vuole per la spedizione del nuovo ipod?
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    Quanto tempo serve per ricevere l'ipod?
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    Devo firmare per ricevere il pacco?
    Assolutamente no, il pacchetto è spedito con posta ordinaria, e viene dunque trattato come una normale lettera. Vi verrà lasciato nella cassetta delle lettere dal postino
    Non è pericoloso?
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    Cosa fare in questi casi?
    Contattare apple, dare il proprio numero di pratica e di spedizione e raccontare l'accaduto. Probabilmente vi verranno richieste delle foto dell'imballaggio vuoto, dopodichè verrà programmata una nuova spedizione di un nuovo ipod a casa vostra, stavolta con corriere espresso.
    E se non ricevo il pacchetto?
    La risposta a questa domanda non esiste al momento, apple dice di aspettare, qualcuno consiglia di far passare giorni e di mettere poi il tutto in mano agli avvocati. Spero che non ce ne sia davvero bisogno.
    Non mi resta che augurare buona fortuna a tutti, spero che riceviate il vostro nuovo ipod 6g!

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  • ITunes won't recognize iPod Nano (1GB, 1st generation)

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    I've gotten to the point where I updated my iPod software in Disk mode (up until then it was being recognized only in Disk mode), but when iTunes failed to recognize it when not in Disk mode I preceded to restore my iPod to factory settings, as instructed in the help articles.
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    I then noticed that my iPod was being recognized by My Computer, just not by iTunes, so I began to perform the steps indicated in the following article:
    I restarted my iPod service - no luck
    I removed iTunes - no luck
    I emptied my Temp directory and restarted...
    That's when iTunes stopped recognizing my iPod altogether, not even in Disk mode. Not only that, but it seems to have affected the iPod itself, since it won't turn off or exit Disk mode anymore. So now I'm scared of going though with any more steps on whichever "help" articles and making the problem even worse than it already is (if that's possible).
    The only other information I can provide is that windows is still recognizing my iPod, no problem, and when I connect my iPod, iTunes actually launches... but DOESN'T recognize a thing. So I ran a diagnostics using iTunes and here's what I got (iPod diagnostics):
    Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
    INTEL_ D945GCL_
    iPodService is currently running.
    iTunesHelper is currently running.
    Current user is an administrator.
    The current local date and time is 2007-08-30 11:53:26.
    Connected Storage Devices:
    Unidade de disco, MAXTOR STM3160211AS, Bus Type ATA, Bus Address [0,0]
    Unidade de disco, MAXTOR STM3160211AS, Bus Type ATA, Bus Address [0,0]
    Unidade de disco, Apple iPod USB Device, Bus Type USB
    Universal Serial Bus Controllers:
    Standard Universal PCI to USB Host Controller. Device is working properly.
    Standard Universal PCI to USB Host Controller. Device is working properly.
    Standard Universal PCI to USB Host Controller. Device is working properly.
    Standard Universal PCI to USB Host Controller. Device is working properly.
    Standard Enhanced PCI to USB Host Controller. Device is working properly.
    No IEEE 1394 Host Controller found.
    Connected Device Information:
    IPOD (H:\), iPod nano running firmware version 1.3.1
    All green lights, and as you can see, according to iTunes, NO PROBLEM! Except that it won't recognize the iPod that the disgnistics says exists and reads... ?!?!?!
    If anyone could shed some light on my situation, i would be VERY greatful!

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  • Ipod nano 4th not recognized by itunes or windows

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    Hey theartistssh,
    Thanks for the question. I understand you are experiencing issues with your iPod nano. The following resource may provide a solution:
    iPod not recognized in My Computer and in iTunes for Windows
    Matt M.

  • Itunes will not recognize my ipod nano

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    Sincerly, irritated.

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    when it is plugged in to charge it almost immedialty starts to get hot and continues to get warmer in temp.
    suggestions ?

    Hello o0st,
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    For more information, take a look at:
    iPod nano (6th generation): Hardware troubleshooting
    Will not turn on or screen remains dark
    Connect iPod to power for at least ten minutes to ensure that the battery has enough charge to allow iPod to turn on.
    If iPod does not turn on after ten minutes, try resetting the device while it is still connected to power. Reset the iPod by holding down the Sleep/Wake button and the Volume Down button for at least eight seconds or until you see the Apple logo appear.
    If the Apple logo appears on the display, connect iPod to a computer and verify that it appears in iTunes and can play music. If iPod appears in iTunes and can play music, no further troubleshooting is needed.
    If the screen remains dark and will not turn on, then your iPod may need service.
    Have a nice day,

  • BLUE screen of death - ipod nano 4th gen

    Just got a new 16 gig ipod Nano and it crashes my lap-top every time I atte,mpt to connect it via itunes.
    ERROR CODE APPEARS BELOW - sent to Microsoft also
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="Unicode" ?>
    - <SYSTEM>
    <OSNAME>Microsoft Windows XP Professional</OSNAME>
    <OSVER>5.1.2600 3.0</OSVER>
    - <DEVICES>
    - <DEVICE>
    - <DEVICE>
    <DESCRIPTION>Intel PentiumIII Processor</DESCRIPTION>
    - <DEVICE>
    <DESCRIPTION>Programmable interrupt controller</DESCRIPTION>
    - <DEVICE>
    - <DEVICE>
    <DESCRIPTION>Direct memory access controller</DESCRIPTION>
    - <DEVICE>
    <DESCRIPTION>Dell Enhanced QuietKey PS2 with DellTouch</DESCRIPTION>
    - <DEVICE>
    - <DEVICE>
    <DESCRIPTION>Communications Port</DESCRIPTION>
    - <DEVICE>
    <DESCRIPTION>Standard floppy disk controller</DESCRIPTION>
    - <DEVICE>
    - <DEVICE>
    - <DEVICE>
    <DESCRIPTION>System CMOS/real time clock</DESCRIPTION>
    - <DEVICE>
    - <DEVICE>
    - <DEVICE>
    - <DEVICE>
    - <DEVICE>
    - <DEVICE>
    <DESCRIPTION>Numeric data processor</DESCRIPTION>
    - <DEVICE>
    <DESCRIPTION>Microsoft ACPI-Compliant Control Method Battery</DESCRIPTION>
    - <DEVICE>
    <DESCRIPTION>Microsoft ACPI-Compliant Control Method Battery</DESCRIPTION>
    - <DEVICE>
    - <DEVICE>
    - <DEVICE>
    - <DEVICE>
    <DESCRIPTION>Synaptics PS/2 Port Pointing Device</DESCRIPTION>
    - <DEVICE>
    - <DEVICE>
    - <DEVICE>
    <DESCRIPTION>Microsoft ACPI-Compliant System</DESCRIPTION>
    - <DEVICE>
    - <DEVICE>
    - <DEVICE>
    <DESCRIPTION>Plug and Play Monitor</DESCRIPTION>
    - <DEVICE>
    - <DEVICE>
    - <DEVICE>
    - <DEVICE>
    - <DEVICE>
    <DESCRIPTION>Printer Port Logical Interface</DESCRIPTION>
    - <DEVICE>
    <DESCRIPTION>Texas Instruments OHCI Compliant IEEE 1394 Host Controller</DESCRIPTION>
    - <DEVICE>
    <DESCRIPTION>Texas Instruments PCI-4451 CardBus Controller</DESCRIPTION>
    - <DEVICE>
    <DESCRIPTION>Texas Instruments PCI-4451 CardBus Controller</DESCRIPTION>
    - <DEVICE>
    - <DEVICE>
    - <DEVICE>
    <DESCRIPTION>Intel(R) 82815 Processor to I/O Controller - 1130</DESCRIPTION>
    - <DEVICE>
    <DESCRIPTION>Intel(R) 82815 Processor to AGP Controller - 1131</DESCRIPTION>
    - <DEVICE>
    <DESCRIPTION>Intel(R) 82801BA/BAM USB Universal Host Controller - 2442</DESCRIPTION>
    - <DEVICE>
    <DESCRIPTION>Intel(R) 82801BAM/CAM PCI Bridge - 2448</DESCRIPTION>
    - <DEVICE>
    <DESCRIPTION>Intel(r) 82801BA Bus Master IDE Controller</DESCRIPTION>
    - <DEVICE>
    <DESCRIPTION>Intel(R) 82801BAM LPC Interface Controller - 244C</DESCRIPTION>
    - <DEVICE>
    - <DEVICE>
    - <DEVICE>
    <DESCRIPTION>Microsoft Tun Miniport Adapter</DESCRIPTION>
    - <DEVICE>
    <DESCRIPTION>Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) PC</DESCRIPTION>
    - <DEVICE>
    <DESCRIPTION>Microsoft Composite Battery</DESCRIPTION>
    - <DEVICE>
    - <DEVICE>
    - <DEVICE>
    <DESCRIPTION>Legacy Audio Drivers</DESCRIPTION>
    - <DEVICE>
    <DESCRIPTION>Media Control Devices</DESCRIPTION>
    - <DEVICE>
    <DESCRIPTION>Legacy Video Capture Devices</DESCRIPTION>
    - <DEVICE>
    - <DEVICE>
    - <DEVICE>
    - <DEVICE>
    - <DEVICE>
    - <DEVICE>
    - <DEVICE>
    <DESCRIPTION>Packet Scheduler Miniport</DESCRIPTION>
    - <DEVICE>
    <DESCRIPTION>Packet Scheduler Miniport</DESCRIPTION>
    - <DEVICE>
    <DESCRIPTION>Packet Scheduler Miniport</DESCRIPTION>
    - <DEVICE>
    <DESCRIPTION>Packet Scheduler Miniport</DESCRIPTION>
    - <DEVICE>
    <DESCRIPTION>Packet Scheduler Miniport</DESCRIPTION>
    - <DEVICE>
    - <DEVICE>
    <DESCRIPTION>Terminal Server Device Redirector</DESCRIPTION>
    - <DEVICE>
    <DESCRIPTION>Terminal Server Keyboard Driver</DESCRIPTION>
    - <DEVICE>
    <DESCRIPTION>Terminal Server Mouse Driver</DESCRIPTION>
    - <DEVICE>
    <DESCRIPTION>Plug and Play Software Device Enumerator</DESCRIPTION>
    - <DEVICE>
    <DESCRIPTION>Microcode Update Device</DESCRIPTION>
    - <DEVICE>
    <DESCRIPTION>OpenManage Client Instrumentation device driver</DESCRIPTION>
    - <DEVICE>
    <DESCRIPTION>Microsoft System Management BIOS Driver</DESCRIPTION>
    - <DEVICE>
    - <DEVICE>
    - <DEVICE>
    - <DEVICE>
    - <DEVICE>
    - <DEVICE>
    <DESCRIPTION>Microsoft Kernel Audio Splitter</DESCRIPTION>
    - <DEVICE>
    <DESCRIPTION>Microsoft Kernel Acoustic Echo Canceller</DESCRIPTION>
    - <DEVICE>
    <DESCRIPTION>Microsoft Kernel GS Wavetable Synthesizer</DESCRIPTION>
    - <DEVICE>
    <DESCRIPTION>Microsoft Kernel DLS Synthesizer</DESCRIPTION>
    - <DEVICE>
    <DESCRIPTION>Microsoft Kernel System Audio Device</DESCRIPTION>
    - <DEVICE>
    <DESCRIPTION>Microsoft Kernel Wave Audio Mixer</DESCRIPTION>
    - <DEVICE>
    <DESCRIPTION>Microsoft WINMM WDM Audio Compatibility Driver</DESCRIPTION>
    - <DEVICE>
    <DESCRIPTION>Microsoft Kernel DRM Audio Descrambler</DESCRIPTION>
    - <DEVICE>
    - <DEVICE>
    - <DRIVERS>
    - <DRIVER>
    <CREATIONDATE>08-23-2001 12:00:00</CREATIONDATE>
    <MANUFACTURER>Microsoft Corporation</MANUFACTURER>
    <PRODUCTNAME>Microsoft® Windows® Operating System</PRODUCTNAME>
    - <DRIVER>
    <CREATIONDATE>08-23-2001 12:00:00</CREATIONDATE>
    <MANUFACTURER>Microsoft Corporation</MANUFACTURER>
    <PRODUCTNAME>Microsoft® Windows® Operating System</PRODUCTNAME>
    - <DRIVER>
    <CREATIONDATE>08-23-2001 12:00:00</CREATIONDATE>
    <MANUFACTURER>Microsoft Corporation</MANUFACTURER>
    <PRODUCTNAME>Microsoft® Windows® Operating System</PRODUCTNAME>
    - <DRIVER>
    <CREATIONDATE>08-04-2004 07:56:41</CREATIONDATE>
    <PRODUCTNAME>Intel(R) Graphics Accelerator Drivers for Windows NT(R)</PRODUCTNAME>
    - <DRIVER>
    <CREATIONDATE>08-04-2004 07:56:41</CREATIONDATE>
    <PRODUCTNAME>Intel(R) Graphics Accelerator Drivers for Windows NT(R)</PRODUCTNAME>
    - <DRIVER>
    <CREATIONDATE>08-04-2004 07:56:41</CREATIONDATE>
    <PRODUCTNAME>Intel(R) Graphics Accelerator Drivers for Windows NT(R)</PRODUCTNAME>
    - <DRIVER>
    <CREATIONDATE>08-04-2004 07:56:41</CREATIONDATE>
    <PRODUCTNAME>Intel(R) Graphics Accelerator Drivers for Windows NT(R)</PRODUCTNAME>
    - <DRIVER>
    <CREATIONDATE>08-04-2004 07:56:41</CREATIONDATE>
    <PRODUCTNAME>Intel(R) Graphics Accelerator Drivers for Windows NT(R)</PRODUCTNAME>
    - <DRIVER>
    <CREATIONDATE>08-04-2004 07:56:41</CREATIONDATE>
    <PRODUCTNAME>Intel(R) Graphics Accelerator Drivers for Windows NT(R)</PRODUCTNAME>
    - <DRIVER>
    <CREATIONDATE>08-04-2004 07:56:41</CREATIONDATE>
    <PRODUCTNAME>Intel(R) Graphics Accelerator Drivers for Windows NT(R)</PRODUCTNAME>
    - <DRIVER>
    <CREATIONDATE>09-22-2007 04:14:28</CREATIONDATE>
    <MANUFACTURER>Microsoft Corporation</MANUFACTURER>
    <PRODUCTNAME>Microsoft® Windows® Operating System</PRODUCTNAME>
    - <DRIVER>
    <CREATIONDATE>02-22-2008 00:58:13</CREATIONDATE>
    <MANUFACTURER>Meetinghouse Data Communications</MANUFACTURER>
    - <DRIVER>
    <CREATIONDATE>08-23-2001 12:00:00</CREATIONDATE>
    <MANUFACTURER>Microsoft Corporation</MANUFACTURER>
    <PRODUCTNAME>Microsoft® Windows® Operating System</PRODUCTNAME>
    - <DRIVER>
    <CREATIONDATE>09-22-2007 04:13:12</CREATIONDATE>
    <MANUFACTURER>Microsoft Corporation</MANUFACTURER>
    <PRODUCTNAME>Microsoft® Windows® Operating System</PRODUCTNAME>
    - <DRIVER>
    <CREATIONDATE>08-04-2004 06:07:42</CREATIONDATE>
    <MANUFACTURER>Microsoft Corporation</MANUFACTURER>
    <PRODUCTNAME>Microsoft® Windows® Operating System</PRODUCTNAME>
    - <DRIVER>
    <CREATIONDATE>08-04-2004 06:07:41</CREATIONDATE>
    <MANUFACTURER>Microsoft Corporation</MANUFACTURER>
    <PRODUCTNAME>Microsoft® Windows® Operating System</PRODUCTNAME>
    - <DRIVER>
    <CREATIONDATE>08-04-2004 06:07:42</CREATIONDATE>
    <MANUFACTURER>Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.</MANUFACTURER>
    <PRODUCTNAME>Windows (R) 2000 DDK Driver</PRODUCTNAME>
    - <DRIVER>
    <CREATIONDATE>08-17-2001 13:48:38</CREATIONDATE>
    <MANUFACTURER>Microsoft Corporation</MANUFACTURER>
    <PRODUCTNAME>Microsoft® Windows® Operating System</PRODUCTNAME>
    - <DRIVER>
    <CREATIONDATE>08-04-2004 05:59:20</CREATIONDATE>
    <MANUFACTURER>Microsoft Corporation</MANUFACTURER>
    <PRODUCTNAME>Microsoft® Windows® Operating System</PRODUCTNAME>
    - <DRIVER>
    <CREATIONDATE>08-17-2001 13:46:38</CREATIONDATE>
    <MANUFACTURER>Microsoft Corporation</MANUFACTURER>
    <PRODUCTNAME>Microsoft® Windows® Operating System</PRODUCTNAME>
    - <DRIVER>
    <CREATIONDATE>08-23-2001 12:00:00</CREATIONDATE>
    <MANUFACTURER>Microsoft Corporation</MANUFACTURER>
    <PRODUCTNAME>Microsoft® Windows® Operating System</PRODUCTNAME>
    - <DRIVER>
    <CREATIONDATE>08-23-2001 12:00:00</CREATIONDATE>
    <MANUFACTURER>Microsoft Corporation</MANUFACTURER>
    <PRODUCTNAME>Microsoft® Windows® Operating System</PRODUCTNAME>
    - <DRIVER>
    <CREATIONDATE>08-04-2004 05:29:29</CREATIONDATE>
    - <DRIVER>
    <CREATIONDATE>08-04-2004 05:29:29</CREATIONDATE>
    - <DRIVER>
    <CREATIONDATE>08-04-2004 05:29:29</CREATIONDATE>
    - <DRIVER>
    <CREATIONDATE>08-04-2004 05:29:30</CREATIONDATE>
    - <DRIVER>

    It looks as if you have some very old hardware drivers installed - audio and video ones from 2004 even? - not to mention most likely a lot of junk in the Registry. I'd suggest you try the following:
    NOTE: If your antivirus or antispyware software is out of date, upgrade or update it first, and make sure no malware is getting in your way. I can't tell from your list if any is installed.
    1) Delete your current versions of iTunes and QuickTime (if installed) completely.
    2) Download some basic cleanup software - Glary Utilities is good, and the free version is plenty - and run the basic utility set. That will get rid of some unneeded files and clean up the Registry. Make sure to let it delete temp files also. THEN SHUT DOWN your computer completely.
    3) Restart after about a minute, and, as suggested, install Service Pack 3 for WIndows XP. If you're not running Automatic Updates, you should be! But if you have to, go to the Microsoft Updates page, and do a manual update, make sure you install ALL critical updates/patches/security updates, etc., and any optional updates related to hardware and/or audio and video. If any update seems unrelated, or if you don't really know what it does, skip it for now.
    4) Go to Dell's website, and in the support section, choose Drivers and Downloads, then choose the Service Tag option. The resulting page will show a list of available driver updates. Before installing each one, check the Device Manager to make sure you don't install an older driver over a newer one AND that you're installing the correct driver for your device.
    5) For all of these steps, restart when prompted - don't choose to Restart Later. If anything goes wrong, it's a lot easier to go back 1 step to a recent good configuration than figure out which of multiple installs caused the problem.
    6) After everything is up to date, install the latest version of iTunes, then try your Nano again.
    It's not just the Nano - newer software and hardware will often fail or cause crashes or freezes if you don't keep your OS, applications, and drivers up to date.
    Good luck, and have a great holiday season.

  • My PC Shuts Down When I Plug In My New IPod Nano 3rd Gen.

    The title of this post pretty much says it all. Got me my new iPod Nano 3rd gen. yesterday. Brought it home, booted up the puter, loaded iTunes and plugged that sucker in. Well first iTunes kindly instructed me that I would have to download it's newest software, which I did.
    Then soon afterwards when I thought i was set, I plugged in my new 3rd gen iPod Nano to the pc and as soon as I did that my pc shut down completely, and restarted. Shut down is putting it mildly, I mean it just went 'kablink" and then was restarting.
    I tried uninstalling iTunes, cleaning my temp folder, my internet cache, then reinstalling iTunes anew, still nada. All to no avail, people, because each and everytime I plug in my new iPod Nano, no sooner than i do this my pc summarily goes "kablink" on me and starts booting up again.
    NOW I STILL have my iPod Nano 2nd gen, and it works fine, even with the newest iTunes software, it doesn't screw up my pc like the new 3rd gen iPod Nano does.
    Now I am to conclude that the problem lies in the 3rd gen iPod itself. How could it not? My iPod Nano 2nd gen works absolutely fine, and everytime I plug in my new iPod Nano, I shut down in a flash withtout fail. Anyone of you have this error? I would love to know short of calling iTunes tech support about what to do about this, this is a MAJOR bummer for sure. Now I have to be concerened about whether or not I am ever going to get this thing to work now.
    Is the iPod broken? If not why the shutdowns then? Please advise. Many thanks in advance.

    Hey, I bought an iPod nano 3rd gen yesterday and I have exactly the same prolem you are describing in your message. Have you found any solution to this?

  • IPod Nano (1GB, 1st Gen.) can't be recognized by iTunes

    I have been having problems Sync'ing my iPod nano with iTunes, however, the more I read help articles and follow the steps, the worse the problem gets. (I'm on a PC using Windows XP)
    I've gotten to the point where I updated my iPod software in Disk mode (up until then it was being recognized only in Disk mode), but when iTunes failed to recognize it when not in Disk mode I preceded to restore my iPod to factory settings, as instructed in the help articles.
    Now, up until then, I still had music in my iPod, and I was being able to charge it and listen to my music even though I couldn't sync the iPod anymore. After restoring, I not only lost my music (which I was aware of), but it STILL did not fix my problem. So I started to get annoyed.
    I then noticed that my iPod was being recognized by My Computer, just not by iTunes, so I began to perform the steps indicated in the following article:
    I restarted my iPod service - no luck
    I removed iTunes - no luck
    I emptied my Temp directory and restarted...
    That's when iTunes stopped recognizing my iPod altogether, not even in Disk mode. Not only that, but it seems to have affected the iPod itself, since it won't turn off or exit Disk mode anymore. So now I'm scared of going though with any more steps on whichever "help" articles and making the problem even worse than it already is (if that's possible).
    The only other information I can provide is that windows is still recognizing my iPod, no problem, and when I connect my iPod, iTunes actually launches... but DOESN'T recognize a thing. So I ran a diagnostics using iTunes and here's what I got (iPod diagnostics):
    Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
    INTEL_ D945GCL_
    iPodService is currently running.
    iTunesHelper is currently running.
    Current user is an administrator.
    The current local date and time is 2007-08-30 11:53:26.
    Connected Storage Devices:
    Unidade de disco, MAXTOR STM3160211AS, Bus Type ATA, Bus Address 0,0
    Unidade de disco, MAXTOR STM3160211AS, Bus Type ATA, Bus Address 0,0
    Unidade de disco, Apple iPod USB Device, Bus Type USB
    Universal Serial Bus Controllers:
    Standard Universal PCI to USB Host Controller. Device is working properly.
    Standard Universal PCI to USB Host Controller. Device is working properly.
    Standard Universal PCI to USB Host Controller. Device is working properly.
    Standard Universal PCI to USB Host Controller. Device is working properly.
    Standard Enhanced PCI to USB Host Controller. Device is working properly.
    No IEEE 1394 Host Controller found.
    Connected Device Information:
    IPOD (H:\), iPod nano running firmware version 1.3.1
    All green lights, and as you can see, according to iTunes, NO PROBLEM! Except that it won't recognize the iPod that the diagnostics says exists and reads... ?!?!?!
    If anyone could shed some light on my situation, i would be VERY greatful!

    I've experienced the same issues, but apparently went to the next level. My computer does not recognize the ipod at all. As soon as we put a 2GB nano on and updated the software the 1GB started having problems. When we went through the diagnostics and web support it got worse. When we called support and spent 90 minutes on the line it completely stopped working and I felt lucky that the new ipod worked. The 1GB now plays and works fine away from the computer and will recharge in the dock that is not hooked to the PC, but itunes does not recognize it and we cannot update with new music.
    I took it to Mac authority who could not diagnose the problem and said they'd never seen or heard of this issue. They could not even make the Mac recognize it as an external drive. After spending $20.00 to just have it diagnosed, they told me it needed a new logic board which would cost between $59 and $89 less the $20 I'd already blown. I am MUCH less than satisfied with the results, and have been told that I could buy another one for $20.00 off and a small discount.
    The problem is, the 1GB worked until the moment we added the 2GB, now my son is being penalized because my daughter got a new nano, and I'm expected to shell out more money....If you find a resolution that doesn't cost more than the worth of the ipod, I would love to hear it.

  • Help - my iPod Nano is not recognised by windows

    Hi I have recently bought a new ipod nano (8gb Aluminium case) and it is not recognised by windows. I have run through all of the trouble shooting tips (reseting ipod, reinstalling itunes, getting latest windows updates, even deleting my temp files). I have also tried all USB ports and tested them with a memory stick to make sure that they are working.
    I can hear the standard windows sonic (ding-dong) when I plug in the ipod, but there is no indication of it in my computer or itunes.
    Can anyone help me here?

    Have you tried putting your iPod into disk mode, then connect it to your computer?
    Putting your iPod into disk mode
    If that doesn't seem to work, try out all the troubleshooting steps in these links:
    The Five R's
    iPod missing in My Computer or in iTunes

  • Tried all suggestions, iPod Nano still not recognized by iTunes

    My iPod refuses to show up as a source in iTunes. This is the only possible conclusion I can make, given I've tried each of the following steps:
    1. Re-setting the iPod.
    2. Restoring the iPod.
    3. Restarting the iPod service.
    4. Re-installing iTunes (after removing it, emptying trash, removing iTunes updaters, emptying temp folders)
    5. Clean up iTunes installer files using Windows Installer Cleanup Utility.
    6. Disabling conflicting System Services and Startup Items.
    None worked. At an impasse, I took the iPod into the Genius Bar at San Francisco’s Apple Store. The resident genius looked at the iPod, plugged it into his Mac and VOILA, it was recognized by iTunes. He erased the contents anyway, and told me to plug it into my PC at home and it would be recognized by iTunes.
    Sure enough, he was right. It was recognized by iTunes. . .but only until it told me that the iPod needed to be formatted to work in Windows, since the Apple Store restoration was done on a Mac. (Mind you, prior to this problem starting a few months ago, the iPod never had trouble working with Windows.) The next instruction was to restore the iPod, after which “iPod will show up in the Source list of iTunes.”
    My hopes were up. . . .Finally, I would be able to use my iPod again!!
    Except no. No dice. The PC recognizes it as an iPod. When I plug it in, iTunes launches. When I plug in my girlfriend’s iPod into my PC, it shows up in the source list of my iTunes. When I plug my iPod into my girlfriends’s PC, it does not show up in the Source list, even though other iPods do show up in her iTunes.
    It just won’t show up as a Source in iTunes on any PC. This seems like an issue with my iPod, not my PC.
    I’m frustrated as ****. Anybody seen this happen before? Any ideas on how to make it work?
    Message was edited by: kevin.august

    I've finally got it to SYNC with my iTune! YAY!!
    I've done so many of the things you listed I'm sure what really fixed it.
    I reset the ipod nano itself by pressing and holding down the pause and play button.
    I also moved the USB connection to a different USB connection on the back of my computer.
    I opened the "My Computer" window and right-clicked on my ipod, and then selected "Format". I select "Yes" to format since I don't have anything on the nano to delete anymore.
    I then Eject my nano from the computer and did a restart while the nano is disconnected from the computer.
    Once Windows finish loading I reconnect the USB to the nano(back of computer) which automatically pulls up iTune. It asked me to name the new ipod detected and created a playlist for that specific ipod name.
    Whew~ Took me 4 hours to fix it. I hope this helps others in their quest to their answers. :P

  • 6th generation Ipod nano not recognised in itunes

    When I plug my ipod into my laptop, it is recognised in my computer but not in itunes or as a device when trying to safely remove it.
    I tried plugging my 4th generation ipod nano into my laptop but again the same thing happens.
    I tried plugging it into a different laptop and my 4th generation was recognised but my 6th wasn't. In another laptop, my 6th generation was recognised in itunes and worked fine.
    I have tried resetting my ipod both ways, uninstalling itunes and reinstalling, using different USB ports and uninstalling everything apple related and reinstalling it but that hasn't solved the problem.
    My laptop was sent away to have the hard drive replaced and this problem has happened since but that doesn't explain why it worked in another laptop but not in another one.
    Can anyone suggest anything else I could do to try to make it work?
    My laptop runs windows 7.
    Thank you!

    I've tried all of the USB 2.0 ports on my laptop and I have tried using a different cable.
    I've tried resetting the ipod whilst connected to the laptop and still isn't recognised.
    I am working through the iPod not recognised in 'My Computer' and in iTunes for Windows:
    Step 1: didn't help
    Step 2: didn't help
    Step 3: didn't help
    Step 4: Empty your Temp directory and restart - When I tried to delete the Temp folder, a message came up saying 'action can't be completed because the folder or file is open in another program' but I didn't have anything else open so I can't delete that folder.
    Step 5: Verify that the Apple Mobile Device USB Driver is installed - when I opened the Device Manager window, it was empty, there was nothing, so I couldn't continue with that step.
    Step 6: didn't help
    Step 7: I've already tried to remove and reinstall iTunes and it hasn't helped
    Step 8: Disable conflicting System Services and Startup Items - I did this and restarted my laptop then tried opening iTunes but it said Bonjour had been disabled so I enabled it but setting it to Automatic and then opened iTunes but the iPod still wasn't recognised.
    Step 9: I turned off security and tried but he iPod still wasn't recognised
    Step 10: doesn't apply to me as I'm using Windows 7
    I've tried the steps in iPod troubleshooting assistant and they haven't helped.
    I've put it into disk mode and its still not recognised.
    My ipod isn't Macintosh-formatted.
    My ipod doesn't sync via FireWire.
    I have now worked through each and every single suggestion from Apple.
    I have run a device connectivity test with the iPod attached and here are the results:
    Support services: iPod support service is running (green)
                      iTunes Helper is not running (red)
                      Apple Mobile Device is not running (amber)
    Ports: USB ports verified (green)
           No FireWire ports found (green)
           No iPod, iPhone or iPad found (red)
    Device Sync Tests: No iPod, iPhone or iPad found (red)
    Microsoft Windows 7 x64 Home Premium Edition Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)
    QuickTime 7.7.3
    FairPlay 2.2.19
    Apple Application Support 2.2.2
    iPod Updater Library 10.0d2
    CD Driver
    CD Driver DLL
    Apple Mobile Device
    Apple Mobile Device Driver
    Bonjour (333.10)
    Gracenote SDK
    Gracenote MusicID
    Gracenote Submit
    Gracenote DSP
    iTunes Serial Number 00D7AE1C033D0928
    Current user is not an administrator.
    The current local date and time is 2012-11-27 22:45:34.
    iTunes is not running in safe mode.
    WebKit accelerated compositing is enabled.
    HDCP is supported.
    Core Media is supported.
    Video Display Information
    NVIDIA, NVIDIA GeForce 610M
    NVIDIA, NVIDIA GeForce GT 620M
    Intel Corporation, Intel(R) HD Graphics Family
    Intel Corporation, Intel(R) HD Graphics Family
    Intel Corporation, Intel(R) HD Graphics Family
    Intel Corporation, Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000
    **** External Plug-ins Information ****
    No external plug-ins installed.
    **** Network Connectivity Tests ****
    Network Adapter Information
    Adapter Name:        {FD1953DA-7EE0-4CAC-B856-852249377319}
    Description:            Atheros AR9485WB-EG Wireless Network Adapter
    IP Address:   
    Subnet Mask:
    Default Gateway:
    DHCP Enabled:      Yes
    DHCP Server:        
    Lease Obtained:     Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970
    Lease Expires:       Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970
    DNS Servers:        
    Adapter Name:        {04AC2129-0CAE-458D-A5AD-DE6950E4C3DB}
    Description:            Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller
    IP Address:   
    Subnet Mask:
    Default Gateway:
    DHCP Enabled:      Yes
    DHCP Server:
    Lease Obtained:     Tue Nov 27 22:06:16 2012
    Lease Expires:       Thu Nov 29 22:06:16 2012
    DNS Servers:
    Active Connection: LAN Connection
    Connected:             Yes
    Online:                    Yes
    Using Modem:        No
    Using LAN:             Yes
    Using Proxy:           No
    Firewall Information
    Windows Firewall is on.
    iTunes is NOT enabled in Windows Firewall.
    Connection attempt to Apple web site was successful.
    Connection attempt to browsing iTunes Store was successful.
    Connection attempt to purchasing from iTunes Store was successful.
    Connection attempt to iPhone activation server was successful.
    Connection attempt to firmware update server was successful.
    Connection attempt to Gracenote server was successful.
    Last successful iTunes Store access was 2012-11-27 22:34:48.
    **** Device Connectivity Tests ****
    iPodService (x64) is currently running.
    iTunesHelper is currently not running.
    Apple Mobile Device service is currently not running.
    Universal Serial Bus Controllers:
    Intel(R) 7 Series/C216 Chipset Family USB Enhanced Host Controller - 1E26.  Device is working properly.
    Intel(R) 7 Series/C216 Chipset Family USB Enhanced Host Controller - 1E2D.  Device is working properly.
    No FireWire (IEEE 1394) Host Controller found.
    **** Device Sync Tests ****
    No iPod, iPhone or iPad found.

  • Problems with iPod Nano 6th Gen Playback & Updating

    Hi. I have had a look and can't find another post on this - apologies if I have missed it!
    My problems start before I purchased my new Nano 16GB last week.
    When the last update of iTunes came available, I was unable to install it. The task bar would get to about 50% (although it varied) and would then time out. When I had this problem I tried everything from every forum imaginable, from deleting all Temp files, disabling the firewall and all start up applications and clearing the registry – everything. Nothing worked. Eventually I decided that I should uninstall, then install the new version.
    After a week of the same problems trying to install iTunes, I gave up and downloaded on another computer, and saved the .exe file to a USB stick. This worked until two days after I downloaded it, yet another update came out and I had to start all over again (I didn’t – I am running on still).
    I was concerned when I purchased my new Nano that I would have problems connecting it to iTunes as I was not running the new version – but it was okay. Unfortunately, the iPod requires update 1.1 and I am also having the same problem with this – I get time out error 3259 after sometime trying to download it. And yes, I have tried all the same tricks, but nothing seems to work.
    I am running Vista on a Dell PC, and connect to the internet on a pre-pay internet USB dongle. I can download updates for other programmes, and other files successfully – it is only iTunes that I am having an issue with. ITunes is added to my list of accepted programmes on my firewall, but I disable that when I am downloading.
    Meanwhile! My new iPod is fantastic. Unfortunately I am experiencing an odd problem with it, and cannot seem to find other people with the same issue. The memory is not overloaded (it has 1.10GB of free space on it). I have 1857 tracks on it, and 14 podcasts. I play the music files through the ‘Songs’ menu, on Shuffle mode. For some reason, after playing one or two tracks, it doesn’t seem to want to play the next one. The track will be displayed on the screen, but it does not play. When you look at the song progress bar, it shows that it is part way through the song, but it is not moving. I have tried pressing ‘Pause’ followed by ‘Play’ and nothing happens.
    The only way to get it to start playing again is to skip to the next track, but even this has its issues. Sometimes, when you skip forward a track, it plays a completely different track to the one that is displayed. When you look at the progress bar for the song it is showing, it isn’t moving, but music is still coming out!
    Does anyone have any idea what the issue is, and how I can get the machine to play continuously without having to handle it several times? Please?!

    Hi dianak22!
    I have an article here that can help you troubleshoot to resolve this issue:
    iPod nano (6th generation): Hardware troubleshooting
    You can also walk through the steps of troubleshooting using the troubleshooting assistant, which can be found here:
    Apple - Support - iPod nano (6th generation) - iTunes Troubleshooting Assistant
    Thanks for using the Apple Support Communities!

  • J'ai commandé un ipod nano le 22 décembre 2013, depuis ce jour la ma commande est toujours au même point c'est a dire " votre commande est en cours de traitement " est ce normal ? Je dois recevoir le colis le 30 décembre normalement...

    Bonjour, je vais vous expliquez mon problème afin de m'éclaircir. J'ai commandé un Ipod Nano le 22 Décembre 2013 via le site internet. J'ai rentré mes coordonnées bancaires, mon compte n'a pas été débité. Ma commande est touijours au même point, j'ai toujours le même message qui me dit que ma commande est en cours de traitement. Je dois recevoir l'ipod le 30 décembre. Est ce normal que ma commande soit toujours au même stade depuis 4 jours ?
    Merci de vos réponses.

    Je regrette beaucoup vos problèmes. Toutefois je ne comprends pas pourquoi avoir attendu des mois et des mois! A votre place j'aurais demandé un appareil de remplacement car vos problèmes doivent venir d'un défaut de ce MacPro. J'ai un MacPro 2013 depuis avril et il fonctionne toujours correctement. C'est le cas certainement des milliers de usagers des nouveaux MacPro 2013. Votre patience d'attendre aussi long temps sans demander un remplacement je ne la comprends pas.
    Appareil avec défaut veut pour moi dire remplacement !!! et ceci sans attendre, déjà dans les premiers jours, une fois constaté 1) qu'il ne s'agit pas d'un péripherique (en déconnectant tout sauf clavier, souris et écran(1 seul!))  et  2) que vous n'avez pas des problèmes de vos logiciels, (en vous connectant dans le mode dit "sûr"). Si c'est 2 choses ne corrigent pas le(s) défaut(s)... alors l'appareil a des problèmes de hardware. Il doit donc être remplacé par Apple.
    D'ailleurs pour un appareil si cher le Apple Care doit être acheté immédiatement avec l'ordinateur. Pourquoi on ne l'a pas fait lors de l'achât m'échappe également, surtout pour une utilization professionnelle. J'espère que vous prendrez le toreau par les cornes. Bonne chance!

  • Programma sostituzione iPod Nano - Non arriva

    ho fatto tutte le pratiche per la sostituzione.
    La scatola vuota mi è arrivata, l'iPod è stato controllato e sostituito e mi arriva questa mail il 16.03.2012
    Egregio/Gentile Filippo Sarzana,
    la richiesta di riparazione è stata completata e il IPOD NANO è stato spedito il 2012-03-16. La consegna avverrà entro cinque giorni lavorativi.
    Il prodotto è stato spedito con il corriere , numero di ricerca 8*********, che dovrebbe essere attivato entro 24 ore. (Le informazioni di tracciamento specifiche per questa spedizione potrebbero non essere disponibili.)
    Indirizzo di spedizione:
    Numero di serie del prodotto originale: Y***
    Numero di serie del prodotto sostitutivo: C***
    Si prega di conservare questa e-mail per tenere traccia della modifica del numero di serie del proprio prodotto, avvenuta in seguito alla presente richiesta di intervento.
    ID riparazione: A***
    Lo stato della riparazione è disponibile online.
    Ma ad oggi, ancora niente.
    Com'è possibile?
    Qualcuno sta aspettando tanto quanto me?

    A me però non hanno solo chiuso la pratica e riaperta (sarà perchè sembravo molto affranto dalla loro inefficienza), ma l'hanno fatta diventare "più urgente", quindi non è arrivata la scatola per posta, ma mi hanno inviato un corriere.
    Se ti hanno inviato la scatola, quando arriverà dovrai semplicemente ritirare la scatola e DOPO rispedirla con dentro l'ipod, SOLO l'ipod senza nessun accessorio (le affrancature a carico di Apple ti saranno consegnate insiemeOdentro alla scatola)
    Nel caso che il ritiro venga affidato DIRETTAMENTE ad un corriere, il corriere arriva entro 24 ore e, nonostante ci fosse espressamente scritto:
    "...  Non includa nella confezione altri oggetti (es. il cavo di alimentazione) poiché non verranno restituiti. Non includa inoltre alcun materiale di imballo. Se il prodotto è imballato, UPS non lo accetterà. L'imballaggio verrà invece fornito da UPS, che spedirà il prodotto ad Apple. I tempi di spedizione ad Apple si aggirano attorno ai due giorni lavorativi. Una volta che il prodotto viene ricevuto dal centro di riparazione, Apple provvederà a inviarle un'e-mail. ... "
    il corriere ha voluto che glielo imballassi io in una scatola (ho recuperato una scatola in casa e l'ho messo li).
    Se la scatola non ti arriverà entro 15 giorni (di calendario), ricontattali.....
    Sappiamo che a volte può capitare che le poste italiane abbiano qualche lieve malfunzionamento.....
    Considerando le situazioni di scioperi, situazioni meteo e blocchi vari, non è difficile che una scatola venga persa

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