RMA stat quest

I sent my Zen micro in because it got stuck on the logo screen. I just checked the Stat page and it has Hand for my Zen results. What does that mean?

I think the technician just mis-spelled "Hang", meaning the unit is hanging on the start-up screen. We just had the same issue with my wife's Zen Neeon. They will send you another unit eventually.

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    I am not sure what the initial complaint was for the RMA, but the "Included W-FG" sounds like you are getting a Finished Goods replacement unit with full packaging / parts.

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    player will not have been fixed. They will simply send a new one

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    mutax2003 wrote:
    Hi Jeremy,I am in Canada. The UPS website said my ZM mp3 player was deli'vered to Creative on March 5; however, your website indicated that the mp3 player hasn't been received it yet. Could you have a look into it's Thanks. My RMA # is 5MAR4983, and UPS tracking # is M3340992.Andrew
    yeah it was like that for me too. but rest assured they do have it and the status will probably be updated in one or two days.

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    Yep, it will vary a little. The 2 weeks is more of a typical figure, so if it's 2 weeks and day, don't scream

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    • InDesign>Folio  per Android (1280x800);
        (nome folio: PDF  - Catalogo Operativo)
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    • Samsung Galaxy 10'' - carica la versione IOS (1024x768)
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    As long as it will be replaced, not refurbished, it would be cool. I just dont want to have a refurbished one and then have problems cuz by the time you have a problem, the original warranty has ran out. I just dont wana have any problems when it gets back, I dont have the money to keep getin them send in or fixed.Message Edited by Selayan on -0-2005 0:53 AM

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    You probably should give Customer Support a call so they can check into that for you, at least that's what I would do.
    Good luck,

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    Thanks for the help, but unfortunately, that was my first shot (emailing support to check). Even though I explained that I saw the product had shipped back but without the product having been tested, and asked the same specific questions I'd asked in this thread, Customer Support simply reiterated that the product had shipped. They did not address any of the questions I'd actually asked. I've another email in to them, but at this point I imagine I'll know in a day or so anyway.

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    It appears you bought iPhone 5 in Georgia's gray market. As you are already aware that Apple does not sell iPhones in that country. The iPhone in question was most likely sold by Apple or its Authorized reseller in USA.
    Warranty or Out of warranty services for iPhones are provided by Apple only in the country of sale by Apple, USA in your case.
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    Out-of-warranty* cost:
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    formula = f3-f2
    formula = f3-f1.
    Just wanted to know if this could be done in a formula or will i have to write some kind of exit?
    Warm Regards,

    Hi Akilesh,
      You can do this in formula of query designer. Write the following for your formula:
    ( F1 = 0 )( F3 - F2 ) + ( F1 <> 0 )( F3 - F1 )
       Actually it is using boolean operator.
       Assign points if helpful.
    Aaron Wang

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    Usually, after that length of time you would contact Creative Support in your region directly.

  • Zen Micro RMA quest

    Hi all,
    firstly cheers to all the posters on these boards - lots of useful info indeed
    I've just called customer services as the headphone jack on my micro has failed (a common problem it seems)... apart from the fact I had to phone Ireland (from the UK) the service seemed great, lets hope it continues!! I've received the confirmation e-mail with the instructions, but wanted to check whether you send the back cover, having removed the battery? A small point I know but I'd prefer not to slow down the process because they don't have all the bits, or end up with a replacement with no back!!

    Normally you're asked to just send the player back (but the entire thing). You should double check with Creative Support though.

  • Questions on Room State

    Hey guys,
         I got some questions on room state:
         1) Does the room state actually take some effect or just an indicating flag? For example, if a room state is ROOM_STATE_ENDED, will it prevent any incoming user connection?
         2) I tried to login as a guest, the room setting is HostNotArrived. Then I logged in as an owner. The state was switched to Active. The result seems fine until now. However, when I quit the owner app by closing the brower tab, and checked the quest page, the room state was still in Active, rather than switch back to  HostNotArrived or any other state. Is it an expected result? How can I let the room state update to date if the owner quit in this way?
         3) For my scenario, I'd like to build a room only avaiable when owner arrived. That is, if a guest arrived before the owner arrived or after the owner left, he will not be allowed to do anything , even the connection should be rejected. Is that possible?
         Thanks a lot!

    Hi Jinni,
      1) It should prevent any incoming connection other than OWNERs of the room.
      2) HostNotArrived happens only before a room has been "kicked off" by the owner, and not afterwards (even if the owner has left the room, it's still fair to say he had "arrived").
      3) I'm not sure there's a perfect way to do this yet. We'll be looking into this use case, which feels like you need some "server-to-server" integration : the ability to detect an owner has left, then a way to shut down the room. Does that seem right to you? For now, a quick way of achieving the functionality (if not the security) is to have your clients detect that there's no owner, and disconnect.
       hope that helps

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