Rollover image link to php category results

I am working on a site using Cartweaver's php ecommerce
solution and I can't figure out how to make a rollover image a link
for a specific gategory.
Example: rollover button 1 would display all items for
category 1, rollover button 2 for category 2, etc.
Any thoughts?

Can you use CSS rollovers or "sprites"?<br /><br />-- <br />Murray<br /><br /><br /><Jesper_Mø[email protected]> wrote in message <br />news:[email protected]..<br />> For the first time in a long time i have to make some links usinge image <br />> with rollover effect, but i cant find the tools to do it ??<br />><br />> last time i made that was with GL5 and ther i had the posebilyty to set <br />> the rollovers in the inspector<br />> And if o open one of those old site i still get those tools in the <br />> inspecter<br />><br />><br />> But how do i get them on a new page ??<br />><br />> Or is it better to use another tecnik ??<br />><br />> I have seen the rollover tab but that makes a nother kind of rollover <br />> (using inline script)<br />><br />> Pleas advise

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  • Copying a table with rollover images & links

    Need help...
    Using Dreamweaver CS4.
    I have a table with rollover images and links from those rollovers"
    I now want to copy and paste the table into other pages, but when I do, my links are broken and the rollovers don't work.
    I have my Site Def preferences set to "Links relative to: Document"
    Is there an easy way to copy & paste a table with rollover graphics and links?
    I've tried dragging the table from the page with the working links onto the different page.  The graphics show up, but the second state of the rollovers soesn't show up, and I get some weird link error:
    Can anyone help?

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  • How do you add multiple links to a rollover image?

    Hi guys,
    I'm pretty much a novice when it come to DW, but i understand some things and can get by with a simple website(i only use design mode).
    Anyways, i understand how to use rollovers if its a basic image over image swap. My issue is, I have a link that says "T-shirts" and what i want is when you roll the mouse over that text, it swaps to another text -"1 or 2". Now on the "1 or 2" image, i want to have 2 seperate links on them.  I tried using hotspots but to no avail. Everytime, the "1 or2" text comes out as a single link. Is doing this possible? I'm using CS4 if that helps btw.

    I think you're trying to make something that is more complicated than it needs to be... First, as far as I know there is no easy way to accomplish what you're trying to do with a single image...
    The first option would be to split your initial image in half, and create a rollover effect on the left half on rollover with the specified link 1, and add a second rollover effect on the right side image so that it also changes. Do the same with the right half image - create the rollover effect along with the link for that image only, then add a rollover script that affects the left side image (I've attached a very basic sample to demonstrate in the zip folder - note that there are two rollover images - each with a separate web link, and each has a rollover effect that affects both buttons...)
    Second option is perhaps using a "Dropdown" menu that (on rollover) shows two more links... there are many ways this can be accomplished - the easiest (in my opinion) is by using the "spry menu bar". Once created, you can adjust the colors, fonts etc., and an image could be replaced on the initial link within the css... (my website is still under construction, but hopefully will show what I mean: If you google "drop-down menu html, you'll find several other alternatives  to spry as well...
    Hope that helps...

  • Can't get rollover images to work as links [was: I have a question if someone could answer?]

    I have fixed my page so I can preview it and everything is working fine but now I cant get my rollover images to work as links.  When I go to put in the link like normal the rollover behavior stops working and it is just the original image.  Any way for me to turn it into a link but still keep the rollover image change?
    [Subject line edited by moderator. Please use more meaningful subject lines in future.]

    Can you provide a link to your website so we can see what you're seeing?
    Without one, you're asking for an answer based on guesswork.

  • How do I show multiple rollover images on a page inserted dynamically (pulled out of a sql database

    How do I show multiple rollover images on a page inserted dynamically (pulled out of a sql database table) using Dreamweaver’s Repeat Region. Example: I have different products each one associated (through their productID) with two images (one that’s showing in the page and one for the rollover effect) that are pulled from a database using Dreamweaver’s Recordset. So I want to end up with a page containing row after row of images(one for every product).When moused over each image will reveal the second (rollover) image for the same product which in turn can be a link(the image itself ) that when clicked leads to a detailed page with more information about the product the image is associated with. To show row after row with images for the different products in the database table I am using Dreamweaver’s Insert Rollover Image command and then the  Repeat Region – I have no problem to complete the steps, to insert the image and the rollover one at once and set the paths so they are pulled dynamically depending on the productID they are associated with .I have also no problem to apply the Repeat Region so not only the first image associated with the first product in the table is shown but all of them-a routine and standard procedure when using the Repeat Region to dynamically generate and display multiple rows of data. However, when I preview the page the rollover effect is lost –the images are shown but when moused over the second  image does not  show. The problem is caused when the Repeat Region is applied-once again I am allowed to apply it but the rollover stops working, a kind of interference. ANY SOLLUTION PLEASE, ANY WORK AROUND.

    I gotta tell you, using multiple images for rollover effects is going to be a big challenge in your dynamic scenario. 
    If this were my product page, I would use thumbnails with a bit of CSS opacity or filters to desaturate and make them full opacity/color on mouse over.  Nice effect with much less bandwidth. Easily done globally with CSS code.
    Two examples:
    Nancy O.

  • Rollover images with extra space

    I'm working on a page I have posted at  I have a row of rollover images within the div#links_banner_top.  For some reason there is a space between the image Home and the image Fruits, causing the image Apiculture to wrap to the next line. I can't see in the code or in the css (at anything that indicates a space in this position.  Does anyone have an idea how to eliminate it?

    Try removing the single space between the home and fruits links:
    ..." id="home" /></a> <a href="fruits/default.asp" onmouseo...
    See if that does the trick.
    E. Michael Brandt
    Standards-compliant scripts and Dreamweaver Extensions
    JustSo PictureWindow
    JustSo PhotoAlbum, et alia

  • Rollover image NOT hiding

    I have a weird glitch I can't figure out with one of my rollover images. I am using a smart shape as a button and have placed a rollover image over top of it so the two together will function as a rollover button like on webpages. The 'button' is grouped with two text areas and the group is placed on slide 1 with all four objects in the group defined as NOT visible in output, timed to display for entire project, and forced to be on top so it can function as a 'lightbox' effect with a close button. When I need this 'lightbox' with the text and the 'button' (smart shape button and image rollover), I SHOW the group through an advanced action. Once shown, the button functions as expected, and the button is programmed to go to the next slide. One slide 2, there is an OnEnter Event that hides the lightbox (and button in the group), along with other graphics to reset the slide graphics. The screenshot below is part of the lightbox with the offending button. When I mouseover the black button (smart shape being used as a button with a graphic fill), it swaps to an orange color
    OK, so here's the weird part....I can open the lightbox without a problem. My 'button' shows up and the image swaps when the mouse hovers over. Beautiful. It disappears on mouseout. Perfect. I put my mouse over the button again and the image swaps to the over image perfectly again. I click the button and Captivate takes me to slide 2 and all the graphics hide (according to the OnEnter advanced action on slide 2) EXCEPT the rollover graphic. That graphic stays rendered on the screen until I go to the next slide and it gets hidden by the OnEnter advanced action for slide 3 (which is the same exact action as slide 2). The 'Next' Text is a text box with a link defined. The link has the exact same functionality defined as the button...go to the next slide. The screenshot below shows the result if I use the arrow button to go to the next slide. The orange arrow is left over from slide 1, and the black button (in the middle) is from slide 2.
    Is there a reason that the mouseover image still renders? Is it because IO have my mouse over the image so it won't recognize the OnEnter Action telling it to disappear or something? I have other buttons with the exact same functionality that work just fine from slide to slide. It's only this one particular button that does it. I have replaced the rollover image, renamed the group (in both the slide and the advanced action), and even tried to create graphics to mask the weird no avail.
    Anyone out there have a suggestion of what to try? Oh...Using CP7, btw.

    My concern wasn't with the navbar, but thanks for the headsup.
    The problem is that the link in the upper left hand corner, Suzie's Story, is a rollover image but it does not reveal the other image when the cursor goes over it.
                            <div id="topTabs1">
       <div align="center"><a href="" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('suzie','','Images/Suzie's Story Tab_light.jpg',1)"><img src="Images/Suzie's Story Tab_black.jpg" alt="suzie" name="suzie" width="75" height="45" border="0" id="suzie" /></a></div>
    #topTabs1 {
    width: 75px;
    height: 45px;
    float: left;
    background-color: #ffffff;
    padding-left: 0px;
    padding-right: 0px

  • One more reason to put my iMAC at the curb. I can open and view Picasa photo links when I sign in via Google, but if I'm in Mail and click on the Picasa image link (my own or one someone esle sends me I can't view the images. Thye are all blank white squa

    One more reason to put my iMAC at the curb. I can open and view Picasa photo links when I sign in via Google, but if I'm in Mail and click on the Picasa image link (my own or one someone else sends me) I can't view the images. They are all blank white squares. This started a few weeks ago. Why can't I view Picasa link images through Mail?

    What you are experiencing is 100% related to Malware.
    Sometimes a problem with Firefox may be a result of malware installed on your computer, that you may not be aware of.
    You can try these free programs to scan for malware, which work with your existing antivirus software:
    * [ Microsoft Safety Scanner]
    * [ MalwareBytes' Anti-Malware]
    * [ TDSSKiller - AntiRootkit Utility]
    * [ Hitman Pro]
    * [ ESET Online Scanner]
    [ Microsoft Security Essentials] is a good permanent antivirus for Windows 7/Vista/XP if you don't already have one.
    Further information can be found in the [[Troubleshoot Firefox issues caused by malware]] article.
    Did this fix your problems? Please report back to us!

  • Why are my rollover images not appearing correctly in my browser?

    I have created rollover images for some of my site navigation, and when I view it in my browser, they are not in the correct place on the page. When I click on each rollover, it eventually goes to the right place when I return to that page, but I must do this to all rollover navigation buttons in order for them to show up in the correct place. The links work fine. I am relatively new to this, so not sure if I am providing all the correct info here. My site is I am using DW CS4. Would appreciate any suggestions!! Thanks

    Where is it you want the navigation to appear?
    Try this CSS -
    #mainnav {
    clear: both;
    display: block;
    Is that anywhere close?

  • CP7 Rollover images Show up every OTHER slide

    I am using CP7 and I have a number of graphics on slide 1 that I have defined to have a 'rest of project' timing. I have made multiple groups of graphics on slide 1 and I have made them to NOT be 'visible in output' this way, when I need them, I can use advanced actions to hide/show them (by group name) when I need them for subsequent slides. I am using slide 1 for this instead of the master slide because I need to define the stacking of graphics fairly specifically (slide 3 and further have some graphics that need to be in front of some things and behind some other things).
    The set up is that I have a smart shape with a graphic and I am using it as a button on slide 1 (NOT visible in output and lasts for rest of project). Overlayed over top of my smart shape/button is a rollover image. The two objects work just like a rollover button you would see on the web. There is an advanced action that opens the group that the button is a part of and a few other graphic groups that I need to make it look good. When you click the button, there is another advanced action that is supposed to hide the group that both of those graphics are in, plus the other graphics that make it look good, and then go to the next slide. There is an advanced action on the next slide OnEnter that shows the what is needed for the beginning of the next slide.
    So, here's the problem. When I click my button, everything disappears and goes to the next slide EXCEPT the rollover graphic, which stays on the screen and on top of all other graphics in slide 2. The SAME EXACT advanced action is used on slide 2 to go to slide 3 (with the same exact button because they are all really on slide 1 the whole time and just being made visible or invisible). When I click, I go to slide 3 and the rollover graphic is gone. I click the button again (to go to slide 4) and I go to slide 4 but the rollover graphic is BACK AGAIN!
    I know that this is a complicated write-up, and I am going to go start from scratch to see if I can replicate the problem with a stripped down version of the advanced actions in a new file, but I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction about what is going on. I have deleted and re-inserted the rollover image, but it still does the same thing. I have re-coded the advanced action and it still does it. I have copied rollover images that DONT have this weird glitch and it still does it.
    Anyone have any ideas?

    I found a 'workaround' to this problem, but I would still like to know what is going on underneath to make this happen. Since I have all the rollover graphics on the first slide with timing or 'rest of project' I just made an animated button in Flash and imported it as a .swf to replace the rollover image. I changed the smart shape underneath from having the image of the button to being transparent (still have it being used as a button with all the same advanced actions as before). Now the swf handles the rollover and the transparent smart button underneath handles the OnClick action and everything works great.
    Not sure what was going on with the rollover images, but at least I was able to get the result I needed.

  • CS3: PDF-Export Transparency Issue when Image-Links are missing

    I have a Layout with a transparent Frame on the top most Layer. For this Workflow-Step I do not have access to the original Image-Links, so I guess that all I see are the embedded Preview-Pictures and InDesign reports that all Object-Links are missing.
    If I export this Layout as JPG, the resulting JPG looks like the WYSIWYG in InDesign, which is suitable for this workflow-step. However when I export as pdf, the Frame is not transparent anymore. Instead it is filled with white color and covers the rest of the Layout. In Adobe Reader I can actually select the wrongly covered Picture at the border of the frame and copy&paste it somewhere and it looks fine.
    When I provide the original Frame-Picture and repair the missing Link in InDesign, PDF-Export works fine.
    I have installed & updated InDesign on a new Mac OS X 10.4.11, so all settings should be default.
    Transparency Blend Space is set to CMYK. I tried all default PDF-Export Profiles and tried a lot of different settings in the pdf-export dialogue including different PDF-File-Versions, Simulate Overprint on/off, Color-Conversion disabled, disabling Picture-Compression and much more. I also tried to Print a PS-File and then use the Distiller: same result.
    I use Adobe InDesign CS3 V 5.0.2 and tried Adobe Reader 8.1.2 and Adobe Acrobat Pro 8 to display.
    Any Ideas?

    Transparency flattening REQUIRES having access to the high-resolution images to get good results. One of the slogans I teach printers is "Fatten before you flatten." Meaning, replace the low-res images with high-res images.

  • Image with link functions in Firefox, half of the image/link is active in Chrome, image/link dead in Safari

    I have a page with 2 nav links originating from 2 different images. 1 image / link works well with Firefox, Chrome and Safari. The other image / link works well with firefox, only half of the image is active in Chrome and none of the image is active in safari. The documents links checkout fine. I have replaced the image, the container as well as relinked. The result is the same. Can someone help please? Here is a link to my site (in progress) PikiPiks: film reviews Only the first 2 images in the left column are currently linked. The first image / link for "Kiki's Delivery Service" is the problematic one.  Thanks! MacOS 10.9 / Dreamweaver CS6

    Fix the code errors.
    Validation Results - W3C Markup Validator
    I won't even talk about the liberal usage of absolute positioning -- none of which is needed.  You'll soon learn  that this is not the way to build web pages when this comes back to bite you in the butt.  It almost looks like this layout was created in another program.  Was it?
    #1 On the web file names cannot contain special characters like apostrophes. <a href="Kiki'sDeliveryService.html"> is not a valid file name.  You need to rename without the apostrophe.
    #2 This link is pointing to a file on your local hard drive which nobody except you can see.
    <a href="file:///CARBUNKLE/Users/jev/Sites/WowAbout/index.html">  That path should be pointing to your site.
    Nancy O.

  • How to add a drop-down menu to a rollover image?

    I guess my title says it all... I was wondering how to add a drop-down menu to a rollover image? I know that there's the sprymenu, but I need to have my own rollover images.

    Frankly, ANY link can offer a drop down.
    Take a look at this turorial.
    That will get you your dropdown menu. So you have that.
    Now, on your top menu (or any level where you want to have an image instead of text do this:
    (I am copying the HTML structure in the tutorial here):
                        <li><a href="#">Home</a></li>
                        <li><a href="#">Tutorials</a>
                                            <li><a href="#">Photoshop</a></li>
                                            <li><a href="#">Illustrator</a></li>
                                            <li><a href="#">Web Design</a></li>
                        <li><a href="#">Articles</a>
                                            <li><a href="#">Web Design</a></li>
                                            <li><a href="#">User Experience</a></li>
                        <li><a href="#">Inspiration</a></li>
    Now, let's pretend you want an image instead of the word "Articles." You'll want the image to be sized appropriately, and if you look at the CSS, you'll see it's 112 pixels wide by 52 high. If your image is approximately those dimensions, you're all set.
    So instead of "articles" you insert your image.

  • Horizontal Menu Bar Rollover image

    I have been slowly piecing together some Horizontal Menu Bars
    by learning from the code on this page...
    keeping that in mind my code is probably wrong in a number of
    ways. The problem that I have run into and cant seem to solve on my
    own is that I want one of my Horizontal Menu bars to have rollover
    images only on the primary level. If you follow the link below you
    can see what I have done thus far. The "tabs" are images and I want
    them to rollover to another image, which is just the same tab in a
    darker shade of grey. The tabbed menu bar is labeled MenuBar2 in
    the code
    The other problem I’ve been having with both menu bars
    is the way they appear in IE... it looks great in everything else.

    Hi Beth, I have been going crazy on this end with the Sub Menus showing up at the top of the Internet Explorer Browser. They work fine in FF and Chrome...
    I have CS4 and tried reading everything possible.... here is my page. I am normally pretty good at resolving these issues but I'm going nuts.. ha!
    Thank you for any assistance you can provide. I would be forever grateful!
    David Abbott
    I Love My Dog
    [email protected]

  • Rollover image works on dreamweaver/preview but not on website

    Hey everybody so I'm working on a site for my new clothing line and I am frustrated out of my mind right now because everything seemed to work fine until I published the site my biggest problem right now is that the rollover images I'm using do not show on the actual site but they work perfectly on dreamweaver and the browser preview PLEASE I NEED HELP
    here's the CSS/HTML (Below)
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
    <style type="text/css">
    #main .container #content p {
        body, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, ul, img {margin:0px; padding:0px; } 
    body { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } 
        .container {
            width: 1000px; 
            margin: 0 auto; 
           body { 
            font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; 
            background: #e4e2e2;
    .Header {
        background-image: url(images/Doozie-Jank-Website_03.jpg);
        background-repeat: repeat-x;
                   #logo { 
            background: url(images//images/webheader_08.png) no-repeat; 
            width: 900px; 
               #logo h1 { 
            text-indent: -9999px; 
            padding-top: 40px;
            ul#menu { 
            list-style: none; 
        ul#menu li a { 
            font-size: 35px; 
            color: #c7c7c7; 
            text-decoration: none; 
        ul#menu { 
            list-style: none; 
            padding-top: 185px; 
        ul#menu li { 
            float: left; 
            padding-left: 60px; 
            ul#menu li { 
            float: left; 
            padding-left: 10px; 
            padding-right: 50px; 
        margin:100px 20px;
        height: 400px;
        width: 400px;
        text-indent: 10000px;
        overflow: hidden;
        background: url(Images/deer-in-headlights-store.gif) top left no-repeat;
        display: block;
        background-position: bottom left;
        #sidebar { 
        float: right; 
               #sidebar { 
            float: right; 
            margin-left: 100px; 
            margin-top: -62px; 
           #footer { 
            background: url(images/footer.jpg) repeat-x;
            padding-top: 20px; 
            margin-top: 40px; 
              color: #fff; 
        #footer p {
            padding-top: 20px; 
            margin-top: -25px;
            margin-bottom: -25px; 
              color: #fff;
    <body class="Header">
            <div id="main"> 
            <div class="container"> 
                 <div id="header"> 
                 <div id="logo"> 
        <h1>Doozie Jank</h1>
                 <ul id="menu"> 
            <li><a href="index.html">Blog</a></li> 
            <li><a href="Store.html">Store</a></li> 
            <li><a href="About.html">About</a></li> 
            <li><a href="Contact.html">Contact</a></li>
             <li><a href="#">Cart</a></li>
                 </div><!--end header -->
                  <div id="view-cart">
                  <form target="paypal" action="" method="post">
    <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_cart">
    <input type="hidden" name="business" value="8JUVRPJ32YCFC">
    <input type="hidden" name="display" value="1">
    <input type="image" src="images/images/button-view-cart_23.png" width="174" height="47" >
    <img alt="" border="0" src="" width="1" height="1">
                  </div><!--end view-Cart-->
    <div id="sidebar">
                         <a href="!/pages/Doozie-Jank/137039669686754"><img src="images/Facebook1.png" alt="" width="52" height="54" /></a>
                         <a href=""><img src="images/Twitter1.png" alt="" width="52" height="54" /></a>
         </div><!--end sidebar-->
      <div id="rollover">
       <a href="#"></a>
    </div><!--end shirts-->
    <div id="Buy">
    <form action="" method="post">
    <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick">
    <tr><td><input type="hidden" name="on0" value="Sizes">Sizes</td></tr><tr><td><select name="os0">
        <option value="Mens-S">Mens-S </option>
        <option value="Mens-M">Mens-M </option>
        <option value="Mens-L">Mens-L </option>
        <option value="Mens-XL">Mens-XL </option>
        <option value="Womens-S">Womens-S </option>
        <option value="Womens-M">Womens-M </option>
        <option value="Womens-L">Womens-L </option>
        <option value="Womens-XL">Womens-XL </option>
    </select> </td></tr>
    <input type="image"src="images/images/button-view-cart_13.png" width="160" height="43">
    <img alt="" border="0" src="" width="1" height="1">
    <form target="paypal" action="" method="post">
    <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick">
    <tr><td><input type="hidden" name="on0" value="Sizes">Sizes</td></tr><tr><td><select name="os0">
        <option value="Men's-S">Men's-S </option>
        <option value="Men's-M">Men's-M </option>
        <option value="Men's-L">Men's-L </option>
        <option value="Men's-XL">Men's-XL </option>
        <option value="Women's-S">Women's-S </option>
        <option value="Women's-M">Women's-M </option>
        <option value="Women's-L">Women's-L </option>
        <option value="Women's-XL">Women's-XL </option>
    </select> </td></tr>
    <form target="paypal" action="" method="post">
    <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick">
    <tr><td><input type="hidden" name="on0" value="Sizes">Sizes</td></tr><tr><td><select name="os0">
        <option value="Mens-S">Mens-S </option>
        <option value="Mens-M">Mens-M </option>
        <option value="Mens-L">Mens-L </option>
        <option value="Mens-XL">Mens-XL </option>
        <option value="Womens-S">Womens-S </option>
        <option value="Womens-M">Womens-M </option>
        <option value="Womens-L">Womens-L </option>
        <option value="Womens-XL">Womens-XL </option>
    </select> </td></tr>
    <input type="image" src="images/images/button-view-cart_19.png" width="197" height="44" />
    <img alt="" border="0" src="" width="1" height="1">
       </div><!--end buy-->
    <div id="footer"> 
            <div class="container"> 
              <p>Copyright © 2010 Doozie Jank<br /> 
                All Rights Reserved</p> 
            </div><!--end footer container--> 
        </div><!--end footer-->

    Fix your validation errors first - dlights.html&ucn_lang=en&ucn_task=conformance#
    For example, you have no </head> tag....
    And it's a very bad idea to use spaces in your filenames for the web
    Deer in The Headlights.html

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