RV180W firmware bug??

I upgraded my RV180 to over the weekend- factory reset and then another hour or so reconfiguring.
I seem to have another issue after the upgrade. The "System", "Available LAN Hosts" option hangs when I select it. It does this both from Crome and also from Firefox- I can't try IE in Windows 8 because of other issues with IE 10 compatibility.
Anyone else seen this behaviour? Is this another bug for the long, slowly being resolved list?
I haven't had a chance to try port forwarding yet- I can't imagine what fun I'll have trying to make that work.......
Come on Cisco- nice hardware- how about sorting out this software?

Thanks for the feedback.
I've tested it again this morning- in my configuration it took 14 minutes to display the "Available LAN Hosts" table using firefox.
Unacceptably slow I would say.
Can this be raised as yet another bug for your teams to look at?

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    It would also be nice if features from older routers could be added.
    For example, I'm missing some of the logging features from my old WVRS4400N 1.1.13. Like having a firewall rule that you can check to have it logged.!
    For example:
    Oct 6 05:56:29 - [Access Log Log i7] Allow TCP Packet - -->
    Oct 5 06:50:27 - [Access Log 128higher] Deny TCP Packet - -->

    I also remeber seeing this post.
    I think the post was in relation to the Device Emulators which have been running since before Christmas.
    The Cisco response was the the new release was expected "by the end of the month" (December 2013). Now, another month on, there is still no sign of it (although there have been updates for other routers in the RV range).
    As I've discussed on here before the RV180 is a great piece of hardware- however the support updates and bug fixes have been terribly slow. It certainly prevents this being the world class product you might expect from Cisco.
    Any updates on the next release and what it might address in terms of bug fixes and new features?
    Kind Regards,

  • Firmware bug: $CCERT must not be used in Report_Rule

    "Report Rule" can be configured with URL's used to save phone's current configuration. Starting with 7.5.2b firmware it is possible to configure more than one URL here. The semi-colon has been used as separator. It caused issues because semi-colon can be used in casual URL, so the separator has been changed to space in 7.5.5 (see Bug in Report_Rule parsing (SPA50x, fw 7.5.x) for more)
    As of 7.5.7 firmware, the 2048 certificates has been introduced and value of $CCERT variable may contain text "Installed (2048 bits)". It cause other issue related to Report Rule parsing.
    Issue & how to repeat
    $CCERT can be used on "Report Rule" no longer because of wrong parsing order.
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    With Report Rule configured to https://test.local/Report.php?Product=$PN&CERT=$CCERT it is parsed to:
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    How to fix
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    I will not call SMB support to report this bug to them. Assuming the Cisco is interested to repair firmware bugs a staff member monitoring this forum will create ticked by self. I wish that all relevant information including the depth-in analysis has been disclosed here. I'm ready to provide further details or create test environment if necessary. I'm just not willing to call the Support center as I'm not willing to explain all those complex things described here by phone (and they doesn't accept written reports).
    For those non-Cisco-staff users affected by issue - feel free to report the issue to Support center, if you are willing to do it. You are allowed to use information disclosed here, or just refer to this report. I don't care the authorship.

    Post Author: CompositeID
    CA Forum: .NET
    You are not alone on this one, I am having the very same issue as you are and . Everything functioned just fine the last time the application was deployed was deployed and there was nothing changed to any of the reports or code which handles the reports; however, this time I am having the same issue.  I added the parameters to the report to check to see if they were actually being recognized by the report and they do show up, but it refuses to filter the records and brings back every record.  The report works properly if I run it just directly in Crystal though.  I sure hope someone can enlighten us Paul.
    Update: Well, I finally figured out what was causing my issue.  The issue had to deal with the actual older version of the CrystalReportViewer control and the newer version supplied by the update.  I had suspected it was something minor that I had overlooked when doing the update.  Hope this gets you going as well.  Cheers

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    Go to Solution.

    do you think there will be a new firmware update for e52?
    E52 - Product code 0585050

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    - Organizer minor bug: when you open Organizer, and then open a memo, you have to select the information that you want to modify (text, date, synch) and click one more time to edit the memo. But: if you select the "date" or the "synch" row, instead of the "text" row, and then click "modify", the memo is open alway with the cursor on the "text" row. So, the capability of selecting others rows, is pretty useless.
    I hope some Nokia guy will notice this thread so there informations can be useful for a future firmware release, also because I'm getting crazy with the memos issue!!
    Moderator note: word 'official' removed from title, as this may mislead users to believe that the information presented comes from or is in some way endorsed by Nokia.
    Message Edited by michaels on 05-Oct-2009 10:06 AM
    Message Edited by michaels on 05-Oct-2009 03:31 PM
    Roberto Dapino

    hi olandesevolante
    about ur first and second issues u face they r not realy bugs, why?
    for the first one:  i faced that with my E51 in a place i visited before, that hidden WLAN maybe a conflict from another type of waves other than that of wlan using same frequency
    and about the second issue:  default phone numbers is a feature that only set for making calls but when u make an sms the phone will ask u to choose between numbers present unders the same contact name even if u set a default number, so it is not a bug but that is the normal firmware properties
    for the rest of issues , they sound like real bugs
    i hope i helped a little and i wish those bugs will be removed in the next firmware
    Message Edited by michaels on 05-Oct-2009 03:31 PM
    Phones I bought from 1st till now:
    3210 / 3310 / 3410 / 6310 / 6600 / 6020 / N72 / E51 / X2-00 / 5310 xpress Music / E90 Communicator
    If you like my post or it helped you, Give me Kodo

  • Firmware bug: CPU1 tried to use APIC500

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    Firmware bug: CPU1 tried to use APIC500 (LVT offset0) for vector 0x400 but the register is already in use for vector 0xf9 on another CPU.
    Any ideas?
    Is Linux reporting a real firmware fault or is it wrong?

    Hello anonio-mouse,
    Welcome to the HP Forums, I hope you enjoy your experience! To help you get the most out of the HP Forums I would like to direct your attention to the HP Forums Guide First Time Here? Learn How to Post and More.
    I understand you are getting the [Firmware Bug]: cpu 1, try to use APIC500 (LVT offset 0) for vector 0x400, but the register is already in use for vector 0xf9 on another cpu. I have looked on the Ubuntu site and under the Bugs section I found the bug [Firmware Bug]: cpu 1, try to use APIC500 (LVT offset 0) for vector 0x400, but the register is alrea... so it looks to be a geniune error and is being addressed on the Ubuntu site.
    I hope I have answered your question to your satisfaction. Thank you for posting on the HP Forums. Enjoy your weekend!
    Please click the "Thumbs Up" on the bottom right of this post to say thank you if you appreciate the support I provide!
    Also be sure to mark my post as “Accept as Solution" if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others who face the same challenge find the same solution.
    I work on behalf of HP
    Find out a bit more about me by checking out my profile!
    "Customers don’t expect you to be perfect. They do expect you to fix things when they go wrong." ~ Donald Porter

  • Firmware bug? No Connect/Disconnect button on "Manual" PPPoE option

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    There is no Connect/Disconnect option when choosing "Manual" from the PPPoE settings.
    There are two related (unanswered) posts:
    Is there an official way to report such a bug?
    Does anybody have another solution?

    I reported the bug and got this response:
    This is a follow up to Bug ID# 6286922. After further investigation it has been determined that this is a known issue, which is currently being investigated by engineering. This issue has been filed in our bug database under the original Bug ID# 5847755. The original bug number being used to track this duplicate issue can be found in the State column, in this format: Duplicate/OrigBug#.

  • Firmware bugs

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    The first, already reported, bug can be seen with German language setting when configuring the alarm clock. The dialog where you can enter the desired alarm time shows am/pm time although the other time options change to 24h display when setting the iPod to German.
    The second bug is inside the game Solitair. Very often you can't move a card to the "finished" stack, although it matches perfectly. For example you can move a red four on top of a black five, but not on top of the (matching) red three at the top.
    The third bug is inside the game Brick. I noticed sometimes the ball does not get faster over time which makes it very easy to go through all levels. In fact after some time the first level re-appears.
    The following facts are annoying, but I don't know if I can call them bugs.
    a) My computer very often loses the connection to the iPod while transferring (large) files. I am using opensource software (Linux, gtkpod), so it might be something to preven t users from using non-supported hardware.
    The first message indicating the problem is
    "Nov 26 13:38:13 carsten-otto usb 1-3: reset high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 71" just after the transfer stopped. This message repeats some times and then everything gets messy.
    b) Videos stop playing with sound after some time. I did not try with official videos yet, but my self built videos do meet the requirements and should play. After about ten seconds the video stops for about 5 seconds and then starts again, but from now on without sound. Whenever I seek to a new position I can have sound again, but only for another ten seconds.
    Please tell me how to solve the problems and/or how to contact Apple so that they can help me.
    Thank you,
    Carsten Otto

    The Video issue I am having, and I believe all people are having with 5th Generation Video IPODS. I've installed probably 8 or 9 programs over the last two days, hoping to find one that doesn't screw up the video/sound after a few minutes.
    It's interesting because none of the Video Podcasts seem to have a problem running on it, but some information regarding how this is working for Video Podcasts but nothing else is missing. I would hope a firmware upgrade is in the works to fix this problem, because if not I anticipate a large recall, and I think this would be bad publicity for Apple, at a time when many competitors are biting at the bit to take a share out of the market.

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    Settings: A different weekly alarm is programmed for each day of the week. The phone is being switched off for the night.
    The programmed alarm is being run correctly by the phone. The phone is being switched on after having disabled the alarm.
    Some time later the date changes to four or five days in the future. Moreover the phone starts to ring for the day the date has changed to. Often it's not ringing at the time that has been programmed for that day, even though pretending to do so.
    9:45 on Sunday: phone is correctly ringing at the programmed time. 
    10:15 on Sunday: phone is incorrectly ringing again pretending it was Friday 7:50
    the clock remains unchanged, however the date has changed automatically for five days
    Linked to this error, there seem to exist similar problems with date and snooze-function already mentioned on these forums:
    As I mentioned above, I already sent my phone in twice, however I always got it back with the mention: repaired on guarantee. To me, this seems rather disgraceful for Nokia. I sincerely hope, that, if necessary with the pressure of other users being concerned as well, we arrive to get a phone that is really working as one could await it from the leader in mobile phone production!
    I hope we will be informed soon about when there will be a firmware update!
    Thanks for your replies!

    Have the same problem, as I already mentioned in my posts too. But unfortunatly no reply from Nokia either. Seems they really don't care about it. It would be at least apropriate, that they at least announce time of new firmware and note if they will fix this problem with it.
    But no replay from them   I contacted local nokia dealer in Slovenia, but they just say they can not help. And that we must wait for new firmware.
    Now I wonder, when it should came out ?! I am sick of this trouble with my phone. and as you said, I am also turning off my phone since I want my battery to last longer. so this bug must be fixed.
    Nokia team, anyone?!?!?  

  • 6220c firmware bug?

    Updated firmware to 5.15 in my 6220 classic yesterday. After some memory card trouble, it now seems to work, with one exception that I have noted. If I do *#0000# and then options/check for updates and select my usual ISP, I get a message saying "system error". Other ways of accessing Internet work fine with this ISP. Could this be a firmware bug?

    i have same problem with my 6220c firmware 5.15,and i have reflashed the firmware twice still same problem,i am unable to watch mobile tv on my tv screen via tv out cable,the voice works fine on tv but there is no picture except a key with a slash in blue background on my tv,and its almost a year now since nokia released a new firmware for 6220c generic and other phones like 5800,5530,n79,n97,n96 etc has goten 2 or 3 firmwares each 2009/2010

  • IPod Firmware bug?

    I just bought an iPod Nano 2Gb Black about 1 month ago.
    But unfortunally it has started to "hang" at the star ratigng system. If i go to that option, i can't make i disappear. :S I keeps showing that screen even though i push the center button.
    Is this a Firmware bug, and how do I fix it? It's ******* me off that an only 1 month old iPod already screwed me like that.

    This is a known bug with some iPod models, including yours.
    You'll need to update your iPod to the newest firmware using the latest iPod Updater Utility to resolve this problem.
    Additionally, since you have a Nano, you may want to post future topics in the Nano forum instead of the 5th Generation iPod forum.

  • N85 v20 Firmware bug Fix

    v20 firmware bug
     When i plug it into charger  charging start but afterwhile phone just turns off.
    And Navi whell is not work in menu
    I recive a connection error when i try to call.
    When i go to gallery menu my phone automatic back on main menu?
    Message Edited by fensms on 16-Jun-2009 10:27 AM

    If a hard reset does not solve the issue then you only other option is to send it to a Nokia Care Point. You can find your nearest
    Nokia Care Point at:
    For UK
    For Europe:
    For Asia-Pacific
    http://www.nokia.com select your country, go to the support section, then select repair.
    Message Edited by cjlim on 16-Jun-2009 10:53 AM

  • RV180W Firmware bug

    Our company own a RV180W router. It works well with firmware but with firmware it is impossible to SSH between our devices. Ping still works though.
    I don't know if there is another place where to report such bugs

    Hi Dominique, thanks for using our forum, my name is Johnnatan and I am part of the Small business Support community. Please call the Small Business Support Center to confirm if this is a bug. Please go here to find the phone number in your country:
    I hope you find this answer useful, 
    “Please rate useful posts so other users can benefit from it”
    Johnnatan Rodriguez Miranda.
    Cisco Network Support Engineer.

  • WRT120N Latest firmware BUG & PATCH

    I just bought a WRT120N Wireless Access Point. I upgraded its firmware to the latest available (v1.0.04) but there is a BUG in the "Applications & Gaming" section. In particular, in the "Single Port Forwarding": two applications with the same internal port, even with different IP addresses, can be added and the error message is "Port Number is duplicate.".
    This behavior is incorrect and can be explained with an example: let us assume we have two web server behind the NAT. Both are listening on the default port 80/tcp and have address and It is possible to forward the data received by the router on port 80/tcp to the web server and the data received by the router on port 8080/tcp to the web server This is allowed because everything is unique: if the router receive a packet on port 80/tcp it have to rewrite the destination IP address and insert while if it receive a packet on port 8080/tcp it have to rewrite the destination IP address and tcp port ( and 80). It is irrelevant that final port destination is the same. Of course, it is important that the two rules have a different external port: otherwise the router could not distinguish between them but the internal port is irrelevant (as long as two rules are not identical).
    The BUG is circumscribed in the JavaScript since I tried to "nop" the wrong check with Firefox/Firebug and the rules are correctly memorized in the configuration and they works without issues.
    I Fixed the JavaScript and, in the following, there is the patch. Actually, this patch does not solve another minor BUG: theoretically it is possible to redirect two different external ports to the same couple internal IP/port. The solution is trivial too, but this would require rewrite a larger portion of code, so I decided to not fix this minor BUG because it is less severe and the scenario is less common.
    This BUG seems tightly related to http://forums.linksysbycisco.com/linksys/board/message?board.id=Wireless_Routers&message.id=85768&query.id=245618#M85768 but that one is on another router/firmware (that I do not own) so I do not know if this patch apply to that BUG too.
    Please let me know if you need further informations
    Marco Papa Manzillo
    ----------- Patch -------------
     diff -ur 2/index.htm
    --- 2/index.htm   2010-01-05 13:39:59.000000000 +0100
    +++     2010-01-05 14:32:00.000000000 +0100
    @@ -535,9 +535,10 @@
     var fNameHead = "gport_external";
     var fNameTail = "gport_internal";
    +var fNameIP   = "private_ip4_";
     var applicationName = "application";
     var appname = "";
    -var i, rs, rs2, j, index, numProtocol, temp;
    +var i, rs, rs2, j, index, numProtocol, ipv4_private, temp, temp2;
      for (i = 0; i < F.elements.length; i++) {
     f = F.elements[i];
    @@ -548,11 +549,15 @@
            }else {
     temp = "protocol" + f.name.substring (fNameTail.length, fNameTail.length + 2);
    +temp2 = fNameIP + f.name.substring (fNameTail.length, fNameTail.length + 2);
     }else {
     temp = "protocol" + f.name.substring (fNameHead.length, fNameHead.length + 2);
    +temp2 = fNameIP + f.name.substring (fNameHead.length, fNameHead.length + 2);
     numProtocol = document.getElementsByName(temp)[0].value;
    +ipv4_private = document.getElementsByName(temp2)[0].value;
     if (f.value.length == 0)continue;
    @@ -584,7 +589,7 @@
     if(rs2=="1") break;}
    -rs = checkDuplication_PortRange3 (F, f, numProtocol, fNameHead, fNameTail, 0, 15);
    +rs = checkDuplication_PortRange3 (F, f, numProtocol, ipv4_private, fNameHead, fNameTail, fNameIP, 0, 15);
     if (rs == true||rs2 == "1") {
     alert (msg_alert_0038);
     //f.value = f.defaultValue;
    diff -ur 2/jslib.js
    --- 2/jslib.js    2010-01-05 13:35:03.000000000 +0100
    +++      2010-01-05 15:27:11.000000000 +0100
    @@ -549,19 +549,21 @@
            return false;
     //rob. 2009.0325 also check protocol type when submit form.
    -function checkDuplication_PortRange3 (F, f, numProtocol, fNameHead, fNameTail, startCount, maxItem)
    +// Marco Papa Manzillo 2009.0105 also check internal IPv4 for internal port when submit form
    +function checkDuplication_PortRange3 (F, f, numProtocol, ipv4_private,fNameHead, fNameTail, fNameIP, startCount, maxItem)
            if (fNameHead.length == 0)      return false;
            if (fNameTail.length == 0)      return false;
            if (f.value.length   == 0)      return false;
            var fPort1 = new Array (null, null, null, null);
    -       var tmpName1, tmpName2;
    +       var tmpName1, tmpName2, tmpName3;
            var fProtocol = "protocol";
            var tmpProtocol;
    -       var a, a2, b1, b2, ck=0,rs;
    +       var a, a2, a3, b1, b2, b4, ck=0,rs;
            a= parseInt (f.value);
            a2=parseInt (numProtocol);
    +       a3=parseInt (ipv4_private);
            tmpName1 = "";
            if (f.name.substring (0, fNameHead.length) == fNameHead)
    @@ -575,19 +577,21 @@
                    tmpName1 = fNameHead + i;
                    tmpName2 = fNameTail + i;
                    tmpProtocol = fProtocol + i;
    +               tmpName3 = fNameIP + i;
                    if (f.name == tmpName1 || f.name == tmpName2)   continue;
    -               rs = DynamicGetField (F, 3, tmpName1, tmpName2, tmpProtocol, "", fPort1);
    +               rs = DynamicGetField (F, 4, tmpName1, tmpName2, tmpProtocol, tmpName3, fPort1);
                    if (rs == false)        continue;
                    b1 = (fPort1[0].value.length == 0) ? 0: parseInt (fPort1[0].value);
                    b2 = (fPort1[1].value.length == 0) ? 0: parseInt (fPort1[1].value);
                    b3 = (fPort1[2].value.length == 0) ? 0: parseInt (fPort1[2].value);
    +               b4 = (fPort1[3].value.length == 0) ? 0: parseInt (fPort1[3].value);
                    if (ck==0)//check tail
    -                       if (a == b2)
    +                       if (a == b2 && a3==b4 ) // Internal IP must be checked only for internal ports.
                                    if ((a2 == 99)||(a2 == b3)) return true;

    First of all I would suggest you to reset the router for 45 seconds and reconfigure all the settings again as you have upgraded the router's firmware.
    What is the IP address you are getting from the modem...?
    What happen when you connect the computer directly to the Modem..?
    Do not load the backup config file on the router.After resetting the router,reconfigure all the settings again.

  • E71 Firmware Bug with USB Mass Storage.

    Just got a e71, it has the latest firmware, it's mostly good except for this bug.
    If you install a new theme on a memory card and then attempt to use the USB for mass storage it will always lock the card no matter how you disconnect from the USB, it always reports Memory card in use.
    What is supposed to happen is the phone is supposed to switch to a theme on the phone memory and unload the theme on the card, it does indeed switch themes, but does not unload the theme on the card, so the only way to free the card is to reboot the phone.
    If anyone from Nokia is looking at this forum, you guys need to fix these little bugs with the firmware.  A update to the OS the E71x is using would be nice by the way.  I paid a lot of money for this unlocked phone and expect it to be rock solid.

    I had this problem with the memory card. All you do is set the USB connection to PC suit and not Mass Storage. If it's in PC suit mode you don't loose the memory card and it always let you access it. I never bother with mass storage anymore. Also set to don't ask if you want. I ahve no issues since I di this and am using the 200 firmware.
    To transfer files to the card I go into my computer, double click the picture of the nokia E71 and then double click the memory card and access it that way. Hope this helps as it's a pain installing everything on the phone.
    Just another quick tip if you download the themes through your phone like me once installed and after a re-start something may try and install and fail once your phone starts up. It will do this everytime you re-start your phone. To fix the issue you have to browse the memory card with 'view hidden folders' selected in Windows and delete certain sis files from a certain folder. I can't remember off the top of my head but it explains it in another post in this forum. I can't take the credit for it.

Maybe you are looking for

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