RVS4000 Router configuration

Hi All,
I urgently need your assistance on this.
Attached is a schematic of the implementation we have.
IPSec VPN is running successfully.
The issue is that we want to access the CRM service and the Exchange via HTTPS from the internet.
The firewall in the RVS4000 at Station A has been configured to allow HTTPS (port 443) traffic to (Exchange) but when attempting to bind the same port 443 to .8.202 ffor CRM traffic the RVS4000 refuses to accept the config. I cant find anywhere to tweak the settings to accept the configuration of multiple services on port 443.
I have sending CRM traffic to station B and set the router's to forward https traffic to, again the RVS4000 at station B cannot ping the machines in the .8.0 subnet. A traceroute shows that it is forwarding all packets via the ISP's interface (even for packets to I attempted a static route and it just wouldnt accept it's interface as the default gateway.
Please if there is anyone that has overcome this problem I would like to share your experience.

Hello Jprez1980,
There are a few issues that I see you bumping into.
1. Be sure that the DHCP on the RVS4000 is turned off, or it will attempt to hand out DHCP addresses to anything connected to your switch.
2. It has been my experience that RVS4000 may not accept a VPN connection without the Public IP address being directly on it.
3. What type of VPN connection are you refering to? Gateway-to-Gateway or QuickVpn?
4. If you are going to forward ports to the router for VPN purposes, By default, when you set up a VPN connection (gateway-to-gateway) on this router, then its going to send it to the WAN IP address, you'll find this option under the Local Group Setup, which auto-populates.
The RVS4000 would need to forward ports back out of the LAN for this to work, it can only forward ports originating from the WAN to the LAN, it can't forward from LAN to LAN. For basic routing, I don't see you having an issue at all, but the VPN part will be a bit tricky.
You can try to forward those ports to the LAN Address of the Router and see what you get, but once again, I do see a potential problem.
Hope this helps, try it out anyway and let me know how it goes, I may have a suggestion.
Have a great day.

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    When you are trying to setup page of your Router are you getting any kind of error message?
    Try to Disable the Firewall and Antivirus on your Router and then check if you are able to access the setup page of your Router, If still not then you can Hardwired a different computer to the router and then try to login to the setup page of your router, if still doesn't work then you can unplug the power from the router, wait for 30sec and then replug the power to the linksys router and then check if you are able to access the setup page of your router.
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    The main causes for this are:
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    2) JavaScript must be turned on.
    3) Some firewalls will block this.  To test this, temporarily turn off your firewall.  If this corrects the problem, then turn your firewall back on, then open a hole in the firewall, to your router.
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    Message Edited by toomanydonuts on 02-02-200711:02 PM
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    Hi Santhosh,
    If you are worrieed about how your Business Systems will change when you move from Dev to QA to PROD for the Configuration in your ID, then the answer is simple.
    You can create transport target for your Business System and so when you migrate the ID objects from dev to Qa and so on, the business Systems will be automatically replaced.
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    Windows NT
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    Everything is tick marked. 
    Please find the output.
    Check Transport Directory                                 03/30/2011  08:34:16
           QA1 CAL - Quality
               Transport Directory
                   Create Test File
                   Read Test File
                   Delete Test File
                    Create Test File
                    Read Test File
                    Delete Test File
                   Create Test File
                   Read Test File
                   Delete Test File
                  Create Test File
                  Read Test File
                  Delete Test File
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                 Read Test File
                 Delete Test File
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    If I understood correctly you want to have two wireless links to the same location so that if one fails the other will maintain conectivity.
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    ♥ Registered TradeMark Since 1987 ♥

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    Message was edited by: Bunky

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    I have recently replaced a WatchGuard Firebox SOHO 6 with a Linksys 4 Port Router Mod: RVS4000 because the WatchGuard was becoming unstable.
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    Can someone shed some ligh as to what to do next?
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    Thank you in advance fro your help.

    That sounds peculiar that some ports would get forwarded but others not, you might want to check and see if your ISP is blocking the ports if your going through the internet to this security application.  If everything is local, then you should try to follow the advice of upgrading your firmware to the latest version, in order to avoid "bricking" your router do the following sequence, before you upgrade:
    do a backup of your configuration (optional)
    Reset router to factory default settings from the GUI.
    Upgrade to latest firmware.
    Reset router to factory default settings again from the GUI.
    Configure everything again manually *RECOMENDED* 
    This somewhat ilogical sequence of events prevents the IOS from being corrupted and has worked in many cases I have dealt with regarding router "lock up" issues.
    Besides that the only thing else I can think of is find out if there are any more additional ports required for this application to work properly and check to see if your using the exact protocol  UDP or TCP for the ports that are being forwarded.

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    I have two servers - one running MS exchange and the other running a crm platform and both must be access via https. On the router -I have bound https to one ip address and router refuses to accept the binding of the same port 443 to another ip address. I will appreciate any help I can get towards resolving this.
    The network diagram is attached.

    Unfortunately it is not possible to have same port forwarded simultaneously to several internal IP addresses - just imagine even if this setting would be possible, how the router will know which request to which internal server to forward since the port where request was received is the same?
    However, with RVS4000 you can do the following - use TCP 443 for server1 and let's say TCP 4443 for server2.
    Let's assume that your servers have the following IP address assignement:
    Server1 -
    Server2 -
    In RVS4000 go to Firewall -> Single Port Forwarding
    Configure it as on the screenshot:
    After that you can access from the Internet both servers using the following URL:
    Server1 - https://wan_ip_address
    Server2 - https://wan_ip_address:4443
    Hope it will solve your problem!
    Best regards,
    Ivan Bondar
    Cisco Small Business Support

  • RVS4000 router reliability

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    I did all theese to make RVS 4000 to handle the IP's inside the cable network and also to the wireless network.
    I tryed what I believed it helps: disable IPS, set the router DHCP to allocate IP's only after the both routers IP's.
    I also tryed to reflash the router with the same firmware, but still, after one night of continuous traffic it hangs....
    Please give me an advice what should I do next! Thank you in advance!

    Hi Cristian,
    If you purchased this unit 3 weeks ago from a Cisco Partner, please call the SBSC (Small Business Support Center) for warranty support.
    Cindy Toy
    Cisco Small Business Community Manager
    for Cisco Small Business Products
    twitter: CiscoSBsupport

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    I have also tried setting a static IP in network connections instead of having it find it automatically and this did not work either. I am really at a loss.
    I searched the easy answers tips and can not find anything to help me. If anyone can help I would really appreciate it.

    install the patch KB884020 from the following link
    with regards to "limited or no connectivity"
    (Mod note: Edited post so not to keep thread from stretching. Thanks!)
    Message Edited by JOHNDOE_06 on 08-04-2006 05:31 PM

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