Safari Hangs after downloading Lion

After I loaded Lion,My safari does not work.And I cannot open my mail.Any solutions?

Here are some suggestions for getting the best results from this site, so you don't get responses like the ones above.
Give details of the problem. A statement such as "it doesn't work" conveys no information. If it did work, you wouldn't be here. Instead, you should post something like this: "I did A; I was expecting B; but I got C instead." Include the complete text of any error messages you saw and where you saw them: in an application window, a CrashReporter window, a log, or whatever. Also include the steps you’ve taken yourself, if any, to try to resolve the issue. Is the problem reproducible or intermittent? That is, does it always manifest itself when you take a certain action, or only at unpredictable times?
Before posting, ask yourself whether it’s likely that you are the the only person ever to have had this problem. If not, search the discussions for answered questions similar to yours. If you found any relevant information, but it didn't help, include details.
Post in the appropriate discussion area. Usually that means the area for the type of Mac you're using, if the problem is hardware-related, or for the Mac OS version you’re running, if it’s more software-related. Some other Apple technologies have their own discussion areas.

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    This is the crash report:

    You installed the Conduit spyware. To remove it, select Go ▹ Go to Folder… from the Finder menu bar, then enter the following text in the box that opens:
    ~/Library/Application Support
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    I've just made a change to try to keep the wifi from crashing and it also seems to give me a speed boost online.
    Go into your System Preferences, choose Network, and then in that dialog box choose "Advanced..."
    Once there, select the DNS tab.
    Click the plus sign and add the following to your list of DNS servers:
    It's Google's public DNS and seems to have fixed both the dropping and speed issues.

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    My pleasure Norbert. Let us all know if it works (and maybe give me a "correct answer" rating if it does ; ).
    P.S. I grew up in Philly too.

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    Have you tried repairing your hard drive?  Reboot from your Mac OS X install disk (hold down C with the disk in the drive at startup), choose Disk Utility from the Utilities menu, select your hard drive and click Repair Disk.

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    I tried to look at other similar problems and tried to play around with it.
    What I noticed was that I deleted the application but did not uninstall the extension.
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    I have the same problem with my Conceptronic CH3HNAS and have found a free and easy solution.
    Since a lot of people report they are able to access their NAS using apps other than the Finder itself, I decided to look for a free Lion-compatible File Manager to use instead of Finder.
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    Hope it helps you.

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    PhotoStream is purely a conduit for transferring pictures added to or taken on one device onto all the others seamlessly. Photos are held there only for 30 days. There is no way of accessing, viewing or deleting individual photos; you can reset the entire Photostream, erasing everything.

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    From the quicken website:
    Converting your data from Quicken for Mac
    Create a copy of your current Quicken for Mac data file.
    Important: You'll want to use the copy for the conversion. Do not use your original data file.
    Launch the Quicken File Exchange Utility (it's located on your Quicken Essentials disk).
    Follow the on-screen instructions to locate the copy of your old data file and then convert your data from Quicken for Mac to Quicken Essentials.
    Open Quicken Essentials.
    If you want to import your old data into a new Quicken Essentials data file that you’ve already started using (optional), make sure that the new data file is now open in Quicken Essentials.
    Choose File > Import, and then select the file that you just created during the conversion process.
    The conversion file has a .QDFX extension. You’ll find it in the same folder as the copy of your old Quicken for Mac file.

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    I have seen this mentioned a dozen times, here, on Lion,and MacRumors.
    Nope. Usual suspects.
    And whether you tried a clean install instead (backup and erase) and then use MA to import

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    I've done all the permissions repair thingys.
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    I'm suffering from the same problem but it started a few days ago without me installing 10.4.7. It just hangs while downloading web pages. I don't mean the browser app hangs - I can still access menus. It just fails to download web pages. This will typically happen after, say, 30 minutes of use. I have reset Safari, switched of Java and Javascript, and it all has no effect. If I quit Safari and restart it cures the problem for a short while. If I disconnect from my wireless network and reconnect it has no effect. Meanwhile Firefox works fine so that's the browser I'll use until Apple fix Safari. The hang can happen mid-page, and then from that point no pages in any tabs will download.

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    I had the same issue after instilling a security update. (Running 10.5.6 already)
    Safari would simply hang when trying to load websites with external resources such as CSS and SWF files - Google lagging such resources, worked perfectly - But navigating to other websites would lock up the browser. To solve the issues I tried the following;
    - Running software update again, installing everything missing.
    - Downloading and reinstalling Safari manually
    - Downloading and reinstalling newest version of flash.
    - Downloading newest build of webkit - which also locked up.
    - Rebooting (Doh)
    Nothing of the above worked; then I found this thread and noticed one thing I had not tried - Resetting safari!
    Started safari and hit ESC immediately to stop safari loading anything.
    Safari -> Reset Safari -> Check all checkboxes -> Reset.
    Success; this message is written using my new working Safari!
    In hindsight I should have reset each of the options separately to narrow down the bug. But I was not in a debugging mood at the time.
    Message was edited by: Benjaminsen

  • Multiple Safari hangs after installing Snow Leopard

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    Mac OS X 10.5: What you can do if Safari quits unexpectedly
    That links is for 10.5 but the trouble shooting will work in 10.6 also.
    For system freezes try maintenance.
    Maintaining Mac OS X
    On the Macs you upgraded to SL, did you check to see if you had 3rd party software installed that might not be compatible?
    Did you repair permissions after the upgrade?
    Quit any open applications/programs. Launch Disk Utility. (Applications/Utilities) Select MacintoshHD in the panel on the left, select the FirstAid tab. Click: Repair Disk Permissions. When it's finished from the Menu Bar, Quit Disk Utility and restart your Mac. If you see a long list of "messages" in the permissions window, it's ok. That can be ignored. As long as you see, "Permissions Repair Complete" when it's finished... you're done. Quit Disk Utility and restart your Mac.

  • After downloading Lion and restarting my harddrive was wiped?

    I'm not sure if this is supposed to happen but after restarting it came up with a weird screen that had some startup icons like recover time machine and reinstall lion
    None of my stuff is on my computer anymore and the screen doesn't have a dock, I'm not sure what to do and I'm scared everything on my computer is completely gone. The only things I am able to do is "Select Macintosh HD to start up your computer" and "Restart"
    If I restart what will happen? I'm scared to touch anything. I talked with a friend who downloaded Lion and he said this didn't happen for him. My computer is up to the requirements stated on the Lion page but I didn't refer to it before installing.
    I'm not very good with computers either so this might just be something that happens that I didn't know how to deal with

    Hi PG1892,
    If your Mac is starting up to a white or grey screen after upgrading to Yosemite, you may find the troubleshooting steps outlined in the following article helpful:
    Mac OS X: Gray screen appears during startup
    - Brenden

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