SAP Connect

We regulary monitor some batch jobs, one of those is to send in the emails if the mentioned address is incorrect.
We have receviceved the follwoing error <b>"Internal error: SO_OBJECT_MIME_GET Exception: 2"</b>  in General the mentioned error with <b>"Exception : 0"</b> relates to gateway not Configured , but can some one help me to resolve this error.
Thaks in advance

i think in SCOT proper RFC   is required.
not sure

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    Hi All,
    Thanks for your reply.
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    VBScript can read and write SAP data.  Without knowing the details of exactly
    what you are trying to do I'll post a little code that you may find useful:
    Dim fc, sapConn, conn
    Set fc = CreateObject("SAP.Functions") ' function control
    Set sapConn = CreateObject("SAP.LogonControl.1") ' sap connection object
    Set conn = sapConn.NewConnection() ' sap connection object
    conn.System = "yoursystem" ' test, prod, development, whatever
    conn.SystemNumber = "99" ' numeric
    conn.ApplicationServer = "your.application.server" ' the machine name or ip
    conn.MessageServer = "your.message.server" ' the machine name or ip
    conn.client = 999 ' the client number
    conn.user = "user_name" ' your rfc enabled user name
    conn.Password = "password" ' the above named account password
    Dim retcd
    retcd = conn.Logon(0, True) ' establish the connection
    If (retcd = False) Then
        WScript.Echo "SAP Logon Failed."
        ' do something useful
    end if
    These guys have some pretty useful coding examples too:
    <a href="">Useful Examples for vbscript and sap activex</a>
    Please note, most of the examples on the above web site use VBA and not
    vbscript.  So, leave out the As ... part of every Dim statement for pure vbscript.
    Here is an SAP URL on the subject you may find useful:
    <a href="">SAP RFC BAPI Interfaces</a>
    Good luck!

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    Venkateswara Rao Yeleswaram

    Hi Thareq,
    I am also having the similar problem.
    When ever a notification is created, Champion is receiving the messages daily to his outlook though reminder functionality doesn't exist in the workflow.
    "Your Workflow inbox in the SAP system MEP, client 100, contains the following work item:"
    Can you please let me know how this has resolved in your case. Your reply would really help me out to solve my issue.

  • What is JCo in SAP connectivity

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                i want to connect to SAP system from java program.Is it that i need a JCO jar file.
    I am new to this.the code i got by searching in all the forums for sap connectivity is
    public class checkSAP{
         private JCO.Client client = null;
         private JCO.Function function = null;
         private IRepository repository = null;
                     try {
                        client = JCO.createClient(
                                connClient,     // SAP client
                                connUser,       // userid
                                connPW,         // password
                                connLang,       // language
                                connHost,       // host name
                                connHostSyst ); // System number
    catch (JCO.Exception ex) {
                        System.out.println("Caught an exception: \n" + ex);
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    Hi chandra,
    pls find information on how to use jco here ... Re: Create a Planned order from JAVA JCO
    regards, jens

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    It is possibel to pouplate subject. Eg given below.
    FORM email_output  TABLES   pt_out STRUCTURE t_output.
    Populate table with details to be entered into .xls file
      CLASS cl_abap_char_utilities DEFINITION LOAD.
      con_tab  TYPE c VALUE    cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab,
      con_cret TYPE c VALUE cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf.
      DATA: lw_user TYPE so_recname.
      DATA: no TYPE i.
      DATA: temp(1000)      TYPE c.
      DATA: lw_email        TYPE  so_recname.
      DATA: lw_today(10)    TYPE c.
      DATA: lw_message      TYPE char256.
      DATA: BEGIN OF tw_out OCCURS 0,
      matnr LIKE  mara-matnr, 
    lifnr  LIKE  lfa1-lifnr ,           
    END OF tw_out.
      loop at t_output.
        move t_output-matnr    to  tw_out-matnr.
        move t_output-lifnr    to  tw_out-lifnr.
        append tw_out.
    Output headings
      con_tab 'Vendor' con_tab INTO temp.
      MOVE temp TO gt_attach-tabname3000.
      CONCATENATE con_cret gt_attach  INTO gt_attach.
      APPEND  gt_attach.
      CLEAR gt_attach.
      LOOP AT tw_out .
        CLEAR: temp, no.
        DO 255 TIMES.
          ADD 1 TO no.
          ASSIGN COMPONENT no OF STRUCTURE tw_out TO <fs>.
          CONCATENATE  temp <fs> con_tab INTO temp.
          CLEAR <fs>.
        MOVE temp TO gt_attach-tabname3000.
        CONCATENATE con_cret gt_attach  INTO gt_attach.
        APPEND  gt_attach.
        CLEAR gt_attach.
      CONDENSE p_user NO-GAPS.
      MOVE p_user TO lw_user.
      WRITE sy-datum TO lw_today.
      INTO lw_message.
          email    = lw_user
          MESSAGE  = lw_message
          t_attach = gt_attach.
    ENDFORM.                    " email_output
    If helpful pl reward.

  • Transporting SAP connectivity across different environments.

    Hi all,
    I am calling a RFC from my Java Develoment component using SAP connectivity so that proxy classess for my ABAP function module are generated.
    And this RFC call is successful in the development environment.
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    Or is there any other method by which i can transport the component without any change in my code.
    Your response will be highly appreciated.
    Thank you.

    Hi Thezone,
    Great ,Thanks for sharing.
    Agasthuri Doss

  • SAP Connectivity in Netweaver developer studio...

    Hi everyone,
    I am trying to use the feature of "SAP connectivity" in the NDS.
    I created a proxy for a simple RFC.
    What I am trying to do is to call the RFC from a Java code.
    Here is what I wrote :
              try {
              Z_Rfc_Ws_Test2_Input input = new Z_Rfc_Ws_Test2_Input();
              input.setInput("Salut la compagnie");
              SAPProxy_PortType proxy = new SAPProxy_PortType();
              Z_Rfc_Ws_Test2_Output output = proxy.z_Rfc_Ws_Test2(input);
              } catch (Exception e) {
    I get an exception because I didn't specify the username and its credentials. Of course, I have to specify the server and the client number.
    Here is the exception : JCoClient connection missing
         at com.proxy.SAPProxy_PortType.z_Rfc_Ws_Test2(
         at Client.main(
    Can someone help with this issue ?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi David,
             In your below code the JCO configurations is missing I mean ur JCO client. Try some thing like this which is self explanatory.
    (ur package name here if u have any)
    public class Jco {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              // Necessary fields for Connection
              JCO.Client myConnection = null;
              JCO.Repository myRepository = null;
              JCO.Function myFunction = null;
              JCO.Field myHostName = null;
              // Establishing a connection
                   // Defining the connection parameters
                   myConnection = JCO.createClient("Client","User","Password","Lang","ServerIP","Sys Number");
                   // Creating a repository
                   myRepository = new JCO.Repository(attribute,myConnection);
              }catch(Exception e){
                        // Finally closing the connection

  • SAP connectivity in xMII

    Hi All,
               I'm new to xMII. I just want to know about the SAP connectivity in xMII. I am able to configure the SAP server in the server. But i don't know how to call a BAPI or send an idoc in xMII.
    Please help me

    Hi Subhashini,
                         You should search before you post anything in this forum. Most of the common questions are already answered and you may find some really cool solutions.
    check these links out...
    For BAPI
    For ALE IDOC
    Hope that helps,

  • SAP Connectivity slow - Terminal Services

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    we have two Locations (A & B) & Main Server is placed at Location (A) and users from Location (B) connect through terminal Server (IBM Server) there are approximatly 6 users who connect at a time to terminal server, so what should be the RAM size of the Terminal Server.
    As of now we have given 2GB RAM, But the performance is very Poor
    SAP 2007B & 4 ADD-ons
    Thanks in  Advance

    Hi Pankaj,
    Check the following link
    Sizing a Terminal Services server for Business One
    Re: Slow SAP connection
    SAP Business One Best-Practice System Setup and Sizing
    *Close the thread if issue solved.

  • Steps of For Authentication in BO SAP  Connectivity

    Hello everyone,
    Can any one guide me with the steps involved in the authentication of BO SAP connectivity .
    Reply if any clarification needed in the question.
    Aswat B V

    Hi Aswat ,
    Is your question related to
    1. sap and BO are connected and you want to authenticate the established connection is correct or not?
    or 2. do you want   to authenticate the transferred  authorizations from sap to BO?
    can you be clear on that so that i can help you out clearly

  • SAP Connections

    I have been having some serious problems trying to get a connection to SAP from the SAPNetweaver.  I have done some research, but nothing solved my problem.  There are a lot of different notes out there, but no simple explanation on how to get it to work. 
    I would like this Message to be the "End All" for questions regarding SAP connections and I hope all of you can help.  "No Links", man am I tired of trying to follow the secondary links.  Just full explanations.  No links to the SAP Developers Manual, every description was just short of having enough information.
    Here is the scenario:
    I have applications that require connections to SAP BAPIs.  I want the people that are accessing these applications to run the BAPIs with there own credentials. I have the SAP Netweaver installed, but am using an older SAP EIS.  I was using Tomcat with the JCO classes.  I had to create a different connection for each call, but was able to pass the users credentials from a login page that I created.  Now I am porting the application to Netweaver.
    1) What is SAPs preferred connection to BAPIs if I want to pass the credentials of the user to run the BAPIs?
    JCO, JRA, Other?

    sapjcorfc.dll already loaded in another classloader
    I don't know if this is 100% accurate statement, but here it is anyway.
    The error above came from me including the JCO.jar within my application as an "External JAR".  When I referenced it only, then I was able to use the JCO classes as I did when I was using TOMCAT.
    To add to the post above, I ust wanted to give a step by step on adding the reference to JCO.jar to your application so that you can program using it, but not having it be added to your application JAR.
    1)  Web Module Created
    1)  Right click on Web Module and select "Properties"
    2)  Within the "Java Build Path" selection on the left side, Choose the "Library" tab.
    3)  Click the "Add Variable" button.
    4)  Click the "WD_RUNTIME" folder once and then click on the "Extend" button.
    5)  Expand the following directories:
    6) Select the sapjco.jar and click on the "OK" button.

  • Several SAP Connect nodes for different email schedules

    // Internal code: 20081013-TWAN //
    Is it possible to define several SAP Connect nodes for email? My client has several application (in BW) that require the sending of email but on a different schedule per application.
    For example:
    - Application 1 requires email once per week AFTER manual checks of the email queue.
    - Application 2 requires automatic email sending every 15 minutes.
    I would like to know if it is possible and how it can be done.

    If you speak about SMTP node from transaction SCOT, it is not possible to define several SMTP nodes in one SAP system.
    You'll have to find a way with 2 different jobs.
    Maybe you will need to write a specific abap program based on RSCONN01 which would only push the specific mails from one application ?

  • Sap to non sap connection ( program not registered/cpic-call

    Hi all,
        Im trying to connect sap to siebel system.IN TCP/IP connections iv selected register program id & passed the parameters ...program id,gateway host and gateway service
    i followed michal krawczyk steps & also checked in smgw
    transaction also but program id is not registered there
            im getting error like program sapprog not registerd cpic/call
    <b>Detailed error</b>
         <b>Error</b> - program sapprog is not registsred
         <b>location</b> - sap gateway on host saple / sapgw01
         <b>detail</b> - Tp sapprog is not register
         <b>component</b> - gateway
         <b>counter</b> - 387
        <b> module</b> -gwr3cpic
         <b>line-</b> 1621
         <b>return code</b> - 679
         <b>subrc</b>  - 0
               please try to help me out in this issue. all inputs r rewarded. 

    Thanks prince,iv checked entries in sm59,  i checked smgw tranaction(gateway monitor) for logged on clients
    its showing like this
    number/luname/tpname/sys.type/hostname/hostaddres/last req
    0 /sapnav/sapgw00/local_r3/
    if i double click on above...
    read/write socket = 4
    handle = 4
    time = tue jan 26 16:54:13 2006
    socket = 1652
    stat = ni_connected
    type = stream ipv4
    out = 1122 messages 64 bytes
    in = 1 messages 64 bytes
    local =
    remote =
    options =
    lu = sapnav
    tp = sapgw00
    lon lu = sapnav
    long tp = sapgw00
    ext program = 0
    no conversation = 24
    appc version = 6
    hostaddr[0] =
    hostaddr[1] =
    offset in = 0
    timeouts in = 0
    connected = tue jan 24
    last req = mon jan
    request block number in= -1
    connection out = -1
    target out = -1
    offset out = 0
    restlen out = 0
    timeouts out = 0
    request block number out = -1
    accept info = einfo
    snc forced = 0
    <b>just see gateway monitor 4 sapnav/parameters & attributes</b>Profile
    parameter              Value
    gw/max_sleep           20
    gw/conn_disconnect     900
    gw/conn_pending        60
    gw/gw_disconnect       1800
    gw/req_stack_size      30
    gw/max_conn            500
    gw/max_wp              0
    gw/max_conn_per_wp     10
    gw/cpic_timeout        20
    gw/deallocate_timeout  600
    gw/reg_timeout         60
    gw/reg_lb_level        1
    gw/reg_lb_default      20
    gw/side_info    C:\usr\sap\D01\DVMGS00\data\sideinfo.DAT
    gw/sec_info     C:\usr\sap\D01\DVMGS00\data\secinfo.DAT
    gw/startup     C:\usr\sap\D01\DVMGS00\data\gwstartup.DAT
    gw/stat                0
    gw/tcp_security        1
    gw/cpic_security       1
    gw/max_sys             300
    gw/max_shm_req         50
    gw/max_shm_req_per_conn 10
    gw/max_overflow_size    5000000
    gw/max_overflow_usage   10
    gw/keepalive            300
    gw/reg_keepalive        300
    gw/compatibility        0
    gw/monitor              1
    gw/netstat_once         1
    gw/close_routes         120
    gw/timeout              0
    gw/internal_timeout     0
    gw/nitrace              0
    gw/accept_remote_trace_level 1
    gw/resolve_timeout      0
    rdisp/max_gateways      100
    rdisp/max_comm_entries  500
    rdisp/sna_gateway       sapnav
    rdisp/sna_gw_service    sapgw00
    rdisp/TRACE_LOGGING     OFF
    gw/rem_start            REMOTE_SHELL
    gw/remsh rsh
    exe/gwrd           C:\usr\sap\D01\SYS\exe\run\gwrd.EXE
    snc/enable               0
    snc/permit_insecure_start 0
    Release 640
    Release no 6400
    internal version 2
    start time Tue Jan 24 16:53:47 2006
    build time Aug 17 2004 23:33:51
    build with Unicode TRUE
    build with Threads TRUE
    gateway hostname sapnav
    gateway service sapgw00
    req_sync_limit 24
    appc_ca_blk_size 34396
    gwreq_ln 34588
    appcdata_ln 34316
    overflow_size_limit 500000
    overflow_use 0
    trace level 1
    trace level external programs 2
    PID Gateway Reader 4952
    internal version 2
    Shared memory Sizes in bytes
    CONN_TBL entry 1748
    CONN_TBL total 874000
    STATISTIC area 1392
      iv changed some values for my safety.plz check it and let me know the error to register program id. Hope ull solve my issue this time.
    Thanks in advance,

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