//SAP is shared in window Platform

Hi All,
Could anyone please let me know that why the SAP folder is shared in window platform.
I am talking about /USR/SAP, in this SAP is shared to all the user in server.
And i have unshared it as per the security policy, and from 1 month i have not found any issue in the system.
Hence, could any one please confirm why by default this folder is shared.
Thanks in advance.
Best Regards,
Prashant Dubey

> Could anyone please let me know that why the SAP folder is shared in window platform.
Because all tools use UNC paths (like
server\share) to access the tools and not drive letters.
Additionally, that is needed for the transport system and also if you have several application servers that share the same kernel.
> And i have unshared it as per the security policy, and from 1 month i have not found any issue in the system.
You may run into problems later (upgrades etc.)
> Hence, could any one please confirm why by default this folder is shared.
This topic is covered in the installation guide.

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    I highly suggest upgrading to Windows 2008 (R2).
    Windows 2003 has known issues with huge amounts of shared memory which can't be fixed in that old OS. You may decrease this effect with
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    Hi Sandip
    Please take a look at SAP Business One Supported Platform at https://websmp205.sap-ag.de/smb/sbo/platforms
    Plus, some threads:
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    fcc     Transform.ContentType                                                                                    text/plain;charset=utf-8
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    fcc     xml.recordsetStructure                     ZH38CI_BN_US_DELTA_CA_HDR,ZH38CI_BN_US_DELTA_CA_DTL,ZH38CI_BN_US_DELTA_CA_TRL

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    Hi Siddharth,
    Post thread SAP Netweaver administration forum too u definelt wil get usefull replays and search in service market place.

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    Hi Glenn,
    have you done your choice ?
    I can say that iSeries is much more stable for SAP Java stack ! 
    Naturally depending on the volume of messages worked by PI ......... and the HW available resouces on your iseries server.
    I've bad feedback from my customers with PI on Windows but depends on workload.
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    No problems with a mixed landscape windows for PI and iseries for ECC.
    Kind Regards

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    Hello Experts,
    We have Windows Server 2003 with 32 GB RAM, 2 quadcore CPU, plenty of space. Already running with NW 700 AS Java on Oracle 10g.
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    2. Any other steps which needs to be taken care before and after the second instance installation.
    3.SAP Note 98252 - speaks about changes in oraInst.loc before the second instance installation - Does it applicable for Windows - Oracle environment also. I am not able to find out this file.
    Listener and Tnsnames file changes mentioned in this note seems to be applicable on windows platform also.
    Pointers to related documentation would be highly appreciated.

    Hello Davinder,
    > 1. Do we need to install Oracle 10g software again or we can use the existing Oracle 10g installed files. If yes then will the Oracle Home for both the SAP instances will be same - any steps needs to be done for that
    Theoretical you can use the same ORACLE_HOME, but i would really recommend to install the database software again in a different ORACLE_HOME. It will make a lot of things easier
    > 2. Any other steps which needs to be taken care before and after the second instance installation.
    The same as by the first installation, but keep in mind of the listener port - you will need to specify a different one.
    > Does it applicable for Windows - Oracle environment also. I am not able to find out this file.
    On windows it is a registry key (for more information please take a look at metalink note #564192.1)
    C:\>reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\ORACLE /v inst_loc

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    I was tasked to upgrade the SP of our client's SAP BPC 7.0 -Microsoft Platform System from Release 7.0.116 (SP07) to SP09. Details are below
    Prod System:
    Multi Server : 2 Servers
    Application Server:
    Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Ed SP2 32-Bit
    IIS Web Server
    SAP BPC 7.0 Release 7.0.116
    Database Server:
    Microsoft Windows Server 2003 x64 64-Bit
    MS SQL 2008 64-Bit
    My question, since Server Manager Version 7.0.116 is equal to SP07, do i need to download SP08 and SP09, and then apply SP08, and the underlying patch on top of SP08, then SP09, or can i just simply download only SP09 and then install it only in our App Server, since it was mention in the Upgrade Guide that SP of SAP BPC are cumulative. And if there are any configuration settings that i need to take unto consideration? I'm new to this one since I'm accustomed of SP Upgrade in SAP ECC Systems in TxCode SPAM.
    Thanks in advance!

    After performing the steps Nilanjan suggested you may want to look at the Post-Installation Steps recommended by SAP. They are as below:
    Post-Installation Steps
    1. If you already have an application set in your previous version, do the following:
    a) After installing this support package, update existing reports by choosing Publish Report on the Web Administration page.
    b) If you have already enabled Insight, update existing reports by choosing Build Report on the Insight Dashboard page.
    c) To apply fixes available for business rules, choose Modify Application within the Administration Console. Do not select options related to desired application.
    2. This support package contains an appset parameter called RETRIEVE_ON_OFFLINE. To restrict data retrieval while an application set is unavailable, access the Appset Parameter page within Web Administration, then add a key named RETRIEVE_ON_OFFLINE with one of the following values:
    1, which allows retrieval or data export while the application set is unavailable.
    0, which prevents retrieval or data export while the application set is unavailable.
    Log off and then logon to BPC for Office if the system offline message displays after setting the application set to Available. This downloads the dimension cache file if a dimension member or structure has changed while the system was offline.
    3. We recommend changing the syntax of dimension formulas related to CSS message [IM 1249006] Data Integrity Issue with Account dimension / 4 Hierarchies as follows:
    a) Use [%dimension%].[%current hierarchy%].CurrentMember. Level.Ordinal>0 instead of [%dimension%].[%the other hierarchy%].[All %dimension%.%the other hierarchy%] in dimension formulas to check the status of the current view of the current hierarchy because the current member may have been changed as a member of another hierarchy within multiple hierarchy dimensions.
    b) Use 0 (zero) instead of NULL in IIF statements when the member from the current view does not match the condition of the IIF statement, as NULL may return an incorrect value. For example, if the hierarchy is the third hierarchy, #iif([Account].[H3].CurrentMember.Level.Ordinal>0,%Arg%, 0).
    4. To run the Management Console in multiple server environments, change Authentication and Access Control of the ManagementConsole virtual directory in IIS from Integrated Windows Authentication to Basic Authentication. You can find the virtual directory on the Application server in the Directory Security tab of the virtual directory's property in IIS.
    Hope this helps.

  • SAP Business Connector on Windows XP

    I've been trying to get the SAP Business Connector 4.7 to work on Windows XP professional but haven't been very successful. The business connector seems to install okay, but when I try to start the business connector through the server.bat file it generates the following errors:
    (loglevel = 4) 
    Loading WmPartners package
    00000E  [B2BSERV.0026.0002] Failure while loading service wm.PartnerMgr.gateway.transport.EmailTransport:startup: [B2BSERV.0026.9106] No method startup in class wm.PartnerMgr.gateway.transport.EmailTransport
    00000F  [B2BSERV.0026.0002] Failure while loading service wm.PartnerMgr.xtn.admin:saveMessage: [B2BSERV.0026.9106] No method saveMessage in class wm.PartnerMgr.xtn.admin
    000010  [B2BSERV.0026.0002] Failure while loading service wm.PartnerMgr.xtn.admin:view: [B2BSERV.0026.9106] No method view in class wm.PartnerMgr.xtn.admin
    000011  [B2BSERV.0026.0002] Failure while loading service wm.PartnerMgr.gateway.admin:saveRoutingRule: [B2BSERV.0026.9106] No method saveRoutingRule in class wm.PartnerMgr.gateway.admin
    000012  [B2BSERV.0026.0002] Failure while loading service wm.PartnerMgr.gateway.admin:convertWildCards: [B2BSERV.0026.9106] No method convertWildCards in class wm.PartnerMgr.gateway.admin
    000013  [B2BSERV.0026.0002] Failure while loading service wm.PartnerMgr.gateway.transport.B2B:startup: [B2BSERV.0026.9106] No method startup in class wm.PartnerMgr.gateway.transport.B2B
    000014  [B2BSERV.0026.0002] Failure while loading service wm.PartnerMgr.xtn.admin:editStore: [B2BSERV.0026.9106] No method editStore in class wm.PartnerMgr.xtn.admin
    000015  [B2BSERV.0026.0002] Failure while loading service wm.PartnerMgr.gateway.transport.FTPTransport:startup: [B2BSERV.0026.9106] No method startup in class wm.PartnerMgr.gateway.transport.FTPTransport
    000016  [B2BSERV.0026.0002] Failure while loading service wm.PartnerMgr.xtn.admin:invokeViewService: [B2BSERV.0026.9106] No method invokeViewService in class wm.PartnerMgr.xtn.admin
    000017  [B2BSERV.0026.0002] Failure while loading service wm.PartnerMgr.xtn.admin:viewMsgContent: [B2BSERV.0026.9106] No method viewMsgContent in class wm.PartnerMgr.xtn.admin
    000018  [B2BSERV.0026.0002] Failure while loading service wm.PartnerMgr.gateway.admin:updateTransports: [B2BSERV.0026.9106] No method updateTransports in class wm.PartnerMgr.gateway.admin
    000019  [B2BSERV.0026.0002] Failure while loading service wm.PartnerMgr.gateway.admin:invokeService: [B2BSERV.0026.9106] No method invokeService in class wm.PartnerMgr.gateway.admin
    00001A  [B2BSERV.0026.0002] Failure while loading service wm.PartnerMgr.xtn.admin:log: [B2BSERV.0026.9106] No method log in class wm.PartnerMgr.xtn.admin
    00001B  [B2BSERV.0028.0005] Loading SAP package
    00001C  [B2BSERV.0026.0002] Failure while loading service wm.PartnerMgr.gateway.transport.RFC:startup: [B2BSERV.0026.9106] No method startup in class wm.PartnerMgr.gateway.transport.RFC
    00001D  [B2BSERV.0026.0002] Failure while loading service wm.PartnerMgr.gateway.transport.BAPI:startup: [B2BSERV.0026.9106] No method startup in class wm.PartnerMgr.gateway.transport.BAPI
    00001E  [B2BSERV.0026.0002] Failure while loading service wm.PartnerMgr.gateway.transport.XML:startup: [B2BSERV.0026.9106] No method startup in class wm.PartnerMgr.gateway.transport.XML
    00001F  [B2BSERV.0026.0002] Failure while loading service sap.bapi:encodeToFile: [B2BSERV.0026.9106] No method encodeToFile in class com.wm.pkg.sap.bapi.BusinessDocumentCoder
    000020  [B2BSERV.0026.0002] Failure while loading service sap.bapi.Mapper:bapi2rfc: [B2BSERV.0026.9104] Missing class sap.bapi.Mapper
    000021  [B2BSERV.0026.0002] Failure while loading service sap.bapi.Mapper:rfc2bapi: [B2BSERV.0026.9104] Missing class sap.bapi.Mapper
    000022  [B2BSERV.0026.0002] Failure while loading service sap.bapi.Mapper:bapi2ale: [B2BSERV.0026.9104] Missing class sap.bapi.Mapper
    000023  [B2BSERV.0026.0002] Failure while loading service sap.admin:listGatewayServices: [B2BSERV.0026.9106] No method listGatewayServices in class sap.admin
    000024  [B2BSERV.0026.0002] Failure while loading service sap.bapi.Mapper:ale2bapi: [B2BSERV.0026.9104] Missing class sap.bapi.Mapper
    000025  [B2BSERV.0026.0002] Failure while loading service wm.PartnerMgr.gateway.transport.ALE:startup: [B2BSERV.0026.9106] No method startup in class wm.PartnerMgr.gateway.transport.ALE
    000026  [B2BSERV.0028.0005] Loading WmSamples package
    000027  [B2BSERV.0028.0026] Warning: Deprecated service type (webtap) in service sample.webtap:logApp in package WmSamples
    000028  [B2BSERV.0028.0005] Loading WmDB package
    These errors don't stop the business connector from starting up, but the errors are not normal behaviour. When I try to start the business connector through a Windows service then I get the message "Could not start the SAP Business Connector Service on Local Computer. Error 126: The specified module could not be found".
    I have a working business connector installation on a Windows 2000 server, and when I checked the error log of that installation I noticed that it had logged the same errors about the 'WmPartners' package. It on the other hand didn't have any problems loading the 'SAP' package.
    I tried installing the business connector on two different systems with identical results. Has anybody been able to get the business connector to work on Windows XP?

    I have no idea clearly about BC.. but ..
    See the following links.. may be helpfull..
    Business connector
    SAP Business Connector on Windows XP
    If usefull .. points rewarded..

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