SAP Support in regard to developer licence

We are currently considering to implement SAP AiO by our in-house team. Hence we will purchase two developer licences. However, we heard from one project manager involved in many implementations before that SAP will be reluctant to help us, or fix the system if in case there is problem occurred in the future, because it was not implemented by an SAP qualified consultants. Is this true?
Edited by: ferdinand.k on Mar 2, 2012 5:07 AM

Hi Markus & Gurus.when im trying to  take offline abck up this is the error in facing .
Can u help me in resolving htis.
BR0051I BRBACKUP 7.00 (28)
BR0055I Start of database backup: bdwmgkqt.afd 2007-10-30 14.16.03
BR0484I BRBACKUP log file: F:\oracle\MBS\sapbackup\bdwmgkqt.afd
BR0252W Function remove() failed for 'D:\oracle\MBS\102\database\sap.ora' at location BrInitOraCreate-1
BR0253W errno 13: Permission denied
BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2007-10-30 14.16.03
BR0301E SQL error -1031 at location BrInitOraCreate-2, SQL statement:
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
BR0303E Determination of Oracle version failed
BR0056I End of database backup: bdwmgkqt.afd 2007-10-30 14.16.03
BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2007-10-30 14.16.03
BR0054I BRBACKUP terminated with errors

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    Yes the SAP system supports all the modules which you have mensioned above.So in order to integrate these modules u would have different steps to follow integration and also interfaces to carry. Yes SAP supports all the specified module integration. See to that the basis consultants and abapers set the interfaces and other settings correctly.
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    Dear customer,
    Thank your for contacting Netviewer Support.
    This is a known issue. When Netviewer starts on a Dell computer, the application produces a blue screen. What is causing this?
    This phenomenon occurs only on Dell PCs with a preinstalled Windows operating system.
    The file that causes a blue screen is no longer installed. The integrated sound card is from IDT ( but the file "ctAudDrv.sys" belongs to Creative Labs Advanced Audio FX Engine.
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    Für weitere technische Fragen stehe ich Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung./
    Si vous avez des questions techniques n'hésitez pas à nous les poser./For further technical questions please do not hesitate to ask.
    Mit freundlichen Grüßen/
    Best regards/
    Très cordialement/
    Bakli Boussaa
    Global Customer Support Specialist

    Hi Erik,
    This is the .NET SDK forum for software development using the Crystal Reports programming runtime and nothing to do with Netviewer. No idea who looks after it...
    Best to create a case in SMP and discuss with a Support Rep.
    PS - not the first time the OEM Build of Windows for DELL has caused problems. I personally find it's better to update/upgrade to an off the shelf version of Windows.

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    Have check this note :Note 1247043 - Release Restrictions for EHP 1 for SAP NetWeaver PI 7.1
    No release
    XI 3.0 message protocol in the SOAP adapter
    Supported with EHP 1 for SAP NetWeaver Process Integration 7.1 (version abbreviated with 7.11 from now on) is the XI 3.0 message protocol in the SOAP adapter for the communication between an Advanced Adapter Engine version 7.11 and ABAP proxies generated in the SAP NetWeaver Process Integration versions 3.0, 7.0, 7.10, 7.11; Advanced Adapter Engine version 7.11 and 7.10; SAP Partner Connectivity Kit version 7.11 and below, Java SE Adapter Engine 7.11 and below, Integration Server 7.11. However for all above listed scenarios the following functions are currently not supported: Acknowledgements, Transport & message level security, Principal propagation, Bulk support on sender-side, HTTP destinations support. Not supported with EHP 1 for SAP NetWeaver Process Integration 7.1 is the XI 3.0 message protocol in the SOAP adapter for the communication between an Advanced Adapter Engine version 7.11 and Java proxies, Integration Server 7. 10 and below.
    ( Changed at 18.12.2009 )

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    The number of developer license depends on your license agreement with SAP . You can delete the Developers from SMP
    Make sure that you delete the entry in DEVACCESS table too. After that  lock the user and if you created it as Developer in the SU01 -> License Data as developer , remove the developer tag and keep it blank.  If you don't remove the entry from DEVACCESS table, the user can be recreated and and can be used a developer.
    Nibu Antony

  • SAP support pack upgrade

    Dear Experts,
    There has been a discussion with my colleagues to discontinue support pack upgrade. But we are not able to reach to any consensus. We would require your opinion on the same.
    Background of the discussion:
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    I need to know:
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    - Have there been any other module (highly customized) facing similar issues?
    - Do we lose support from SAP if we don’t upgrade the system?
    I tried to approach SAP as well but couldn't get a straight answer.
    Apoorv Bhargava

    Dear Apoorv
    in regards of:
    What are the implications of discontinuing support pack upgrades?
    => you will never get "legal updates". A support package is not only a "fix"; but sometimes SAP is delivering new solutions based on legal topics. Good example is "SVT". This is shipped with a Support Package only; you should not never ever try to implement the more than 100 OSS notes manually
    => you will never get "error" fixes; yes you can implement one OSS after the other (if neededI but this is the wrong approach
    => if you would like to do "major upgrade" (e.g. SAP 6.0 EnhPack7) you need to go through the whole process; and only by high level SAP releases you will get the "newest" functions
    On the top only by installing SP or Upgrade you will get updates in property tree (only if you buy legal content from SAP the story would be different)
    In regards of:
    Background of the discussion:
    Since we are using SAP-EH&S in highly customized manner, support pack causes more issues rather than improvements. Each time we have to invest lot of efforts while testing the system after support pack is applied. We have to stop all the development work for 2 months.
    Be happy that you only need 2 months; in most cases more than that is needed,
    In regards of:
    SAP will no longer provide support for current SAP-EH&S module after 2020. What possible issues can we face if no support pack upgrade is done? I believe after 2020 other module would be used, so we are looking for only next 5 years or so.
    Anybody has the same situation here. After 2020 clearly SAP must deliver a solution (alternative etc.); (and you can extend maintenance period as well)
    - Have there been any other module (highly customized) facing similar issues? => I am pretty sure that SAP SD, SAP Mm etc. is the same story
    - Do we lose support from SAP if we don’t upgrade the system? = in my opinion no. But if you need to strat OSS the story is always the same: they will come back and ask you to implement SP etc.
    A lot of SAP services exists to help you in your situation. But you can help yourself. One option is;
    a.) create first a "sandbox" with current SAP ERP release and prepare EHS
    b.) then compare your set up to standard set up and list" differencies"
    c.) start of analyzing: what can be done to get "closer" to standard
    d.) start with "quick win" standardization and the generate a list of "subprojects" to take care the other differences so that may be after a short time (may be only one year) you are much closer to SAP standard
    In regards of:
    Since we are using SAP-EH&S in highly customized manner => as long as you are using only customizing you are in "Standard". There should be less problems in update/upgrade; only if you have adpated SAP codings etc. you have a problem.
    PS: may be check as well:Overview: SAP EHS Management in context of Enhancement Package / Support Package

  • SAP support for country-specific legal requirements

    Just wondering if anyone could clarify how does SAP support work for the country-specific legal requirements. I'm sure in every country some new laws come to life regularly that affect the SAP customers and their ERP systems.
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    In absence of such communication, naturally, the only option the individual customers have is to send a message to SAP. And that's where SAP replies with a copy/paste text (we got the same exact response as another SCN member here):
    Feel free to maintain this incident opened, but contact us in the next three weeks, then we will be able to confirm if this legal requirement will be supported by SAP.
    I'm confused - "IF"?! This is a legal requirement, there is no "if" for the business. Let's see if I got it right - we wait for 3 weeks, then SAP decides "nah, not gonna support that" (by the way, why is it on the customers to contact support again?) and every SAP customer in the whole country will have to scramble their own resources or pay for consulting (on top of SAP maintenance fees) to deliver the same exact set of programs on their own in under 2 months?
    It could've been just an unfortunate choice of verbiage by Global Support, but I'm curious - is this really how the support for legal requirements supposed to work?
    Thank you.

    Hi Jelena,
    Having been part of the SAP Globalization Services in Brazil, I understand a little bit of that process.
    A few comments:
    1) Localization of SAP solutions to country-specific regulation is under the responsibility of an area called Globalization Services. You can find more info about what they do here:
    2) Typically, those country-specific requirements are discussed in much details on the local ASUG chapters (at least that's how we did it in Brazil). That's why it's usually hard to find material in English, but I'd say that your local IT/Biz people in Mexico should be regulars in their local ASUG meetings, specially if they have a specific chapter to discuss Localization matters.
    3) I found out this note with more specifics about "SAT Anexo 24".
    Apparently SAP is still analyzing it.
    Suggestion if you want to speed the analysis up: reach out to your commercial contact in SAP.
    4) Regarding your statement about the time it takes for the analysis & delivery to take place.
    As an SAP customer, you have all the right to complain about the service level you're getting, it's just that, having been on the other side of the table, I know some facts that sometimes may be taken for granted. For example, SAP do not have infinite maintenance resources. I do understand that all customers pay maintenance and need to have their demands addressed, but SAP does not have a bench of developers available for whenever a new demand appears. If there is a new demand, they need to estimate the efforts and accommodate it into the development resource planning.
    5) From a legal perspective, there is a difference between Legal Change and New Legal Requirement. The latter, if differing too much from the initial purpose of the acquired software, might not necessarily be required by the Software provider to be fulfilled within the maintenance scope. I'm not saying that it's the case for this Mexican requirement, I'm just saying there is this possibility, generally.
    My personal recommendation: get your local Mexico people to be closer to the SAP Mexico team. They are usually responsible to publish information about such local requirements and the SAP release plan.
    Hope that helps.

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    Until when give SAP support for version 7.30?
    How is the update from SAP GUI 7.30 to 7.40 handle?

    Hello Herr Jürs,
    As per the attached note
    support ends in July
    SAP GUI for Windows Support Deadlines
    7.30: Full support up to July 15th, 2015. On July 15th, 2015 the used development environment Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 will transit to Microsoft's "Extended Maintenance" mode. This means that Microsoft will not create any corrections for components which belong to this development environment anymore (unless the issue is security relevant). Therefore no extension of full support for SAP GUI for Windows 7.30 beyond this date is possible.

  • Lost in SAP Support

    I am a .Net Developer who is trying to upgrade (eg spend money on Crystal Reports) from the developer version in Studio 2008 to a full blown tool.
    To reiterate, I want to give you money.
    I regularly use the net to get support answers. However, I find your site to be so complex as to be almost useless. I want to know about upgrading from the basic version of Crystal to the full version. I am sure the specific information I need is out here somewhere.
    So far I have had no luck in finding anything relevant to such a simple question.
    I would be willing to purchase access to online support, but there does not appear to be any way to do this.
    lost in sap support,
    Joe Rich
    Rich Solutions

    I am going to be honest. I found your response useless. I am a real customer looking for some help on Crystal Reports.
    Seems like you don't want to help yourself.
    So far my support experience with Crystal reports is the poorest in my professional career. I have sought support from small companies and large companies. I have never been left in the postion that I could not find someone who could at least provide some direction.
    The resources are there you just need to know how to use them.. -> SAP BusinessObjects
    Did you try asking on /community [original link is broken]
    What a waste of resources this site is....
    I don't think the problem is on this site
    Hope you find your way around

  • Sap support for standard prog. w/ custom implem of implicit enhanc.points

    since 1 year I've been confronted to SAP customers which WIDELY implement Implicit Enhancement Points (IEP).
    I have been really surprised that my customers undoubtly think, if a problem occurs in a standard program where there are lots of IEP custom implementations, and if my customers estimate after investigation the problem comes from the standard part and not from the IEPs, they think that SAP support would help them to solve the issue.
    Note: as a consequence, they created much more IEP in ECC 6 than they did in the past with R/3 old releases (via changes of the standard, aka repairs)!
    What I think, is that SAP SUPPORT WOULDN'T HELP them as long as there is custom code (even within IEPs) in the standard program, even if there is only one IEP with one line (because it could change completely the standard algorithm, for example by emptying a global internal table)
    So, I think the only way to get help from SAP is to deactivate these IEP implementations before requesting support. And so, the only solution to deactivate them, customers MUST assign IEP implementations to a package and then to a switch and then to a business function, so that they can deactivate it via switch framework.
    The main concern is that my customers didn't create switch/business function, so they cannot react quickly if a problem happens in production : reproduce in test system, deactivate custom IEPs by switching off business function (it's what they didn't do), reproduce with full standard to determine problem comes from standard, request help from sap).
    Could you share with me what is your approach about implementing IEPs, and maybe, is there somewhere a SAP documentation which explains that officially?
    I hope I was clear.
    Thank you very much for your kind help.
    Best regards,
    sandra rossi

    I played around a bit with this (as I had never done it before) and also from what I have read, the intended option is the switch framework.
    I guess as plan B you could have a virtual system or reliable test environment in which you can disable the enhancement and bring it back again via version management - but from what you have described (IEP deleting gobal variables, etc) this would also remove the "bug" and make the problem difficult to reproduce.
    Perhaps the next best thing (unless someone has a better idea) is to inform your customers about neatly organizing their software developments using packages and switches.
    To my knowledge, the syntax checks are also getting stricter in this area (as you may have noticed) and I hope that (for some of them) will throw errors one day during the development stage already.
    Sorry, that does not help you much (but at least you read "the rules"
    ps: A dirty way of doing it would be to run the program in the new debugger, and skip over the enhancement using the Go-To function. Unlike the classic debugger, the code inbetween does not need to be debugged. Ugly, but effective...
    Edited by: Julius Bussche on Nov 10, 2008 9:13 PM

  • Does SAP support Solaris 10 ZFS filesystem when using DB2 V9.5 FP4?

    I'm installing NW7 (BI usage). SAPINST has failed in the step "ABAP LOAD due to the DB2 error message
    "Unsupported file system type zfs for Direct I/O". It appears my Unix Admin must have decided to set these filesystems as ZFS on this new server.
    I  have several questions requiring your expertise.
    1) Does SAP support ZFS filesystems on Solaris 10 (SPARC hardware)? I can not find any reference in SDN or Service Market Place? Any reference will be much appreciated.
    2) How can I confirm my sapdata fielsystems are ZFS?
    3) What actions do you recommend for me to resolve the SAPINST errors? Do I follow the note "Note 995050 - DB6: NO FILE SYSTEM CACHING for Tablespaces" to disable "Direct I/O" for all DB2 tablespaces? I have seen Markus Doehr's forum Link:[ thread|Re: DB2 on Solaris x64 - ZFS as filesystem possible?; but it does not state exactly how he overcame the error.

    Hi Frank,
    Thanks for your input.
    I have also found  the command "zfs list" that would display any ZFS filesystems.
    We have also gone back to UFS as the ZFS deployment schedule does not meet this particular SAP BW implementation timeline.
    Has any one come across any SAP statement that states NW7 can be deployed with ZFS for DB2 database on Solaris SPARC platform. If not, I'll open an OSS message.

  • Migration and SAP Support for BW 3.1

    I have couple of queries regarding Migration and SAP Support.
    What is the required patch level that need to be mantained in BW 3.1 for a direct upgrade to BI 7.
    I would like to know whether SAP still supports BW 3.1. I searched in SAP Service marketplace, but didn't get much information regarding this.
    Your inputs are highly appreciated.

    BW Upgrade from 3.x to 7.0
    Hope it will help you.

  • OutlookSoft 4.2 - SAP Support Strategy

    Hello All,
    I want to know the SAP's support strategy for OutlookSoft/BPC. Specifically, when the support for 4.2 is ending?
    Our Client is on 4.2 SP3. What is the recommended support pack for OutlookSoft 4.2? 
    Also, are there any maintenance fees for OutlookSoft 4.2 in order to be supported by SAP for extended period of time?
    Edited by: Prabhu Chinnakonda on Aug 29, 2008 7:45 PM

    I think, it is better to upgrade to BPC 5.X /7.X from OutlookSoft 4.2-SP3, so that your organization will be on par with latest SAP  BPC tools. From BPC 9.X ( should be released around late 2009), this will be all together new tool, with complete changes & total integration with BI/IP/SEM in it.. By that time OutlookSoft 4.2, will be all most uotdated.  Neverthless you can upgrade to OutlookSoft 4.2-SP4/SP5, but again in future you need to upgrade to BPC 5.X/7.X.
    For upgardations & support , please contact SAP Support, where you will get complete details & dates.
    CSM Reddy

  • Does SAP support open tender process for Vendor selection

    Hi all,
    Does SAP Support Open tendering process for Vendor Selection.
    I men in my clients scenario. For vendor selection process for any material starts with advertisement of tender  in newspaper. Vendor replies back with his quotation. After receiving technical and commercial quotation, the organization go for technical bidding and those who qualify in technical bidding they contest for commercial bidding. After commercial bidding, comparative statement is prepared and then purchase committee approves the vendor. The problem is that any no. of vendors from any where can give their reply to the tender as it is a government organization. So, how to map this process in SAP as we are not directly sending RFQ to the vendor, instead he reply back with quotation directly once he sees the advertisement in newspaper.
    I want you all to suggest me whether to keep this process in SAP or out of SAP. waiting for your response.

    Hi Ravi,
    Thanks for your response. My problem is that the organization advertise its tender in newspaper of all india circulation and seeing that tender vendor reply back with quotation. They don't identify who all are the vendors to whom RFQ is send. only when reply of vendor comes with quotation client comes to know about the vendors submitting quotation. Normally one vendor is selected for one material and 20 to 25 vendors give their quotation. Is it feasible to bring those 25 vendors in SAP if only one will be selected. Because in any way, for any processing we need to create vendor in SAP. So do we need to create 25 vendors, though we know we require only one finally. Can you please clarify this issue. If you want I can mail you the whole process map.
    Thanks & Regards,

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