Saving in InDesign

I was on a chat with Anil who was away so long, I thought he was done with me.  However. He did not provide me an answer.  I was away from my computer for a minute and then he ended the chat.  It has no information about my problem.  How can I contact someone in person.  I can find no phone number for Adobe.  Chat is below. The product is InDesign CC 2014, which I explained to the person I was chatting with. I need to speak to someone in person if you are unable to solve my issue. Thanks.
Info: You are now chatting with Anil Kumar.
Anil Kumar: Hello! Welcome to Adobe Customer Service.
loyce Powell-hopkins: Do I need to retype the problem all over again?
Anil Kumar: Hi Loyce.
info: Your chat transcript will be sent to [email protected] at the end of your chat.
Anil Kumar: Loyce, could you please elaborate the issue more clearly?
loyce Powell-hopkins: Hello. Just get me some help. I have a critical issue. Document has been saved in a trial version of Idd CC14 which expired some time ago. Why did this happen. Now I am unable to open the document with Creative Suite IdD 6. the trial converted all of this document, just today to Idd CC 14. I don't want to pay $29 to get my document opened.
Anil Kumar: Thank you for elaborating the issue.
Anil Kumar: May I know the product your are referring to?
Anil Kumar: Are we still connected?
Anil Kumar: Since we have not heard from you for some time, we will now end this chat.  Please click to chat with us again if we can be of further assistance.
Anil Kumar: Thank you for contacting Adobe.  We are available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Goodbye!

Thanks for the suggestion.  I am glad that I had not gotten to far to
discover the error.  I have deleted all of those files since I could not
open them anyway.  I simply went back to CS6.  You techs are great. Thanks
On Mon, Nov 17, 2014 at 9:26 PM, Bob Levine <[email protected]>

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    Info: You are now chatting with Anil Kumar.
    Anil Kumar: Hello! Welcome to Adobe Customer Service.
    loyce Powell-hopkins: Do I need to retype the problem all over again?
    Anil Kumar: Hi Loyce.
    info: Your chat transcript will be sent to [email protected] at the end of your chat.
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    loyce Powell-hopkins: Hello. Just get me some help. I have a critical issue. Document has been saved in a trial version of Idd CC14 which expired some time ago. Why did this happen. Now I am unable to open the document with Creative Suite IdD 6. the trial converted all of this document, just today to Idd CC 14. I don't want to pay $29 to get my document opened.
    Anil Kumar: Thank you for elaborating the issue.
    Anil Kumar: May I know the product your are referring to?
    Anil Kumar: Are we still connected?
    Anil Kumar: Since we have not heard from you for some time, we will now end this chat.  Please click to chat with us again if we can be of further assistance.
    Anil Kumar: Thank you for contacting Adobe.  We are available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Goodbye!

    1 - moved so the InDesign experts may be able to help
    2 - as far as I know, you will not be able to open a newer file in an older InDesign program... but, see #1 above

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    [Jongware] wrote:
    Absolutely. This single badly designed "error message" has been DTD ("Discussed To Death") dozens of times before -- unfortunately you cannot easily search this forum, else I would redirect you to the discussions.
    If I could, you'd see people have been puzzled, flabbergasted, mystified (and bamboozled, rattled, disconcerned and so on and so forth)  about this this at least as far back as 2002 -- InDesign CS.
    There's Google query that searches this forum, in a post on the forum. Ha! If the forum's search is faulty, how can you find that post? Try this Google search query: indesign forum google search You dont have to go beyond the first few hits.
    Peter Gold
    KnowHow ProServices   

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    As specifically pointed out there, this won't work to get back to CS unless you use the trick to get to CS2, open it in CS2 and export it again.
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    Without seeing how the design was created in Photoshop it's hard to give an exact answer.
    However, as D Fosse mentioned, if the text in Photoshop are still "live text layers" (editable - not rasterized) you should save as a Photoshop PDF and place this in InDesign.
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    More details might help (including OS version, InDesign version), but probably not -- InDesign has a pretty good recovery mechanism, and if it didn't pop up a saved copy of your document when you restarted InDesign, then chances are you're not going to  find a recovery file by hand, either.
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    How does the backup disk work? Do you have some sort of automatic backup system that scans your drives looking for modified files? That's the only way I can think of that a backup file would be modified.
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    First, this is a user-to-user forum, not tech support, but we usually do a better job than they do, so welcome.
    Second, was the 10.9.1 install an upgrade or clean install? OS upgrades are always a gamble.
    Normally we advise uninstalling and reinstalling ID (and run the cleaner tool in between [CS Cleaner Tool for installation problems | CCM, CS6, CS5.5, CS5, CS4, CS3]) after an OS upgrade when strange stuff happens, but it sounds like you've already at least reinstalled. It won't hurt to trash the prefs, too (did you elect to repalce them during the uninstall?), though I really think this is an OS issue, not ID. See Replace Your Preferences
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    Some new information this morning from the other user:
    Hi Peter, I just wanted to give you an udate in case it helps others: the problem returned, and I tried creating a new profile on my machine and running it that way, to see if it was just the prefs or my profile. Although i could save etc I then couldn't PDF anything without errors, so went back to my original profile. I reinstalled Acrobat in case that was the culprit, but no difference.
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    Kind regards and thanks again for all your help and quick responses.
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    My aim is to have a box in the document where I will type the filename and path where I want the InDesign file to be saved (eventually this will be generated from a datamerge).
    I then want to run a script which will read the contents of the box and then save the document to that filename or location.
    At the moment I have:
    //An InDesign CS3 JavaScript
    //Saves the document to the provided path
    //get contents of the FileNameBox box on the document
    var varFileName = app.activeDocument.textFrames.item("FileNameBox").contents;
    //now save"/"+ varFileName+".indd");
    //alert (app.activeDocument.filePath);
    When I run the script (with "Hello" in the FileNameBox) the file changes name on the top bar of InDesign to "Hello.indd", but (when I run the commented out alert at the end) the file is not actually saving anywhere.
    If I close InDesign and then open it the file is listed under "Open Recent" on the menu, but clicking it does nothing - again the file doesn't exist.
    Does anyone have any ideas to help me from tearing my hair out?
    Where is my file saving? (Or, if it isn't, how can I make it save!).
    Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.

    var myFolder = new Folder("~/Desktop/Test");
    if (!myFolder.exist) myFolder.create();
    var varFileName = app.activeDocument.textFrames.item("FileNameBox").contents; + "\\" + varFileName+".indd");

  • InDesign file saving and exporting S-L-O-W.

    I am a designer using the InDesign/InCopy layout workflow. After my last post things were working pretty good for awhile. But now it is taking more than an hour to save over the network. I tried putting everything in the same folder on the network (links and all) and it still took me more than an hour just to relink a placed InCopy story. I am going mad. A week overdue for my first draft and I can't do anything. So today I decided to just  use the package workflow to speed things up. However it still takes as long to create assignments even after I have saved the InDesign file and links to my desktop.
    Is there any possibility this is caused by using the last document and saving as new name? Even if I have unlinked all assignments and stories first?
    I've tried saving as an inx file but I lock up.
    Thanks for your help in advance,

    It turns out that is the issue. AnneMarie, were you able to find the other thread? I thought my problem was solved by deleting the random 40,000+ lines of garbage using a text edit program. But the random lines are re-generated each time I save the file in indesign. My IT Manager thinks it has to do with the InCopy plugin. In analyzing the 'garbage lines', here is what we do know. Each time a body of text is saved using the InCopy plugin, it is generating 62 unique id's of random URLs, and multiplies those id's 657 times...thus creating 40,000+ lines of garbage that bogs down the file. The urls are not used anywhere in my Indesign file, so we can't figure how the plugin is gaining access to the URLs to generate them.
    We tested it on a brand new block of text in the file that had never been exported as an Incopy file (working off the desktop the whole time) - and the resulting .icml file still had similar URLs generated (all 40,000+). The plugin version is Indesign Application version is CS4 Here is one URL pulled from the file: <HyperlinkURLDestination Self="u54e9" Name="URL 275" DestinationURL="" Hidden="false" DestinationUniqueKey="694"/>
    Any ideas on how to stop the URLs from generating each time I have to save the file?

  • InDesign hasn't saved file changes

    I've just spent a whole morning working on a file, and NONE of the changes that I've made to the document have been saved by InDesign.
    I've saved regularly as I've gone, and I've received no error messages or warnings from InDesign, yet I've reopened the exact same file, and there are no changes to how it was when I left it yesterday. The modification date says 'Yesterday 17:01,' so the file appears not to have been updated by Indesign.
    I've retreived an 'in progress' version from my last Time Machine backup (12:01 today), and a lockfile that was also backed up in Time Machine, and that was next to the file – but nothing. I notice the Lockfile is zero kb, but I don't know if that's usual.
    I'm OS X 10.9.2, and InDesign CC 9.2. This is a whole mornings work down the drain, and I'm on a tight schedule in a busy department: how exactly can this happen without even throwing an error?

    I can only offer a safer method of saving your files, using a File>Save As instead of a File>Save and using versoining numbers. The advice is solid, and these forums are indexed by search engines, so hopefully my advice will be heeded in years to come,
    I know it didn't solve  your dilemma, but it wasn't intended to, it was a word of advice, and prior to your latest post, I had no idea how long you were in the industry or what you consider to be safe practices.
    It's impossible to know these things unless it's specified before I hit reply...
    I'm not an expert on Time Machine, but it's quite possible that your file wasn't saved as the IDLK file prevented the file from being saved - but Time Machine somehow took a saved copy anyway - I'm not sure how that would work though? As that's not my understanding of how Time Machine works.
    It's also possible that you saved your file and it was backed up by Time Machine, and then the IDLK was still in place, when you opened InDesign again it referred to the Backup file located (located in Prefereces) to restore an older version of your file.
    IDLK files are not always removed when you close InDesign, especially after crashes, the IDLK files can remain, linking InDesign to open Backups of your files saved from the Preferences.
    As is my understanding.
    If you can easily give a step-by-step of your procedures then why didn't you? How can anyone troubleshoot what went wrong if they can't follow what you did step-by-step?
    How you the recoup the lost time is up to you - as I've stated before, safer method of saving  your files is to use File>Save As and use versioning numbers, rather than using File>Save and only having 1 version of your file on record. If you follow the Save As rule then you can avoid these diasters.
    I have absolutely no idea what you mean when you say "I also appreciate your 'faith' in InDesign's infallibility"
    Where in the whole reply did I say that InDesign was "infalliabl[ity]e"?
    If you saw this type of behaviour before and were aware of it then why haven't you adopted safer Saving procedures?
    For example, I use the File>Save As and versioning numbers. I also have everything saved on a server that's backed up every evening. Those files are shadow copied onto a personal drive on the server, and also on a cloud storage system outside the office.
    Look - let's not get into who smells like what...
    What happened here was an error with saving your file that you didn't notice. How it happened I don't know because you have refused to give the step-by-steps to recreate the issue.
    If I can't recreate the issue I can't offer any advice to how it happened or how to resolve it.

  • Why am I having lines/borders appearing around my placed Illustrator images in my Indesign Document?

    After I save my InDesign Document and close it... When I open it back up again. There are borders around all of my Illustrator placed images.
    I can't seem to find out what is causing them or how to get rid of them.
    When I am working on the file with it open they are not there.. it's only after I save, close and reopen.
    What the heck????

    Thanks for asking Will....
    I've gotten so confused with back issues of the file....saved in InDesign CC that I just started over..
    Was simpler to do that than to try to fix the one I was working on.....
    But while I have you trying to help me..
    Could you tell me how to set the document setup for a new document in InDesign CC to inches?
    I tried going into the preferences.... it's not there.. Looked through all of the preferences.. still can't find it.
    The documents I'm working on are 47" x 28" or thereabouts and I am having to go back to InDesign 5.5
    create the document there then open it in InDesign CC to have it the right size.
    Thanks for your help!

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