Scene and Audio Problem/Question

I am working on an animation that is comprised of several
Scenes set up in flash. What I am wanting to do is add a mixed
musical piece that will play during the whole duration of the
animation. I thought I could that by just adding the audio file to
the first scene, but what happens is the first scene will play,
then it goes blank until the entire musical score is played and
scene two starts immediately after. Is it possible to get the music
to play across the whole range of scenes? If so how?
Thanks in advance for any help on this! It is much

I need to do this also.

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    There's a (now common) bug that causes bogus data to appear in the Global Transpose track, all by itself, and if the data that got entered was "transpose -1", then your C-major scale will indeed play back in B. To investigate whether this is the cause, open your Global Track display and see if there's any transpose data written in there. If so, delete it and see if that changes the situation for the better.
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    Thats the Nvidea board, this is the via board forum. You want forum below this one, as they will be able to help better.
    good luck

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    See:iPod plays video but not audio.
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    See this for help: Guide to converting video for iPod (Mac/Windows).

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    pin 2: USB Power 2
    pin 3: Negative Signal 1
    pin 4: Negative Signal 2
    pin 5: Positive Signal 1
    pin 6: Positive Signal 2
    pin 7: Ground 1
    pin 8: Ground 2
    pin 9: Key (no pin)
    pin 10: Empty Pin
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    pin 2: VCC
    pin 3: USB0-
    pin 4: USB1-
    pin 5: USB0+
    pin 6: USB1+
    pin 7: Ground
    pin 8: Ground
    pin 9: Key (no pin)
    pin 10: USBOC
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    pin 1: Mic
    pin 2: Mic power
    pin 3: Ground
    pin 4: Front right
    pin 5: Front left
    pin 6: Rear right
    pin 7: Rear left
    On the motherboard it is:
    pin 1: Analog port 1 - left channel
    pin 2: Ground
    pin 3: Analog port 1 - right channel
    pin 4: Active low signal (unused for me i believe)
    pin 5: Analog port 2 - right channel
    pin 6: Jack detection return from front panel (jack 1)
    pin 7: Jack detection senseline
    pin 8: Connector Key
    pin 9: Analong port 2 - left channel
    pin 10: Jack detection return from front panel (jack 2)
    They are connected like the ones here
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    Quote from: Maesus on 04-February-07, 02:41:18
    For USB, do not connect the pin-10.
    The audio is a tough one. The 10 pins on the motherboard actually only gives 2 ports. But your chassis has 3 ports. So no matter how you connect them, you only have 2 ports functional. Use the Realtek HD Audio Manager, sort of like the audio control panel. Enable the front ports, and start testing your speakers/mic and see if they work fine. I expect you to come back and tell us how to configure the pins later.
    Thats the thing about the USB.  I don't have a wire or anything going to the 10 pin.  It seems like it should just be a matter of connecting the block and being done with it.  I don't get why it is not working.
    As for the audio.  I will messa with it a little more but i don't really much care it is works or not.  While it would be nice I don't really plan on using it.
    SOME EXTRA INFO:  I have been messing around with this and it seems like my USB ports are not working at all. after booting up.  As long as i have the USB thumb drive plugged in when i boot the computer i can see it (in the front or back panel) but as soon as i pull it out and try ot put it back in then that is when nothing happens.
    So i guess it is not really a connection problem as the front USB do work but only when the thumb drive is plugged in when the computer is booted.
    Any help is greatly appreciated!!!

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    You should contact the developers of Flash Slideshow maker as
    soon as possible. They'll need to address this inside their
    Bentley Wolfe
    Senior Support Engineer, Flash/Flash Player/Digital Editions

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    Surely someone else has done dialogue replacement?? Can you please help with some advice? Thank-you!

    Well... in the end, I bought a MXL USB Mic Mate. And it works wonderfully. The guy at Guitar Center was a moron.
    If you're using a decent XLR mic, and want to do voice-over, I recommend it. Soundtrack Pro recognizes the USB mic, and you're good to go.
    There's still a delay during the ADR process, so it's FAR less than ideal, and I have yet to figure out how to use Soundtrack Pro in a more "professional" ADR way. If anybody has tips (or can point me somewhere online), that would be great. We've got a ton of ADR still to do.


    The first clip I insert into the timeline always has a separate audio line and collapsing it into the main line is fruitless.   Why is this so and is there a way of rectifying that?
    A second problem is audio distortion.   I keep getting distorted audio and can't rectify that either.   Have reinstalled FCPX a couple of times to se if that succeeds but it doesn't.   Will anyone help with these mysteries please?

    AAre you using the open in timeline function? That's not how you put a clip into a project.
    DO the meters show the audio in the red? Have you pulled down the level line on the clip in the timeline?

Maybe you are looking for

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