Scrolling only part of a page...possible?

I'd like to have a page where the left side contains a few components that stay put no (do not scroll) as well as an area in the top center of the page, but have the right side hold components that allow vertical scrolling
For example, let the # symbol denote data that does not scroll and the % symbol denote data that can. The page would then be represented with something that looks like this:
#######    %%% <--scroll bar here
#######    %%% <--scroll bar here
#######    %%% <--scroll bar here
#######    %%% <-- scroll bar hereHow might this be done? Would you have to use frames or can something like a page fragment do the job? If this were Swing, you could just drop the components that you need to scroll inside of another component, but I don't see any components on the pallet that would support something like this other than maybe a page fragment.

This is rather easy to be honest, although I can't tell you by heart how to accomplish this. What you want to do is separate your pages in areas demarked by <div></div> tags that have an ID that more or less tells you what part of the page you're talking about.
Please note that the ID is just for your reference so you know what you're talking about, but an ID is requried, more or less.
Anyway enough about ID's, use the position value of your stylesheet selector to create your page. By setting it to fixed, or absolute or static, you can actually create exactly what you want.
Okay, that was a lot of useless information, but it is possible, you now know this. It would be better to check out the website of Wester Civilization (
They've got an excellent CSS editor (I'm not affiliated with them, but I happen to use their tool (Style Master 4.02) which helped me to create my web-pages by just using CSS and that works great in conjunction with Creator/JSF. There's a tutorial on their site that you can do to create exactly the page as you described and the tutorial is a CSS tutorial that helps you in using the tool, but explains everything in a way that you can use any editor.
Hope this helps.

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