SD Custom status

Hi SAP gurus,
I would like to manage custom status in sales order positions.
I used the customizing SALES-> SALES DOCUMENTS -> Define and Assign Status Profile.
I created my schema with 3 different status, and I would like that one of these status blocks the requirements in MD04.
Does any one of you can help me?
I would like to avoid using rejection reason, because the position is not rejected, it is only in a status that should not create any production requirement.
Thanks a lot in advance.
Francesco Chioni

Thanks a lot for your kind reply.
I could play with user exits taking into account your suggestion.
But before approacing to exits I would like to understand the possibility to use statuses (the position has really to pass from one status to another), like a release procedure where statuses must be tracked.
Example: Custom Status A "draft", the position is active, but no requirement
               Custom Status B "approved", the position is active, but with requirements
If anyone has other info about this topics...
Thanks a lot.

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  • Standard sap BACK, CANCEL icons affected by custom status - why?

    Hello SDN Community,
    I was trying to clean up some items in the Function List display of my custom status and I had deleted a couple of items that I had created incorrectly.
    After that, I ran my transaction and clicked the standard sap EXIT icon.  It returned me to the initial SAP screen.   However, I noticed that the BACK and CANCEL icons were greyed out.  It was working fine 5 minutes before this.
    Would anyone know what I might have done to cause this to happen?  Things to look for, places to check?
    Thank you,
    Dean Atteberry.

    Both buttons (BACK, CANCEL) have function codes of the same name.
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    Thank you for your help.
    Dean Atteberry.

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    Hi ,
    Thanks for joining the EE Community.
    Did you receive the activation password via text when you tried to register or could you not get that far?
    Click here for help with connecting to London Underground WiFi.

  • Resource Object - Add Custom Status

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    Thank you in advance,

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    Thanks in advance,

    Requirement looks bit strange to me, if at all the IDoc is not needed to be sent for error message then why to Generate them, just filter out creation of IDocs by setting the Filters in Distribution model.
    For your requirements you may want to take a look at Badi HRALE00OUTBOUND_IDOC.

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    Does anyone have any clue if the requirement is correct (adding a custom object status) and so, where i am going wrong. Thanks in advance.

    A quick doubt..If i have written down a process task and calling this on completion of 'Reconciliation Update Received' and in this process task , a adapter is attached which is updating the resource account status (ost_status) on the basis of some custom attributes. This task is working fine and updating the status. But the issue is that once this task is complete, the mapping in Process definition (loginDisabled <MetaDirectory> --> OIM_OBJECT_STATUS) overrides the status.
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    1. Reconciliation run
    2. Event Linked
    3. Reconciliation Update Received
    4. Call The custom Task --> Update the OST Status
    5. Update the OST Status per the mapping OIM_OBJECT_STATUS.
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    Dear Efren
    One time Customer are used for customer's which are going to purchase either once or very rarely, so if you create one time customer, this same customer can be used for multiple cusomers, if you see the account group CPD in OBD2, you will find all the address fields are suppresed.
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  • ChaRM customizing - status hangs

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    10     OPEN     Open     10     25     1     1     ZLPI_10
    20     DESC     Problem Described     20     30     1     1     ZLPI_20     INPR
    25     REJE     Rejected     25     25     1     1     ZLPI_25     FINI
    30     PACC     Problem Accepted     20     40     1     1     ZLPI_30     INPR
    40     PESS     In Process by ECS     20     50     1     1     ZLPI_40     INPR
    50     SPRO     Solution Proposed     50     71     1     1     ZLPI_50     INPR
    60     ONHO     On Hold     50     71     1     1     ZLPI_60     INPR
    66     SAPP     Solution Approved     66     80     1     1     ZLPI_65     INPR
    71     SREJ     Solution Rejected     25     71     1     1     ZLPI_70     INPR
    80     SIMP     Solution Implemented     80     90     1     1     ZLPI_80     INPR
    90     CLOS     Closed   90     90     1     1     ZLPI_90     FINI
    99     STS     Sent to SAP     99     99     1     1     ZLPI_99     INPR
    A Change Request can be withdrawn which causes the status of the linked Incident to be set to "Problem Accepted" (via the SET_PREDOC action which works fine). The only problem we encounter now is, once the status is set to "Problem Accepted", no further statuses can be set.
    Additional information:
    - the system status remains "In Process" when the Incident is set to "Problem Accepted"
    - the status still can be changed with the CRM_SOCM_SERVICE_REPORT (sequence of status profile is maintained)
    - Linked Change Requests can only be created when the incident is in status "Solution Approved" meaning every incident with a withdrawn change request already reached status Solution Approved (stat.nbr 66) before
    Has anyone encountered a similar problem with status profiles which 'hang' at a certain status ?
    Thanks in advance,

    the following statuses - which should be shown - are not shown:
    - Problem Described     
    - Rejected     
    - In Process by ECS

  • Clear Custom statuses from Messages?

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    The thing is he "old" / standard code isn't executed. I tried using a break point there to see if it will be executed, but it didn't stop at all .
    Here is the code.
    IF param1-value = 'InteractionEndRequest'.
    *    BREAK-POINT.
         DATA:           lr_messagetab        TYPE         crmt_genil_mess_cont_tab,
                             lr_core              TYPE REF TO  cl_crm_bol_core,
                             lr_message_container TYPE REF TO  if_genil_message_container,
                             lr_mess_core         TYPE REF TO  cl_crm_genil_mess_cont_manager.
         lr_core        = cl_crm_bol_core=>get_instance( ).
         lr_mess_core   = lr_core->get_message_cont_manager( ).
                     IMPORTING et_result =  lr_messagetab ).
         LOOP AT lr_messagetab INTO lr_message_container.
           lr_message_container->delete_messages( ).

  • Bugs with Custom Status not getting displayed on Product Backlog and Sprint Backlog

    We added a couple of new states to the Work Item Type of Bug. We want all the bugs to show up in the Sprint Backlog items.
    In order to do this we added the custom states in Common Process Configuration file using witadmin and also in the Workflow tab of "Bug" using TFS Power Tools.
    The excerpts from the Common Configuration file for this is: 
    <BugWorkItems singularName="Bug" pluralName="Bugs" category="Microsoft.BugCategory">
          <State value="New" type="Proposed"/>
          <State value="Open" type="Proposed"/>
          <State value="Deferred" type="Proposed"/>
          <State value="Approved" type="Proposed"/>
          <State value="Committed" type="InProgress"/>
          <State value="Ready
    For QA" type="InProgress"/>
          <State value="Devlopment
    in Progress" type="InProgress"/>
          <State value="Done" type="Complete"/>
          <State value="Closed" type="Complete"/>
          <State value="Reopen" type="Complete"/>
          <State value="Fixed" type="Complete"/>
    I assumed that this should have been sufficient to display all the Bug Work Items with these custom states.
    So, I created a new bug that had the state of "New" in the system. It was visible in the Product Backlog.
    When I changed the same work item's state from New to
    Open and save, the bug is removed from the backlog with this message.
    [Title] was removed because of your recent changes.
    The following changes removed the item:
    State was set to: Open
    Even after refreshing the page, the same work item does not appear in the product backlog page or the Sprint Backlog page.
    Any idea why this could happen?
    TSF Version : TFS 2013
    The Error I am getting on the Settings Page is :
    Page -> Control Panel > CollectionName > FabrikamFiber > FabrikamFiber Team
    Overview Tab > Settings Page
    Under BUGS sections:
    TF400917: The Current Configuration is not valid for this feature. This Feature cannot be used until you correct the configuration.

    Hi Augustya,
    I'd like to know the version of TFS you're using, and how did you customize the Common Process Configuration file for display the bugs on backlog page.
    You can add bugs or other work item types to appear in either the task board or the product backlog, but not both. I have a try and it wroks for me, you can follow the links below to add bugs to the backlog pages and check if it works.
    Best regards,

  • Create Custom Status Field in Webi

    Hi everyone,
    I have to apply a Business Rule in my report and don't know how exactly go about it.
    (I'll be using Webi on top of Bex Query.)
    I have the filed called Material Availability Date, so based on this fields I need to create the status that would be recalculated every date for the same and new Sales Orders
    The rules is the following
    If Material Availability Date is LESSER THEN today's date THEN status is "In Future"
    If Material Availability Date is EQUAL today's date THEN status is "Today"
    If Material Availability Date is GREATER THEN today's date THEN status is "Outstanding"
    I don know how to compare the dates in Bex Designer, but how can I create this new column where the text "In Future" or "Today" or  "Outstanding" would appear?  Any Ideas.
    I thought on creating the Dates Variance Formula, so I'd compare the  Material Availability Date to System Date and I'd have positive or negative numbers or 0, but how to create the status text based on this values??
    Is it possible to do it in Webi?

    Hi Kuatroka,
    you can create a variable in Webi where you compare the dates and output the required text. Then you can just add the column to the table and drag the variable to it.
    Or you can do the date comparisation in the query and provide the text as a field from the query.
    let me know if this helps,

  • Create Custom Status Field in Bex

    Hi everyone,
    I need a good advise on the following topic.
    I have to apply a Business Rule in my report and don't know how exactly go about it.
    I have the filed called Material Availability Date, so based on this fields I need to create the status that would be recalculated every date for the same and new Sales Orders
    The rules is the following
    If Material Availability Date is LESSER THEN today's date THEN status is "In Future"
    If Material Availability Date is EQUAL today's date THEN status is "Today"
    If Material Availability Date is GREATER THEN today's date THEN status is "Outstanding"
    I don know how to compare the dates in Bex Designer, but how can I create this new column where the text "In Future" or "Today" or  "Outstanding" would appear?  Any Ideas.
    I thought on creating the Dates Variance Formula, so I'd compare the  Material Availability Date to System Date and I'd have positive or negative numbers or 0, but how to create the status text based on this values??
    Is it possible to do it in Webi?

    Bex cannot handle text.You can surely do the comparison and get result in numbers like 1 or 2 or 3
    Suppose if mat ava. dt is greater then system date then 1 or 2 like this.
    To do the same first thing you need to do is if you material availability date is char then convert into keyfigure using formula variable with replacement path .
    For system date you can use standard formula variable is available 0F_ADAY.This will be available under formula variable if in case its not there then you can install the same from business content.
    After that you can make a new formula and do the comparison between the two dates with the help of Boolean operators.
    As far as webi is concerned i cant say about it may be may not be not sure.
    Hope it helps.

  • Issue in ALV_LIST, PF status

    I am working in REUSE_ALV_LIST_DISPLAY.
    When i dont use any pf_status_set(form to set pf status)
    parameter while calling FM, i am able to select the column header
    in the output. i.e when i click on column header, it is highlighted.
    But when i use pf_status_set parameter i.e custom gui status passed
    to the FM, then column header is not selected. It is giving message
    as 'Choose a valid function'.
    Is there any setting in field catalog or layout to allow to
    select (highlight) column header while passing custom gui status.

    I made a test here and, to me, even calling a custom status the column select keeps working. See te code below. Take an special attention on bold code.
                I_CALLBACK_PROGRAM = i_repid
                IT_FIELDCAT                   = int_fcat
                I_SAVE                           = 'A'
                T_OUTTAB                         = imat
                PROGRAM_ERROR      = 1
                OTHERS             = 2.
    *&      Form  status
    FORM status USING rt_extab TYPE slis_t_extab.
    ENDFORM.                    "status
    I hope it helps.

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