See WinXP shares

hi all,
I am trying to connect to my WinXP PC's shared files <firewall is off> from a MacBook Pro.
I have an airport express.
I can see the Mac from the PC but an unable to see the PC's shares from the Mac.
When i try Finder>Go>Connect to server> type smb://
I get the following error-
"the Finder cannot complete the operation because some data in smb:// could not be read or written.
(error code -36)
Any help is much appreciated thanks a bunch
macbook pro 1.83   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

Ensure that the PC account you are using has a password.
Ensure that this account has privileges over the shared folders, avoid sharing drives as well.
Sharing files between an XP PC and a Mac running OS 10.4.x

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    Finder window must be open before the shares are mounted for them to appear in the Finder sidebar. Unfortunately, that means even if you use Applescript, you will need to open finder. Or open it and close it for drives to mount automatically.
    You can try the script below:
    tell application "Finder"
      open ("/Applications" as POSIX file) -- replace /Applications with whichever folder you want finder to highlight
      mount volume "smb://nameofyourserver/nameofyourshare"
    end tell
    to your info.plist after you create the applescript app so that the app runs invisible

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    Hi Gilles,
    Thank you very much for your pointing and suggestion and I am sorry for my delay response.
    I understand there are two kind of CLI on CSM depend on using CSM mode or RP mode.
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    - show command begins with "show mode csm x" when using RP mode (ip slb mode rp)
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    ct65svf1#sh ip slb sticky ?
    client sticky associated with a specific client IP address
    groups list configured sticky groups
    | Output modifiers
    ct65svf1#sh ip slb sticky
    So I think, on CSM mode, I can not calculate the amount of sticky entry by executing one
    show command.
    Is my understanding correct ?
    Best regards,

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    It depends on what you want to share ...
    Tap the box with three horizontal white lines top left corner of the Facebook window.
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    Type in   share
    It should take you to:  Learn the Basics

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    A. XRAID connected to Xserve via fibre card.
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    Thanks in advance,

    It sounds like your Apple business sales person could
    use a little education on the matter.
    I'm confused and baffled on the suggestion to have 2
    FC cards in the Xserve and use that for bridging. It
    will not work, and it is not supported.
    To have two Macs see the same volume, you need a
    fibre channel switch. However, without software to
    manage reading and writing, they will corrupt the
    volume, as fibre channel is a block-level protocol,
    and does not support locking primitives (file systems
    like HFS+ support this for single machines, and
    network file protocols like AFP, SMB, and NFS do it
    for sharepoints and multiple machines).
    So, for multiple systems to access the volume at the
    same time, you need a SAN file system. Most of them
    (Charismac's FibreShare, FibreJet, etc.) have "volume
    level locking," which means one machine can write to
    the volume at a time. This is the WHOLE volume, so
    if one of the users is writing files, ANY files,
    nobody else can do anything but read. This is a
    pain, because if user #2 wants to write, an
    administrator must remove user #1's write privileges
    before he can write anything. Xsan is a "cluster
    file system" and supports file-level locking, which
    means you can do exactly what you want.
    I will note, though, that Xsan is a bit complicated
    to set up, and it really does demand you know what
    you're doing, and that you "do it right." To set it
    up right, you're talking a minimum of $30K in
    equipment and software. You need a dedicated
    metadata network, I STRONGLY recommend both a primary
    and a backup metadata controller that do almost
    nothing else (both would be Xserves), and you should
    probably set up Open Directory as well, as it
    simplifies things. So we're not talking easy here,
    and we're not talking cheap (in the absolute sense of
    the word -- though most of the solutions Xsan
    competes with are 5 to 10 TIMES its cost).
    So what do you get, then, with Xsan? You get
    flexibility, and more importantly, you get SPEED. If
    you are doing high definition video, with multiple
    edit stations, then Xsan is your ticket to
    If you don't need Xsan's speed (and by speed, I mean
    with HUGE, sequential files), then just setting up
    AFP on an Xserve that's connected to an Xserve RAID
    will give you very good performance (say, 50+
    MB/sec), with none of the complexity, at
    substantially lower cost. I didn't see your original
    motivation for having the volume shared directly via
    fibre -- what's driving it?
    Thanks for your detailed response. I am learning a lot this week... I am baffled as to why an Apple certified person will claim we can connect two machines to see the same share. He also said that Xsan is needed only we want to work on the same file as the same time - not the same share. To answer your question: I was hoping to gain substansial speed improvement by switching our office from Ethernet to Fibre channel. We have an opportunity to upgrade our current system and have the budget for Xserve+xRaid. I was not aware of the file level limitation that fibre channel presents without Xsan. We do some video editing (DV only at the moment) but mostly graphic design (web+multimedia). We deal with large and small files on a daily basis. We currently share files via a simple NAS ethernet solution (infrant ReadyNAS) which provides reasonable performance. However I feel the system is lagging behind compared to having files stored on a local SATA drive. I was hoping that by investing close to $20K we will upgrade to larger, more durable drives as well benefit from faster connection. I also thought this will also allow us to edit from two or three stations directly to the RAID instead of sticking with one dedicated machine. I wanted the video files to be on one big share. so when an editor is done with final cut pro I can work on the same file in Motion or compress to Flash Video, etc. without copying to another drive.
    To summarize I was hoping to create a simple NAS with faster speed. But the more I read about this it looks like we need Xsan but that it is too complicated for a small firm. We are also interested in xserve so we can work via ARD remotely if needed.
    The way I see it we can do one of three things:
    1. get Xserve+Xraid and have fibrechannel only between them. get a good gigabit router and have files shared by all. I don't know how much faster this will be compared to our current NAS solution but it sounds like we will see some improvement. (we currently all are on gigabit network but I am not sure if the router supports jumbo frames, if all the cables are right, etc.)
    2. get Xserve+Xraid and have fibre channel between the two as well as add a fibre channel card card to one G5 tower. enjoy faster speed on that machine but dedicate a drive that is outside of the main NAS setup - do we need that for dv footage? perhaps just for capturing. It sounds like we can edit footage using ethernet connection but I am not sure if that will sustain capture rate.
    3. risk it and follow what the apple rep said: try to see the share from two machines without fibre switch - either it works or return the extra fibre channel cards.
    It sounds like the current version of Xsan is too complicated for us. The question is how much speed we can get via ethernet and should we try to make one machine a dedicated video unit.

  • PROBLEM: Filemaker Server is ROOT and ROOT can't see mounted shares

    We have Filemaker server 8 running on our machine and have found a silly problem. Filemaker has a built in tool to backup databases. Databases can be backed path can be over the network by typing:
    Unfortunately, the process "Filemaker" is owned by ROOT, while the server (another OSX server) is owned by the user "filemaker". In theory ROOT is god, and can do anything, but for some reason ROOT doesn't appear to be able to get to shares owned by a user on the machine. Can anyone help me with any of the following potential sollutions?
    1) Mount a share on startup as ROOT
    2) Allow ROOT read/write to shares that other users have mounted
    3) Change "ownership" of the "Filemaker" proccess to be a user (instead of ROOT)
    Worse case I could back up the files locally, and then create an applescript to PUSH the files where they're supposed to live, but that feels like one more thing that could go wrong to me, and I like to have as few moving parts as possible.
    Thanks in advance

    This is incorrect, Filmaker Server is not "ROOT" and you probably won't have much satisfaction pursuing your line of thinking.
    ps -aux | grep -i filemaker
    fmserver 457 3.0 -2.5 186340 53236 ?? Ss 19Mar06 316:56.83 /Library/FileMaker Server/Tools/fmserverd
    fmserver 431 1.1 -0.4 93736 8576 ?? Ss 19Mar06 179:51.17 /Library/FileMaker Server/Tools/fmserver_helperd
    I think you may be confusing the parent process with posix user/group permissions. Yes, the parent process of many running processes will show as "root", because the initial process that launches others runs as/belongs to root.
    the "root" user in *nix has full permissions and can see mounted shares. You may have some other issues due to misconfiguration, sorry.
    Just in case you are doing so, no matter what anyone tells you anywhere, it is not a good idea to log in as "root" via the GUI (when the server finishes booting and asks for a username and password).
    One should not do this for a number of reasons.
    As for your FM Server problem, I've done two migrations/updates to FM 8 server & client quite recently.
    The installation creates a new system user and group, which you will not see without selecting the "show system users" in Workgroup Manager.
    The user (ie: owner) is (shortname) fmserver , and the group is fmsadmin
    FM Server stores the working databases in /Library/FileMaker Server
    and that "FileMaker Server" directory is owned by fmserver:fmsadmin
    You should not change that or FM won't run properly, if at all.
    You can point to whatever directory you wish, using FM Server's built-in backup automation.
    What is probably throwing you off, is that, unless you put a trailing slash at the end of the path you enter (in the dialog for the FM Server built-in backup routine), it will tell you:
    "invalid path"

  • Can no Longer See Windows Shares

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    you have accidentally posted in the iPhone forum. You might want to try re-posting in the MacBook forum.

  • Can See Home Share but cannot See Music

    I have 3 computers that are all authorized and have home share running Windows XP. Currently my method of sharing music is using a windows share, but wanted to give home share a try. Comp1 is my master, Comp2 can see the home share, view, and copy just fine. Comp3 can see the home share but within a couple of seconds of clicking the home share it goes back to it's own music library with no error. If I access the same library(windows share) through the home share from Comp3 but going through Comp2 instead this works. I can also mount all the songs on Comp3 and see them from home share on Comp1. I can create a small library on Comp1 and this can be accessed through home share on Comp3. Anybody have a clue to why the full library cannot be accessed directly from Comp3 on Comp1?

    I had this problem and after trying several suggested solutions, came up with the one that worked for me. My Windows firewall was not the problem, it was the ESET virus software firewall on my XP system. In order to see the shared libraries, I have to turn it off. After playing music, I need to turn it back on. Hope this helps!

  • Windows 7 machine can't see smb share or any macs

    We have 7 render boxes set up on our network, all link to our smb share on our mac server accept one! We run SMBUp on the mac server due to well documented issues with smb and it works fine with 6 of the 7 machines...
    I have gone through all settings and checked they match the settings on the other machines. As far as I can tell it matches.
    What's strange is the pc used to connect fine, but when we moved offices it just decided to stop seeing any macs on the network!!! It can see the other pc's on the network just not any mac or smb shares.
    Somebody please help before I smash this pc into a thousand pieces!!!!
    10.9.1 is installed on the mac server.

    My guess is that Win7 "recognized" the device as a Realtek and substituted the Realtek drivers for it. Did your Zonet come with an installation CD ... or provides a web support site? If either, I would strongly suggest, that you use their drivers instead ... and this is a good reason you're only getting access with the 802.11g mode.

  • Mac mini updated to  os  x lion, afp won''t see  qnap share

    I've downloaded and update my mac mini and after the succesfull update I can't see any network shares, no smb no afp and no other computers on the network. I've also updated my Qnap ts439 II turbo + to fw 3.4.4 but to avail. Has anyone seen this too? who has a solution

    Hi, as with other users having the TS-209 there is no firmware availabe that can be handled by Lion. (Still 3.30 from oct 2010)
    There is a conflict in the netatalk versions. So AFP-share are not accessible by authenticated users.
                                      Re: cannot Login                    
    My other post shows how to access your old Timemachine backups in case you need them after upgrading.

  • [PARTIALY SOLVED]Can't see SAMBA share or Printer in Linux

    Greetings all,
    I have built a headless server running Arch linux as the base OS.  I am running SAMBA and CUPS and performing all maintenance of this server via SSH.
    The SAMBA share I can see (read/write) on all the Windows 7 machines on the network as well as the Printer connected to the server.  But I can't see it when I open Thunar or PCManFM.  Nor can I access the printer.
    It's obviously something I am doing wrong but I have Googled different parameters trying to find a solution but have come up short.
    Your assistance and guidance in putting me in the right direction is most appreciated.  All my Linux machines are running Arch.
    Last edited by ichase (2012-10-28 07:19:14)

    I have looked high and low.  The printer is set up via CUPS and the printer in smb.conf is set to CUPS.  All 4 windows computers in the house now have this printer set as default and can print fine.
    But if I try to print in Linux, for example in Libreoffice, I get No default printer found.  Please choose a printer and try again.  When I click ok, the network printer does not show up for me to select.
    I have tried updating the /etc/cups/client.conf on the client computer and it is set as:
    # see 'man client.conf'
    homeserver /var/run/cups/cups.sock
    homeserver 192.168.X.XX
    From what I have read so far, this is correct.  When I go to the CUPS Web Interface it shows under Manage Printer my HP 7300 Series printer there and in idle waiting for job.  And in Windows I can print to it just fine.
    As far as I can  tell SAMBA is set up correctly (I can mount the file drive in Arch with no issues) and CUPS seems to be configured correctly as well from all that I have read.
    Any insight would be great,
    Last edited by ichase (2012-10-28 07:28:31)

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