Select address bar on new tab

When I create a new tab, I have my search box selected. How can I change settings so there will be address bar selected instead of search box?

You can set the new tab page via the browser.newtab.url pref on the <b>about:config</b> page to about:blank or another page that doesn't have a search bar and set the home page to a search page of your choice.
You can middle-click the Home button on the Navigation Toolbar to open the home page in a new tab.

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    here's the FIRST HALF of the source... how do I obliterate it?
    <!doctype html><html lang="en-US"><head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"><title>Yahoo! Search - Web Search</title><meta name="description" content="The search engine that helps you find exactly what you're looking for. Find the most relevant information, video, images, and answers from all across the Web."><style>html{color:#000;background:#FFF}body,div,dl,dt,dd,ul,ol,li,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,pre,code,form,fieldset,legend,input,textarea,p,blockquote,th,td{margin:0;padding:0}table{border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0}fieldset,img{border:0}address,caption,cite,code,dfn,em,strong,th,var{font-style:normal;font-weight:normal}li{list-style:none}caption,th{text-align:left}h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6{font-size:100%;font-weight:normal}q:before,q:after{content:''}abbr,acronym{border:0;font-variant:normal}sup{vertical-align:text-top}sub{vertical-align:text-bottom}input,textarea,select{font-family:inherit;font-size:inherit;font-weight:inherit}input,textarea,select{*font-size:100%}legend{color:#000}body{font:13px/1.231 arial,helvetica,clean,sans-serif;*font-size:small;*font:x-small}select,input,button,textarea{font:99% 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  • Cursor focus needs to be in address bar in new tab

    It's been a couple of weeks since I've had this problem, and I can't seem to solve it.
    Firefox automatically updated to version 24 and ever since, when I open a new tab, either with Ctrl+t or by pressing the + sign, there is no focus of the cursor, nowhere, while before, the focus was in the address bar. I want to have that back, since it is extremely annoying to always have to move my mouse cursor to the address bar and click it.
    I haven't changed anything, tried reinstalling, tried the costum new tab add-on, but nothing works.
    So if anyone here is able to help me out, it'd be greatly appreciated.

    Yes, that happens with the about:newtab page. You can press the F6 key to set focus to the location bar.
    You can change the browser.newtab.url pref to about:blank to get an empty page with the cursor in the location bar.

  • Can't get focus to address bar in new tab

    I have tried everything said in previous posts and unfortunately i cant get it to focus the address bar.
    I have tried uninstalling all adons, restarted in safe mode, this should be like this automatically, but for some reason it isn't. Can i change something in about:config?

    You might need to reinstall Firefox to repair program files, but first, do you want to try a different new tab page: just a blank page?
    (1) In a new tab, type or paste '''about:config''' in the address bar and press Enter. Click the button promising to be careful.
    (2) In the search box above the list, type or paste '''newtab''' and pause while the list is filtered
    (3) Double-click the '''browser.newtab.url''' preference and change from ''about:newtab'' to ''about:blank'' and OK that change.
    You can test immediately with Ctrl+t to see whether that makes any difference.

  • The only way I can open a new tab is by right-clicking a bookmarked site and selecting "Open in a New Tab." I can't click on the New Tab + or CTR+T or open via File. WHY?!?

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    The Ask Toolbar is causing that in the Firefox 3.6.13+ versions. Uninstall that extension.
    There are a couple of places to check for the Ask toolbar:
    * Check the Windows Control panel for the Ask Toolbar -
    * Also check your list of extensions, you may be able to uninstall it from there -

  • My bookmark icons can be fully seen in bookmark toolbar. But on the address bar and on tab most of the icons are blank and when I open most of the websites, their icons are also blank, too. I've already reinstall the firefox 3.6.3 but it is the same. Plea

    My bookmark icons can be fully seen in bookmark toolbar. But on the address bar and on tab most of the icons are blank and when I open most of the websites, their icons are also blank, too. I've already reinstall the firefox 3.6.3 but it is the same. Please help me. Some of the websites show thier icon normally.
    == User Agent ==
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100401 Firefox/3.6.3

    Yes, it doesn't work. I ran in safe mode. nothing changed. I uninstalled Mozilla firefox with only standard removal, no change. I finally uninstalled Mozilla with complete removal and reinstalled it, then it return to normal. Why does this happen? Thanks for your reply.

  • When I right click and select open link in new tab, it leaves the page I am on and takes me to the first tab to the right

    I usually have many tabs open when I read the news, and it is nice to select open links in new tabs while scrolling through a news' home page. Lately, however, Mozilla has been opening the new tab, but switches the page I am viewing to the first tab to the right of the home page. For example, I had open, and then a few Facebook tabs after that to the right. Whenever I would select open link in new tab, the tab I was viewing would switch from to the first Facebook tab to the right, and the new tab would open a little further down the line. Any chance anyone knows how to fix this?

    Start Firefox in [[Safe Mode]] to check if one of the add-ons is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Tools > Add-ons > Themes).
    * Don't make any changes on the Safe mode start window.
    * [[Troubleshooting extensions and themes]]

  • When I click on the "+" to the right of the last open tab on the tab bar, a new tab will not open. Help, Thanks, Jim

    When I click on the "+" to the right of the last open tab on the tab bar, a new tab will not open. Help, Thanks, Jim

    Well, it is showing as being install in the version of Firefox that you posted here with.
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20110830 '''AskTb'''AD3/ Firefox/3.6.21
    ''''' "and whenever I click on a bookmark, it opens in a new tab automatically" '''''
    Probably caused by an extension, or a couple of extensions that are in conflict with each other. <br />

  • Opening web pages from address/url bar in new tabs

    The primary reason I use Firefox instead of Safari is that I can enter a url in the address bar and the corresponding page will open in a new, foregrounded tab. I seem not to be able to do this in Safari, and neither the Saft nor the Safari Extender plug-ins appear to address this problem.
    I know that I can press apple + T to create a new blank tab and then type in the address I want to go to. But is there anyway to have the website whose address I type into the address bar automatically appear in a new tab that is foregrounded and to the right of the tabbed window I was looking at?
    I'm perplexed that this very basic feature is so difficult to locate and use in Safari.

    You're welcome. Glad I could help.
    There are a lot of hidden tricks in OS X. It certainly is an OS of discovery. Books like Dave Pogues OS X Tiger - The Hidden Manual help us all to think out of the box when using the OS.
    I do remember something Scott Kelby said in one of his books: "the Apple (command) key unlocks many secrets".
    Please consider marking this post "solved" to the far right of my name. Helpful for others looking for a solved solution to a similar question, also helpful for me.
    Aloha from Big Island.

  • Right-clicking on links and selecting "Open Link in New Tab" opens a blank tab.

    Seems like opening links in new tabs just doesn't work in any fashion. I right-clicked a link (several, actually) to open it in a new tab. It opened a blank tab. No sign of ever acknowledging the link, nothing in the URL bar. Just blank.
    Wonder if this is related to my earlier question about opening links from Thunderbird being broken as well...

    2 Solutions found in []
    the user cor-el has a method that does not require any add-ons. He States
    This code in userChrome.css will move "Open Link in New Window" to the top of the context menu.
    <pre>@namespace url("<a href=""></a>"); /* only needed once */
    #contentAreaContextMenu &gt; * { -moz-box-ordinal-group: 2; }
    #context-openlink { -moz-box-ordinal-group: 1 !important; }</pre>
    the user jay_ff shows how to do it using the Menu Editor Add-on
    1. Install the Menu Editor add-on from .
    2. After the installation, go to Firefox> add-ons (or simply use Ctrl+Shift+A)
    3. Go to the Menu Editor "Options"
    4. In the "Main context menu," simply grab the "Open link in New Tab" and place it below the "Open Link in New Window"
    5. and Voila! You may also change other menu options if you want to!
    I tried jay_ff method first and found that indeed changing the Main Context Menu did cause the hotlink context menu to change as well.

  • Im missing title (address) bar and the tab "+" button on Firefox Mobile for Android, how do i get them back?

    I think I accidentally went into fullscreen and cant figure out how to get out of it on Firefox for Android Tablet (Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0)

    Hello Sher.
    If you're talking about the menu bar, press ALT or F10 in your keyboard to make the Menu Bar temporarily visible. If you want it to be permanently visible, go into ''View > Toolbars > Menu Bar'', or right-click the Navigation Toolbar (the Reload button, for example) and select ''Menu Bar''.
    If this doesn't help, right-click the navigation toolbar, select ''Customize...'' and click ''Restore Default Set''. If it doesn't appear right away, try pressing ALT or F10. You can go into ''View > Toolbars > Menu Bar'' to make it permanently visible, or right-click the Navigation Toolbar and select ''Menu Bar''.
    If none of this helps, you may be having a problem with some Firefox add-on that is hindering your Firefox's normal behavior. Try disabling all add-ons (just to check), to see if Firefox goes back to normal.

  • Navigation bar opens new tabs for links on the same site - only newer versions of FireFox does this! Why?

    I've used this custom navigation bar for nearly a decade. New versions of FireFox open new tabs when I navigate to different pages on my weather site. Very annoying!!! I've tried turning off tabs, but then it opens NEW WINDOWS! These links ARE NOT ENCODED TO OPEN IN NEW WINDOWS! What is causing this? Looks like I"m going to have to switch to Chrome or go back to IE, since nobody at Mozilla seems to care about this. They seem to think it is a good feature and not a bug. What gave you the right to decide to open new tabs at random times? If I click a link on a site that is on the same site I'm already on, and the link isn't coded for _blank, then it should open in the same window!

    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions or if hardware acceleration is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox (Tools) > Add-ons > Appearance/Themes).
    *Don't make any changes on the Safe mode start window.

  • How to remove the search bar from new tab page?

    I've added extra pinned site rows and columns on the new tab page.
    The new search bar is redundant and space hogging.
    Please provide how to disable in step by step instructions :)
    1. Go to Firefox Profile Folder (go to about:support in Firefox then click Open folder/Show in Finder to get there)
    2. Open or create the chrome folder in the Firefox Profile Folder.
    3. Create a blank text file, copy and paste this code into the text file.
    @-moz-document url(about:newtab)
    #newtab-search-container, #newtab-search-logo { display:none !important; }
    #newtab-margin-top, #newtab-search-container { display:none!important; }
    4. Save it as userContent.css (using ALL FILES under the drop down menu)
    5. Place the new css file into the chrome folder.

    Fox_1923: You're not supposed to create a new chrome file but a <b>userContent.css</b> file in the <b>chrome</b> folder.
    You can use mine and <b>cor-el's</b> code together in the userContent.css file to get rid of the large margin in the top along with the search box. I've used it just fine in the latest Nightly and so have others who dislike the search box.
    One thing you could be doing wrong is not setting the file type to all Files and Notepad or whatever else you are using is adding an unneeded extension (for Windows, .txt = userContent.css.txt doesn't work!)
    See this for clarification:
    <img src="" title="Hosted by" /

  • Only show bookmark bar in new tab?

    Would it be possible to only show my bookmark bar when I open a new tab?

    Consider using "jumpstart". It give you access to your bookmarks, your thumnails and more.

  • Strange black and blue bar and New Tab location bar

    Hello, I have a few questions that have stumped me.
    [1] For some reason I have a strange black bar between my tabs and my location bar. I thought it might be a border, but I have no idea as I've tried to remove borders on a lot of selectors and still nothing. Then again, I want my tabs off the aero windows-ish part. I've put my tabs below the location bar before, but all that did was make the location bar on the aero windows-ish part for some reason.
    [2] How do I change the font-style for the location bar in the new tab? Before you start typing it's in italics and I'd like to make the font-style normal. I haven't got a clue on what selector that would be to fix that.
    Here's an image of that strange black bar for question [1]
    Also, here's another picture of another strange blue bar under the location bar.

    I don't see how it's a problem with my code, as I don't add borders. I've taken off a border for basically anything I've seen. I even went through my code just now and didn't see anything that effected this. I even tried to had border: 0px !important; to some relevant properties and nothing changed.

Maybe you are looking for

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