Sent sequence has no audio in STP

I've created a sequence in FCP that contains three finished sequences plus a short voiceover narration and sent it to STP. The file opens in STP with video and voice over narration but the rest of the audio does not come through. I'm not a very experienced user and would appreciate any help you can offer. Thanks.

Have you tried either of these formats: AIFF or WAV?

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    Adobe Premier Pro CC 7.2.1
    I have a big audio mix on the soundtrack consisting of many short different  same duration audio files. now I need to export a sequence of identical files into separate audio track for further processing in to the DAW. the best way to do it is change the color of each identical audio, but I have not found this function or mute from project or just see titles or set up so that when I add  new audio file  it created a separate channel in the mixer not available for other or something like this... otherwise I must push each audio to see title to drag sequence of identical audio file to separate channel and mute others. my mistake is that from  beginning I did not put the identical files to separate channel and now everything is mixed. is there any solution?

    Sorry, but the previous answers are not quite correct. Consolidate tracks will only merge all your edits and fades and make a new audio file out of it. It wont consolidate any automation or insert effects. The same is true for exporting audio from the regions pane. Therefore you still have to perform a "bounce to disk" in order to consolidate properly. So no it doesn't have the "Export All Tracks as Audio Files" option......
    When "exporting" from one DAW to another, it's generally understood that automation and plug-ins will not be included.
    Exporting from Pro Tools does indeed bounce the files to disk. We aren't talking about a stereo mix here. We're talking about exporting all the individual tracks. Are have I misunderstood you?
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    "Export All tracks as Audio Files" was introduced in version 7.0.
    Don't feel too ashamed though. I have a good friend, who has been using Logic daily as long as I have (8 years or so now), who only 3 months ago, saw me utilizing that feature, and his jaw dropped. He too, had been wasting "weeks" of his life, doing it the way you have been doing it. : )
    You're gonna absolutely LOVE using that feature from this day forward...!

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    You can't go backwards.  For the offline issue, try this:
      FAQ: Why are some codecs and sequence presets missing from my installation of Premiere Pro?

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    I had the same problem until tonight. Played with ring tones, do not disturb, volume, and everything else posted. What I found is that when you go to sounds/text tone, there are two types of tones in the scrolling menu. The top set of tones are for alert tones and the bottom set are ringtones. They are separated by a gray bar that states their purpose. Many of the tones are the same name. You need to set your text alert in the Ringtones and reminders, alarms, and such in alerts. The weird thing about this menu is when you go to sounds/ringtone the menu is reversed. Mine works in locked mode or unlocked now. I have an Iphone 6 8.1.2. My problem started after my latest OS upgrade. Hope this helps.

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    I can verify that Apple screen recordings without audio do not import into any Adobe premeier.
    Details on screen recording from Gspot v2.70a:
    qt  : Apple QuickTime (.MOV/QT)
    File Type: QuickTime (.MOV)
    Mime Type: video/quicktime
    Len: 1:03.083
    Frms: 1,521
    Qf: 0.153
    Frames/s: 20.000
    wx: 1280 x 800
    sar: 1.600 (8:5)
    However Apple (MAC OSX) screen recordings WITH audio will import.
    I would think this should be fixable with hotfixes...
    If you (adobe staff) have access to macbook pros 2012 or 2013 models, open quick time pro, do a screen recording, make sure no audio is recording, just your screen movements.. then export to 1080p video (mov is only option).. then on a windows PC try to import that file into adobe premiere. The file will play perfectly fine natively in windows with any player so long as a H264 decoder is available on that system... the problem here is Adobe Premiere. Not the users system.
    To help those with this issue.. just make sure when you render your mov that you have ANY kind of audio in it.. and just remove the audio track once imported into premiere. I know it's frustrating and you would think something as simple as not having an audio track wouldn't break premiere but alas... we have to work around the shortcomings until they decide to fix it.. just like the VFR issue in premiere.

  • Quicktime Restarts Computer, Has NO Audio

    Quicktime Restarts Computer, Has NO Audio
    Quicktime  7.7.2 Restarts Computer.
    1.     Change the setting so the Computer does NOT Restart on Error.
    2.     Update the Video Driver.
    See article on how to change the setting so the computer will NOT Restart on Error:
    •     Changed the Setting so the Computer will NOT Restart on Error.
    •     Updated ATI Video Driver from the Internet ( Computer  >  Properties  > … > Device Manager, right Click on Video Driver and click Update Driver.
    Now Quicktime did NOT Crash but still had NO Audio (See below).
    Quicktime  7.7.2 has NO Audio.
    1.     Install an older version of Quicktime (Ex. 7.6.5)
    •     I Updated the SoundBlaster Audigy Driver from the Internet (Still NO Audio when running Quicktime).
    •     Now that the Drivers were Updated, I Uninstalled and then re-installed Quicktime to see if it would make a difference  (Still NO Audio when running Quicktime).
    •     Trying something else - I installed an older Version of Quicktime ( I used 7.6.5).
    Now Audio worked when using Quicktime.
    Computer Specs:
    •     AMD 3000+
    •     3GB RAM.
    •     Windows XP Service Pack 3.
    •     ATI Video Card.
    •     SoundBlaster Audigy Sound Card.
    Extra Notes:  Even with my Windows 7 Computer - I only have 7.6.7 - it also works correctly - with audio.

    Qualcomm Pure Voice is still an export option in version 7.3 (as it has been in every version).
    It fails to play in 7.3 as others have noticed. I didn't catch it in my beta tests of this version and expect it to be fixed with an updated version.
    I just tested exports using that codec and they do play the audio. Only a few Pure Voice audio tracks I have on my machine fail. All use 22.050 Hz at mono settings.
    A bug.

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    What the heck?

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    I downloaded the .M4V file and I too get the 14 second delay before the audio begins.
    If it plays correctly on her Mac, why does it become a problem on other platforms (CD, dropbox). Can it be the conversion process to CD and upload to Drop Box that is causing the issue?
    Can the problem be embedded in the file, and if so can I edit it to fix it? If so, how do I best do that?
    I consider myself a tech geek and a Mac power user, but I'll admit that I'm not good witih video apps.
    Thoughts or suggestions?

    That's not an iPhoto issue, is it?
    It plays great on my computer (MacBook Air) in iTunes,
    It seems to be related to the burning process, which is done in some other app.

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    Probably an issue with the episode encoding, contact iTunes

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    If I understand what you are saying then yes you are correct. If you want the sound from your tv to come out of your home theatre amplifier run an optical caple from the TV out to one of the inputs on your receiver. Then select that source when you want to listen to the tv. In order to get 5.1 sound though the program source will have to be broadcast in dolby digital. Other wise it will most likely be dolby pro logig or stereo depending on how your receiver is set up.
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    Please enable Speakers in Playback devices as follows:
    1. Right click speaker icon (right hand corner)
    2. Select Playback devices
    3. Right click Speakers
    4. Enable it and set as Default
    5. Click Apply/Ok
    **Click the KUDOS thumb up on the left to say 'Thanks'**
    Make it easier for other people to find solutions by marking a Reply 'Accept as Solution' if it solves your problem.

  • K430-31092​SU new out of the box has no audio.

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    Tech support remotes in and does everything I have already done with settings and drivers so they determine that the motherboard has a hardware failure and the machine will have to be returned. The tech was very easy to communicate with and I was given a case number to talk to the After Purchase Department and they say it will take 4-5 business days for them to contact me to start the process of returning the PC. WHAT? Start the process!
    Every third day I have called Lenovo and every time they say it will be 4-5 days for someone to contact me. The last time I called they told me someone would call that day. Needless to say I have not heard from anyone.
    Will reply later as to when I get instructions on returning the defective K430 and get a replacement. The Lenovo experience so far has been extremely disappointing.

    I always wanted a lenovo and got one couple years ago and was very disappointed at their battery.  For a netbook they wanted 178 bucks - still do.  They are looking heavily to their bottom line in my mind.  I bought a desktop shortly after and had pains plus but it wasn't all their fault.  I just bought an all in one and it will definitely be the last unless I seem them turn around soon.  This board is full of people with problems and no solutions.
    Mine, the touch screen is incompatible with windows 8 yet lenovo was pushing upgrading to windows 8.  Not wise in my mind but that is the way they are functioning right now.  I called about another problem and was told three times someone would call within the day - never happened.
    I must say the older two are great machines after I got them running smoothly though little to no help from lenovo.

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