Sequence of files opened by PS

When opening a stack of images from Bridge into Photoshop, PS arranges the files in descending order, highest number in front of cascade, lowest number in rear.  I'd like them to open in ascending order ... in order to edit the pix in chronological order.  Anyone know of a way to get PS to do that ? I've tried Option + Files Open and that didn't do the trick.  Thx

The order in which the images are opened is determined by their sort order in Bridge (first image shown in Bridge will open first in Photoshop). Therefore, to open them so that they're in chronological order you will need to reverse their order in Bridge using the Sort Order button (see screen shot).
When using Stacks in Bridge above procedure becomes slightly more complicated in that you need to define the sort order before the stack is created. Unfortunately, this means that the actual stack will display in reverse order.

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    6/4/10 Adobe tech support update:
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    Renamer4mac free and incredibly fast.
    Freebie at :
    Google is a good resource for finding things like this.

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    You can download the trial version of Master collection CS 5.5 its free for 30days and it work like the serialized version that is there are no limitations..
    you dont need to uninstall the master collection CS5 for installing CS5.5...
    Are you able to launch Premiere CS5 ? and create new project ?
    How did you unistalled AE CS5 ?
    Did you used Dynamic link in your existing CS5 Project ?

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    Hello Mike
    Yes, I was able to arrive at that solution as well- converting the paths to a raster image then running a live trace on that raster file. I haven't tried uniting the paths though... good suggestion! Thank you!
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    Looking at my dbus messages above, the following section from pacman.log looks very suspicious:
    $ grep disk /var/log/pacman.log
    [2010-03-26 22:57] installed devicekit-disks (009-5)
    [2010-03-26 22:57] installed gnome-disk-utility (2.28.1-1)
    [2010-04-01 07:52] removed devicekit-disks (009-5)
    [2010-04-01 07:52] installed udisks (1.0.0-2)
    [2010-04-01 07:53] upgraded gnome-disk-utility (2.28.1-1 -> 2.30.1-1)
    [2010-04-10 11:07] upgraded udisks (1.0.0-2 -> 1.0.1-1)
    No time currently to check if downgrading these helps. Also looks kinda complicated because udisks replaces devicekit-disks.
    This also looks somehow related: … 0f49cd9b53
    OK, the symptoms can be replicated with the following command sequence:
    sudo /etc/rc.d/dbus restart
    udisks --dump # <-- this takes forever.. 24 seconds on my system
    udisks --dump # <-- any subsequent calls finish instantly, 0.043 seconds on my system
    Last edited by schuay (2010-04-20 18:49:30)

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    Thanks in advance for any help you can give.

    Memory address issues can be tough to track down. Often, they will occur when a program either mis-reports the memory addresses used, or tells the OS that it has released them, when it has not.
    Though written with video editing in mind, there still might be some tips for setting up your computer, in this ARTICLE. If you have Win7, please look down-thread for Black Viper's tuning page.
    Now, Adobe programs have always been great at reporting their memory usage, but it could still happen - I've just never encountered it over the decades.
    Good luck,

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    I had the same problem.
    Try this. _as_the_Safari_PDF_Viewer.html

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    How to open an existing Pages document?
    Click Pages icon in the Dock to launch Pages.
    When Pages is open, click File menu in the  Pages menu bar.
    Select “Open”.
    When the select document  dialog box opens up, highlight/select the document and click “Open”
    at the bottom right corner of the dialog box.

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    and store the file into the database.
    Any ideas?

    Hi azodpe
    i have a solution(Source Code) plz give me ur email address
    i ll mail u later.

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