Service après-vente Apple Store Krysténa : catastrophe

Il y a un mois, j'ai acheté un ordinateur portable Macbook blanc au Apple Store Krysténa situé à Paris, Levallois-Perret. Après un semaine de la livraison et de travailler sur l'ordinateur, il a commencé à marcher très mal avec de sérieux problèmes de configuration et de démarrage. À la fin, j'ai rendu l'appareil au store parce que, finalement, il ne lisait pas le système d'exploitation. *Il faut remarquer et répéter qu'après une semaine de l'avoir acheté, les problèmes de l'appareil se sont multipliés.* Je suis allé le mercredi 12 décembre et j'ai signé un certificat de réparation. J'ai attendu quelque nouvelle plus firme pour les jours suivants mais étant donné je n'ai reçu rien, j'ai téléphoné pour quelques nouvelles. Le vendredi, Krysténa m'ai informé que le hard-disk est cassé et que je dois attendre au moins deux semaines pour la réparation. Pourtant, ils me disaient aussi que cette réparation commencera (c'est-à-dire, les deux semaines estimées commenceront) dans le moment où je recevrai les indications du devis afin de récupérer mes données et que cette récupération coûtera le montant de 120 euros. Aujourd'hui, c'est samedi et je n'ai pas reçu le dit mail, à savoir, je continue d'attendre indéfiniment mon Macbook. Qu'est-ce que je dois faire?
Merci d'avance.

De ce que j'aie pu comprendre, tu as amené ton Macbook chez Krysténa pour réparation le mercredi 12 décembre, tu ne recevais pas de nouvelles de leur part, donc tu les as appelé le vendredi pour savoir ce qui en était. Ils t'ont dit que tu devais alors attendre deux semaines avant de le ravoir (donc tu devrais le ravoir dans les alentours du 27 décembre, s'ils sont ouverts pendant le temps des Fêtes...).
Tu devrais commencer par leur demander si tes données sur ton disque dur sont récupérables, car s'ils disent que le disque est brisé, il y a des chances que tes données soient perdues. J'ai plus ou moins compris tes explications concernant le devis, mais tu disais qu'il mettait en queue la réparation de ton Macbook (la queue étant les 2 semaines d'attente) dès que tu recevais le devis et en fait, tu ne l'as pas reçu. Donc, je te conseille de les rappeler, de leur demander exactement quand tu recevras le devis et d'exiger une date garantie de retour de ton Macbook. Demandes-leur aussi si l'attente de 2 semaines est due au fait qu'ils attendent la pièce nécessaire pour la réparation de ton Macbook.
Si jamais tu trouves que le service du magasin auquel tu fais affaire est mauvais, n'hésites-pas à contacter AppleCare. Tu as de l'assistance technique téléphonique gratuite pendant les premiers 90 jours suivant la date d'achat et un an de garantie contre tout défaut matériel.
Consultes cette page:
Sinon, si préfères trouver directement un autre centre de service:
Si t'as d'autres questions, n'hésitent pas à les poser.

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    Did you already take a look at the Apple Support Page, choose "France" as your country and "French" as native language and go through the Warranty and Service answers, especially the part "Out-Of-Warranty-Service"? This article can answer most of your questions and has some contact info as well.
    Apple - Support - Service Answer Center

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    You need to return to Malaysia for warranty service.

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    Wow, Karan Taneja, you've just embarrassed yourself on a worldwide support forum.  Not only is your post ridiculous and completely inappropriate for a technical support forum, but it also shows your ignorance as to whom you think the audience is.  Apple is not here.  It's users, like you. 
    If you would have spent half the time actually reading the Terms of Use of this forum that YOU agreed to by signing up to post, as you did composing that usesless, inappropriate post, you (and the rest of us on this forum) would have been much better off.

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    You will probably receive an email to rate your experience, make sure you fill it out. I would also call and talk to the service manager of that Apple Store and relate your experience so they can take proper steps to remedy the situation.
    You also need to reduct your font size by a lot if you want people to read your posts.

  • Replacement Needed. This iphone is not able to complete the activation process and needs to be replaced. Please visit your nearest apple store or authorized service center.

    Probably will never ever think of buying a locked phone from AT&T cause its one of the worst system integrations ever that these companies could think of.
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    The SIM card inserted in this iPhone does not appear to be supported.
    The SIM card that you currently installed in this iPhone is from a carrier that is not supported under the activation policy that is currently assigned by the activation server. This is not a hardware issue with the iPhone. Please insert another SIM card from a supported carrier or request that this iPhone be unlocked by your carrier. Please contact Apple for more information.
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    Replacement Needed. This iphone is not able to complete the activation process and needs to be replaced. Please visit your nearest apple store or authorized service center.
    I feel like I am just going around these two different "money hogger" companies which set certain rules and regulations to screw a regular phone buyer. I purchased this iphone in USA and trying to unlock in India, is it really this hard to simply unlock a device.
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    You got a confirmation from AT&T that it was authorized. Is this correct? - Yes i did get an email authorization on the 21st.
    Then you connected the phone to a computer with the latest version of iTunes installed. You clicked on the phone's name in iTunes, then clicked "Backup Now". - Yes
    When that finished you clicked "Restore iPhone" (NOT "Restore Backup") - Yes
    Are you with me so far? - Yes.
    And @ Varjak is right that after the 3rd restore I get the replacement error. 
    Plus I have NEVER jailbroken the iPhone. To give you another update, I spoke to a really nice apple tech in India who was atleast able to get me out of the replacement error by doing a recovery mode option. However, the lastest restore still gives me the same error
    The SIM card inserted in this iPhone does not appear to be supported.
    The SIM card that you currently installed in this iPhone is from a carrier that is not supported under the activation policy that is currently assigned by the activation server. This is not a hardware issue with the iPhone. Please insert another SIM card from a supported carrier or request that this iPhone be unlocked by your carrier. Please contact Apple for more information.
    Message was edited by: jabgars

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    Okay, so if you purchased your iPhone from an Apple store in the UK then it is fully unlocked.  Apple in the UK sell fully and officially unlocked iPhones, so you should not have a problem with inserting any sim card into your phone.  The phone will be unlocked as long as you purchased the phone in the UK for the full purchase price and not as sim free rather than unlocked.
    Have a word with your provider, as there could possibly be a problem with your sim card.  Get a new sim card and try that.  There is no reason why this should not work on an unlocked iPhone.

  • Frustrated with Apple Service and Apple Store... Lemon Law?

    I'm wondering if anyone has had an experience like this before, and if so, how they resolved it? Also, does anyone have any sort of customer service phone number (not tech support), where I could reach a supervisor, or someone who deals with issues like this on a regular basis?
    Let me start from the beginning, and give a quick run-down of my problems.
    *First let me say that the first Apple Store I went to is almost two hours away from where I live, and the second store is just about two hours.*
    I bought a 17" Macbook Pro (Unibody, 2.8ghz, 4GB, 500GB, antiglare display, etc.), in September of 2009. I had problems from the beginning, originally some problems with both the wireless card, and a general slowness of the machine, combined with a cosmetic defect in the screen. I made an appointment at the Apple Store. At the first appointment, they said they had to order a new display assembly to fix the cosmetic defect. So I drove home, got a call a few days later that the part was in. I called a few days later to say I wouldn't be down for another few weeks, and could they please hold the part for me. I was assured that they would. I drove down about a week and a half later, and was told the part was sent back; apparently the message the gentleman I spoke with on the phone had not gotten passed along adequately. I was a little miffed, but figured accidents do happen, so I'd give the benefit of the doubt.
    When I returned to get the display put on, I reiterated the wireless issues I was having (the wireless signal strength was spotty, while my 3 yr old Macbook had perfect strength sitting in the same location [yes, I both alternated which one was on, to make sure there was no interference, as well as had them both on at once]). I was told that because they could not reproduce it there, they couldn't really do much. I also reminded them that the machine was still slow, and they recommended an OS re-install. They then took the machine in back and replaced the display assembly. When they brought it out a while later, the new display had the same problem. I mentioned this, and she said that all the ones that were in back seemed to have the same problem, so there's not much they could do at the store.
    I went down again a few months later to let them know that the OS re-install hadn't helped, and that I really couldn't keep driving two hours each way to not get anything fixed. They apologized profusely, and said they could mail the machine to their depot center, where it would be repaired and mailed back to the store, upon which they'd mail it to me. They also ran some tests at this appointment, and discovered that the processor heatsink may be failing. They made a note, and sent it out. I got a call a week later from the technician at the depot location, quizzing me on the exact problems I was having, and spoke to him for almost twenty minutes while waiting for a doctors appointment. (We'd played phone tag for a few rounds before we finally spoke to each other). I described everything as best I could without having the machine in front of me, but I felt that I was a little ridiculed by the technician. The attitude I sensed was "our tests didn't find any hardware failures, so you must be wrong, or lying." He didn't use those words of course, but he didn't exactly hide it too well either. As I was called into my doctors appointment, (so had to hang up) I asked him over the phone to please do as many tests as possible, and use the machine if necessary to reproduce the effects. He said he'd try, and hung up. I received the machine a week later or so, with a sheet listing what had been done. The list reads:
    Labor charge
    Flat rate repair charge
    Obviously, I wasn't actually charged for either of them, but absent a more detailed list of what they'd done, the only difference I could detect was that they finally replaced the defective display with a non-defective part.
    After another month or so, I returned to the store to let them know I was still having problems, and to get advice. They told me that they'd have to reproduce the issue there in order to do anything. They proceeded to reproduce the issue, and told me that a CLEAN install should do the trick. I did a clean install, and copied things back on very slowly, a few things at a time. The problem persisted even before I'd put much back on.
    About a month later, I made an appointment with the other Apple Store (I have two, both about two hours away), and took it down. They reproduced the issue, and said it could be due to a faulty hard drive. They took it in back and replaced the hard drive. I was a little unhappy how many appointments it had taken, but was hopeful that it had finally been fixed.
    I got a survey in my email about my satisfaction with my last appointment, so I filled it out honestly: that I had been extremely frustrated and disappointed, but I hoped that the fix that was finally provided would be successful. I was contacted the next day by the Head Genius at the most recent Apple Store I'd visited. She was very nice, and spent some time quizzing me on approximate times of hangups and delays. I told her that it did seem like the problems were still there, but I wanted some more time to verify the specifics, and that they had in fact persisted through the HDD replacement, and that I'd call her back if they persisted.
    After very carefully copying things back on (yet again), I realized that it still wasn't fixed. The slow opening of programs had been sped up considerably, but the actual running of the programs was slower than ever, rendering Aperture 3 nearly unusable. Almost every adjustment (and all brush adjustments) will result in a complete system hangup. The few times it occurred to me to open activity monitor BEFORE opening Aperture, I was able to nab a few screen shots using a mouse shortcut I programmed. They show sometimes Aperture uses up to 170% of the processor (!?!), and almost always over 100 when this happens. Other occasions, it's Finder that's eating it up. I ended up with 14 screenshots of about 7 or 8 separate incidents. (Each time, I had to force quit the program, and restart the computer. At NO point was any other program running besides Finder and Aperture 3).
    I called her back about three weeks after the last call, and explained that the problems were still happening. She was very nice again, and quizzed me about the problems, and durations of delays and hangups. She said that she'd order a few parts that it could be, and if I brought it down, they'd keep it there until they fixed it. I explained that after six trips of two hours and 90 miles, I'd put a lot of time, energy, lost work, and gas money and tolls into this computer, only to have it still not be fixed. I told her I wasn't sure that I would be able to come down again, and asked if there was any other way we could arrange this, or any other available options. She was very nice, but asserted that this was the only option.
    Today, I went down again, and explained to them that I really can't come down again. After $150+ in gas and tolls, plus 28 hours of driving, plus lost wages, I just couldn't do that any more. They were very friendly, and kept telling me they really wanted to help me, but theres not much they could do as far as me not having to come down and pick it up again. A few minutes later, we were discussing the specific issues, and it was actually working for once, and they said that they couldn't replace it without verifying the issue, because Apple would throw a fit. (Understandably). This combined with overheard conversation, and other snippets of things said directly to me, led me to believe that if the issue could be reproduced, the computer would be replaced, and I wouldn't have to drive down again.
    A few minutes later, after showing them the screenshots taken previously, we reproduced the issue. Aperture caused a system hang bad enough to prevent showing the dock, quitting, or force quitting (including the keyboard shortcut). I then told them that I had to leave in ten minutes (My sister had a birthday party starting at noon, and they needed adult supervision by that time). They talked for a few minutes and after continually assuring me there was no way around me driving down again to pick it up, told me that they would mail me a box, I could mail it back to the store, and then once it was fixed, we could discuss how to get it back to me. Being in a huge hurry, I grudgingly accepted this, and left.
    I guess I'm a little confused that they didn't replace it after reproducing the issue, which they seemed like they were willing to do until I reproduced it.
    On a whole, I've been extremely disappointed in Apple Service on all ends, both depot and store, and I'd like to know if there's a number I can reach to get some sort of escalation to at least talk to someone, and maybe get some sort of explanation of how it's okay to have someone make seven (almost eight) four hour trips for one single computer problem with a computer that is under warranty.
    At this point, I'm so frustrated, if I could get my money back, and never buy an Apple computer again, I would actually think seriously about it. I was a recent convert (bought a macbook for college in 2007), and thought I would never even think twice about going back, but after this... I'm really not so sure. The only thing that would really prevent me from doing so is probably the $1000's in software I'd have to re-buy for windows, especially since you can't get student discounts twice on one title from most companies.
    I think it's pretty unreasonable to expect someone to spend that much money on a computer that is under warranty, even if it's just on gas and tolls. I frankly can't see the logic in that.
    Do I have any recourse? Even though it's only been technically "repaired" twice for the same problem (this will be the third) It's been looked at and analyzed seven times. I don't know much about lemon laws or consumer protection/warranty laws, but it seems to me that this should qualify.
    If anyone has a phone number or email address of someone a little higher up on the food chain than a head genius at a NH Apple Store, I'd love to get this taken care of. Even a non-tech support customer service number would be helpful.
    Thanks in advance, and sorry for the long novel up there.

    I would suggest contacting AppleCare and briefly explain your frustration and ask to speak to a senior manager. Be articulate, have all of your facts organized including receipts, case numbers, etc. so when you talk to someone in charge you have your facts in a row. You should be also patient and persistent until you get a solution to your problem.
    We are users just like yourself and cannot do anything other than provide some advice.
    Had I been you with all the issues you seem to have been experiencing I would have asked to speak to a store manager. However hindsight is 20/20 so that doesn't do any good. If you do decide to go back to one of the stores make an appointment and when you arrive let them know you want to speak to the store manager. Again be articulate, organized and have all your facts ready including ALL documentation.
    Good luck,
    Message was edited by: rkaufmann87

  • Who do I contact to file a complaint about wifi on my new IPhone5 and poor customer service at the Apple Store in Leawood, KS

    I am having problems connecting to wifi at home with my new IPhone 5.  I got it replaced today at the Apple Store after dealing with a rude customer service person yesterday and today.  They simply would not listen to me explain all the troubleshooting I have done.  I also have an Apple Airport Extreme base station router, Macbook Air, two IPads, IMac and my husband's IPhone 5 on this wifi system with no problems.  After talking to Apple Care yesterday, they told me to go to the store today to exchange my phone.  The customer service person argued with me that I would have the same problems even if I exchanged the phone.  This has been a very frustrating experience and after being a loyal "Apple" geek for many years, I'm seriously thinking about returning my IPhone 5 and getting a Samsung Galaxy S3!  This is totally unacceptable!  Tech support at Apple Care was great yesterday and that person actually listened to me unlike the two individuals at the Apple Store in Leawood, KS.  How do I file a complaint about the hassles at the Apple Store?

    Talk to the store manager.

  • How to fix this error "this iPad is not able to complete the activation process. Please press Home and start over. If the issue persists, please visit your nearest Apple Store or Authorized service provider for more information or replacement"?

    How to fix this error "this iPad is not able to complete the activation process. Please press Home and start over. If the issue persists, please visit your nearest Apple Store or Authorized service provider for more information or replacement"? When I plugged in my iPad this popped up!

    Hi csreddy, 
    If you are receiving a message to contact an Apple Retail Store or Authorized Service Provider for help updating from iOS 3, click on the link below to initiate that support:
    Update the iOS software on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch - Apple Support
    Update your device using iTunes
    If you can’t update wirelessly, or if you want to update with iTunes, follow these steps:
    Install the latest version of iTunes on your computer.
    Plug in your device to your computer.
    In iTunes, select your device.
    In the Summary pane, click Check for Update. 
    Click Download and Update.
    If you don't have enough free space to update using iTunes, you'll need to delete content manually from your device.
    Find out what to do if you get other error messages while updating your device.
    Last Modified: Jan 12, 2015
    Apple - Find Locations
    Contact Apple for support and service - Apple Support
    - Judy

  • If I take my Iphone 5c to the apple store to be fixed with the service charge of $269, if they can't fix it do they replace the phone? Or will I have to pay retail price for a new phone?

    I have a water damaged iphone 5c. I was thinking about taking it to the Apple store and paying the 269 dollar service charge for them to attempt to fix it. My question is: If they can't fix it, will they replace my phone for that $269 dollars, or will I have to pay full retail price for a new phone?

    They do not repair at all.
    The replace.
    The $269 is for a replacement.

  • Can i use my apple "one on one" service at an Apple store overseas?

    Can i use my apple "one on one" service at an Apple store overseas?
    Im new to Mac and so I got Apple "one on one" in store training. I been gone a few times to learn about my iMac and Mac Book. Now work is sending me overseas for short term project and so I was wondering if I can walk into any Apple store overseas and get more training. 

    Yes you can!
    Simply log in to and change your preferred store. You'll notice there is a drop down menu for country also.
    Of course, it is always recommended to confirm a reservation online rather than walking in
    Enjoy the trip!

  • Itunes will no longer accept any of my credit cards.  Says security code doesn't match with any card I use.  I have inputted new card info in the apple store area and it still says the same thing in itunes.  Customer service is no help at all.

    Itunes will no longer accept any of my credit cards.  It says vcode doesn't match when it does.  Customer service is no help.  I have re-inputted the info in the account section of the apple store and in itunes--still says vcode doesn't match.

    Itunes will no longer accept any of my credit cards.  It says vcode doesn't match when it does.  Customer service is no help.  I have re-inputted the info in the account section of the apple store and in itunes--still says vcode doesn't match.

  • UK service provider can no longer unlock my iPhone for US use, and US service providers and Apple store say that only my UK service provider can unlock this phone. Help!

    I bought this iPhone while backpacking through Europe 2 years ago. It was the first thing i did after i got off the airplane to help me navigate, book hostels, trains, flights, and talk with family back home. it cost me around 700-800 US dollars, full price since they do pricing/contracts different over in the UK.
    It's been a couple years, and I'm ready to ditch my 6 year old Samsung and move on to this iPhone. The problem is, since i wasn't using the UK service for a while, they dropped my number/user account completely and they can no longer unlock my iPhone. I talked to AT&T and the Apple store, and they said that the only way I can unlock my iPhone is by contacting the service company that i originally purchased this from--whom can't help since i no longer have an account with them.
    How do i LEGALLY unlock this iPhone for use in the US?

    Only the wireless provider to which an iPhone is locked can unlock it.
    You may have to get a PayAsYouGo sim from that provider to activate
    your account with them so you can get the iPhone unlocked.
    There is not other legal way to unlock the iPhone for use with other than
    the wireless carrier to which it is locked. Contact them to see what options
    they offer for re-activating the iPhone on their network.

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