Set phone manually

In ccm4.1, I can set phone via pressing **# and "Edit" the IP,TFTP manually? But in ccm5, I find the **# don't work normally and "Edit" don't display ? why? How to configure manually?

Click Setting->Network Configuration-> go to DHCP active (or type 30) and Click NO. Type 8 (or go to TFTP Server), the Edit button should be active now.
Hope this helps.
rate if helpful

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    Personal information removed as required by the Verizon Wireless Terms of Service
    Message was edited by: Admin Moderator

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    HOW to Setting IP manually Nokia C7 WLAN ?

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    settings>connectivity>settings>destinations>access point (add new ac. pt.)
    automatically check for available access points? > yes
    available access points> WLAN 1 network avail, Packet data available
    select WLAN>belkin
    asks for pre-shared key for WLAN> enter key
    select destinations> Internet
    Result: adds a new access point with the wlan name detected in the internet access point list.
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    IPv6 settings> DNS automatic
    Proxy server address> none
    Proxy port number > 0

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    Anybody ever seen this?  Am I missing something obvious?
    Post relates to: Treo 800w (Sprint)

    Thanks for the response.  I had long since tried everything you suggested.
    I did quite a bit more testing and googling, and  I think I've resolved it.  But there are definitely some serious problems (My feeling is that these are code defects) in the 800w that caused this.
    1) I created a new email account on my 800w, taking all of the default values
    2) I set the email scheduler refresh rate on the account settings page to 1 day.  But I found later that it made no difference what I set it to.  Same results
    3) I have my own hosting business and host my own email pop server.  So I have easy access to the POP logs.  Here is a snippit from the pop logs with "refresh rate = 1 day":
    12/12/08 21:07:31 INFO  pop3server: Connection for treo.************************.com from
    12/12/08 21:08:40 INFO  pop3server: Connection for treo.************************.com from
    12/12/08 21:09:52 INFO  pop3server: Connection for treo.************************.com from
    12/12/08 21:11:04 INFO  pop3server: Connection for treo.************************.com from
    12/12/08 21:12:16 INFO  pop3server: Connection for treo.************************.com from
    12/12/08 21:13:28 INFO  pop3server: Connection for treo.************************.com from
    12/12/08 21:14:40 INFO  pop3server: Connection for treo.************************.com from
    12/12/08 21:15:53 INFO  pop3server: Connection for treo.************************.com from
    4) Note the time between each line.  It's basically exactly 1 minute + 10-13 seconds.  The 10-13 seconds is the processing of the POP call.  When the POP call ends, it waits precisely one minute and checks again.  I want to point out that there isn't even an OPTION on the refresh menu on the 800w to refresh once a minute. But it is indisputable from the log on my mail server that this is indeed what is happening.  (I set up that pop mailbox specifically for my treo, and no other client mail app is accessing it.)
    5) I changed all the values on the refresh time menu, and even turned off 'Send/receive when I send" option.  I wasn't sending anyway.  But I was just grasping at straws.
    6) I then discovered that there are TWO places to set the refresh rate (???? that's a good design????).  If you open the inbox and select Delivery Preferences from the menu, there is ANOTHER checkbox to "Connect and check for messages every...." with an entry field to enter the number of minutes.
    7) Ok.. this is the defect in the code:  That checkbox was OFF, and the entry field was gray.  That obvious has to mean that I don't want to autocheck anything.  (and that is the default way it comes up on a new account, which makes sense).   But it appears the checkbox is being IGNORED in the code.  It was indeed checking.  And I suspect the empty grayed 'minutes' field was probably returning 0 or something like that to the code.  So ignoring the checkbox and having a zero minutes refresh rate, it was probably defaulting to a minimum of 1 minute.  But it should NOT be refreshing at all with that checkbox off.
    8) I turned the checkbox ON and set the value to 15 minutes:
    12/12/08 22:18:34 INFO  pop3server: Connection for treo.*******************.com
    12/12/08 22:34:09 INFO  pop3server: Connection for treo.*******************.com
    12/12/08 22:49:46 INFO  pop3server: Connection for treo.*******************.com
    9) Note that as soon as I checked the checkbox and set the refresh to 15 minutes, that is indeed precisely what I have in my POP log.  Oh, yeah... by the way... the much more obvious "Automatic Send/Receive" setting on the account menu is still set to 1 day... (why is that page and option even there???)
    10) So in summary, you have one scheduler where the user can set a value that is completely ignored.  And you have a buried checkbox that defaults to off and the code apparently doesn't check it and assumes it's always on. 
    I don't need any additional help.  It's working now.  But I think someone in development needs to take a serious look at how this is working based on my scenario and analysis above.
    Post relates to: Treo 800w (Sprint)
    Post relates to: Treo 800w (Sprint)

  • Using a second computer with an ipod set to manual update

    I want to prevent my ipod 60GB video which is set to manual update on my G5 from being updated when I plug it into my powerbook. The powerbook assumes the ipod is available for auto update. How do I mount the iPod without iTunes automatically replacing its contents. I can't "preset" iTunes in its preferences to treat the iPod as a manual drive as it just says: "no iPod connected. As soon as I attach the iPod the auto update starts. Are there keystrokes to interrupt the update so I can set the iPod preferences on my Powerbook?
    G5 Dual 2Ghz   Mac OS X (10.4.5)   iPod 60GB

    Hold down the ⌥ and ⌘ keys while connecting your iPod. Keep them down until iTunes has opened and your iPod shows in the Source list.

  • How can I sync a (one) song from my computer to my iPad without syncing the entire library even though i have my iPad set to manually manage music?

    Whenever I try to move just one song from my iTunes library to my iPad, it will start syncing like 300 other songs randomly so I cancel everything. I have my iPad set to manually manage music but it still does that. And what's worse, I never get that one song I chose in the first place. The same thing with photos. I'll sync a photo and it starts syncing music as well. But at least I get the photo just fine.

    Easy solution when on itunes simply go to the music tab and press on music library then browse what file which contains the music you want to be added same with photos

  • Please help! I'm unable to access content on my iPod Classic while it is connected to iTunes. The iPod itself shows up and is set to manual management, but I am unable to view or play any of the content on it (music, movies, podcasts etc.).

    I'm unable to access content on my iPod Classic while it is connected to iTunes.
    The iPod itself shows up and is set to manual management, but I am unable to view or play any of the content on it (music, movies, podcasts etc.).
    I can click the tabs Music, Movies etc. but I can't see anywhere to access the files themselves, no music or movies are listed, I only have the option to 'Sync' with the iTunes, which I don't want to do as there is no content on the iTunes!!! 
    I just downloaded the iTunes program.
    Very confused, pleaseee help ...

    Here is what worked for me:
      My usb hub, being usb2, was too fast. I moved the wire to a usb port directory on my pc. That is a usb1 port which is slow enough to run your snyc.

  • My ipod nano isn't syncing when I try and change the setting in manually, but is however syncing when I launch the itunes by plugging it in. I'm wondering if anyone has had this issue and/or had been able to fix the problem?

    My ipod nano isn't syncing when I try and change the setting in manually, but is however syncing when I launch the itunes by plugging it in. I'm wondering if anyone has had this issue and/or had been able to fix the problem?

    Do you have any better luck with that if you update to iTunes
    From the notes for the release:
    iTunes 10.6.1 provides a number of improvements, including:
    • Fixes several issues that may cause iTunes to unexpectedly quit while playing videos, changing artwork size in Grid view and syncing photos to devices.
    • Addresses an issue where some iTunes interface elements are incorrectly described by VoiceOver and WindowEyes.
    • Fixes a problem where iTunes may become unresponsive while syncing iPod nano or iPod shuffle.
    • Resolves an ordering problem while browsing TV episodes in your iTunes library on Apple TV.

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