Setting up a project where ADO only needs to call procedures, no tables?

I am not sure if JDeveloper is the right tool, I'm just trying to prototype something to see if it would work.
Goal: Upload files into an item content region in Oracle Portal.
Using JDeveloper, It is pretty easy to upload file. Once I have the uploaded data, I would think that it would be pretty simple to call Portal APIs to upload_blob and add_item to get the uploaded file in an item content list.
I tried this with ApEx, but the problem being that ApEx was on a different database instance, and trying to pass blob_content over a database link, well, didn't work for me.
The key is a create a quick, simple application that just performs a file upload, then adds the content to Oracle Portal calling portal API's. Giving the end user an admin login to modify page content isn't really a good option. (laughing)
JDeveloper seems to be a good choice for this task, but I am not sure how to setup the ADF components. I need access to calling the pl/sql procedures and API that are in the portal schema.
So does anyone have some guidance on setting up ADF to do this?
Thanks, Ken

I will work with the first example link.
The question: What is the correct way to use ADF components if the only thing I want is the ability to call stored procedures. In order to upload files, I would still need at least a view with transient objects that I can use to call the pl/sql procedures.
Thanks for the links! Ken

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    WAS is only an application server, you have to install enterprise portal to deploy and run applications.
    Refer this link for a simple example
    <a href="">jspdynpage</a>
    You can download the EP sneak preview from here
    <a href="">Download</a>
    Use the JAR FINDER to find the required jar files
    <a href="">Jar Finder</a>
    HTMLB Documentation
    <a href="">HTMLB</a>
    You can search for information.
    <a href="">API</a>
    The basic jar files such as the one for htmlb are available in the eclipse->plugins directory in your system. use the jar finder set the path to eclipse->plugins directory and give the search term as "htmlb" and
    right click on the search result to add it to your project.ex:
    PDK only contains sample code.
    see the jar finder blog and install the jar finder or right click on the project -> properties->java build path->Add external jars->
    the htmlb jar is in the folder
    eclipse->plugins->> add this jar to your project.
    Some jar files will be on the server machine, if you cannot find the jar file in the eclipse plugins folder then they will be in the server under the path
    Message was edited by: Kirupanand Venkatapathi

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