Sharing a (hotel) Wifi Connection?

When I stay in hotels I often have to use a very expensive wifi network, connecting with my MBP. Is there a way of sharing that connection with my other wireless devices (iPad and iPhone) using either a software or hardware solution. I guess I need to create a second wireless network to share my connection, which is probably not possible with a MBP/OS X, but I wonder if anyone has produced a device (USB?) that will provide a second wireless network?

if you can get a wifi stick that works under OS X, this should work.
you cannot share from wifi to wifi because of a technical limitation - you only have a single wifi card, so you can only use it to either receive or send.
if you can get a second wifi interface to work under OS X, you should be able to pass the internet from one to another.
another solution is to share from wifi to bluetooth, but the iphone and ipad cannot receive internet that way.
another solution might be to set up your iphone to tether its internet, which you can then pass on via bluetooth.

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    This assumes that you use the Ethernet port to connect the iMac to the Internet: 
    Navigate to  menu > System Preferences... > Sharing > Internet section. Switch on Internet Sharing and choose "Sharing your connection from": "Built-in Ethernet". To computers using "Airport".
    To secure the connection (highly recommended) go to  menu > System Preferences... > Sharing > Internet section. Click on "Airport Options..." and check "Enable encryption (using WEP)". Then enter a password twice. You will need to enter this password to share your connection, although you should be aware even 128bit WEP isn't all that secure.
    Additionally OS X IP firewall is probably blocking incoming Port 80 requests (i.e. web traffic).
    Go to  menu > System Preferences... > Sharing > and under Services check "Web Sharing".
    The wording in this post is for Leopard (10.5).

  • Sharing a WiFi Connection in OSX

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    Anyone know of a way to do this on a MAC? 
    All the best,

    Hi Sig,
    If only life was that simple.  The basic Mac XOS Internet Sharing will allows you to share a wired internet connection over wireless or a wireless internet connection over wire.  Or if you have two wireless cards you can share the connection on one wireless card with users onanother card.
    What I wanted to do was share the Wireless Internet connectionon the same wireless card.  It looks like you have to pick a different interface for sharing then the one your wish to share using the approach you are recommending.
    All the best,

  • Hotel WiFi, Privacy, and  Computers appearing in Shared List

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    The computers on the shared list are computers connected to the same network that are advertising that they are sharing resources (generally files). Their appearance in the sidebar is not connected with whether or not you are doing the same thing -- though it's important to realize that if you do have file sharing enabled, your computer *would not* appear in the sidebar.
    Open System Preferences, click on the "Sharing" icon, and look to see if anything is shared. If so, you can disable it by unchecking the item from the list.
    Note that even if something is share, others would still need your username and password to access your files. They can guess it, but it does limit how quickly they can do it. There's a folder called /Users/Shared/Public, and anything in there is accessible by guests, as are the user Public folders if you have file sharing turned on.
    You computer will always be "visible" to other systems looking for other computers. Obviously, if you turn off file sharing, then it doesn't appear in a list of computers sharing files, but your computer will always be detectable by other systems on the same network as being present.
    The firewall settings control, at a very low-level, how network traffic is treated when it reaches your computer. "Allow all incoming connections" does not enable services like file sharing, but would allow programs on your computer that have the ability to receive incoming connections to do so. Allow only essential services means that the default is to prevent incoming connections, except for services that you explicitly enable (e.g., if you turn on file sharing it adds it as an exception).
    Your computer is never invisible. However, by not running any network services and by using the firewall, you limit the ability of others to access your machine.
    That's not to say that you are safe. Keep in mind that you are still exchanging information with the outside world. Most of your web-traffic probably isn't encrypted, and others can see that (if they make an effort to do so), and chances are pretty good that you don't use encrypted e-mail, so they can see that too. Do business with a site that asks for a username and password but doesn't do so securely, well now everyone knows about it.
    Incidentally, all of this is not Mac-specific but applies to all operating systems equally. The means for turning on and off services differs, but the basic premise applies to all of them.

  • Connection timeout on hotel wifi - only with MacBook8.1 (810.9)  configd plug-in:8.1 (810.9)

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    So the problem isn't that my MacBook can't connect to any WIFI, because it did at home and it still can to my iPhone hotspot.
    And the problem isn't with the router, because all other devices work flawlessly.
    I've trawled many forums and articles trying to find a solution. Here's everything I've tried already, that I can remember. (Not in this order and not all at once.)
    Rebooted MacBook (duh)
    Sitting directly under the WIFI router. (It's not a signal strength issue.)
    Set up new Network > Location. Deleted Ethernet and Bluetooth PAN so it's just WIFI in the list.
    Renewed DHCP Lease countless times.
    Tried manual TCP/IP variations. It doesn't help that I'm not sure what to put in the IPv4 Address field. I do know the Subnet Mask and Router IP from looking at my iPhone network info.
    Tried using my MAC address as the DHCP Client ID. Also tried just using "1" or leaving it blank.
    I don't know what an IPv6 is either.
    Tried BootP and completely Manual setups but not really sure of the correct settings to try.
    Tried using the DNS servers that I found on my iPhone network info for the hotel WIFI. (One of them is which I think is Google's DNS thing?)
    Tried checking Auto Proxy Discovery and Use Passive FTP Mode, since it was suggested as part of a solution in a forum thread.
    Tried changing the MTU to a couple of other settings from an article I read. I think one was around 1453 and the other was 1494 or something close to that.
    Tried resetting PRAM
    Tried resetting SMC
    Tried a variation on resetting SMC that involved pressing down the normal keys plus one extra, for 10 secs, since it worked for someone who was told to do that by an Apple Care person. (He didn't know why it worked and other forum posters thought it was supposed to have been a SMC reset.)
    Checked the Network> Wi-Fi in System Information to see if the Channel is compatible. The router uses Channel 1 and my MacBook is capable of using Channel 1.
    Checked my country profile. It's X1. I have no idea if that's good. All I know is that I'm in Indonesia not Australia and I'm having WIFI issues with this hotel network.
    Checked the PHY Mode. Supported are 802.11 a/b/g/n. The hotel router uses 802.11n.
    Made sure I was using WPA2 Personal.
    Tried deleting all WIFI-related passwords in Keychain.
    Tried deleting all Network-related preference files.
    Tried removing all LaunchDaemons and LaunchAgents.
    It's not a "lost WIFI connection when waking from sleep" issue but I tried turning off sleep anyway.
    My husband even had the nerve to unplug the hotel router (small hotel, we're the only guests at the moment) for 10 minutes hoping it will reboot. But I don't know if that's the actual modem or just a WIFI repeater thing (sorry, can't remember the right terms). It didn't work anyway.
    I've run out of options, other than just sucking it up and getting a big 3G data allowance since I'm here for a month.
    If there is anything else I can try - perhaps working out how to set up my Network manually properly, please help me out. Here is everything in System Information that might help. I'll happily provide any other info.
    Software Versions:

    Sorry. The topic title got mucked up when I tried to paste in my System Information. And I can't paste it in using my iPhone without it going haywire. I can provide any details you need.

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    What IOS and OS are you using Elissa.  I think from your post it used to work but has dropped off, is that correct or has it never worked?  If it did wotk has anything changed?  Check your wifi use with sopmething like istumbler to see if it is being used by neighbours etc?

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    Thank you very much!

    I have sometimes the same problem in some public wifi networks... and I solve it switching off the "mobile data" in the iPad settings.
    I don't know why, but it rules... ;-)
    Good luck!

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    Yes... tap Settings / Wi Fi

  • MBP does not connect to a hotel WiFi

    Hi All,
    I'm here in Germany since 6 days. My MBP is not connecting to a free hotel WiFi. The Airport shows full bars but the webpage is not opening. Then, i tried to restart the machine but i didn't work out. The Network Diagnostics shows that every thing is GREEN but the internet and server, they are RED (failed). However, I can join the same network using my iphone and other Windows laptop.
    Now, about the diagnostics,
    -In the 1st step, I choose the Airport.
    -In the 2nd, I selected the "PARKHOTEL". The network i'm trying to connect.
    -The 3rd step is the question of having a DSL or cable modem and my answer is NO.
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    -After a while, the 6th step is about any other device i can restart as a router or firewalls or managed switches connected directly to the device that just restarted and my answer is NO. Finally, the diagnostics said "Network diagnostics cannot fix the current networking problems".
    Then, I googled a pit trying to find a solution and i found the same issue. The solution was to disable the firewall and i found it already disabled in my MBP.
    In the meantime, i deleted all other networks except for the network & the wifi connection I am trying to connect to.
    System Preferences/Network/Advance/Airport
    And i restarted my computer.
    Finally, i found something today.
    The IP address of the Windows lap is 10.1.10.xx
    But the IP address of the MBP is 10.0.11.xx
    I changed the IP address of the MBP manually and i got the same issue.
    Also, (NO RESULT)
    Any ideas? Plz..

    When this happens to me (top part green, bottom red), it's always dns... At check-in the hotel should have given you some info, including the IP address of the router, and the dns if it's different than the router. You know the first 3 parts -- 10.0.11 -- so you just need to figure out the fourth. Usually it's either 1 or 253, but if it's some random address then you are not going to guess it.

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    Something obviously got broken...

    Some routers have browser specific login pages. I found this to be true at some Panera Breads. I've been able to use Firefox on those routers.

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    My IPad connects with my hotel wifi, but does not indicate that it is a secure wifi, even though it requires a password to access - no lock symbol appears against the wifi network, hence no password request, hence no internet access - help. My collegue who also has an Ipad can access the same wifi with ease, so it must be something to do with the settings on my machine, although checking the two machines, there appears to be no difference in the settings.

    My experience with hotel wifi is that it's an open, and unsecured, connection, but unless you agree to their terms on a launch page, you can't go any further or connect. Sometimes I need to force safari to come up and even make it go to a page, to trigger the auto load of the 'agree to our terms' page.
    Unless your machine is work provided so maybe could be blocked from unsecured net access?

  • Unable to connect to hotel wifi

    I have one hotel that I visit on occasion, and always have problems with the internet wifi connection. It is a major brand name hotel, and my phone and iPad (which im writing this on),connect up just fine. I have deleted the network and  restarted it but still have no connection. My MacBook pro shows strong signal strength. Any ideas what I can do on my end as I'm not sure it's the hotels issue. My fellow traveler has no problem connecting with his oc

    Go to settings, general, about, and you will see "version." That will indicate what your operating system is such as 5.0.1 which is the most recent upgrade.
    As for the wifi, you might try going to settings, then general, then at the bottom reset, then click on reset network settings. Back out of everything and then when you log back onto your wifi it will ask you for your local password (assuming you gave it one when your router was set up). Enter it and you should be good for go.  At least this worked for me.
    Good luck.

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    It depends upon how the other machines are connecting to your MBA:
    If the the other machines are also using wi-fi, they can connect directly to the wireless access point (router) without going through your MBA
    If the other machines are connecting to the MBA using ethernet you can share your wi-fi connection to them

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    ausask64 wrote:
    Can't seem to get a connection to internet even thou it tells me i have one. 
    If you see the white WiFi bars in the upper left corner, that simply means that the iPad has detected a WiFi network, and that does not mean that you are connected to the Internet.
    Can you open web sites with Safari?

Maybe you are looking for

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