Should I buy the 3G or should I wait????

Ok so i still have the original iphone and was thinking of getting the new 3G.... but i have heard rumors of a new iphone being released. So my question is should i go out and buy the 3G iphone or should I wait.

I would wait since June is only less than a month away when it is rumoured that Apple might launch a newer iPhone.

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    There are some major differences between the 4 and th 4S. The 4S has a faster processor, better camera, Siri, speech-to-text. Whether any of those things are important to you is something only you can determine. If you are happy with your current phone and none of those things matter to you, you should wait. Personally, I found the features of the 4S made it well worth the upgrade from the 4 for me.

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    you realize - I tried to gently show - that this is a forum for workstation users, so you know that, right?
    And I would not expect any real change until Intel comes out with the second phase of their cycle with Ivy Bridge mobile processor family in 2013-2014 - and it is more complex and costly - but Intel basically sets the stage for what new hardware will be available to OEM vendors - atleast those using Intel processor and logicboard.
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    There is no "Antennagate", to worry about. I have several iPhone 4 both for business and pleasure. Several family members and friends here in Canada also have the iPhone 4 and none of them report any "antennagate" issue. If you can hold your hand over the iPhone and cause it to drop from 5 bars to no bars then it's defective and should be swapped. If though you experience what every cellphone user experiences by watching it drop one bar from what every you're seeing before holding it then that's normal. The only true reception complaints seem to come from AT&T users in the USA due to living in already known bad reception areas or in Canada those on either Bell, Telus or Virgin Mobile due to none of the three networks provide backwards support for EDGE. So when the user goes into a none 3G area the iPhone data won't function. My family, friends and myself are all on Rogers HSPA+ network in Canada which supports EDGE when in fringe areas. I have a far better experience with the iPhone 4 than I had with my previous iPhones and other smartphones such as Blackberry.

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    No one here has any idea when a new Mini
    will be released or any idea of what sort of configurations
    will be available.
    FWIW, the Haswell line can have two types of integrated
    graphics, Iris and Iris Pro.  Which will be in the new Mini
    or if there will be any choice is unknown. 
    If you need to know if either graphics options would be useful,
    Google Iris nad Iris Pro and see what others are sayng on
    machines already released with these.

  • Please I'd be happy if we can claim where we are misleaded when buying the product : The retailer or seller should know what they are selling ... For example I asked earphone for my shuffle ipod 3rd generation showing it

    Follow-up: 203908177
    Dear sir/madam
    Please I'd be happy if we can claim where we are misleaded when buying the product : The retailer or seller should know what they are selling ... For example I asked earphone for my shuffle ipod 3rd generation showing it but the they gave me an ear phone which just was like an ordinary earphone where I can't low and high the volume nor I can select the playlist ... Please read below
    that I wrote to you in the email I've sent to you on last April as followed :-
    Dear madam/sir,
    It's me Santosh Lamichhane who just arrived to my place in Kathmandu, Nepal after a month visit in Bolivia and Argentina ...
    Dear madam/sir, I like to inform you that while my visit in Santa Cruz de La sierra in Bolivia I bought a new earphone for my ipod shuffle 3G due to the problem in my old earphone on the date as followed in the bill of as shown
    PN 26986 VN 24186
    Date 02/04/2012 time: 03:34:22 PM
    I did checked the earphone there same time and found that I can't lower or high the volume from that new purchased earphone and even asked why and one of your senior staff said it might be the problem of my ipod shuffle's setting, Since the beginning of the time of purchase till I came to Nepal 4 days ago I didn't use the ipod because I'm not able to increase the volume and I didn't took my laptop with me while my visit there ...
    But when I try to restore my shuffle here ; even that doesn't works ... Today and yesterday when I checked my friend's earphone of ipod - it was working on my shuffle and my earphone also working in his classic ...
    I want to kindly request you since I showed my shuffle at the time of buying earphone there in Altek, San Martin AV in SAnta Cruz de la Sierra in Bolivia and asked I need the earphone for my ipod shuffle 3G It's not my fault ... Could you please ask the agents of apple here in Kathmandu to replace it with the working the right compatible earphone for me ...
    Hope to hear from you very soon ...
    Thanking you
    From Santosh Lamichhane,
    Cell +977 9802033662, 9813716393,
    +977 (1) 5002018 Res ...
    1210 Tikhedewal 28, Lalitpur SMPC 14, Kathmandu, Nepal

    You will not get a reply from Apple in these forums. As stated in the information to which we all agreed when we signed up here, these forums are for user-to-user assistance, not for getting technical assistance from Apple. All you will get here is suggestions and commiseration from we your fellow users. If you want to express your displeasure directly to Apple, call the tech support line and ask to speak with Customer Relations and see if there's anything they can do for you. Please keep in mind that the CR rep will not have caused your problems, so keep your calm and be polite; they're just working stiffs too.
    Message was edited by: Dave Sawyer

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    it really depends what you are going to be doing, if you are going to be video editing and doing intensive stuff the Macbook Pro.
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    G5 is much faster, higher clock and faster FSB.
    Duel = ritual combat
    Dual = two

  • Should I buy the new iPod Touch?

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    the iPod touch 4th gen hardware ( the currently one is the 2010 model except for the new colour option ) is comparable to that of the iphone4 but with the major difference : iPod has 256MB of memory and the Backside camera has only 0,7Megapixels instead of the iphone4 which has 5MP. ( 4s = 8MP )
    I have the iPod touch and am very very pleased with it. Aside from the "only 0,7MP" the camera creates brilliant HD Movies ( outdoors and in daylight ).  It runs the latest games and apps. I have yet to find a game that does not run on it. The display is the very same as in the iphone4 with Retina. Compared to the 3rd gen everything looks cripy and non-pixelated. You can even read small text without zooming into it.
    It is also a perfect mini pocket computer for office use, if you buy the iwork apps ( Use them everyday in iPod ) .
    It will also run iMovie and the new and many many others.
    And iOS5 is even faster then iOS4 .( to me it feels so ).
    I recommend it. But it is up to you.

  • Should I buy the 4g iPod touch now? April 2012

    Hello. I am looking to buy a new iPod touch, but I need the latest and greatest. Now, here are my speculations:
    The New iPad just came out, so I don't know when Apple is going to have their next event. I assume theier next even will be in about 2 months, and the invitation for this event will be about music. In the event they will announce all new iPods, including the new iPod touch, Nano, Shuffle, and maybe even the iPod Classic. (By the way, if they don't release a new Classic, they will end it's production line.)
    The iPod touch will include a new 5 MP camera as seen on the New iPad, No A5 X Chip (The reason I think it won't get the A5 X chip is because Apple usually wants the iPhone to get the upgraded specs before the iPod, and the iPhone has not recived the A5X Chip yet.), and some other features like keyboard voice dictation. This new iPod will NOT have Siri. Thats all I can think of for speculations of the new iPod touch.
    Can someone tell me if these speculations seem correct, or I'm speaking nonsense, and should not wait for the new iPod touch. The only thing I'm intrested in the new iPod is the upgraded camera, otherwise I would get the current iPod now. I want your thoughts, opinions, rumors, whatever... What do you think?

    It's against the Terms of Use of this forum to speculate about future products and you agreed not do it when you signed up to the forum.
    So even if we wanted to, we cannot add to your discussion. Quited frankly, what would be the point? If - and I stress if - a new iPod is ever announced, and it is missing any or all of the features you've expressed an interest in, you will simply be disappointed with it.
    Feel free to post your thoughts in a non-Apple forum, but it's a waste of your time to do so here.

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    I should have for me is $ 199

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    I can only echo what Pogo says about buying based on what it does today.
    3 weeks ago I bought a Mac Mini. A new Mac Mini model has been rumoured to come out anywhere between the same week I made my purchase and the end of August. None's been released as yet.
    I wanted one in the week of June that I bought mine so I bought it based on the fact that it did what I wanted and I couldn't imagine anything which could be added that I'd want - my MacBook Pro doesn't have Thunderbolt so the most likely addition isn't really going to be much use for me.
    Basically you have to buy what you what based on what's out at the the time.
    I can promise that within seconds of the iPad3 being released, the web will be full of rumours about the next one!

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    Considering the fact that Apple doesn't give discount to users of older version of their softwares, I wonder if I should go ahead and purchase Aperture 1.5! I don't even know if there is a newer version coming out. And if so, when?

    The Pro apps are treated totally differently from 'consumer'-level apps such as iLife and iWork - all other products in the line (Final Cut Studio, Logic etc.) have upgrade fees rather than having to buy the whole thing again.
    The best guess is that there will be a new version some time after 10.5.

  • I have been considering buying Aperture 3 but the numerous, negative reviews are making me wary.  Should I buy the first version - Aperture 2.1.1 instead?

    I have been considering buying Aperture 3 but the numerous, negative reviews are making me wary.  Should I buy the first version - Aperture 2.1.1 instead? 
    I have a 2009 MacBook Pro running Snow Leopard.  I do not think I will upgrade to Lion because I was warned that it may conflict with some of my applications.
    There have been so many reviews that talk about how Aperture 3 is so slow and spends too much time searching for Faces and eventually crashes.  And, many reviews mention that you need to add to your RAM which I can't do right now, especially on a 3 year old computer.
    There are some copies Aperture 2 on Amazon.  Would that be a good place to buy a copy or a used copy?
    I would appreciate some good advice.  Thanks, Taf Schaefer

    Obviously you haven't read the reviews of Aperture 2
    FWIW I use Ap3 on both a 2010 MBP (8 gigs of Ram) and an 2008 iMac (4 gigs) and I have no crashing issues whatever. Remember, you can disable Faces if you don't want to use that feature.
    Elv07 wrote:
    I used to use iPhoto and I will probably revert to that (although it has fewer function like no RAW import etc.)
    Just an FYI: iPhoto supports exactly the same Raws as Aperture.

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