Should my EFI partition be inside an LVM?

I'm having so so many problems booting EFI, because when I was initially partitioning my system, I created two partions: one for /boot, formatted fat32 and one for lvm. LVM has root and home partitions inside it. I finally hacked up my EFI boot, and now I'm getting kernel panics all over the place. I think I'm going to start fresh, but I need to know if I should put /boot inside the LVM this time.

The EFI system partition can only be read if it is FAT formatted. … work-then/

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    so, i recently installed ubuntu to check out the advances in the linux world since i last looked into them 10+ years ago... very impressed, but when i tried to delete ubuntu and remove the various partitions (which i was able to do just fine using gparted) reFIT still displayed the **** linux logo from the install i deleted....
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    stqn wrote:
    Expi1 wrote:Thanks, I'm mostly struggling with how to partition for Arch and then how to do the bootloader. I'm using Win8 64-bit and from what I understand a Legacy BIOS bootloader. I'm not entirely sure what I should be partitioning the C: into, I've done partitions before, just not for Arch and then I'm not sure whether to use GRUB or syslinux, or if I even need those. Or if I need to use GPT or MBR?
    Your disk is already partitionned so you don’t have to choose between GPT or MBR, the choice is already made.
    You don’t partition “C:”, that is the name of a Windows partition. You partition a drive.
    Grub or syslinux, use whatever the beginners guide tells you to. Personally I think syslinux is simpler which is why I’m using it (but I’m not dual-booting, if that matters).
    You’re not saying what your problem is with partitionning, so it’s hard to help.
    Thanks for getting back to me, I'm not sure if I just create one large partition for Archlinux or if I have to create multiple? Where I'm also confused is with the Creating Filesystems part of the guide. I don't understand how I'd do this in Windows, or what /dev/sda1 is referring to.
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    Thanks again, Expi.
    Last edited by Expi1 (2014-03-06 19:54:30)

  • Deleting cloned efi partition

    I have just purchased a computer with windows 8.1  I wanted to clone my system to a removable drive using AOMEI Backupper. as an experiment, before I made any amendments to the setup, I created a partition and cloned to it, with the intention
    of copying an original setup to another drive later.    However, it split the drive into 3, creating copies of the recovery and efi partitions at the same time. windows has allowed me to delete the cloned partition, and the recovery partition,
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    If you really had no idea where to post this question but you still posted it here, you still shouldn’t have because we have a forum just for you!  It’s called the Where is the forum for…? forum and it’s here:
    Moving to off topic. 
    Thanks, Mike
    MSDN and TechNet Subscriptions Support
    Did Microsoft call you out of the blue about your computer?
    No, they didn't.

  • MacBook Pro Late 2011 Restore and EFI partition gone.

    Sorry if my problem seems easy to you but im stuck in a difficult situation. Im quite new to Mac, but after i tried to delete the BootCamp partition on my MacBook i deleted the Recovery HD and the EFI partition by accident. Now my question: is there ANY way to get a new copy of the Recovery HD so i dont have to use Internet Recovery each time? And is there a way to get the EFI partition back so i can update my EFI Firmware again? Mac OS X isn't damaged and is at the same place on the disk as before. 200 MB of free space before Macintosh HD and ~4 GB after it. I have a MacBook Pro Late 2011, 13", 4 GB RAM, a 500 GB Hard drive and i have the EFI Firmware version 2.3 on it so i can still restore using Lion Intenet Recovery.
    Thank you for your answers!

    1. Reset PRAM.
    2. Reset SMC.
        Choose the method for:
        "Resetting SMC on portables with a battery you should not remove on your own".

  • Default EFI partition configuration

    I need to know what the default EFI partition should look like.
    I installed Windows 8 via EFI and then removed it and it left its bootloader behind which keeps defaulting to the primary startup disk, so I deleted the Microsoft portion and now it wont boot all by itself, just a gray screen leading to nothing.  Holding down Option will allow me to select the correct disk but I'd like to get this working again.
    So here are my questions:
    1.  What does the default EFI partition look like?  File structure I mean.
    Here are the commands in case you need them:
    #mkdir /Volumes/efi
    #diskutil list
       #:                       TYPE                   NAME                                 SIZE       IDENTIFIER
       0:      GUID_partition_scheme                                             *251.0 GB     disk0
       1:                        EFI                                                            209.7 MB   disk0s1
       2:                  Apple_HFS                Macbook HD                 151.0 GB   disk0s2
       3:                 Apple_Boot                Recovery HD                  650.0 MB   disk0s3
       4:                  Apple_HFS                Bootcamp VM                  99.0 GB    disk0s4
    #sudo mount -t msdos /dev/disk0s1 /Volumes/efi
    #ls /Volumes/efi
    2.  Does the Windows install edit the /Volumes/efi/Boot/bootx64.efi file?
    If you need any new info to help me out please let me know.

    That's the reason why Apple doesn't support Windows installations via EFI. I tried it in my iMac and Windows also modified the EFI partition. Some bootups later, Windows started showing BSODs, and when it was working, I was lucky if Windows could start up.
    The EFI partition is hidden and is used to store firmware updates in order to be installed during the startup. Now, Windows has used it to store the Windows boot files, so you may have problems installing firmware updates. The structure looks fine, but the problem is that it's not being used for its original purpose.
    Respecting to your second question, bootx64.efi is the Windows startup file, so of course that Windows copies that file to the EFI partition and is edited as needed.
    My advice is to reinstall OS X starting in Internet Recovery (holding Command, Option and R keys while your Mac is starting), erase the whole storage with Disk Utility, install OS X and then, install Windows again. And never install Windows in EFI mode if you aren't completely sure about what you are doing

  • How to switch from windows 8 partition to EFI partition?

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    I tried to switch from windows 8 to EFI using diskpart command . but it was failed. diskpart can not support activing EFI partition with "active" command.
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    how can I achieve it ? 
    thanks a lot!

    hold option key when starting computer.

  • MBP always boots in removed windows 7 EFI partition

    Hi all,
    i have a strange issue: after trying desperately to install windows 7 alongside Yosemite on an early 2011 MBP i gave up and deleted the bootcamp partition.
    But now it always boots into a windows blue screen of death, even after i make yosemite the startup disk in system preferences.
    I always have to start up with the ALT key and am regularly confronted with the blue screen when i forget.
    Booting with the ALT key gives me 2 choices: OS X and 'EFI boot'
    Windows is haunting me after i deleted it and come to think that i only wanted to try it out because i could. **** you Windows.
    It tells me that windows cannot start and it needs repairs, which is obvious because i deleted the windows partition.
    Something tells me that it has something to do with the EFI partition where some windows software has to be installed, but disk utility won't let me delete the partition, because it thinks it's the OS X EFI.
    Is there a way to restore the EFI partition to a proper OS X partition or how do i delete it and how?
    Thanks in advance for your time and effort,
    Best of regards,
    Volume layout:
    gemeengoed:~ sander$ diskutil list
       #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
       0:      GUID_partition_scheme                        *250.1 GB   disk0
       1:                  Apple_HFS                         209.7 MB   disk0s1
       2:          Apple_CoreStorage                         249.2 GB   disk0s2
       3:                 Apple_Boot Recovery HD             650.0 MB   disk0s3
       #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
       0:                  Apple_HFS ssd 250                *248.8 GB   disk1
                                     Logical Volume on disk0s2
                                     Unlocked Encrypted

    tried it and still no go. Have downloaded rEFIt and try and fix it from there. rEFIt analyse gives me this:
    thanks for your brain time though.
    *** Report for internal hard disk ***
    Current GPT partition table:
    #      Start LBA      End LBA  Type
    1             40       409639  Mac OS X HFS+
    2         409640    487127591  Unknown
    3      487127592    488397127  Mac OS X Boot
    Current MBR partition table:
    # A    Start LBA      End LBA  Type
    1              1    488397167  ee  EFI Protective
    MBR contents:
    Boot Code: Unknown, but bootable
    Partition at LBA 40:
    Boot Code: None (Non-system disk message)
    File System: FAT32
    Listed in GPT as partition 1, type Mac OS X HFS+
    Partition at LBA 409640:
    Boot Code: None
    File System: Unknown
    Listed in GPT as partition 2, type Unknown
    Partition at LBA 487127592:
    Boot Code: None
    File System: HFS Extended (HFS+)
    Listed in GPT as partition 3, type Mac OS X Boot

  • Z400 Discs with EFI partition not mounting after Win 7 Pro upgrade

    HP z400: After a repair/upgrade of Win 7 Pro (64) sp1, any external disc with an EFI partition will not mount.  Drive will be present in BIOS and Disc Management, though without a letter. Unable to assign a drive letter.  All other discs mount correctly.  Drives with EFI partition will mount on other PCs.  All drivers appear to be current and fuctional. 
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    I figured it out... after two weeks of head-scratching, I finally found the cause. 
    I run MacDrive 8 so i can read discs with HFS+ formatting.  That program needed to be fully uninstalled and re-installed after the upgrade.  I had de-activated it prior to the upgrade, but it needed more than that.  Everything works now as expected.
    But wouldn't it be ince if Windows would read mac discs natively?

  • Methods for backing up/cloning Bootcamp partition from inside OSX

    The key here is from inside OS X, not from inside Windows (XP).
    The only reason in the world I have to run Windows is because a Mac version of my accounting system doesn't exist. Well, there is also the fact that some companies still develop portions of their partner websites around IE instead of around open standards cough*CISCO*cough.
    Anyway, I have a bootcamp partition and the data on it is very important (accounting system!). I run it once, maybe twice a month and it's already slow enough as Kaspersky AV runs on every bootup so I don't want to add anything to the Windows bootup. I'm looking for a method of backing up (incremental capable) or cloning (incremental capable) my Bootcamp partition from inside OS X in conjunction with the other backups I do - well, now I use Time Machine so "the other backups I do" is moot, until I backup my Time Machine partition too (been bitten by the "backups not being there when you need them for some really random, unexpected reason" bug too before).
    It seems that most of the cloning tools I've tried can't clone or even backup FAT partitions. Anyone have any ideas, suggestions or previous experiences they wouldn't mind sharing?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hmm, functional but not exactly what I'm looking for. Thanks for the info though -
    - Is there a tool around that can do incremental backups instead of full backups every time it's run? WinClone 1.6b doesn't seem to be able to do incremental backups.
    - Is there a tool around that fits the above requirement, but can be scheduled (or even automator'd)? Automation is a good thing The more maintenance tasks we (users) have to do manually, the more there is to forget to do.

  • Recovery Manager Failure: Failed to create EFI partition

    Envy 15-1055SE
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit
    The original HD failed (500GB) and it was replaced it with a working unit of the same size (500GB). Since the hard drive was completely dead and I no longer had access to the recovery partition we installed Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit on the new hard drive, assuming we could use my Windows Key and then just download all the applicable drivers from the HP site. Windows did install and was running, but since my key was not compatible and trying to get all the correct drivers for my specific notebook was essentially impossible I rush ordered the recovery discs form HP. Once received, we then attempted to restore the system using recovery media supplied by HP (590684-003 , WINDOWS 7 PREMIUM 64B + SUPP 2 RECOVERY).
    Multiple attempts were made with the replacement HD raw, formatted or untouched from the last failure. I have also downloaded and used the Cyberlink Recover Discs Utility from the HP site that supposed to resolve Recovery Discs issues, but all attempts ended exactly the same way.  After using and ejecting all three recovery discs Recovery Manager terminated with the same error:
    Recovery Manager
    The Recovery Attempt has Failed.
    Select one of the following buttons
    [Savelog]   [Details]   [Retry]
    Pressing [Details] results in this message:
    Fail to Create EFI Partition...
    Diskpart return error level [-2147024809]...
    Retrying ultimately loops to the same error.
    So, what now???

    So I took your advice and called HP support. As you stated, they recommended new recovery discs, which they sent me and I recieved today. So I went through the whole process again and got the same error.
    When I was on the phone with support they mentioned that I could have purchased a replacement drive from them for 2.5 times the price i paid for mine. And they didn't confirm if that would fix my problem or come with everything already installed.
    At this point I'm at a loss, I don't have the money to pay that much for a "possible" solution, when I have a perfectly fine working new hard drive already.
    There has to be a solution out there, as everyone I talked doesn't understand why the recovery disc/process isn't working. Can someone please provide some useful advise/suggestions?

  • Accidentally deleted my EFI Partition?

    Well I installed Ubuntu 11.10 on my 2011 13" macbook pro and it wouldn't boot.... So I just decided to reinstall Mac OS X Because Ubuntu messed up my previous installation(It was supposed to install side by side). I clicked the hard disk and clicked erase and I noticed there was a Partition called "EFI". It's gone now, Is that bad? Do I need to fix it somehow?

    That "Wubi" Ubuntu install is for Windows PC's not Mac's.
    Deleting the EFI partition results in a question mark on the folder when you try to boot OS X.
    If you haven't gotten a copy of your files off the computer, you need to hold c boot off the 10.6 installer disk and install OS X onto a external drive that's formatted (Partition tab in Disk Utility) Option: GUID 1 partition OS X Extended journaled.
    When you reboot, hold the option key down to boot off the external drive and access the internal and grab your files
    "Create a 10.6 Data Recovery Drive" picture in my post here.
    Once you got your files off, you need to format the internal drive the same way (GUID OS X Extended) and use Carbon Copy Cloner to clone the external drive to the internal. Set it as the boot option in System Preferences.
    Formatting the drive in Disk Utiliy creates the hidden EFI partition.
    If you want to "try Ubuntu" it's best to use a free virtual machine software like VirtualBox in OS X, so you get to play with it easy. (or payware VMFusion or Parallels)
    Then try intalling Linux on another PC machine, then partitioning it with Windows creating a dual boot
    Then on a old second use Mac where all the drivers, fan control software and such can be had, as there are less Mac users using Linux (working the bugs out) than Windows users so you have to wait longer.
    Then last on a newer Mac learning from all the past adventures and experience, as not all new Mac's can run it yet and requires hacking skills.
    Lion also adds more "issues" that one has to conquer first.

  • /boot/efi doesn't look like an EFI partition

    I created an EFI System Partition, mounted it to /boot/efi and GRUB complains that it does not look like an EFI Partition.
    gdisk tells me that its in fact an ef00 (EFI Partition).
    What's wrong?
    Thank you for help!
    Last edited by GNA (2014-01-12 11:05:08)

    GNA wrote:
    I created an EFI System Partition, mounted it to /boot/efi and GRUB complains that it does not look like an EFI Partition.
    gdisk tells me that its in fact an ef00 (EFI Partition).
    What's wrong?
    Post the output from GRUB complaining... also (I have to ask), are you sure your motherboard is an EFI board?

  • Modifying the 128MB EFI partition

    While creating a new partition on my windows drive, the partitioning software added some space to the 128MB partition placed after the osx drive, making it 135MB. I missed a few steps in the partitioning process, so I removed windows. In doing so, for some reason it took a couple MB's (more than I had added) off the efi parition, leaving it with 125MB. Everything works fine, but did I cause serious damage in slightly changing the size of this partition? Is this reversible without reinstalling osx?

    dudebro22 wrote:
    Thanks, I overlooked the fact that it could still be trying to boot from windows. Can you tell me what the EFI partition is used for, though? As far as I know, the Apple Hardware Test software is installed on there, I checked it, it works fine. I read that firmware updates aren't possible without the EFI partition. Can the -3MB affect this? Also, does it affect booting in osx in way? How about bootcamp?
    I don't see to have an efi partition on this MBP. Guess Vista doesn't need one, only XP?
    I just did a "df" in the terminal and no partition named efi or anything like that showed up.
    I can try in on my other MBP which runs XP later, when I fire it up.
    I suspect that it is only installed for XP or other OSs that need it.
    You might look into rEFIt, an opensource multi-boot bootloader, for more information about such things.

  • In which case the data should go one partition go to another?

    Hi All,
    My db is 11.2, Exadata machine.
    I encountered the same problem here. When I used  'where column=1', I got the result as 1 and 2
    That is I find some data should belong to one subpartition appear in another subpartition.
    Partition and subpartitions looks like:
      SUBPARTITION "1359_CD_28MAR2012"  VALUES (TO_DATE(' 2012-03-28 00:00:00', 'SYYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS', 'NLS_CALENDAR=GREGORIAN'))
      SUBPARTITION "1359_CD_29MAR2012"  VALUES (TO_DATE(' 2012-03-29 00:00:00', 'SYYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS', 'NLS_CALENDAR=GREGORIAN'))
      SUBPARTITION "1359_CD_30MAR2012"  VALUES (TO_DATE(' 2012-03-30 00:00:00', 'SYYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS', 'NLS_CALENDAR=GREGORIAN'))
    )If I issue
    SELECT count(*)
    FROM ADWG_GPOS.gpos_cd_fads
    WHERE gpos_cd_fads.srce_sys_id = 3200
    AND to_char(sales_date,'dd/mm/yyyy')='28/03/2012'The result is 10000.
    If I issue
    SELECT count(*)
    FROM ADWG_GPOS.gpos_cd_fads
    WHERE gpos_cd_fads.srce_sys_id = 3200
    AND sales_date = to_date('28/03/2012','dd/mm/yyyy')It returns 5000.(correct result)
    After investigating, I find some data with sales_date 28/03/2012 go to partition 1359_CD_30MAR2012.
    Can someone help me understand why this happend?
    Best regards,
    Edited by: user12064076 on Apr 5, 2012 7:17 PM

    After investigating, I find some data with sales_date 28/03/2012 go to partition 1359_CD_30MAR2012.
    Please fix the errors in your posted code and question.
    1. You only show SELECT queries so no data with sales_date 28/03/2012 can go anywhere. Clarify what your statement about data going somewhere means.
    2. You only show one partition range for SRCE_SYS_ID < 1314 so there is no partition shown for ID values of 3200 meaning if you have such a partition you did not show it - meaning you did not post the DDL for the table you are actually using. If you had a query for values of 3200 would not return any rows since there is no partition the data could be in.
    3. AND to_char(sales_date,'dd/mm/yyyy')='28/03/2012' - this is basically equivalent to a functional index on 'sales_date' so partition pruning will not happen. For Oracle to prune partitions it needs to know AT PARSE TIME that any partition it 'prunes' cannot possibly contain needed data. It determines which partitions need to be accessed when it parses the query and evaluates it - not when it executes. When you use a function like in this example it cannot determine with certainty which partitions are not needed so will do a full partition scan.

  • Before installing SSD in macbook pro, should I first partition it through USB?

    Hi there,
    I've got the Crucial MX100 as an upgrade from my Hitachi HDD. I don't need to copy anything from the old drive, and I will install Yosemite via usb flash.
    I did a bit of research and some people (not mac users necessarily) have had problems in partitioning the SSD after attaching it to the sata port. My question is: would it be recommended to first create a GUID partition through USB on the ssd before installing it in? I think I know the answer to that, and my instincts tell me to trust the Mac, but I want to be sure.
    Thank you!
    Early 2011 MBP, 512GB Crucial MX100

    Even if you have the same name as Grant Pannell the "pioneer" in the starting period of the SSDs, you can not post your statement as the truth.
    And it certainly has nothing to do with data integrity. Can you tell me if Apple has something special in their SSD controller or the standard controller ?
    If you refer to old SSDs with controllers of 3 or 4 years old, and a pre_Yosemite OS, Trim may have been interesting to install, I did it on all SSds then, and I am using SSDs already for 5 years. but in the last 2 years the SSD controllers are so advanced that - when overprovisioning is enough, trim does not add anything anymore. In Yosemite it is certainly unrealistic to do because you have to disrobe an important layer of security.

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