SHOW / HIDE -  line series using checkbox

how do i show & hide a line series based on checkboxes?
tried applying series id- doesn't seem to work!
Any Body!

thanks that worked oddsy,
now im facing problem to show the hidden series through
im doing something like this:
while generation i hide the series
pasting the function for reference:
public function addSeries(series:Array, yField:String,
id:String, color:uint,dp:ArrayCollection,vis:Boolean):void
var ls:LineSeries= new LineSeries();
var stroke:Stroke = new Stroke()
ls.yField = yField;
stroke.color = color;
stroke.weight = 1.5;
ls.setStyle("lineStroke", stroke);
var temp:Array = series;
series = temp;
mychart.series = series;
thru action script i try this : if checkbox selected do -
> mychart.series[0].visible=true ,
mychart.series[1] on
but it doesn't show the series! what shud i do?

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    There's something wierd about flex or im doing something
    - when i create a line series manually using mxml and specify
    a id for the series, it works.
    - similarly when i try to dynamically create a line series
    using actionscript & define an "id" property, flex does not
    understand! what am i doing wrong?
    code for reference:
    private function addSeries(series:Array,
    yField:String,id:String) // addseries(series,"date","1000")
    var ls:LineSeries= new LineSeries();
    var stroke:Stroke = new Stroke()
    ls.yField = yField;
    ls.dataProvider=dp // tried defining it dynamically, but flex does not
    THIS IS THE ERROR I GET : "TypeError: Error #1010: A term is
    undefined and has no properties."

    I see... I played around with the line chart ...
    Hopefully this helps... if not forgive me...
    I know why you are trying to use the id property which i
    agree doesn't work.
    since the series is an array in your lineChart use the index
    to set the visible property false/true.
    lineChart.series[0].visible = true/false;
    <mx:Lineseries id="a1" visible="true"
    dataProvider="{whatever}" />
    <mx:Lineseries id="a2" visible="false"
    create a function called init();
    public function init():void
    var lineS1:LineSeries = new LineSeries();
    lineS1.visible = true/false;
    var lineS2:LineSeries = new LineSeries();
    lineS2.visible = true/false;
    ... and the key is to call this init function on initialize
    event...NOT on createComplete event
    <mx:LineChart.... initialize="init()" .... />
    and to show both lines... call this function...
    public function showLines():void
    lineChart.series[0].visible = true;
    lineChart.series[1].visible = true;
    Hope this helps....

  • How do I fill and show/hide a series of text boxes based on checkboxes?

    I have a series of checkboxes on a form (each of which requires some additional information to be entered) and a series of text boxes further down the page to house any necessary detailed information. 
    I have hidden the detail fields and coded the form so that for each of these checkboxes that is checked a row of detail text boxes appears with the checkbox title in the activiy type field, and if a checkbox is subsequently un-checked the last row of detail text boxes is hidden. 
    The problem with this is that if the user unchecks any box other than the most recently checked one the data for the option they just unchecked still shows, but the data for the last option they selected does not. 
    Does anyone have a solution that would make sure the detail fields for the boxes that are checked is displayed in the detail text boxes that are showing when a checkbox is unchecked, regardless of the order in which the boxes are checked/unchecked?
    This is what my form looks like, with the example where Cash Withdrawals is unchecked but appears in the detail and Remote Deposit Capture is checked but was hidden with the last line:
    The detail groups are named Act1.child, Act2.child, etc. where the description field (filled in the example above) is Act1.type, Act2.type, etc.
    Here is the script I'm using on the checkboxes to achieve what I'm getting now:
    var useSet = this.getField("Set").value;
    var clrSet = this.getField("Clr").value;
    var useType = useSet + ".type";
    var clrType = clrSet + ".type";
    if (this.getField("CheckboxName").value != "Off") {
        this.getField(useType).value = "Check Box Desription";
        this.getField(useSet).display = display.visible;
    else if (this.getField("CheckboxName").value == "Off") {
        this.getField(clrType).value = "";
        this.getField(clrSet).display = display.hidden;
    and here is the script for the hidden boxes that determine what sets are filled and what sets are cleared and hidden:
    Custom Calculation Script for "Set":
    var sOne = this.getField("Act1.type").value.length;
    var sTwo = this.getField("Act2.type").value.length;
    var sThr = this.getField("Act3.type").value.length;
    var sFour = this.getField("Act4.type").value.length;
    var sFive = this.getField("Act5.type").value.length;
    var sSix = this.getField("Act6.type").value.length;
    var sSev = this.getField("Act7.type").value.length;
    if (sOne == 0) {event.value = "Act1"}
    else if (sTwo == 0) {event.value = "Act2"}
    else if (sThr == 0) {event.value = "Act3"}
    else if (sFour == 0) {event.value = "Act4"}
    else if (sFive == 0) {event.value = "Act5"}
    else if (sSix == 0) {event.value = "Act6"}
    else {event.value = "Act7"}
    Custom Calculation Value for "Clr":
    var cOne = this.getField("Act1.type").value.length;
    var cTwo = this.getField("Act2.type").value.length;
    var cThr = this.getField("Act3.type").value.length;
    var cFour = this.getField("Act4.type").value.length;
    var cFive = this.getField("Act5.type").value.length;
    var cSix = this.getField("Act6.type").value.length;
    var cSev = this.getField("Act7.type").value.length;
    if (cSev != 0) {event.value = "Act7"}
    else if (cSix != 0) {event.value = "Act6"}
    else if (cFive != 0) {event.value = "Act5"}
    else if (cFour != 0) {event.value = "Act4"}
    else if (cThr != 0) {event.value = "Act3"}
    else if (cTwo != 0) {event.value = "Act2"}
    else {event.value = "Act1"}

    Hi Andi,
    Please consider the following “solution” too.
    An indicator can be considered a variable in JavaScript.
    If P is an indicator, m(P) refers to the value of the indicator.
    Data for Control
    There are four checkboxes: C0, C1, C2 and C3.
    There is an indicator for each checkbox: CP0, CP1, CP2 and CP3.
    If checkbox Ci is checked then checkbox indicator CPi has the value i+1; in other words, m(CPn) = i+1. If checkbox Ci is not checked then checkbox indicator CPi has the value 0; in other words, m(CPn) = 0.
    There are four sets of detail fields: A0, A1, A2 and A3.
    There is a detail fields indicator for each detail fields: AP0, AP1, AP2 and AP3. If detail fields Ak have the details for the checked checkbox Ci then APk has the value i+1; in other words, m(APk) = i+1. If detail fields Ak do not have any details for any of the checked or unchecked checkbox then APk has the value 0; in other words, m(APk) = 0.
    The sets of detail fields are organized in sequence. The “top” or “first” set is AP0. It is followed by AP1. Then followed by AP2. The “bottom” or “last” set is AP3.
    Consider an example with one checkbox selected. In this case m(CP2) = 3; m(AP0) = 3; m(CPi) = 0 for i=0, 1, 3; and m(APk) = 0 for k=0, 1, 3. See the following diagram too (see Figure 1).
    Events, Processes and Additional Data for Control
    Computation begins when a user event is captured by the system (such as a mouse up event in an AcroForm field like a button or a checkbox).
    Checking Process
    If a checkbox is checked (TNj), it is noted with an indicator (P0).
    Shift Process
    Given a noted checkbox, the search for a candidate set of detail fields to use for the noted checkbox begins.
    The first candidate is the bottom of the sequence. This is also the current candidate, k. Thus k=3.
    The current candidate is remembered by marking (TSk,j) the detail fields indicator (APk).
    If k=0 then the shift process ends and the current candidate is the candidate.
    If k > 0 and m(APk-1) = 0, the current candidate becomes APk-1 and step 8c is repeated.
    If k > 0 and m(APk-1) != 0, then the shift process ends and the current candidate is the candidate.
    Unchecking Process
    If m(CPi) != 0 and m(CPi) = m(APk), then the checkbox can be unchecked (TRk,i).
    Shift Process
    If m(APk)=0 and m(APk+1) > 0 then shift (TSk,m(APk+1)). At the end of this shift, m(APk) > 0 and m(APk+1) = 0. Let k = k + 1.
    If m(APk+1)>0 then repeat 9a. If m(APk+1)=0 then the shifting process ends.
    Last Events and Proceses
    Details fields can be initialized (TIk,j) and displayed (TDk,j) or cleared (TCk,j) and hidden (THk,j). These actions depend only on m(APk). However it would be a good idea to trigger these functions right after a shift process ends and on affected details fields.
    Process Diagram of One Checked Checkbox
    Figure 1 is a process model of the checkbox process with one checked checkbox.
    Figure 1 Checkbox Process Model

  • What is the best way to show/hide n number of columns ?

    I have a dynamic report that I have show/hide columns working using the below code. But when there are 500 or more rows it takes about a minute or more just waiting to see the columns toggle.
    What is the best way to do this?
    // Existing Javascript
    [script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"]
    var maxcnt= mymonths.length;
    function hideMaxEarn(){
    for(var j=0;j[maxcnt;j++){
    function showMaxEarn(){
    for(var j=0;j[maxcnt;j++){
    function getCellIndex(pRow,pCell){ 
    for(var i=0, n=pRow.cells.length;i[n;i++){ 
        if(pRow.cells[i] == pCell) return i;
    function hideColumn(pMon,pCol){
    var l_Cell = $x(pCol);
    var l_Table = html_CascadeUpTill(l_Cell,'TABLE');
    var l_Rows = l_Table.rows;
    l_CellI = getCellIndex(l_Cell.parentNode,l_Cell);
    for (var i=0, n=l_Rows.length;i[n;i++){
        if(i != 0) {
    } else {
    $x(pMon).colSpan = $x(pMon).colSpan - 1;
    function showColumn(pMon,pCol){
    var l_Cell = $x(pCol);
    var l_Table = html_CascadeUpTill(l_Cell,'TABLE');
    var l_Rows = l_Table.rows;
    l_CellI = getCellIndex(l_Cell.parentNode,l_Cell);
    for (var i=0, n=l_Rows.length;i[n;i++){
        if(i != 0) {
    } else {
    $x(pMon).colSpan = 3;

    Hi Andy,
    Yes, I replaced the code calling the same things in a loop to one loop getting the Table reference once and I build an array of column numbers at the time the report is built so I don't have to get the column number each time....
    it is a couple of seconds faster in about a 30 second response time. It will have to do it for now, no more time unless you see something in this new code...
    Thank you! Bill
    // dynamically built code
    col_nbr_array = new Array();
    col_nbr_array[0] = "1";
    col_nbr_array[1] = "2";
    col_nbr_array[2] = "4";
    col_nbr_array[3] = "5";
    col_nbr_array[4] = "7";
    col_nbr_array[5] = "8";
    col_nbr_array[6] = "10";
    col_nbr_array[7] = "11";
    col_nbr_array[8] = "13";
    col_nbr_array[9] = "14";
    col_nbr_array[10] = "16";
    col_nbr_array[11] = "17";
    col_nbr_array[12] = "19";
    col_nbr_array[13] = "20";
    col_nbr_array[14] = "22";
    col_nbr_array[15] = "23";
    col_nbr_array[16] = "25";
    col_nbr_array[17] = "26";
    col_nbr_array[18] = "28";
    col_nbr_array[19] = "29";
    col_nbr_array[20] = "31";
    col_nbr_array[21] = "32";
    col_nbr_array[22] = "34";
    col_nbr_array[23] = "35";
    col_nbr_array[24] = "37";
    col_nbr_array[25] = "38";
    col_nbr_array[26] = "40";
    col_nbr_array[27] = "41";
    // Static code
    function show_hide_column(do_show) {
    // Set Style, Show/Hide
    var stl;
    var csp;
    if (do_show){
    stl = 'block'
    csp = 3;
    stl = 'none';     
    csp = 1;     
    // get rows object
    var l_Rows = document.getElementById('DT_RANGE').rows;
    var totCellNbr1=parseFloat(col_nbr_array[maxcnt-1])+2;
    var totCellNbr2=totCellNbr1 +1;
    var n=l_Rows.length;
    for (var i=0; i[n;i++){
        if(i != 0) { // if not the main header which spans 3 cols when expanded
          // Go through and show/hide each cell
          for(var j=0;j[maxcnt;j++){
              l_Rows[i].cells[col_nbr_array[j]].style.display = stl;
    // Totals
    } else { // row 1 that has Month spelled out - colspan of 3, others has max,earned and score columns for each month.
    var maxhdr = maxcnt/2;
    for(var k=1;k[=maxhdr;k=k+1){
    // Total column

  • Using Mozilla FireFox 2.0 to show/hide themes,I get errors

    I use IE6.0 to show/hide themes,there are no errors.
    When I use Mozilla FireFox 2.0,I got the following errors.
    does anybody can help me?
    Thank you in advance.
    07/03/20 12:55:06 INFO [oracle.sdovis.CacheMgr2] Creating/replacing a geometry c
    ache group: sdovis_subreg_mvdemo_jdbc:oracle:thin:@delcantsy:1521:csu2 : KINGS_H
    07/03/20 12:55:07 ERROR [oracle.lbs.foi.FOIServlet] java.lang.NegativeArraySizeE
    at oracle.lbs.foi.foiUtil.calculateHtmlLineArea(
    at oracle.lbs.foi.foiUtil.getLineStringAreaStr(
    at oracle.lbs.foi.FOIServer.getHTMLMapString(
    at oracle.lbs.foi.FOIServer.renderFOILayer(
    at oracle.lbs.foi.FOIServlet.doPost(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(ServletReque
    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(Ser
    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.doProcessRequest(HttpRequ
    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(HttpReques
    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.serveOneRequest(HttpReque
    at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$
    07/03/20 12:55:07 ERROR [oracle.lbs.foi.FOIServlet] [Foi Server] foi process err

    yes linestring themes will have the same restriction as polygon themes: you can add multiple of them, but you may experience strange behaviors when you attempt to turn one of them on or off. So the best practice is to ensure there is only one linestring/polygon type theme-based FOI added to the MVMapView object at any time.
    This restriction is there mainly because of IE6's inability to support PNGs with alpha transparency natively.
    And yes you may notice some difference in performance between IE and FF, mainly because for IE we have to apply additional processing so that it can handle PNGs with alpha transparency which introduces a lot of overhead.
    hope this helps,

  • Showing Multiple Colors in a single Line series Chart

    Hi there,
    I need to show some High,Low and Normal datapoints with different colors on a single series chart
    I have to use line series.
    Can anyone help me with this, I not even sure if this is possible
    Please throw some light
    Thank you

    For the first variant.
    You have a LineSeries for all data.
    You manually divide your dataProvider for three providers: with low, hi and norm values. And Create additional PlotSeries for each part and set coloror what you want. So line will be shown by LineSeries and point will be shown and colored by PlotSerieses. Very simple variant but if you need to change the low and hi limits It's not so good. But if this limits are static and data is static it's very good.
    If data and limits are dinamic or you want to create more correct solution. It's not so difficult to create itemRenderer for LineSeries (there is a style property itemRenderer). Read about renderers in docs^

  • My left shift key on Macbook Pro Retina (15") is behaving like the F11 key (show/hide open windows).  The key behaves the same for the laptop keyboard and for an external Apple keyboard?  This just started in last week after 6 months of use

    My left shift key on Macbook Pro Retina (15") is behaving like the F11 key (show/hide open windows). 
    The left shift key behaves the same on the laptop keyboard and on an external Apple keyboard. 
    This just started in last week after 6 months of use.  The right shift key and other keys on the keyboard all appear to work correctly.
    Suggestions greatly appreciated.

    I have a solution to this issue now after a discussion with Apple Support.  Some where in the last few weeks, there was a change in the key that would do a Show Desktop under the Mission Control settings in the System Preferences.  Even though the key sequence that was shown for the Show Desktop setting did not include the Left SHift key, by changing this first to having no key sequence and applying that and then changing it back to the F11 key, the Left SHift key issue that I was having has cleared up.
    A second issue that was uncovered was that the SSD had some issues (uncovered when I ran Disk Utility using the Repair Disk key).  I had to restart and use the Disk Utility through the Command R sequence to get to the stand alone Disk Utility.  The SSD appears to be running better as a result as well.
    Hope that this is of use to someone else in the future.

  • With a PDF Dynamic form using show/hide actions, how to ensure that when the completed form is saved, closed and re-opened, the form still show the fields as before it was closed?

    With a PDF Dynamic form using show/hide actions, how to ensure that when the completed form is saved, closed and re-opened, the form still show the fields as before it was closed?
    I have developed a form with fields hidden by default, that become visible based on box ticked or radio button selections.
    My problem is that, when I close the form and re-open it, it comes back to it's default presentation, regardless of the information already recorded in the form (including in the now hidden fields.
    How to correct that
    Thanks in advance for any hint you can provide.

    I've had the same problem. This solved it...
    Go to the "Form properties..." in the File-menu. Select "Run-time" to the left and in the box "Scripting" Preserve scripting changes to form when saved: choose Automatically (Script-based state changes are saved locally in an insecure fashion. This option cannot be used for certified forms).
    Hope it works for you to...

  • Custom splash screen only shows up when command line is used...

    Everything in my Java web start application works perfectly but, the custom splash screen only shows up when command line is used ("C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin>javaws -verbose"), if I use the shortcut on the desktop or in the start menu, the Java 7 splash screen shows up (tested under Windows Vista and Seven). Does someone have any clues?
    My jnlp file :
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <jnlp spec="6.0+" href="AcSent.jnlp">
        <title>AcSent : Commande de repas</title>
        <description>AcSent - Commande de repas</description>
        <homepage href="" />
        <icon href="acSentIconBiseau.png" />
        <icon href="splashAcSentRC.png" kind="splash" />
        <shortcut online="true">
          <desktop />
          <menu submenu="AcSent" />
        <all-permissions />
        <j2se version="1.6+" href="" max-heap-size="128m" />
        <jar href="AcSentJnlpProgressIndicator.jar" download="progress" />
        <jar href="AcSentJnlp.jar" main="true" version="1.0" />
        <property name="jnlp.packEnabled" value="true" />
        <property name="jnlp.versionEnabled" value="true" />
      <application-desc name="AcSent" main-class="eu.acsent.jnlp.AcSentApplication"

    Hi again,
    I made some researches :
    - The link in the generated shorcuts ("C:\Windows\SysWOW64\javaws.exe -localfile -J-Djnlp.application.href= "C:\Users\Arnaud\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache\6.0\46\69c1e9ee-1f252d1a") is not the same as the one I use in the command line ("C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin>javaws -verbose"). Is there a way in the the JNLP file to tell how to generate shortcuts (not the icon, etc., but command line options)?
    - This sample ( displays the splash screen when I click on the the generated shortcuts (I use Windows 7). I have copied the ButtonDemo jar file and the JNLP file on my IIS web server (Windows 2008 Server), this time the splash screen does not show up when I click the generated shortcuts but always shows up when I use the command line. Can someone tell me if it is a trouble with IIS ?
    Thanks again...

  • Why does the revealed image flicker when using the Show/Hide feature?

    I started using the Show/Hide Button and Forms function in InDesign CS6 and have had some peculiar things happen. I was mocking up some samples and on the swf version if you hover over the left side of the blue rectangle all is fine but if you move to the right side of the blue rectangle the image starts to flicker. When you hover over the red rectangle the pop-up image just flickers constantly. I guess there must be some issue with having the button for a revealed image under some portion of the revealed image. See: .
    The problem went away when the button and the revealed image did not overlap.
    This problem didn't occur with another file I had originally created in CS5.
    On the pdf version the buttons which are on their own layer behind the revealed image moved to the front in the pdf:
    [email protected]

    Remove the dimensions in the following
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip11">  <img src="pix/1-pp-all-490x480.jpg" width="850" height="750" /></div>

  • Show/Hide JSF field based on SelectOnceChoice using Model Driven List

    Hello All,
    I have a use case where I want to show or hide fields based on values populated in SelectOneChoice. I have View master and View Lookup, master has a field named product which displayed selectiononechoice of product name built using lookup view as accessor. I am storing id of lookup type inside product column. Based on a product name say "abc" I want to hide subsequent fields. Can anyone please tell me how to implement this?
    I am using ADF 11g version 11.1.2.

    If I understand you correctly, you are trying to show/hide subsequent fields based on the value selected from a selectonechoice?
    Did you try using partial triggers and EL for setting the rendered attribute on subsequent fields and setting autosubmit to true on selectonechoice?

  • Captivate: Using Javascript to show/hide text captions

    I want to show/hide a text caption using javascript. I can't find the way of doing it with advanced actions. I dont know if it's because it belongs to a question slide in a pool. Does somebody knows if it's possible and how it can be done??

    You can set the length of the variable when you insert it.
    15 characters is just the default setting.
    What I meant by COULD is that the kind of thing you are asking about here (using JavaScript to hide objects inside a Captivate movie at runtime) is not as simple as you'd like it to be.
    JavaScript is not my particular area of expertise, but there are some people that chime in on this forum that ARE experts at JS. But I think they would also be the first to say that it's not as simple a thing to pull off as just "knowing the command to hide/show an object".
    The easiest tool to use in Captivate for showing or hiding objects is Advanced Actions.  The next easiest thing to use is ActionScript 3, and that's hard.  JavaScript is a very useful programming language, but it spends all of its life outside the Captivate movie looking in through AS3's External Interface.  So JS alone is not going to solve all your issues.

  • Using JavaScript to show/hide fragments

    Can anyone point me in the direction of information or an example of JavaScript being used to show or hide fragments within a form?
    I'm looking to add JavaScript to the XDP content of my fragments so that these fragments will be shown or hidden depending on the evaluation of certain conditions.
    If I create a form, and reference a fragment within that, then I can hide the fragment using this JavasScipt embedded within the form:
    However, I'm looking to add the JavaScript to my fragment. I've used similar JavaScript but when the form and fragment are assembled the fragment is always displayed.
    Can anyone help here please?

    Can anyone help here at all?
    All that I need for now is how to get JavaScript included in my fragment invoked when a form that includes that fragment is assembled.
    When the fragment is rendered by itself the JavaScript is invoked. But not when it's rendered from within another form. Why is this?

  • Newbie: trying to use XML in a Line Series.

    So, I have a similar question to my last one, how to connect some XML from an RPC to a line series. The XML comes across fine. Problem is, why does it not work below?
    The XML is simple, and I use dataProvider="{tsRPC.lastResult.TIMESERIES}"....then yField="DataPoint.Value"...but it does not work
    I have seen some examples that use the "data.something"...where data must be some internal object. I tried various combinations of everything.
      <DataPoint Date="38000" Value="34.51"/>
      <DataPoint Date="38001" Value="35.06"/>
        <mx:HTTPService id="tsRPC"
    <mx:Panel title="LineChart and AreaChart Controls Example3"
            height="491" width="729" layout="horizontal" x="350" y="84">
            <mx:LineChart id="linechart" height="100%" width="100%"
                paddingLeft="5" paddingRight="5"
                showDataTips="true" dataProvider="{tsRPC.lastResult.TIMESERIES}">      
                <mx:CategoryAxis id="ca" categoryField="DataPoint.Date" title="Date" />
                    <mx:LineSeries yField="DataPoint.Value" form="curve" displayName="Profit" lineStroke="{s1}"/>
            <mx:Legend dataProvider="{linechart}"/>

    thanks paul.
    I am learning now about e4x. For those who don't know...
    For those that don't know E4X stands for ECMAScript for XML and this specification introduces some new functionality that makes working with XML a lot simpler. New to AS3 are the XML, XMLList,QSpace and Namespace E4X classes. E4X not only makes life simpler but provides greater code consistency and familiarity (we can use dot syntax more similiar to ActionScript).

  • Show/Hide tabs in a report using profiles

       There is a need to show hide/show tabs based on User Profile or any other method.
       There are 1. Summary  2. Detailed Tab in report.
       For data analysts client want to show Detailed tab so that Analysts can work on Analysis.  Managers shoud be able to see only Summary tab.
      This is required to reduce no of modificatiosn required for reprots. This helsp to avoid prolifiration of reports as well.
      Pleas help on techniques/ tools to get this requirement at the earliest.
    Nanda Kishore B

    Hi Nanda,
    I do not think this functionality is currently available in WebI.
    However you could break these report tabs into two different reports and using access privilges make these two reports available to the concerned team.
    You can log a request at to directly work with the product group to check if this exact functinality could be included or not.
    Hope this helps.

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    Is it possible to delete a virtual column in a table. Please give the complete syntax to help do it

  • Keyboard producing extra letters when typing and impacting system performance

    I’m having some issues with my Mid-2010 MacBook Pro 15. The Apple tech guy was baffled at the symptoms I was experiencing; he was unable to help (the MacBook Pro itself has not been inspected) so I thought I would see if anyone else had a view as to

  • Displaying special characters in a report

    Hi All, I need to display a special character (ℓ) in my report. I checked the type-pool : sym, but it doesn't have this symbol. Any help in this regard will be highly appreciated. Thanks in Advance. Thanks and Regards, Arun Nishore

  • Playstation error

    I keep getting an error every time I try to log in to our psn account (ps4) which says Playstation error nw-31456-9

  • Batch input from sproxy

    Hi I want to use batch input to clear field in vl02n(dleivery),when the batch input is called from sproxy(XI) there is mix in the screens and he oesn't find the field in the batch input screen and therfore doesn't clear the field. When i copy the bat