Shutdown via remote control (lirc)

hi all :>
is it possible to shutdown the computer through a ir remote control? do i have to configure the lirc conf or is there any easier way?
best regards

Option 1
try irexec if you don't know what it is please google.
arch wiki, … o_use_Lirc
Add this to your .lircrc file:
prog = irexec
button = Power (or wahetver the PC button is named on your /etc/lircd.conf)
config = shutdown -h now
Option 2-1000 … 6811112127

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    I want to address a OMICRON CPC100 device via remote control. I have a dll ("TESTCONTROL.dll"), which provides methods to control the CPC100. In order to encapsulate this functionality, I've written a VB.NET-dll ("CLC_CL_for_Net.dll") (it's a class-dll) which calls methods of TESTCONTROL.dll. Now I want to use CLC_CL_for_Net.dll in LabVIEW.
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    Imports TESTCONTROLLib
    Namespace MyCPCNamespace
        Public Class CPCClass
            Public Sub New()
            End Sub
            Public Sub testfunction(ByVal ipaddress As String)
                Dim tc As TestProcedure
                Dim atm As IATMTest
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            End Sub
        End Class
    End Namespace
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    Hi Matthias,
    I am not really familiar with .NET assemblies but I found couple informations on your error :
    First of all, about the Error 1172 in LabVIEW, there is two things to proof:
    Ensure that the .NET assemblies that you are using are saved in the root directory of the top-level VI.
    Add the .NET assembly as a reference in LabVIEW by selecting Tools»Advanced»NET Assembly References. Click the Add button and navigate to the location of all the assemblies that you want to call.
    Those two steps sometimes solve Error 1172 related problems. I also found some information about the "ActiveX component cannot be created" error. A .Net Class library needs to be in a COM wrapper in order for it to be called through COM methods, such as ActiveX. The way to do so is:
    1. Create a new .NET Class Library project.
    2. Remove the Class1.vb that is created.
    3. Click Add Class on your project.
    4. Choose "COM Class", and add it.
    5. Add at least 1 function or sub in it.
    6. Compile it, and Visual Studio should registrer it automaticly.
    If you whish to manuall reg it, or create a registry entry file, use "RegAsm.exe" in the .NET Framework folder.
    I hope this could be any helpful to you
    Florian Abry
    Application Engineer Group Leader
    NI Germany

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    Hi seanflakes,
    Your issue has been escalated to a Verizon agent. Before the agent can begin assisting you, they will need to collect further information from you. Please go to your profile page for the forum and look at the top of the middle column where you will find an area titled "My Support Cases". You can reach your profile page by clicking on your name beside your post, or at the top left of this page underneath the title of the board.
    Under "My Support Cases" you will find a link to the private board where you and the agent may exchange information. The title of your post is the link. This should be checked on a frequent basis, as the agent may be waiting for information from you before they can proceed with any actions. To ensure you know when they have responded to you, at the top of your support case there is a drop down menu for support case options. Open that and choose "subscribe". Please keep all correspondence regarding your issue in the private support portal.

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    On Wed, 29 Sep 2004 22:25:17 GMT, Bryan Miller wrote:
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    take a look at the online documentation which describes this..
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    /anders westerberg

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    Has your problem been resolved? If not, you might try one of the following options:
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    Good luck!
    Your Novell Product Support Forums Team

  • Remote control of Mac via Flash iOS app

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    I am a very trial-and-error Flash coder but have managed to create a (I think) pretty serviceable VJ system - see
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    Thanks for any help

    Hi Sean,
    I basically was in the same situation as you - too lazy to get up and walk to the computer with my music library
    The only way I found to do this was using Apple Remote Desktop which unfortunately is too expensive (for me certainly) to be a solution in this case.
    Sorry I can't really help, but at least you know you're not alone!

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    Topic Title::: How can I control a swf file via RF remote
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    - but don't seem to be able to get to work.
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    I need to click to the nest stop(); and click back if needed.
    onKeypress pagedown
    onKeypress pageup

    I figured it out. Just make a full-screen invisible button
    and place it on a layer on each frame.
    For insatnce, Actions - Button for frame 2:
    on (keyPress "<PageDown>") {
    gotoAndStop (3);
    on (keyPress "<PageUp>") {
    gotoAndStop (2);
    sends the show forward to frame (slide) 3 with a press of the
    remote's "Next" button and sends it back to frame (slide) 1 with a
    press of the "Back" button.
    I have a Stop action on each frame.
    This allows me to control a Flash show just like a Powerpoint
    show. Cool.

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    What I want is to totally control my iMac from the PB.
    thx for any input.

    Which OS version the PB is running?
    If it is on 10.5 you already have Screen Sharing. If the PB is still at 10.4 you can get JollysFastVNC

  • Win2k8 Remote Control Not Working With SRSS 4.2 + SRWC 2.2

    Hi there.
    I have an install of Windows Server 2008 (32bit) with SRSS 4.2 & SRWC 2.2 setup. I was previously on SRSS 4.1 & SRWC 2.1 and having the same issue I am having now, which to me tells me this problem is unresolved or i'm being a total muppet. (hopefully not the last one)
    Windows Terminal Server environments has this awesome remote control feature where you can login to an RDP session which is already active and take control of the session while the end user is still logged in.With Server 2003 this works perfectly fine- it's brilliant. WIth 2008 it is a nightmare. It works for a split second and then closes off. The end users session also gets locked out (not logged out) and they have to put their windows credentials in to carry on working again.
    Now... I can remote control users who are logging in via Remote Desktop on Windows XP/Vista etc.. but I can't with the Sun Ray Sessions. Does the SRWC 2.2 fully compatible with RDP 6.1 or is there any information anyone can give me to point me in the right direction of resolving this issue, like I said.. Win 2k3- Works like a dream....
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    - Joe.

    I just realised I hadn't posted the logs from SRSS Server with the issues. I have just tried on another WIN2K8 Server which wasn't configured by myself or my company and the same symptoms occurred. See logs below:
    Oct 1 10:58:06 ESL-SOLARIS-SPARE kiosk:uttsc[4095]: [ID 702911 user.notice] /opt/SUNWuttsc/bin/uttsc[104]: 4116 Abort
    Oct 1 10:58:06 ESL-SOLARIS-SPARE Sun Ray Connector proxy:[4117]: [ID 855542 user.error] Child closed socket prematurely, session shutdown
    Oct 1 10:58:06 ESL-SOLARIS-SPARE kiosk:uttsc[4123]: [ID 702911 user.error] /opt/SUNWuttsc/bin/uttsc exited with error code 134 - exiting
    Oct 1 10:58:06 ESL-SOLARIS-SPARE kioskcrit: [ID 702911 user.notice] Info: critical application uttsc (pid=3902) exited with non zero status: 134
    Oct 1 10:58:06 ESL-SOLARIS-SPARE kioskcritd[3752]: [ID 422571] Info: a critical application has exited.
    Oct 1 10:58:06 ESL-SOLARIS-SPARE kioskcritd[3752]: [ID 126805] Terminating Kiosk Primary Session ( pid=3902 )
    Oct 1 10:58:06 ESL-SOLARIS-SPARE kioskcritd[3752]: [ID 308018] kioskcritd stopped
    Oct 1 10:58:07 ESL-SOLARIS-SPARE utauthd: [ID 794400] SessionManager0 NOTICE: EMPTY: ACTIVE session
    Oct 1 10:58:15 ESL-SOLARIS-SPARE kiosk:utkioskconfig:refresh[4381]: [ID 702911] Enabled Kiosk Mode for display ':2'
    Oct 1 10:58:15 ESL-SOLARIS-SPARE dtlogin[4274]: [ID 118685] pam_sunray_amgh::[DPY=2] AMGH_SUMMARY: token=pseudo.00144fb78760, username=, AMGH_Done?=NO(Local Session), Details=AMGH is not configured., AMGH_Target=*NONE*
    Oct 1 10:58:15 ESL-SOLARIS-SPARE dtlogin[4274]: [ID 976841] pam_kiosk: pam_sm_authenticate: Initiating Kiosk session with user utku2
    Oct 1 10:58:15 ESL-SOLARIS-SPARE kioskcritd[4420]: [ID 190395] kioskcritd started
    Oct 1 10:58:57 ESL-SOLARIS-SPARE Sun Ray Connector proxy:[4612]: [ID 855542 user.error] Child closed socket prematurely, session shutdown
    Anyone able to help me out?

  • Unplugging all network devices from Fios router prevents DVR freezing and remote control lock ups.

    I recently had a Verizon tech visit my house due to constant DVR and remote control freezing. TV content was freezing whether it was locally recorded, pulled from another DVR in the house, or On Demand. On a hunch after the tech tested everything and was about to leave, he unplugged my gigabit switch from the Fios router. Lo and behold everything started running perfectly. Since to the tech, the problem was solved, he closed the case and was on his way. The probem is of course I have more devices than the built in router switch provides ports for. My network is compised of an 8 port Netgear gigabit switch downstream from the Fios router with two wireless access points (with their own built in gigbait switches) connecting to the Netgear gigabit switch. There are no loops in the switch topology. I've tried changing out the router, the gigabit switch, removing the wireless acces points individually as well as plugging the access points directly into the Fios router switch (one at a time with no Netgear switch in the middle) and all scenarious cause the DVR/remote control freeezing to come back. The only devices I can plug into the Fios router without causing freezes are PC's....anything with it's own switch essentially brings the network to it's knees. If anyone has an idea how to get my network back in one piece AND make the DVR's/remotes behave, I'd greatly appreciate the help!
    My Fios equipment:
    MI-424WR GEN-3I  rev I (eye) running firmware 40.19.36
    5 Motorola HD-DVRs all QIP 7232-2 running software release 1.9.1 platform build 25.39 (Oct. 22, 2012)
    Specific config:
    75/35 Fios connecting via ethernet from ONT. Set-top boxes connect to Fios router coax port via powered splitter.
    *All SNR/dB mesasurements taken by the tech from the set-top boxes and router are well within spec.
    Fios router provides DHCP addressing. Wireless N access points are configured for roaming with the same SSID and non-overlapping channels. Access points are not providing routing or IP adressing...all layer 3 and up services still provided by Fios router
    Fios Router ---------Cable Splitter---------Set Top Boxes
    Netgear Switch
      |           |
    WAP1    WAP2

    WayfarerII wrote:
    ... DVR ... remote ... freezing ... TV ... whether ... locally recorded, pulled from another DVR ... 
    ... tech ... unplugged my gigabit switch from the Fios router ... and ... everything started running perfectly ...   
    ... config:
    75/35 Fios ... via ethernet from ONT ... Set-top boxes connect to Fios router via powered splitter ...
      | cat5
    Fios Router ---------Cable Splitter---------Set Top Boxes
    Netgear Switch
      |           |
    WAP1    WAP2
    I am inclined to echo several of the "tns" comments, particularly with respect to your splitter.  My layout is based on a standard 8-port splitter of the type usually supplied in a VZ install.  In addition I do have a ChannelPlus device that functions as a powered splitter, but its use is limited to distribution of secondary TV signals to older analog TVs.  My first point then is that this may be an offender as "tns" has suggested.
    In addition, I'd describe your wiring as "non-standard" (red-colored items in the above diagram)  As you're no doubt aware, with 75/35 you don't really need Cat5e from the ONT (your original diagram).  It seems the highest tiers do require it, but in "standard" installations this run is coax directly to an 8-port non-powered splitter (below diagram), then from that splitter via coax to all STBs and CableCards, other TVs, et.), and also to the Actiontec.   Subsequent feeds from the Actiontec to wired devices (including WAPs) are via Ethernet (typically Cat 5e).
    In fact I don't immediately see how your STBs get additional services such as On Demand and IMG with the wiring shown in your diagram (perhaps someone can help me out here).  In "standard" installs the Actiontec must be connected via coax to the ONT to provide such services to other network clients.  I don't see that requirement being met here.
    For starters I'd recommend that you change your service from WAN Ethernet to WAN coax.  This can easily be accomplished over the telephone.  Then I'd run coax directly from the ONT to the Actiontec as in my revised diagram below (blue-colored items).  If your setup can manage with this arrangement, I think it will help greatly with the "freezing" issue.
    ONT - - - - - - coax - - - - -
    Fios Router --- coax--- Standard 8-Port Splitter --- coax --- Set Top Boxes
    Netgear Switch
    |cat5           |cat5
    WAP1 WAP2
    Subsequent Note:  You provided additional info while I was composing a response, and I'd  like to offer another comment.  Structured wiring "panels" of the type usually available are pre-configured to provide data, phone and video.  This usually means that one is in certain respects limited by the ideas of the panel designer.  I have what can be called a structured wiring layout, but it really is composed of individual small custom networks for  each service (automation, security, video, data, telco, etc.), configured so that all wiring terminates in "home run" fashion at a central panel (a few details here: ).  This layout makes it easier to make adjustments (and there have been quite a few over the intervening years).  I'm thinking that in your case you may have to abandon the powered splitter (presumably) built into the panel in order to avoid your present fix.
    Subsequent Subsequent Note:   From your description it seems that you are using more than a single "whole house" DVR to supply programming to other devices.  This is a bit puzzling to me because somewhere along the line I recall reading that only a single whole house DVR was allowed on the network.  Can you elaborate a bit?

  • Can you manually advance a Captivate slide presentation with a remote control and a projector.

    I have published a large volument of PowerPoint presentations with Captivate 5.0 and intend to distribute the presentations to live instructors as a means to control content delivered live by instructors to the students.  The files are aggregrated into groups of lessons and published to PDF with a Table of Contents.
    We need to avoid manually advancing the show from the laptop.
    Having difficulty determining how to use remote control via laptop and projector to advance the next slide or presentation. Can't get it to work. Was able to do so previously with PowerPoint slides converted to PDF shows. Remotes/Laser pointers worked fine. But now that I have processed the shows through Captivate 5.0 can seem to find a remote that will work with the new PDF or SWF with our systems.
    We use a laptop and projection system, so need to be able to advance the show to the next "slide" manually and are trying to figure out how to do it with a remote control.
    Has anyone else experienced this challenge and did you find a solution?.

    Hi Carey,
    if you can apply the letter "A" for "next" to your remote control?
    Then you could add a shortcut to your buttons in the captivate file.
    In deapth:
    Go to a PPT importet slide (using the "click mouse" option to continue".
    Click somewhere in the screen (clickbox_xx will be selected).
    Properties - Action - Shortcut. Click it and press "A".
    Click somewhere on the stage.
    Now when you press your next button on the remote, Captivate will receive an "A" and continue to the next slide.
    Hope this helps

  • HT1947 iPhone 5 remote control to ipad 2

    I'm looking for an app to use my iPhone 5 as a remote control to the ipad 2. I have netflix on the ipad plugged into the tv and would like to control it from my iPhone. Does any app exist?

    Thank you very much for your help MetaSolaray; this is most helpful ... I have followed your advice and was able to establish the following:
    My kids can send messages to my iPad via iMessage, and they receive messages sent from my iPad ... so, all ok with respect to Apple devices in Canada!
    It now has become apparent that messages sent by my wife from South Africa to my kids' iPhones are received randomly (i.e. not consistently), and still not delivering at all to my iPad.  What is interesting is that my wife is able to txt my eldest's Blackberry perfectly.  Does this mean that it is an iMessage/iDevice to iDevice issue?
    My wife has not yet been able to get to a WiFi location, so all texts have been sent via cellular (data roaming is turned off on her iPhone).  We are hoping that soon she will be able to get to a location where she can hop onto a wireless network to test this further; but, I have to say, I find this highly frustrating as txt (pre-iMessage) seemed so reliable.  I will keep you posted ...
    I really appreciate your kind assistance!

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