Silent install LV and modules

I made a silent install for LV and a lot modules. Everything seems to work except a few things:
1) How can I automate the connect with the license server without first start the license manager and add the license server manually
2) How can I automate the Activation ?
best regards

Try this:
Requesting Permissions from NI VLM during Mass Software Installations
Adnan Zafar
Certified LabVIEW Architect
Coleman Technologies

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    Check out these technical documents:
    Hope it helps.
    Bobby Johnson.

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    Just Pro 7.0.0 (I'll integrate the patches to 7.0.9 later)
    I'm not keen on an Admin install, as this poses problems when patching (i.e. you have to do a "reinstall=All"). I prefer to integrate released patches into the silent install package, and for subsequent patches, just package them for silent install and push them down to the client.
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    It sounds like you are trying to use a retail serial as an enterprise serial and would like to bypass it's restrictions by deactivating it . . . I assume that's not possible, but perhaps I don't understand your issue.
    I doubt you'll get a good answer on the forum. Try support, your sales rep, or a help link on the licensing web site (if there is one).

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    Try the following with the parameter INSTALLDIR without forward slash and both */INSTALLDIRJAVADB* and */INSTALLDIRPUBJRE* with forward slash
    jdk-6u26-windows-i586.exe /s INSTALLDIR=\"c:\java\jdk-6u26\" /INSTALLDIRJAVADB=\"c:\java\javadb-6u26\" /INSTALLDIRPUBJRE=\"c:\java\jre-6u26\"If you want to use ADDLOCAL please note that */INSTALLDIRJAVADB* and/or */INSTALLDIRPUBJRE* only work if the values PublicjreFeature and/or JavaDBFeature are in ADDLOCAL. e.g.
    jdk-6u26-windows-i586.exe /s ADDLOCAL="ToolsFeature,DemosFeature,SourceFeature,JavaDBFeature,PublicjreFeature" INSTALLDIR=\"c:\java\jdk-6u26\" /INSTALLDIRJAVADB=\"c:\java\javadb-6u26\" /INSTALLDIRPUBJRE=\"c:\java\jre-6u26\"

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    Hello Metan,
    I recommend to post this question in a different [Legacy Products forum|SAP BusinessObjects BI Legacy Products;.
    That forum is monitored by qualified technicians and you will get a faster response there.
    Also, all Administration queries for Legacy products remain in one place and thus can be easily searched in one place.
    Thanks a lot,

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    I need to copy and in what situation in order to get NCF to use a prepared
    Many Thanks

    the following list of files is what i backup when i run an update or
    reinstall the client or whatever...
    plugins.ini - will be different if you've installed any
    Richard Beels
    Collaboration without complication

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    Kind regards

    @hannilator Have you checked the exceptions folder contents for instructions on how to push to logged off computers? Here's what I get when I package CS6 (DesignWebPrem) and excude AIR/CHC:
    After you have deployed the package, separately install the products in the exception folder.
    IMPORTANT: Before you install the products in the exception folder, refer to the following Adobe Knowledgebase article for information on installing these products and configuring the settings correctly:
    NOTE: The installation commands provided below will work when the user is logged in to the client machine where the package is being deployed. For the scenario where the user is not logged in, prefix the following string to the command:
    sudo launchctl bsexec `ps auwwx |grep [l]oginwindow | awk '{ print $2 }'`
    As an example, here is the command to install "Adobe AIR" when the user is not logged in to the client machine (assuming Adobe AIR is part of the package):
    sudo launchctl bsexec `ps auwwx |grep [l]oginwindow | awk '{ print $2 }'` Adobe\ AIR\\ AIR\ Installer -silent
    ###################################### Command to install Adobe Dreamweaver Widget Browser ######################################
    Adobe AIR AIR Installer -silent -eulaAccepted -programMenu WidgetBrowser.air
    ###################################### Command to install AdobeHelp ######################################
    InstallAdobeHelp appVersion=4.0.244 appId=chc pubId=4875E02D9FB21EE389F73B8D1702B320485DF8CE.1 installerArg1=-silent installerArg2=-eulaAccepted installerArg3=AdobeHelp.air

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    I also want to do the silent install for this application, with both installation and registration of the product using my license. I have no internet connection and i am wondering if this i possible?

    Hi There,
    Please go through the doc below to see the workflow to create a .msi. ManagerEnterpriseEditionDeploymentGuide_v_3_1.pdf

  • Silent install of 10.1.0 (MUI) Reader and patches leaves teh previous Version in Add remove prog

    having major issues with a silent install to 3300 users.
    I Have a vb script that runs in SCCM to install reader 10.1.0 (MUI) and the increnetal patches for 10.1.1 and 10.1.2 both MUI.  I have created a transform to not use a desktop icon, turn on protect mode and supress the eula.  3 problems.
    1.  The script searches for old versions and completly install the mui version over all with the following command line:
    "AcroRead.msi TRANSFORMS=AcroRead.mst PATCH="AdbeRdrUpd1011_MUI.msp; AdbeRdrUpd1012_MUI.msp" ALLUSERS=1 LANG_ID=1033 PRODUCTLANGUAGE=1033 LEAVE_PDFOWNERSHIP=YES REMOVE_PREVIOUS=YES EULA_ACCEPT=YES SUPPRESS_APP_LAUNCH=YES /qn /norestart /LOG c:\progra~1\Adobe\AdobeReader10.1.2.log"
    Setup.ini file reads:
    RequireOS=Windows 2000
    CmdLine=/sl"1033" /rs /sPB
    1033=English (United States)
    [Windows 2000]
    [MSI Updater]
    Path= -x86.exe
    Problems on about 100 computers so far:
    1.  If the system had 10.1.1  and not the 10.1.1 MUI and 10.1.2 MUI stay in Add Remove Programs
    2. Systems that get the full uninstall and reinstall  even if adobe is closed and browser is closed and user can not read files from the web or email after the complete install to 10.1.2 mui.  Adobe works locally.
    3.  Some systems appear to upgrade fine. 

    With Administrative Installation Points I've always found it best to remove the old version first with a script using [msiexec.exe /x {APPLICATION_GUID} ] before installing the new AIP.  You should read the documentation about 10.x AIP though.

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    I have the same issue with version 5.0_06. This does allow me to choose IE as the default browser but does not install silently.
    I am installing on Windows 2000 SP4.

    Can't help you with the MSI/MST part of your question directly, however we use the following command line:
    jre-1_5_0_04-windows-i586-p.exe /s /v" /qn ADDLOCAL=jrecore,extra IEXPLORER=1 REBOOT=ReallySuppress JAVAUPDATE=0 SYSTRAY=0"
    You might be able to make IEXPLORER=1 work for you via the MSI?
    Additionally, you can manage JRE settings via the following method -
    Place a file called 'deployment.config' in the following location:
    This file can act as a pointer to a configuration file (aka
    The contents of 'deployment.config' would look like (as an example):
    '' would then contain this like:
    deployment.browser.path=C\:\\Program Files\\Internet Explorer\\iexplore.exe
    For more details:
    This could help you as well? Good luck.

  • How to silently install and set default settings

    I need to deploy FireFox 16.0.2 to a bunch of Windows computers and set some default settings. Is there a good article that can walk me through it?
    I also need to set the home page, have it not check for the default browser, and disable updates. The -ms option does silently install FireFox so I guess I just need to know how to configure FireFox for our environment and push out those settings with the install.
    I have versions ranging from 1 to 15. Do those old versions need to be removed first or can 16.0.2 be installed over what is already there? Is there an uninstall switch for this so that I can create a package to remove it?

    hello jmoody76 - you can manage central settings with the mozilla.cfg file in the firefox program folder. this article gives some guidance on how to implement that: []
    i think it may work to just install the new versions on top of the older ones (though i'm not sure if this has any unintended side effects on those very old installations) or according to it's possible to run a silent uninstall through the setup executable by /S.

  • Silent Install w/Admin and Managed Servers

    I noticed on versions 11 and 12 of Weblogic, it seems the parameters available for a silent install have been greatly simplified to where it just does a base install.  How would I go about getting it to do a silent install with an Admin server and 2 Managed servers?  Do I need to do an install and update-install or is there a way I can do all this in 1 shot?
    Thanks In Advance

    An example is given here: Middleware Snippets: Automate WebLogic 12.1.2 Deployment.

  • I need to silently install the latest Mozilla firefox on Win7 machines, I do not see any .msi available and the /S or -S commands on the setup.exe installer does not work. Does someone know what can I do?

    I need the silent install of firefox for image deployment.

    For windows 7, you can use the -ms switch. For example, I have a batch file that works great. It contains the following:
    @Echo Installing Firefox
    @start /wait "Firefox Setup 3.6.10.exe" -ms
    However this does not seem to work well in windows XP. To get it to work in windows XP, I had to remove the spaces from the firefox installer and run the following command:
    @start /wait FirefoxSetup3.6.10.exe -ms
    If anyone has an easier way to get silent install working under XP (without renaming the firefox installer) please let me know!

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