Simple border problems with FCP X

I've seen this issue discussed a little on the internet and know I can add a background to the clip to create a border, but with over 300 clips, I would rather create one border and paste it to the other clips!
I cannot for the life of me, understand why FCP X will not put a simple border around all of the edges of a clip, especially when the clip was cropped in Aperature.  To me, I wouldn't think it would be able to see the parts of the photo, which were removed prior to being imported into FCP X. 
Anyone know of a work around?
Thanks in advance!

Sorry that I'm obviously missing  the point you're trying to make.
What size are your photos?
Are they the same size, greater or less than your projecty resolution?
By movements. do you mean that the standard Ken Burns effect in iMovie?
Below is a screenshot of a clip with a shape (rectangle) generator beneath as a connected clip. The entire clip from the primary story line is visible because it's been scaled down. The generator can be made as long in duration as you want. Any number of clips on the primary storyline can be scaled to size by selecting all, copying and pasting attributes.

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    Not sure how you tried to install 10.4.8 but if all
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    and Install' then upgrade it to 10.4.8 - probably in
    Erase and install should be used as a last resort! A better option is to use the "archive and install" feature. It renames your old system folder and creates a new one for the OS you just re-installed. That way you don't have to reinstall everything, your user accounts and emails should all still be there, and if something doesn't work, you have your old system folder to pull things like preference files out of.

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    Message was edited by: mjaffe00
    Message was edited by: mjaffe00

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    Message was edited by: mjaffe00

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    I guess it's more accurate to say that there is a dramatic delay in the video between what I'm seeing in the playback window on my computer monitor and what I'm seeing on the external NTSC monitor. The audio does not have that delay, so on the external monitor the audio and video are out of sync. It makes it difficult to show anyone what you're working on, which is what the "client" monitor is supposed to do.

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    Jwrbloom wrote:
    Trashing my preferences???
    Corrupt preference files are the cause of many many problems in FCP X. If that is the cause of your problem, then deleting preferences will solve it; otherwise it will at least do no harm.
    (In case you don't know, most applications keep your preference settings in little files with .plist extension, in a "Preferences" folder. You usually don't notice and may not care about it unless they become corrupted and then your software may malfunction - as is the case here)
    Pref Manager, which I mentioned in the previous post, is a free software which can delete (and optionally backup and restore, in case you want to) these .plist files, without you going to look for them in the Finder.
    Deleting preferences does NOT affect your events and projects - it does not touch them. So it is innocuous and usually the first thing to try when FCP X misbehaves.
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    Someone will say "Restore your backup, the backup you made before you upgraded to 10.6.5." Just warning you.
    I'm also using 10.6.5 but I've not seen what you're describing. Maybe something is that more specific to your setup is causing it. If you export a QuickTime movie is it also fine or is your video output fine? If it is then you can keep working, because you know that the problem isn't affecting your output.
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    Is anyone else having this issue? What can I do about it? The errors mean nothing, it is so difficult to know where to begin to start to try and fix the problem or find a workaround.
    Andy Campbell

    Thanks for replying. The clips are in Quicktime format. Basically I am taking over an edit that was started in FCP on the Mac and trying to finish it in Premiere Pro CS4. However any even slightly complex timelines crash when you try and drag or select certain clips. I can't find any one common aspect of a clip or series of clips that makes it crash otherwise it might make some sense.
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    I've been having some problems with FCP5 and Motion 2. I am working with anamorphic footage (mini dv), and my problem lies in trying to use the "send to" feature in FCP to Motion 2. If I send some footage to Motion 2, edit it, and then go back to FCP to look at my edit, the anamorphic flag has been removed... the video is squished and there are black bars on the right and left sides of the film. I can easily fix this if I find the clip in the FCP browser and check the anamorphic flag, then drag and drop that clip over the original in the sequence, but I was wondering if there was an easier way. Is there a way to make it be anamorphic when it comes back into FCP from Motion 2?
    Dual 1.8 G5/2GB & 12 PB G4/1.25GB   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

    Yes, it loses the anamorphic flag on round trip. Just
    ctrl/right-click on the Motion project in your
    timeline, select Properties/Format and click on the
    anamorphic setting column.
    Thanks for the reply. That's exactly what I've been doing, but I was just wondering if this was an actual bug or not. I guess we will have to wait for Apple to fix it...
    BTW- Whenever I check the anamorphic culumn, I always have to re-drag and drop the clip in the timeline again. Is this right? Or should it go ahead and change it in the timeline automatically?
    Thanks again!
    Dual 1.8 G5/2GB & 12 PB G4/1.25GB   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

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    After the capture comes this message:
    The audio sample rate of one or more of your captured media files does not match the sample rate on your source tape. This may cause the video and audio of these media files to be out of sync. Make sure the audio sample rate of your capture preset matches the sample rate of your tape.
    My vide playback preset is Apple FireWirePal and the audio Firewire DV
    What can I do for this?

    If you look in your camera menus I am certain there is a way to turn on the display that shows the sample rate of your audio. It will say either 12-bit or 16-bit. 12-bit on the camera is 32k, 16-bit is 48k.
    As Michael says, if it's not drifting out of sync you don't have a problem in FCP. The only thing is you may have a problem with the camera not recording correctly, which may cause other problems.

  • Rendering and lagging problems with FCP  X

    I am working on a  Mac OS X Lion 10.7.3 (11D50b) -  Processor  2.4 GHz Intel Core i5 - Graphics  NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M 256 MB and Memory  8 GB 1067 MHz DDR3.
    My 30 minute project has been completed but every time I reopen it, there is a short sequence that always needs rendering. It takes a very long time for this sequence to render and FCP X regularly crashes and slows down. The software is very slow and sometimes non responsive.
    This is my first try with FCP X. I've been working with FCP 6 and changed to FCP X recently. I’ve imported a lot of jpg and mp4 files. I import with proxy and optimized files and analyzed preferences. I’ve tried running my project with my hardrive as well as my external hardrive.
    FCP X is generally lagging and unstable. It also slows down my computer.

    mp4 files. I think that is not a good idea to use that format with FCPX. With my camera I have the options to use mov. (native for FCPX) or mp4. I use mov.

  • Import Problem with FCP quicktime file.

    I exported my 18 minute video with FCP quicktime (instead of quicktime conversion I did export quicktime video in FCP). When I try to add this video to DVD Studio Pro, The first thirty seconds of video import and all the sound imports but no video imports after that first 30 seconds.
    Does anybody have any idea what this is?

    Sounds like a corrupt file. You should try opening it in QT and then saving it out with a different name if it works OK there. Be sure to make a self contained file, not a reference file.
    However, you may find it better to export from FCP through to Compressor and create your MPEG2 files there before bringing them in to DVDSP. This is a better work flow for lots of reasons, ensures you use a dedicated encoder and releases DVDSP to concentrate on what it does best (which certainly isn't the encoding, IMO!)

  • Capture Problem with FCP 5.1

    I just loaded 2 new titanium macbookpros with 5.1. When testing the basics of the programs I found that one worked fine and the 2nd kept quitting FCP when I batch captured some test clips. I tried throwing out the preferences and when that didn't help I tossed the entire program and all related files and reinstalled the suite. Still having the same problem of quitting on the capture. What do I do? I'm leaving for India on Thursday and need a solution yesterday! Has anyone out there had a similar problem or did I just buy a faulty computer?

    I know you said you threw out your preferences, but have you tried it using FCP Rescue? If not, try this link, download the correct version, then follow the additional instructions posted below by Brian Conner in a previous thread.
    "In some rare cases, you have to modify that sequence of actions.
    After the step where you trash the prefs in Rescue, quit Rescue, start FCP, create a new project & change a couple of settings. Doesn't matter what, because later you'll be trashing them.
    Now quit FCP and Shut Down the Mac. (Shut Down, not Restart.) Then boot up again. In a Finder window, confirm that the FCP preferences files exist.
    Now start FCP again and set the prefs the way you want them. Close the project, so that NO projects are open. Quit FCP.
    Open FCP Rescue 5. You should not be getting a corrupt settings message. Click Backup and quit Rescue."
    Hopefully that will do the trick, or post back if still needing help.

  • When is Apple going to fix the problems with FCP and Leopard

    This is a nightmare.
    I wish I never did the upgrade.
    It's horrible that Apple released an OSX update that doesn't work with some of the most used Apple applications.
    I don't know what I should do.
    Compressor doesn't work, export using Quicktime is having problems...and that's just what I've found so far.
    When is Apple going to fix this mess?

    Did you heed ANY of the warnings that were posted here, on, or the We gave many pointers on what to do before you upgrade, so that if you do run into issues with the new (and you WILL run into issues with the new OS) you could always go back to the stable version.
    Apple will fix it when they fix it...that's all we can say. Keep sending in your issues and when they can, they will issue updates.
    The rule of thumb is that if you have a good working edit system, don't mess with it. The machine that I use to earn a living, that is still on 10.4.9 and FCP 5.1.4. My laptop, that I use occasionally for editing, but mainly for e-mail, word processing, web surfing, that I updated. And I am testing FCP on this. So far, I am not suffering any issues.
    If you backed up your system, you could have gone back to it.

Maybe you are looking for

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