SL Runs really hot on MacBook Air

SL arrived in the post this morning, so backed up and installed. All went smoothly, BUT the temperature of my machine is now showing 20degs higher (72deg) than previously with no additional apps running. The fans are running constantly - this is going to really kill the battery life.
Anyone else seen this?

Take a look here, my investigations point to Spotlight being the culprit:
You need to run Activity Monitor, and make sure you choose to show "All Processes", not just "My Processes" - you will probably see "mds" and "java" hogging the CPU.

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    mschulte10 wrote:
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    Processor: While that is faster than some of the G5s shipped a few years ago, and plenty fast enough to cut most formats, that is still pretty poky these days.
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    just because 4GB is a good recommendation its far from required. in fact FCP runs fine on even less than Apples own recommended minimum of 2GB. (of course "fine" in this context is subjective!)
    *Hard drive/storage options:* If you were to install the full Final Cut Studio 2 suite, you’d have installed 55GB of goodies, leaving you with precious little room ...
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    GPU: This is a serious limitation ... But for some simple editing, this is survivable
    No contest on this one
    FireWire? :No FireWire, anywhere.
    Bummer ... although many newer cameras connect via USB
    *USB 2.0*: you could attach a USB 2.0 drive for additional storage, right?
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    See *USB 2.0*
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    90% of field work is done plugged into a socket, in a hotel room or maybe in the back of a car running from the cigarette lighter
    Ethernet and 3G
    mostly irrelevant

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    Hi jwrusa,
    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities!
    You can transfer information from a 10.7 to a 10.10 computer. Please use read over and use the information located in the following article for further information. 
    OS X Yosemite: Transfer your info from a computer or storage device

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    I am a lot further after watching some videos on YouTube. Thanks for the hint.
    But there are still some open questions which I could not fins an answer to.
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    For prompt help, Developer Forums is the place to post this question.

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    Requirements for Adobe CC for Macinntosh >  Adobe Photoshop CC for Mac, Windows, PC - Tech specs
    Either the new 11" or 13" MBAir would work for you but if you can, the more RAM you have installed, the more stable your Mac will run.
    As an example, you can order 8GB's of RAM instead of 4GB's >
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    Beyond that, the 21" iMac >

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