Slow jar downloading with antivirus

Hi all. A customer of my company has a trouble on some Windows XP 32 bit clients: the first downloading of the jars used by a jboss-based application takes a very long time. Client-side a java web start is used.
Using an older version of the application, which is tomcat-based and uses applet technology, the effect is the same.  In both cases a JRE 6u18 is installed on client.
This doesn't happen on Windows 7 64 bit clients.
Removing the antivirus (TrendMicro OfficeScan, version 10.5) the download is much faster, so I would suggest the customer to exclude the java deployment folder.
Someone having similar problems? In your opinion, is it a good idea?
Any other suggestions?
Thanks a lot

You're not the only one to have seen this problem.
I don't understand what you mean by excluding the Java deployment folder. Surely the application is saved to and then run from the cache folder.
I don't have the answer. I don't know how you can reasonably whitelist one Java Web Start application/applet but continue to scan in the general case.
McAfee suggest disabling scan within archives: on the basis that each component file is scanned before it is extracted. Without understanding anything about antivirus, that sounds bogus to me: Java will execute the contents of a jar without unzipping and extracting them.

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    Try this.
    1) Application and gaming TAB, section QOS, enable Internet Access Priority, click down menu, select MAC Address. Enter PS3 for name, and enter your PS3 MAC address, which is found in your PS3 Network status listing. Save Settings.
    2) Wireless TAB, under Basic Wireless settings, change your channel other than 11, 9, or default. I chose 6, but you can choose whatever, except 9, or 11. That is the most popular channel for 2.4ghz protocol. So everyone in your neighborhood who uses wireless connections would be using it. Default is 11, I believe, on all routers, big or small. Save Settings.
    3) Under Advanced Wireless Setting, in the same Wireless Settings TAB, in the 2.4ghz section, change Beacon Interval to 75, DTIM to 3, Fragmentation Threshold 2304, and RTS Threshold 2304. Save settings.
    4) Setup TAB, under Basic setup, change the MTU to 1365.Save Settings.
    Now, on your PS3, you would need to let the PS3 Network settings to change, and then run the test. Got to Network Settings, Change Network Settings, choose Easy. You need your passphrase on this one.
    I was going to return this router today, and buy a different one. I've tested the Internet Settings on the PS3, over and over, with consistent download/uploads. Hope this helps.

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    MacBook Pro 17"   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  
    MacBook Pro 17"   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    Hi Duane,
    Thanks for the welcome as well as the advice. I will check into that if the problem continues. Yes, for some reason my problem cured itself. I did increase the multicast rate from 2 to 5.5, and on a whim tried to download some more video from iTunes. Viola! It zipped along as if I was connected directly with an ethernet cable.
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    For now I will mark this question as "answered" even though I'm still not sure what happened...
    Thanks again!
    MacBook Pro 17"   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  
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    I've observed this problem with certain AV tools. Some fare much better than others (inside Oracle, we use Symantec AV and I see very little slowdown even when it's scanning jar files in jdev's install directory).
    You didn't mention which version of jdeveloper you're using. Assuming 10.1.3 preview, the directories to exclude from scanning would be either the whole of your jdev install directory, or if you must be more selective, something like:
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    Hi Jdentremont,
    Lync client gets user photos by first querying the Address Book Web Query (ABWQ) service on the server, which is exposed through the Distribution List Expansion web service. The client receives
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    To troubleshoot your problem, please follow the steps below:
    1.  Navigate to
     “X:\share\1-WebServices-1\ABfiles\000000000\000000000” folder. (ABS file share)
    You should see some photo files in this folder as the following screenshot.
    2. Delete all the files in this folder.
    3. On test PC, delete local cache files.
    %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Lync\[email protected]
    4. Sign-in Lync with the test account.
    5. Go back to the ABS file share, check if there is any Photo file in the folder.
    Best regards,
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

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    Just post a link to the Jar. Mozilla will download
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    Only one link. No problem, really. ;-)There is a problem. People who arent as good with computers as you are won't know how to run the jar file after downloading with IE.
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    I had the same problem with a very slow download of Yosemite, I was using OS X Mavericks. My download was going to take about 2 days at 20 KB/sec and I knew my system was capable of 2 MB/sec or 100 times more speed.  My Mac and network connection was otherwise working perfectly and at good speed as is the usual situation.  I have an Apple TV and that was working great indicating Apple's giant server system was OK.  Very few people seemed to be having this slow download problem.
    I tried a number of things without success, including:
    - quit all common Mac apps except Activity Monitor
    - reboot VDSL modem/router
    - reboot Mac
    - pause/resume Yosemite download many times (trying to randomly grab a good Apple server/connection)
    - try wired connection to Mac as well as Wi-Fi. Both are working fine and capable of 2 MB/sec
    - reset Safari (someone said it helped him but I'm not sure why)
    - Force Quit process "storeagent" (which does the downloading)
    Then I found comments somewhere that indicated the problem might be something related to internet problems in western USA and I was probably using that part of the internet since I am located in west Canada near Vancouver BC.  Some people had solved their problem by switching from their ISP's DNS servers to other public DNS servers in the east USA.
    My ISP is Telus and I was using one of their DNS servers in my area, as automatically assigned.  I tried one of the east USA DNS  servers (I think it was a Comcast one) and it didn't work for the download and Safari could not connect to anything.  Then I tried switching to the Google DNS servers at and and the download took off at the expected 2 MB/sec and it was done in less than an hour!  Another half hour and I was running Yosemite and it runs great on my 2011 Mac Mini.
    Here is the procedure that worked for me:
    - pause the Yosemite download with the pause/resume button in App Store
    - Force Quit process "storeagent" using Activity Monitor (this may not be necessary)
    - Quit the App Store
    - change DNS Servers to Google DNS and in System Preference / Network / Advanced / DNS.  This effects the Mac only.
    - for the above step you should write down your original DNS server settings in case you need to change them back
    - do some browsing in Safari or other browser to confirm new DNS is working OK
    - restart the App Store
    - Resume Yosemite download with App Store "resume" button.  A new version of process storeagent should start working
    - see if it now downloads faster
    That's what worked for me.  Good luck!

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    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Matter now resolved!   We thought that we had covered everything before bringing it here.  But just one dodgy router port connection is all it takes.  Thanks for your time.

  • Jar download folder?

    Hello to all,
    i am proving to write code for using with webstart and have a problem. I want to my aplication unzip the jar files that were downloaded but, where does webstart download them? I have searched and i have seen that a structure od folder are created depending of the domain and port. How can i compound the whole tree? Webstart rename some folders and the jar files too. I need the whole path to pass it to my application to catch the jar's from the correct path. And.. is it possible to change the download folder?
    Another question:
    Tracing my program, i have seen that webstart doesn't run my program in the jar's download folder. It runs it in my user desktop folder, and so, my program doesn't find any jar to unzip there. Are any way to tell to webstart where to run the application? I.d. the jar download folder.
    Thak you very much for you attention

    I run into the same problem. The user of the application will need to alter some files to use the
    application. There are two possible solutions:
    -Store the configuration files on the server
    -Store them locally
    Storing them on the servers would be nice however:
    ->There will have to be a server that automatically stores & sends back files as requested by
    the user. Implementing such a server is not trivial on one hand and second, depending on
    the network speed and file size can be quite slow. Also, there will have to be a login necessary
    to access files and ...
    Ok, I decided to store them locally. I am just about to do it, so that's the plan:
    -> ZIP the files to be unpacked on the local system and put them into a .jar file sent as resource
    when loading the Java Web Start Application. Accessing will be easy and can be done with:
    this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("PATH TO ZIP FILE");
    The important part is to put the zipped files again into a jar file, that way, unzipping can be
    done easy without having to find the jar file on the local file system!

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    Since I bought my Note 4, it has been slow to download apps...  usually it is so slow it won't finish at all.  I usually show 4G and three or four bars.  When at home and connected to my wireless router, there is no difference.  In fact, sometimes it's slower.   If I persist, sometimes hours later it will say it's downloaded and then install it.   I bought my Note 4 before Lollipop, and it's been the same before and after.  The preferred network mode is set to global.
    All other features seem to work fine.  I don't have any problems with the phone.
    Any suggestions?

    chuckwilmot, that does seem to be a little odd! I want to make sure that we are able to speed things up today. Since you have received the Note 4 have you been able to power off the phone all the way, remove the sim card for a good 10-15 seconds. Once that is completed then place the phone back together and try to re-download some applications to see if you have faster speeds. Please keep us posted.
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport
    If my response answered your question please click the �Correct Answer� button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!

  • My 2007 mac pro has a slow internet connection with lion

    I've been dealing with a severely slow internet connection with my 2007 mac pro - dual quad core.  I have os 10.7.3.  I use wifi. 
    Typically, I'll experience difficulty loading websites completely.  Certain sites have a 90% failure rate to load most elements.  Other sites operate quickly from time to time.  Often, a site will simply fail to load at all.  My cable company cannot find anything wrong with my connection and other, newer devices don't have a problem loading sites.  It seems the issue is most likely related to my computer.
    Interestingly, I can usually "jump-start" the connection by turning my wifi connection off and on and this will (temporarily) allow me to get an image or video to download.
    Any ideas?
    Thank you for your time.

    I've been dealing with a severely slow internet connection with my 2007 mac pro - dual quad core.  I have os 10.7.3.  I use wifi. 
    Typically, I'll experience difficulty loading websites completely.  Certain sites have a 90% failure rate to load most elements.  Other sites operate quickly from time to time.  Often, a site will simply fail to load at all.  My cable company cannot find anything wrong with my connection and other, newer devices don't have a problem loading sites.  It seems the issue is most likely related to my computer.
    Interestingly, I can usually "jump-start" the connection by turning my wifi connection off and on and this will (temporarily) allow me to get an image or video to download.
    Any ideas?
    Thank you for your time.

  • Very slow video downloading from iTunes

    I have a FIOS 75Mbit connection (and get can 75Mbit on my N-router and Macbook Pro's WIFI).  But my new 1080p Apple TV is another matter. Two minute trailers take longer than 2 minutes to download. Half hour HD TV shows can take 90 minutes to download! And if I try to watch a movie I rented, Apple TV tells me it'll be ready to watch in "about 5 hours".
    So my immediate reaction is ***. Any ideas why my wireless performance is so great with my MBP and so terrible with my AppleTV (just 10 feet away)

    I stumbled across this thread looking for help with the same issue...slow to very slow movie downloads from iTunes.
    Changing the DNS, both on my iMac as well as my Airport Extreme router helped.
    I'm on Comcast and generally get around 33Mbps downloads via  Based on several Namebench tests Google's Public DNS ( has always been on top and I've always configured my router and Macs using the top 3 Namebench recommendations with Google at #1 position.  However while downloading movies from iTunes Activity Monitor showed very sharp "Data received/sec" rises and falls...anywhere from 4.40MB/sec to 100KB/sec or sometimes zero.  Most of the time it would start off well, but trail off to very poor and sporatic speeds after about 30 seconds.
    Per finaleMile's and other's recommendations elsewhere I removed Google Public DNS from the settings on my router and iMac and things improved with respect to stability.  Although the "top speed" of about 4.40Mbps didn't improve, downloads did smooth out and remain between about 2.30Mbps to 4.10Mbps during the entire download.  Not speedy but a marked improvement in stability and overall download time.
    Thanks for the tip!
    BTW, I've found that during regular web surfing, using Google's Public DNS is faster so I re-add it after downloading movies from iTunes.  It's a bit of a PIA, but worth it.  Wish there were a better option though.
    FWIW I tend to download rented and purchased movies to iTunes on my iMac and then play them back via my Apple TV3 rather than "stream" them directly from iTunes.  That way if there are external network problems they won't have a negative impact on our viewing experience.

  • Very very slow to download gmail in mail APP iPad

    As I wrote in the title, in the last days, from when I updated iOS 7.04, I've some problem with the mail app in iPad 3rd gen.
    With the account gmail: it's very very very slow to download the emails.
    First of all, I reset the iPad, but nothing.
    So, I deleted the gmail account and set up it again... but nothing.
    So, what's the problem: Gmail? Mail APP in iOS 7.04? Both? And how can I resolved it?
    Thank you very much for yours replay. Best regards.
    Fabio Panzeri

    As I wrote in the title, in the last days, from when I updated iOS 7.04, I've some problem with the mail app in iPad 3rd gen.
    With the account gmail: it's very very very slow to download the emails.
    First of all, I reset the iPad, but nothing.
    So, I deleted the gmail account and set up it again... but nothing.
    So, what's the problem: Gmail? Mail APP in iOS 7.04? Both? And how can I resolved it?
    Thank you very much for yours replay. Best regards.
    Fabio Panzeri

Maybe you are looking for