SmartForm -  No driver pgm exists - how to proceed?

I need your advice for a SmartForm design challenge that I have. I have already searched through SDN and all other places but not found any good solution for my problem.
Customer is using Customer Service (CS) in R/3 4.7. We have installed all available SmartForm templates delivered by SAP also including the “Preconfigured SmartForms” that are not part of the standard R/3 installation.
Now, there are no standard delivered driver programs for Notifications (trans IW51/2/3) and Service orders (trans IW31/2/3). This should have been, in my view, delivered by SAP but I guess it never was time for that. For SAPScript there are delivered standard driver programs for this (example: RIPRSN00 for Service notification and RIPRCT00 for Service orders).
One might ask – why do you need a “standard driver program”? Answer: I need to attach the driver program in customizing along with the form definition so that the users can use the SmartForm printouts from within the standard transactions. And then, why not convert existing SAPScript standard driver programs? No, no way. That is a LOT of work IMHO. To stay with a SAPScript solution is not an option (of course!). To convert another SmartForm driver program, for instance from billing – RLB_INVOICE, is IMHO also a LOT of work but maybe a “last” solution.
·     Has anyone faced this situation and how did you solve the problem?
I know, of course, how to write an ABAP program that can produce the input to a form – there are also numerous examples of that in SDN but I feel that these examples does not solve my problem completely.
Your comments are much appreciated and points will be given for helpful answers.
Regards, Johan

I did this for quality notifications, and i used the SAPSCRIPT driver program. It is not as hard as you might think. The program gets all of the external data from memory, or wherever, then calls the SAPSCRIPT code. It also has all of the code for handling any NAST or other output determination. I simply replaced the sapscript interrface with my smartform interface. Because the SAPSCRIPT version was fairly modularized, it was pretty straightforward.
The steps were:
1. Copy the standard SAPSCRIPT version of the code
2. Remove the SAPSCRIPT related code (open form, etc)
3. Insert the code to call the smartform

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    Points will be rewarded
    With Regards

    Please go through this link , hope you will get some useful stuff from this.
    *& Form f9100_save_to_pdf
    -->P_WS_FORMNAME text
    FORM f9100_save_to_pdf using value(ws_formname).
    data: i_lines TYPE tline OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
    data: ws_bin_size type i,
    ws_filename type string.
    format = 'PDF'
    max_linewidth = 132
    bin_filesize = ws_bin_size
    otf = i_otf
    lines = i_lines
    err_max_linewidth = 1
    err_format = 2
    err_conv_not_possible = 3
    err_bad_otf = 4
    OTHERS = 5.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    flg_exit = 'X'.
    MESSAGE i050 WITH 'Error converting to PDF format'.
    Get the download path
    PERFORM get_download_path CHANGING ws_filename.
    if flg_exit = 'X'.
    bin_filesize = ws_bin_size
    filename = ws_filename
    filetype = 'BIN'
    data_tab = i_lines
    file_write_error = 1
    no_batch = 2
    gui_refuse_filetransfer = 3
    invalid_type = 4
    no_authority = 5
    unknown_error = 6
    header_not_allowed = 7
    separator_not_allowed = 8
    filesize_not_allowed = 9
    header_too_long = 10
    dp_error_create = 11
    dp_error_send = 12
    dp_error_write = 13
    unknown_dp_error = 14
    access_denied = 15
    dp_out_of_memory = 16
    disk_full = 17
    dp_timeout = 18
    file_not_found = 19
    dataprovider_exception = 20
    control_flush_error = 21
    OTHERS = 22.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    MESSAGE i050 WITH 'Error while File download'.
    flg_exit = 'X'.
    MESSAGE i050 WITH 'File downloaded successfully '.
    flg_exit = 'X'.

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    Moderator message - Welcome to SCN.
    But please read Please read "The Forum Rules of Engagement" before posting!  HOT NEWS!! and How to post code in SCN, and some things NOT to do... before posting. In particular, asking the same question multiple times is not allowed.
    Thread locked

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    Configure Time Machine preferences. Be sure to remove the external drive from the Exclude list.
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    Hi Bo.  Select the built-in container "Photos" from near the top of the Library Inspector.  This will show you all your Images when you set the Browser filter to "Show All".  Then select all.  (Easily done with the key-chord "⌘a", but also available on the Edit menu.)
    Speaking generally, but with experience: all personal computer operations are done using a "noun-verb" syntax (you select the objects, and then issue a command).  I think this grew out of RPN, but I don't know.  Using our example: you first select "Photos" then issue the command "Edit ▹ Select all".  You do this so you end up with all Images selected, so you can run the command "File ▹ Relocate Originals ... " on all the Images in the Library.
    The relationship between an Image and the location of its Original is independent of the location of the Image in your Library.  Moving an Image to another location (another Project), or adding it to an Album, or moving the Project it is in or any Album it is in to another Folder, does not move or any way alter the relationship between the Image and its Original.
    In short, your Library structure of Projects, Albums, and Folders will be unaltered by using "File ▹ Relocate Originals ... ".  (Though, of course, the contents of any Smart Albums that use the rule "File Status" will be changed if you use either of the arguments "Managed" or "Referenced", and may be changed when you use some of the other arguments.)
    Aperture allows you to relocate _any_ Image's Original at any time.  There is no need I know of to relocate them often, but if you had that need, you could.
    For many thousands of files, expect "File ▹ Relocate Originals ... " to take hours to complete.  Aperture will show you a progress bar at the top of the Browser.  IME, this is usefully accurate.
    Let us know how it goes.
    (Cross-posted with Léonie's answer.  .)

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    Hi Toboggan,
    If you are looking to restore your iTunes data from a backup, you may find the following article useful (while it is focused on moving between computers, many of the steps should also apply to your situation):
    iTunes: How to move your music to a new computer
    - Brenden

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    Metadata Repository Container mrc
    SQL> select comp_id,version,status from app_registry;
    14 rows selected.
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    No Time Capsule disk can be formatted other than the automatic system in the TC itself.. You simply select erase and it will reformat the drive.
    If you are referring to a USB drive.. plugged into a Time Capsule.. you must plug it into your Mac and use Disk Utility.
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    Of course you can start over. New computer, new software, new beginning. But if you do that then you will have to start all over importing your images and making the adjustments that you have already done once. You said you have been creating catalogs (plural). If you have just one catalog, and have all your images inside of one main folder (you can have as many subfolders as you want) then switching to a new computer is simple. Put the catalog on the new computer, make sure your external hard drive has the same letter designation, install Lightroom, enter the serial number, and you should be good to go. It worked that way for me. But if you insist on starting over, just install Lightroom, enter your serial number, and go to work.

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    davidfromsomerset wrote:
    Yes, the Pro options are grayed out, and when I click on them it takes me to a screen, to allow me to make the purchase. But the Quicktime box in the Control Panel has "Pro Player Edition" on the "registration" tab.
    Hmmm. I'm more used to dealing with this sort of thing on Vista and 7 systems ... and it can also be a bit easier to implement workarounds on Vista and 7 than it is on XP. But we can try some basic principles troubleshooting if you're game.
    If you're game ... first, by way of experiment, let's try a "Run as ..." and see if that gets you the Pro controls.
    Quit the Player.
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    Open the "Program files" folder.
    Open the "QuickTime" folder.
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    If the Player launches, do you see your Pro controls active now?

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    When you went back to the place where you purchased this phone, & asked them, what did they say?
    No one here can help you with this, nor can/will Apple. You need to take this up with whoever you purchased this phone from.

  • Bit by Mountain Lion's Time Machine bug - how to proceed best in the simpler cases?

    My MacBook Air mid-2012 had never been updated to Mavericks.  I had backed it up just a week before a big coffee spill that killed it (June 2014).
    I finally got a replacement never-before-used 2012 Macbook Air running Mountain Lion (great to make the Time Machine restore seamless).
    That's when I tried "Restore from Time Machine" and it showed the "last full backup" as being from June 2013!!!  Then in Migration Assistant, couldn't locate my disk.  I've been bitten by the "Exclusion" bug and my Library/ Applications / System folders have not been backed up since a year ago.  I'm one of the ones that "found out after it was too late." 
    So I'll try the workaround.  Thanks to Pondini for his great website:
    My plan is to restore from Time Machine to my 2013 full system.
    Then swap out the Users folder to bring it up to date to the June 2014 version that I have backed up.
    Luckily I have only one user account so this can't get TOO complicated.
    After that, I'll reset Time Machine and check it periodically via the Command-R trick to make sure it's backing everything up fully.
    Still, I'm left with a few questions/concerns that I'm hoping Pondini or others can help to allay before I proceed....
    -What will I have lost in a year from those folders that did not back up?  I know I may have lost non-Mac applications that I downloaded and also any software updates to said applications.  What problems might I encounter in the way of error messages, etc.?  I feel like i don't understand the contents of these folders well enough to realize how in trouble I'm in (or not) regarding these folders being out-of-date by a whole year.
    -Is it really as simple as swapping out the Users folder on the new system with my most recent backup from June 2014?  Any hiccups I should expect from this process?  Will all of my photos go back into iPhoto?  Will all of my mail files go back into the Mail app?  Or in these cases, is there something I need to initiate to smooth out this process?  Photos and Mails are the two big concerns; as for the other stuff, I have yet to find out if it's relevant until a problem occurs.
    -Once I have restored Apps/Systems/Library to the 2013 backup and Users to the 2014 backup, then what?  I'll reset Time Machine but then should I assign it to the new computer?  Should I tell it to inherit the new computer?  Should I wipe it clean and start fresh?  How to proceed after so that I don't have more and more problems down the line, and hopefully don't lose any of the data that I at least have managed to save/restore up to now...
    Thanks in advance for any help and sorry if I'm not more clear; I'm not so technologically literate so I'm not sure how best to phrase these things to get my point across.
    And special shout out to Pondini who made the discovery of this bug a lot easier to stomach thanks to your helpful website.

    A clone is an option.
    Clone  - Carbon Copy Cloner          (Often recommended as it has more features than some others)
    Clone – Data Backup
    Clone – Deja Vu
    Clone  - SuperDuper
    Clone - Synk
    Clone Software – 6 Applications Tested
    Commonly Used Backup Methods

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    See Empty/corrupt iTunes library after upgrade/crash.

Maybe you are looking for