Smartview to IR

We have the data sitting in SQL DB2, feeding into Interacting Reporting. Now we would like to use Smartview, but are not sure if Smartview can be connected to IR or to DB2? What we want in Smartview is not a simple export from IR into Smartview (without the HS formula); what we we would like to have is use the "HS" formula on Smartview.

Hi, I think you have to set up DB2 in OBIEE as a data source then you can connect (although I haven't done it).
jdbc:oraclebi://<servername>:<port>/ for Oracle BI EE
I think this needs to be added as a shared connection by an Admin as users are only able to add Private Connections which have following options: Hyperion Provider and Hyperion Reporting and Analysis
FWIW: The following is from the SV user guide, not really that helpful and a bit cryptic ;-)
Oracle Hyperion Smart View for Office, Fusion Edition provides a common Microsoft Office interface for Oracle Essbase, Oracle Hyperion Financial Management, Fusion Edition, Oracle Hyperion Planning, Fusion Edition, Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Workspace, Fusion Edition, Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition, Oracle's Hyperion Reporting and Analysis, and Oracle's Hyperion® Enterprise® data sources.
Cheers, Iain

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  • Excel 2007 and Smartview 11.1 file open slow

    We are in the process of upgrading to HFM system 11.1 and smartview and as part of this process we are starting to use Excel 2007. I am encountering an interesting problem when opening files in Excel 2007 using smartview 11.1 and I am wondering if any one else has seen this problem and found a solution.
    First I converted an excel 2003 file to excel 2007 and saved the file as an xlsx file type. Then I am able to open the file and it would take about 30 seconds to open the file. The file has about 15,000 formulas on for spreadsheets. If I click on each spreadsheet individually and use the "Refersh" button I can save the file in about 10 seconds and then close the file. When I open the file again it will open in 30 seconds. Now using the same file I click "Refresh All" and the file processes fine. I am able to save and close the file in about 10 seconds. However, when I try to open the file again it takes about 20 minutes to open, and then 20 minutes to close.
    This only happens with two or three files. I have another file that is 40 spreadsheets and about 3,000 formulas that is not affected when I click Refresh or Refresh All.
    Any help would be apperciated.

    On metalink i found some notes about this issure
    SmartView communicates over HTTP using .NET. This just means that requests and responses are sent in a standard XML format that is tucked in the HTTP headers. The mechanism is the same as when your internet browser requests a file or submits a form (simplification). A standard Microsoft component that is part of Internet Explorer is used for this.
    There are three components (four if you include the network) in a SmartView refresh:
    -the client
    -the web server
    -the HFM application server
    It is easiest to troubleshoot when they are on separate machines. (Running SmartView on the server to see whether it works better is a useful test to see what effect the network is having, but doesn't show any other bottlenecks.) If you run Task Manager on these 3 machines showing the Performance tab, you will see initial activity on the client as Excel clears the cells and the request is converted into XML. Then you see the web server get busy as it receives and parses the request. Then the application server is busy as it send the data, then the web server is busy as it compiles the results into XML again, and finally the client parses the XML, pushes the data into cells and runs an Excel calculation. This last stage is the longest of all. Overall, it is typical to see the client doing 90-95% of the work, so client performance is a very important factor. Look out for Excel's memory usage increasing and RAM becoming in short supply. Often, user dissatisfaction with refresh times can be alleviated by giving them more RAM or a faster PC.
    The situation we are dealing with here, however, is when the chain of events described above is interrupted. In this case, you will see the client or the web server wait in vain for a response from the next machine in the chain. The case of invalid XML is similar, but the response is truncated so that the XML is not well-formed when it arrives. XML consists of matching pairs of tags and is not well-formed when a closing tag is missing. This can be caused by certain network settings such as packet size (see later). The end result in either case is the same: as Excel cleared the cells before sending the request, cells are left blank or with zeroes.
    Your job now is to work out why the particular component is failing.
    Check the HTTP time out in the registry:
    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings]\
    The time-out limit is five minutes for versions 4.0 and 4.01 and is 60 minutes for versions 5.x and 6. Also, the time-out limit is 30 seconds for Windows Internet Explorer 7. To change the settings, add the above keys. The above values are hexadecimal, not decimal and correspond to 18000 milliseconds (3 minutes) and 240 minutes for the receive time-out. See
    Once you make those changes, my recommendation is that you reboot the client machine.
    Web server
    Look for errors in logs showing that the web app didn't respond/disconnected or timed out waiting for another application (i.e. the HFM application server). Eliminate load balancers etc. during testing in order to isolate the problem and to ensure that the user always goes to the same web server otherwise, logs can be hard to interpret. See also the IIS Tuning Guide for IIS settings. We cannot recommend particular settings, as each client must establish the optimal settings for their own environment after performance testing. If necessary, engage the services of a suitably qualified consultant.
    Application Server
    HFM application server performance is very dependent on whether the data is already in RAM or not. One symptom, where the first refresh fails but the second one succeeds, is probably a sign that the cache needed to be populated and once that had been done (by the first refresh) it went faster. HFM loads whole subcubes (Scenario, Year, Value and Entity) into cache, so asking for lots of accounts in the same subcube is fast, but asking for lots of entities will inevitably slow things down as it runs out of RAM and starts unloading subcubes to make room for more. The HFM event log (HsvEventLog.log) shows this happening, but don't forget that the messages you see are a normal consequence of the way HFM works and are not a problem unless you see a hugely elevated number of them during the period the refresh occurs. Another sign would be page file thrashing.
    If there are several servers in a cluster, use sticky sessions in HFM to make sure tests always go the same server, or hit one server directly rather than using the cluster.
    Solutions here involve giving more RAM to the server (probably not possible because of the 2 GB limit) and changing the worksheet design to restrict the number of subcubes accessed. A separate consolidation server, so that reads are not competing with intensive consolidations and calculations, would be a good thing.
    To find out if packets get fragmented, use
    ping -l size -f
    to send a big packet with the 'don't fragment' flag. E.g.
    Ping -l 1024 -f
    If you see a reply like Reply from bytes=1024 time=200ms TTL=245 then the size you specified is below the packet limit of the network. But if you use, for example, 2000 in place of 1024, you get Packet needs to be fragmented but DF set, then you know you have exceeded the limit. Combine this investigation with a Fiddler trace ( to see what size data messages are being sent and received.
    Troubleshooting Guidance
    If you seriously want to go into this in more detail, then it will take a considerable effort on your and your IT Department's part. My general advice would be:
    1. During this process, fix your environment so that it is predictable. Register a single HFM application server and connect to that. Use a single web server and don't go through Apache or any other redirector. Make sure we know which machine to go to for logs. This would be a temporary measure and it doesn't stop the other users using the full, load balanced system so long as it doesn't involve your server.
    2. As far as possible keep other users from using it during testing, unless you are specifically testing for performance under load. We want to see what activity is due to SmartView and not random other jobs.
    3. Use PerfMon on all three machines: client, web server and application server.
    4. Clear Logs before testing and note the times of each test so the logs can be correlated.
    5. Log CPU activity, memory usage, network throughput, page faults, thread count etc. I'm no expert on this so get advice from someone who is.
    6. In addition to the performance logs, from the IIS Server get:
    * HTTP.SYS Error Log - %windir%\System32\LogFiles\HTTPERR (Default location; configurable)
    * IIS Website Log - %windir%\System32\LogFiles\W3SVC# (Default location; configurable)
    * Event Log (both System and Application) in EVT and TXT (tab separated) formats
    7. From HFM Application server get:
    * HsvEventLog.log (in <HFM install>\Server working Folder)
    * Event Log (both System and Application) in EVT and TXT (tab separated) formats
    8. Be aware of all timeout settings in your environment (i.e. IIS & the network) and time your tests. This can show whether it is an ASP timeout, script timeout, client side timeout or whatever. Note that the Web Session Timeout setting for SmartView in HFM's Server and Web Configuration is a separate issue from IIS timeouts. Web Session Timeout controls the length of idle time before SmartView makes the user log in again. Default 20 mins.
    9. Run Fiddler traces to directly observe the XML and check for HTTP failures.
    Further resources
    - Tuning IIS 6.0 for HFM
    - SmartView Performance FAQ
    Both are available from Support.
    Author: Andrew Rowland
    Version: 11.x (Fri, 30 October 2009)"

  • Can no longer connect to HFM Office provider via Smartview

    Can connect to Essbase and Reporting and Analysis via Smartview. Just not HFM. This worked for over 1 month and suddenly just stopped! Nothing changed on the servers that we know of. Our TQA environment is still working fine. Just our production environment that broke!!
    We are running version Office 2003. XP on the desktops. Windows 2008 R2 64 bit enterprise on the servers. Shared and Private connections do not work.
    Here is the link we use within smartview for private connection:
    Event Viewer on HFM web server gives this error each time I try:
    Error 11; hfmSmartViewAppPool; 05/22/2012 21:57:09; CHITRegistryWrapper.cpp; Line 23; <?xml version="1.0"?> <EStr><Ref>{D63605EF-E448-4F74-9DA1-C26F046D026B}</Ref><AppName/><User/><DBUpdate>1</DBUpdate><ESec><Num>-2147221164</Num><Type>1</Type><DTime>5/22/2012 9:57:09 PM</DTime><Svr>ServerName</Svr><File>CHITRegistryWrapper.cpp</File><Line>23</Line><Ver></Ver></ESec></EStr>
    When trying to access the HFM application via Workspace, receive a Class not registered warning. HFM application will not open. You are left at Workspace homepage.
    I can run Financial Management client and access the HFM application with no issues. I can run Financial Reporting reports against the HFM app. via workspace with no issues.
    We really need to get this working. SR is open with Oracle support. They recommended patch 12830755, but it did not help.

    Hi Mike,
    What is the user running hfmSmartViewAppPool on your IIS ?
    is there a possiblility that its rights has been updated recently ?
    you can try to update the user with your DCOM service admin user and restart IIS and HFM services.
    Hope it helps,

  • Smartview indentation no longer working with upgrade

    We are currently running HFM and Smartview with Office 2010. We have updated Smartview from version Build 271 to Build 247. The Zoom In function is no longer working properly.
    In the prior version:
    1. Zoom In = Next Level
    2. Member name Display = Member name and Description
    3. Indention = Subitems
    4. Ancestor Position = Top
    The new version has the same settings however since updating to the new version the indentation no longer happens. 
    Is anyone else experiencing this issue?  Is there a workaround?

    Below is the copy paste of the content from Oracle doc.
    Applies to:
    Hyperion Planning - Version and later
    Information in this document applies to any platform.
    Unable to use smartview column suppression features with an Essbase connection.
    - Start up excel and then go to the smartview menu -> Options -> Data Options -> Suppress Columns section is active
    - Establish an Essbase Shared Connection
    - Go into adhoc mode or just double click on a database to bring up the metadata.
    - Now go to smartview menu -> Options -> Data Options -> Suppress Columns section is grayed out.
    The above feature works fine with a Planning connection.
    Is this an Essbase connection limitation?
    Installed the Smartview (Build 100)
    The following was mentioned in the version of the Smart View User's Guide. The description for Suppress Columns was updated as follows:
    To streamline the grid, you can suppress columns that contain types of data that you do not need to view.
    -- In suppressed columns, cell references to Excel formulas are not updated.
    -- The Suppress Columns options are not available when connected to an Essbase data source.
    So from the above, it is not a supported feature when using an Essbase connection.

  • SmartView Task List not opening FR report

    I am trying to open FR report from a Task List task in SmartView (using Planning provider). If I am already logged into my Planning application in browser, the report opens. But if I am not logged (e.g., browser is closed), an empty page opens in browser, and at the bottom is status "Done" but with the error icon.
    Is there a way (URL format) that would enable user to open report from SmartView Task List without having to log to Web client first?
    Environment: EPM, FRS, browser: IE 8, Excel: Office Professional Plus 2010
    M. Sladic

    Celvin, Ramkumar, thanks for your suggestions. My colleague, Soumyajit, discovered that the original method (URL) needed to be replaced.
    Here is the original URL we used (this one was opening report twice on first open, and didn't open report from SmartView unless user was already logged to Workspace):
    ** https://i<server>/workspace/WorkspaceLaunch.jsp?uri=module%3Dwksp.relatedcontent%26repository_path%3D%2FReports%2FStatement%2520of%2520Financial%2520Statement%2520-%2520Expandable
    Instead the right call is:
    Using this other URL, the report:
    - when open from the Tasks List, opens only once even the first time;
    - opens in Workspace without additional login when opened from the Task List in SmartView
    Note: We are using variant of OAM, maybe that has some impact to it. Not my area of expertise, though...

  • Smartview Issue with MS Office 2010 on windows 7

    I have installed Hyperion Smartview on windows 7(64 bit AMD Processor), After the installation i tried to go with Datasource manager but nothing it shows there in Right side panel("smartview data source manager").
    Each option is in Disable mode(like Adhoc Analysis- Zoom In, Zoom out, Keep Only, Remove Only, Forms)
    Also i am unable to find the EAS console( but instalation wizard shows it has been installed)
    Version we are using -Hyperion Smartview
    Ms Office- 2010(32 bit)
    Platform- Windows 7 64bit( AMD Processor)
    Here is my epm Installation log
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:31:25 AM), com.hyperion.install.context.preinstall.PreinstallCheck, INFO, Result of checking assemblies: Ok
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:31:25 AM), com.hyperion.install.context.preinstall.PreinstallCheck, INFO, Checking TMP environment variable... Ok
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:31:34 AM), com.hyperion.hit.wizard.Wizard, INFO, Starting wizard.
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:31:34 AM), com.hyperion.hit.wizard.Wizard, INFO, Wizard state is:WelcomeWizardState
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:31:45 AM), com.hyperion.hit.wizard.Wizard, INFO, Wizard state is:DestinationState
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:31:48 AM), com.hyperion.hit.wizard.Wizard, INFO, Wizard state is:InstallTypeState
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:31:59 AM), com.hyperion.hit.wizard.Wizard, INFO, Wizard state is:FeatureSelectionState
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:37:05 AM), com.hyperion.hit.wizard.Wizard, INFO, Wizard state is:InstallConfirmationState
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:37:39 AM), com.hyperion.install.wizard.impl.SummaryToInstallRule$1, INFO, Sending stdout/stderr logs to C:\Hyperion\logs\install
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:37:39 AM), com.hyperion.install.log.StdStreamsCaptureUtil, INFO, Trying to create log files for stdout/stderr in directory: C:\Hyperion\logs\install
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:37:39 AM), com.hyperion.install.log.LoggedOutputStream, INFO, Trying to set logStream..
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:37:39 AM), com.hyperion.install.log.DeferredOutputStream, INFO, Trying to set backingStream..
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:37:39 AM), com.hyperion.install.log.DeferredOutputStream, INFO, Setting backingStream: succeeded.
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:37:39 AM), com.hyperion.install.log.LoggedOutputStream, INFO, Setting logStream: succeeded.
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:37:39 AM), com.hyperion.install.log.LoggedOutputStream, INFO, Trying to set logStream..
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:37:39 AM), com.hyperion.install.log.DeferredOutputStream, INFO, Trying to set backingStream..
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:37:39 AM), com.hyperion.install.log.DeferredOutputStream, INFO, Setting backingStream: succeeded.
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:37:39 AM), com.hyperion.install.log.LoggedOutputStream, INFO, Setting logStream: succeeded.
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:37:39 AM), com.hyperion.install.log.StdStreamsCaptureUtil, INFO, Created log files for stdout/stderr.
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:37:39 AM), com.hyperion.install.log.StdStreamsCaptureUtil, INFO, stdoutLogLocation = C:\Hyperion\logs\install\installTool-install-stdout.log
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:37:39 AM), com.hyperion.install.log.StdStreamsCaptureUtil, INFO, stderrLogLocation = C:\Hyperion\logs\install\installTool-install-stderr.log
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:37:39 AM), com.hyperion.install.action.InstallActionBuilder, INFO, Installation Type: New-Components
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:37:40 AM), com.hyperion.hit.wizard.Wizard, INFO, Wizard state is:InstallationState
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:38:50 AM), com.hyperion.install.action.impl.AssemblyMessageHandler, INFO, Started installing essbaseProductCommonComponents
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:39:02 AM), com.hyperion.install.action.impl.AssemblyMessageHandler, INFO, Finished installing essbaseProductCommonComponents
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:39:02 AM), com.hyperion.install.wizard.impl.InstallableItemsUtil, INFO, Completion status for essbaseProductCommonComponents is success
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:39:04 AM), com.hyperion.install.action.impl.AssemblyMessageHandler, INFO, Started installing productCommonComponents
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:41:23 AM), com.hyperion.install.action.impl.AssemblyMessageHandler, INFO, Finished installing productCommonComponents
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:41:23 AM), com.hyperion.install.wizard.impl.InstallableItemsUtil, INFO, Completion status for productCommonComponents is success
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:41:27 AM), com.hyperion.install.action.impl.AssemblyMessageHandler, INFO, Started installing tools
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:41:51 AM), com.hyperion.install.action.impl.AssemblyMessageHandler, INFO, Finished installing tools
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:41:51 AM), com.hyperion.install.wizard.impl.InstallableItemsUtil, INFO, Completion status for tools is success
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:41:51 AM), com.hyperion.install.action.impl.AssemblyMessageHandler, INFO, Started installing commonComponents
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:43:46 AM), com.hyperion.install.action.impl.AssemblyMessageHandler, INFO, Finished installing commonComponents
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:43:46 AM), com.hyperion.install.wizard.impl.InstallableItemsUtil, INFO, Completion status for commonComponents is success
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:43:48 AM), com.hyperion.install.action.impl.AssemblyMessageHandler, INFO, Started installing biplus_configlibs
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:43:50 AM), com.hyperion.install.action.impl.AssemblyMessageHandler, INFO, Finished installing biplus_configlibs
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:43:50 AM), com.hyperion.install.action.impl.AssemblyMessageHandler, INFO, Started installing biplus_financial_reporting_client
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:44:56 AM), com.hyperion.install.action.impl.AssemblyMessageHandler, INFO, Finished installing biplus_financial_reporting_client
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:44:56 AM), com.hyperion.install.action.impl.AssemblyMessageHandler, INFO, Started installing biplus_financial_reporting_common
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:44:56 AM), com.hyperion.install.action.impl.AssemblyMessageHandler, INFO, Finished installing biplus_financial_reporting_common
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:44:56 AM), com.hyperion.install.wizard.impl.InstallableItemsUtil, INFO, Completion status for frClient is success
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:44:58 AM), com.hyperion.install.action.impl.AssemblyMessageHandler, INFO, Started installing essbaseAddins
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:44:58 AM), com.hyperion.install.action.impl.AssemblyMessageHandler, INFO, Finished installing essbaseAddins
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:44:58 AM), com.hyperion.install.wizard.impl.InstallableItemsUtil, INFO, Completion status for essbaseAddins is success
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:44:58 AM), com.hyperion.install.action.impl.AssemblyMessageHandler, INFO, Started installing essbase_administration_services_client
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:44:58 AM), com.hyperion.install.action.impl.AssemblyMessageHandler, INFO, Finished installing essbase_administration_services_client
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:44:58 AM), com.hyperion.install.wizard.impl.InstallableItemsUtil, INFO, Completion status for essbaseAdministrationConsole is success
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:45:16 AM), com.hyperion.install.action.impl.AssemblyMessageHandler, INFO, Started installing essbase_administration_services_webapp
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:46:36 AM), com.hyperion.install.action.impl.AssemblyMessageHandler, INFO, Finished installing essbase_administration_services_webapp
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:46:36 AM), com.hyperion.install.wizard.impl.InstallableItemsUtil, INFO, Completion status for essbaseWebApp32 is success
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:46:39 AM), com.hyperion.install.action.impl.AssemblyMessageHandler, INFO, Started installing essbase_client
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:47:40 AM), com.hyperion.install.action.impl.AssemblyMessageHandler, INFO, Finished installing essbase_client
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:47:40 AM), com.hyperion.install.wizard.impl.InstallableItemsUtil, INFO, Completion status for essbaseClient32 is success
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:47:44 AM), com.hyperion.install.action.impl.AssemblyMessageHandler, INFO, Started installing fdm
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:49:06 AM), com.hyperion.install.action.impl.AssemblyMessageHandler, INFO, Finished installing fdm
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:49:06 AM), com.hyperion.install.wizard.impl.InstallableItemsUtil, INFO, Completion status for fdmClient is success
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:49:08 AM), com.hyperion.install.action.impl.AssemblyMessageHandler, INFO, Started installing hfm_client
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:49:57 AM), com.hyperion.install.action.impl.AssemblyMessageHandler, INFO, Finished installing hfm_client
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:50:00 AM), com.hyperion.install.action.impl.AssemblyMessageHandler, INFO, Started installing hfm_common
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:50:34 AM), com.hyperion.install.action.impl.AssemblyMessageHandler, INFO, Finished installing hfm_common
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:50:34 AM), com.hyperion.install.wizard.impl.InstallableItemsUtil, INFO, Completion status for hfmAdmClient is success
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:50:34 AM), com.hyperion.install.wizard.impl.InstallableItemsUtil, INFO, Completion status for hfmClientMostAll is success
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:50:36 AM), com.hyperion.install.action.impl.AssemblyMessageHandler, INFO, Started installing hfm_webapp
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:52:30 AM), com.hyperion.install.action.impl.AssemblyMessageHandler, INFO, Finished installing hfm_webapp
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:52:30 AM), com.hyperion.install.wizard.impl.InstallableItemsUtil, INFO, Completion status for hfmWebapp is success
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:52:57 AM), com.hyperion.install.action.impl.OUIExecAction, INFO, Skipping Oracle inventory creation on some platforms.
    (Dec 23, 2011, 05:53:17 AM), com.hyperion.hit.wizard.Wizard, INFO, Wizard state is:InstallSummaryState
    i am trying to install only EPM client components to test in windows 7 Environment
    Could any one please help me on this
    Thanks in Advance!!

    You should always use official documentation for support details but I am pretty sure Windows 7 support was not available for the EAS client until

  • Issue with exporting Financial Report in Smartview

    If I export a FR in "Export in query Mode" , it concatenates the parent with the child (parent.child) and does not return anything in Smartview. Even though the report works fine in workspace.
    I narrowed down the issue and it seems if I use Stored member roll up instead of using Shared member roll up it returns the right data when I export the report in Smartview.
    So the issue is only with the FR using Shared members.
    Does anyone know if this is a known issue or can replicate this in their environment ? We are on version

    Nope that didn't work, but I figured out the error. I was running the command on a client machine. When I run the command on the server itself, it works fine.. well, now I have issues with my POVs, but at least it's finding my .csc file.
    Thanks for your help John.

  • SmartView - Functionality - Excel 2010

    Have users experiencing the following issues:
    1 - In their template they have formatting on text (bold, colors) and columns (widths). When they refresh they lose all of that. I indicated they should check the 'Use Excel Formatting' on the SmartView options. However that doesn't seem to be working fully. The text format holds, but the column widths etc don't. Also, if they save the file and re-open it, they lose the setting. Is there a fix for this?
    2 - If they have Three members in a row and both members are rollups. If they drill on one member, it automatically drills on both members. They need the ability to only drill on what member they choose to drill on. They are in ad hoc mode. For example if their Row is:
    And they drill on Q2 only. They want the result:
    Is that possible?


  • Smartview In Excel accessing Issue

    Hi ,
    In my Essbase server smartview worked perfectly upto 3 months.
    Afterwards i am unable to see "Hyperion Smartview" ribbon under Excel office menu tabs.
    Reinstalled Ms office 2007 and Smarview eventhough i did not get SV Ribbon and features in excel.
    But its working fine in client systems except Essbase Installed server.
    Help me to know the reason and how do i fix it ?
    Edited by: 894835 on Mar 14, 2012 12:03 AM

    Due to Ms office application related issue Smartview was disabled
    Now it fixed by total cleanup of Ms Office and installed Ms office and SV then enable with above instructions sent by Jasmine Pauline.
    Thanks Jasmine Pauline.
    Edited by: RSekhar on Mar 15, 2012 5:18 AM

  • Smartview 2010

    I am using Smartview version and am having issues trying to access Essbase in Excel 2010. If I try to access member selections from my Smartview menu Excel 2010 just freezes. If I try to just type in the member selections and refresh I will get #NoAccess for my results but I am connected if I look at the sheet information.
    Thanks for any help you can offer

    Thanks for the information, but one last question. Where could I find more information about this Unpublished Bug 9955285?, I am trying to look for more information about if it's going to be fix in any patch but I don't find anything
    Thanks a lot

  • Smartview  Excel Problem

    I installed smartview after uninstalling as has been certified to be backward compatible. Every time i open Excel i get the following message.
    C:\Hyperion\Smartview\Bin\HSTbar.xla could not be found. Check the spelling of the filename, and verify the file location is correct.
    Did anyone had this issue ? If so please let me know how to get rid of this issue.
    Thanks in advance

    I had a similar problem with an install of where the uninstall of the older version left a registry entry behind. Try looking in [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Excel\options] and there should be some OPEN commands in there for Smartview. I guess depending on the install it could be different, but I think the correct path would be C:\Oracle\Smartview\Bin\HsTbar.xla. If you see any OPEN commands with the directory you mention below (C:\Hyperion) I would think you would want to change or delete those (unless of course that is the right directory) and then renumber the remaining OPEN commands to be in sequential order.
    Obviously, backup the registry before trying any of this as this may be a completely unrelated problem from what I had.

  • Smartview and Office 2010 on Citrix error closing word 2010

    I have installed Hyperion Smartview on a Windows 2008 R2 terminal server (with citrix xenapp 6) with Office 2010 (32 bits).
    when i launch Microsoft word 2010 and close it i get the following error: Word cannot save this file because it is already open elsewhere (normal).
    does anyone have an idea what this could be? when i disable the smartview add-in i dont get the error.
    I use Roaming Profiles for the users.

    Smart View and Citrix is a quirky combination. I've observed other strange behaviors in Smart View when using it on Citrix.
    Robb Salzmann

  • Smartview 11.1.2 & Excel 2003 SP3-Replace All Error

    My client has Smartivew 11.1.2 with Excel 2003 and is doing a private connection to an Essbase cube for ad-hoc analysis. All comes back fine but client does the Excel replace-all functionality and it throws the "Smartview handled an unknown exception thrown by Microsoft Office"....client can hit ok and the replace-all works but not sure why we get the error. This issue is not happening with Excel 2007...anyone see this? Thanks so much!
    Edited by: 895068 on Nov 4, 2011 6:28 AM
    Edited by: 895068 on Nov 4, 2011 6:28 AM

    thanks for your answers. From all I could find out from Oracle support, I'll have to wait until is GA and then try again :-(
    Or will there be a patch for as well?
    Best regards,

  • Excel 2010, Smartview, and Windows Server RDS

    Have any of you tried deploying Smartview and Excel over Microsoft's newer RDS server? Everything will work fine for me when logging into the server via Remote Desktop, but when I try to access Excel via RDS (RemoteApp), I have problems dragging and dropping the feilds from Smart View's POV panel. Anybody else have this problem? I have the same problem from RDS on both Windows Server 2008R2 & 2012.
    By the way, I know this isn't supported by Oracle.
    Edited by: 991476 on Mar 13, 2013 8:19 AM

    Not really remote desktop connection. I do have the server configured to use LAN as the default setting when the application is launched from the RDS browser site.

  • Smartview: Excel 2007 and

    Is there a version of Smartview for that works with Excel 2007?
    If so where I can get it? And are there any known issues with it?
    Dave W

    I have a problem with Excel 2007. With Smartview installed, I cannot "save" or "save as" a new file. When I try to save, the save/save as diaglogue box does not show the folders, the file name box nor the save as type box. Any suggestions?

  • Smartview - Excel 2007 crashes when openning panel

    We are upgrading our users from a previous version of Smartview to
    we are finding users on excel 2007 are having problems when attempting to work with a macro enabled workbook and ad hoc query previously setup from the previous version
    Excel crashes when we try and select the connection panel screen with the following dialogue message:
    "Microsoft Office Excel has stopped working"
    we also tried with the macro options turned off
    looking for some help, not sure how to resolve this
    Any thoughts anyone?

    Chaz - were you able to find a solution to this?    I am experiencing the same thing with Smartview on excel 2007 also and cannot get past it.

Maybe you are looking for

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