Smooth Button Rollover

I have been searching this topic for quite some time now, but
I still have not been able to figure it out. What I am trying to do
is make a button that when you roll over the button, it does a
smooth transition to a new color, then when you roll off of the
button it smoothly goes back to the original color. What really got
my attention was how surreal-media does alot of their links, where
its two colors usually...the top color fades to a new color on the
roll over, then fades back when you go off of it. Could someone
please explain this technique to me. I would be most grateful, and
will finally be able to rest a bit.

Thanks again. I'm getting closer! I used to have 2 rollover
repeats. The first was as you left the current page, the second
just after arriving at the new page. The on(rollOut) got rid of the
second one, but I still have a repeat immediately after release.
AmI putting the code in the right place? Here's the action script I
have for the button:
on (release) {
_global.btnVar = true;
_global.btnVar = false;

Similar Messages

  • How to use one button rollover symbol to create 100 graphically different buttons

    I do know how to create a button rollover symbol.
    I don't know how to make that button rollover symbol reuseable. I'd like to put 100 different images in 100 copies of the button. I'd rather not make new symbols for every button, since the rollover animation may change.
    Symbol "Accessibility" allows the title to be changed for copies of the symbol. Does similar functionality exist for bitmaps used in the symbol?
    Could the copied button bring in new graphics from the timeline in another symbol or a xml sheet?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated. I've been following tutorials, except none of them cover this situation.
    Thanks for your help!

    Created in EA version 3:
    I have 2 samples for you that are very similar.
    1- uses the symbol with no image and loads the image as a background-image for the div.
    2- uses an image in the symbol and replaces this image with a new one in the img (not div)
    Choose what you prefer.
    3. An example with more elements in the symbol directly on the stage instead of a container. use a container if you want to place the symbols in a specific rectangle div for example.

  • Button Rollover keeps shifting on hover  - Firefox only

    Hi there,
    I have a shopping cart button rollover that keeps on shifting
    a few pixels whenever you roll over it. Strangely, this only
    happens in Firefox. The page can be
    found here
    The button is being called from a template .
    I also tried putting the button directly into the original
    page, just to see if it was a problem with the template, and it
    still shifted.
    Any ideas?
    * EDIT *
    I think it was an extra <tr> tag floating in the table.
    However, now I'm getting an error in IE although it renders fine.

    Have you considered using "set text of layer" (could be "set
    text of
    "Jesse Feyereisen" <[email protected]> wrote
    in message
    news:gc0fue$73o$[email protected]..
    > Im sure this is Dreamweaver 101 but I just cant seem to
    find it. Im a
    > graphic
    > Designer new to Web so please bare with me. Here is what
    I need to do"
    > I would like to make rollover buttons that when you
    hover over them with
    > the
    > mouse, not only does the button change (the rollover
    part), but they also
    > can
    > hide/unhide a separate image that is near them. I've got
    the rollover
    > part
    > down no problem, but the 2nd image thing is stumping me.
    > Example:
    > Image of a TV on the webpage that when you roll over the
    > buttons,
    > they highlight AND the image on the TV screen changes to
    show and example
    > of
    > that specific channel.
    > Any help is greatly appreciated.
    > Thanks, Jesse?

  • Button rollover animation repeats

    I have an animation for a button rollover that is repeating
    after the mouse is released. Is there a way for me to stop this and
    have the animation play on the rollover only?

    Thanks again. I'm getting closer! I used to have 2 rollover
    repeats. The first was as you left the current page, the second
    just after arriving at the new page. The on(rollOut) got rid of the
    second one, but I still have a repeat immediately after release.
    AmI putting the code in the right place? Here's the action script I
    have for the button:
    on (release) {
    _global.btnVar = true;
    _global.btnVar = false;

  • Syncing Button Rollover States

    I'm building a website for myself (currently with the Muse trial, but I am planning to buy), and I have a question regarding button rollover states.  The site I'm building is an architectural photography website, and the general portfolio page has a list of subcategories in the left-side menu bar.  However, I also want to have thumbnail links to each of the subcategories in the main body of the website (see image provided).  The thumbnails are for the Educational and Municipal subcategories.  I have currently set up the rollover states for all the links in the left-side menu (to turn to the light blue that is seen on the active state of the Portfolio button), and I've set the rollover states for the thumbnails (to go to 50% opacity).  Is there a way for me to synchronize these rollover states?  I would like to see a thumbnail respond in its rollover state if I roll over its corresponding button in the left-side menu, and vice versa.

    To accomplish that you can use the composition tool tip. A transparent triger can be placed where your menu item is and the target will be on the image with an opacity of the 50%.
    However, this will only work in one direction and will not change the menu item when you roll over to the image.

  • Simple button rollover effect help needed - please help!

    Hi everyone,
    I was hoping someone could tell me how was this rollover
    effect done - can be seen on the small map on the right:
    What I want to do is to be able to have the same effect on
    rollover and rollout just reversed (fade in - fade out).
    Please help!!

    Originally posted by:
    That naming at both ends is something I consider a fluke in
    Flash's design, but only because I don't know why it won't work the
    way you probably had it.
    There's probably some logical explanation, but I haven't
    found it, just the solution for when it happens
    It's such a minor little detail. I suspected it would be
    something this small, as that's usually the case, but I just
    couldn't put my finger on it. Not one of the places I researched
    made any reference to that when they said to name the instance of
    the button. How stupid.
    Anyway, thank you again. I can finally move forward. This was
    driving me mad.

  • Link to frame in button rollover state not working..

    Hi guys,
    What I use: Flash CS5 & Actionscript 3
    So I had my buttons working just fine and linking to a frame. But after adding a rollover state in which my button has grown in size it no longer links.
    Does anyone know how to get my buttons linking in their rollover state?

    var someObject:MovieClip;  // this is declared - only
    var someObjectMovieClip = new MovieClip(); // this is declared and instantiated
    Make sure your code uses aghains and not instancename like your code shows. 
    I don't think you understand the third and fifth items I listed either.  The third is saying that the code is not in the same frame as the item it is trying to target.  The fifth has to do with objects in consecutive frames, not linking.
    If you followed what I mentioned in the last sentence you should have a line number indicated in the error message that will tell you which line is causing the problem.  Whatever line that is, the object doesn't exist as far as the code sees it.  So if it was the line...
        instancename.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToGoToAndStopAtFrame_28);
    I can guarantee you that there is no object named instancename in the frame where you have that code since it is the only object targeted in that line of code.

  • A problem with button rollover

    I have added a rollover affect to my button using the following command
    DefaultButtonModel model4 = new DefaultButtonModel() {
         public boolean isPressed() {
         return true;
         public boolean isArmed() {
         return true;
         public boolean isSelected() {
         return true;
    When i include the code the button doesnt perform it neccesary action. Once i remove the aboce code it works fine. I hav used a addActionListener on the button to run commands
    Any ideas on why it wont work

    Well is would be hard for a customer to press a button that is already pressed. By returning true for all those states you are interfering with the button's ability to work correctly.
    I have not tried implementing a roll over effect but I do have a sticky note in my copy of Core JFC 2nd Edition by Kim Topley (ISBN 0-13-090581-X) on page 1548. Starting on that page there is a discussion and code for creating a rollover button. It is a pretty good book overall too.

  • Implementation class on a button (rollover)

    I am trying to change the image on a button when the mouse moves over it.
    The implementation class property on the button is simply MyClass.
    The java class file and both the alternative images are archived in a jar file and I have added the following lines to the base html file:
    <applet name="letter"
    <Param ....etc
    The jars directory is a subdirectory of the directory wherein the base html file resides.
    It doesn't work - the button is blank.
    If I put the above code straight into an html file with letter.jar in an appropriate subdirectory the image displays and changes OK.
    Is it the button property syntax that is wrong? Or is the jar file in the wrong directory?
    Thanks in advance for any hints.

    It all depends on how the Button is reading the image - is it from the codebase or the documentbase?
    Have a look at the rollover button code in the 9i demos if you can (download from the OTN Forms Page). This looks in both places for the images.

  • On button rollover Dynamic text and Movieclip appear

    Hi guys,
    I've got an issue - When one of my buttons is rolled over, I want text and a movieclip to appear. When the button is no longer rolled over, I want the text and movieclip to disappear.
    The way that I was going to do this was to have anchor_mc as an anchor, and upon rollover have the movieclip play from inside the anchor (as its at the exact X & Y that its needed at) and dynamic text appear.
    1) How do I attach mc_textbox to mc_anchor --- OR, how do I set coordinate for just where mc_textbox should show?
    2) How do I then make the movieclip disappear if the button is no longer rolled over?
    3) Is it not possible for me to merge all of the dynamic text functions into one function, using IF statements? I tried this, but couldn't work it out.
    AS3 code is attached below.
    line1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, line_in1, false, 0, true);
    line1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, line_out, false, 0, true);
    line2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, line_in2, false, 0, true);
    line2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, line_out, false, 0, true);
    line3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, line_in3, false, 0, true);
    line3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, line_out, false, 0, true);
    line4.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, line_in4, false, 0, true);
    line4.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, line_out, false, 0, true);
    line5.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, line_in5, false, 0, true);
    line5.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, line_out, false, 0, true);
    line6.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, line_in6, false, 0, true);
    line6.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, line_out, false, 0, true);
    line7.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, line_in7, false, 0, true);
    line7.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, line_out, false, 0, true);
    line8.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, line_in8, false, 0, true);
    line8.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, line_out, false, 0, true);
    line9.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, line_in9, false, 0, true);
    line9.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, line_out, false, 0, true);
    function line_in1(e:MouseEvent):void
            line_output.text = "This is a test made by the MonkeyTest that has previously messed up\n        And testing a new line";
    function line_in2(e:MouseEvent):void
            line_output.text = "up messed previously has that MonkeyTest the by made test a is This";
    function line_in3(e:MouseEvent):void
            line_output.text = "This is a test made by the MonkeyTest that has previously messed up\n        And testing a new line";
    function line_in4(e:MouseEvent):void
            line_output.text = "up messed previously has that MonkeyTest the by made test a is This";
    function line_in5(e:MouseEvent):void
            line_output.text = "This is a test made by the MonkeyTest that has previously messed up\n        And testing a new line";
    function line_in6(e:MouseEvent):void
            line_output.text = "up messed previously has that MonkeyTest the by made test a is This";
    function line_in7(e:MouseEvent):void
            line_output.text = "This is a test made by the MonkeyTest that has previously messed up\n        And testing a new line";
    function line_in8(e:MouseEvent):void
            line_output.text = "up messed previously has that MonkeyTest the by made test a is This";
    function line_in9(e:MouseEvent):void
            line_output.text = "up messed previously has that MonkeyTest the by made test a is This";
    function line_out(e:MouseEvent):void
            line_output.text = "";
            var mc= new mc_empty(); addChild(mc);

    It isn't relly clear to me what you have versus what you want, so these answers may be equally unclear to you.
    1. One way to join them together is to maually place one inside the other while authoring the file.  Another way is to use addChild to add the text mc to the anchor...  mc_anchor.addChild(mc_textbox);  To control where the text mc appears you can set its x and y properties.using actionscript... mc_textbox.x = 0;
    2. To make the movieclip disappear you can set its visible property to false... mc_anchor.visible = false;
    3. You can probably reduce that code substantially, though it partly depends on what variations there are really going to be in the text that displays for each rollover.  For now, I'll assume the text will be entirely different for each...
    for(var i:uint=1; i<10; i++){
         this["line"+String(i)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, line_in, false, 0, true);
         this["line"+String(i)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, line_out, false, 0, true);
    function line_in(e:MouseEvent):void {
         var lineTarget:MovieClip = MovieClip(e:currentTarget);
          // could use a switch instead of the if's in series if you know what a switch is
         if(lineTarget == line1){
              // do things for line1
         } else if(lineTarget == line2){
              // do things for line2
         ) else if.... etc

  • URGENT: button rollover animations and image fade ins?

    Hello, I have a site where an image appears which has 6 words
    on it. Each word will be a button where the following actions take
    on rollover a line draws through the button
    an image fades in on the left and another on the right
    when you click the button, a large window (not popup, prefer
    within flash) appears with information, I guess an swf or mc would
    once you roll out the images fade out and the line draws in
    other direction so it disappears
    How can I code the buttons to do all this? I am using flash

    Ok so far so good. IF you mouse over super saturday you will
    see what happens. Now, what is the code when I mouse out so those 2
    things that appeared will disappear? Also, when you click super
    saturday, you will see an swf that loads but it loads in between
    other layers and all other buttons are active outside the swf. How
    do I overlay it over everything then also have a close button on
    this swf? here is the code for a button:
    blu.onRollOver = function() {
    sat.onRelease = function() {
    loadMovie("popup_saturday.swf", "popup");
    and the site so far:

  • Button rollover state plays again after click

    Hello, I have made a portfolio in Flash 8 using Presentation
    Screens. The intro and all the navigation buttons are on the first
    parent screen. I have a rollover label animation on each button,
    which plays fine on the first rollover, but also plays again after
    a button click takes the user down to another screen. This seems to
    be a glitch in the Screens feature, as my tests show that this is
    not the case within a regular FLA document. Has anyone come across
    You can see the buttons in action at:

    I had a similar problem whereby I had built my own "frame" - complete with custom "minimize" and "close" roll-over buttons at the top right corner. The problem was that when you minimized the frame, then re-maximized it, the "minimize" button stayed in its "rolled-over" state, for the same reason yours does - the mouse never officially "leaves" the button.
    My workaround, which may or may not help you, was to call the processMouseEvent() method of the Component class (which is a parent of AbstractButton), whenever the frame is minimized. This seems to do the trick.
    Note that processMouseEvent() is a protected method, so I had to override it and make it public in a subclass, so I could go ahead and call it.
    You could do the same thing, but you would need to decide what event you would use to trigger the call (i.e. my event was minimizing the frame - your event might be mouseOver for your overlapping frame?? Might get a bit messy.... ;-)
    Hope this helps!

  • Button rollover issue

    Download zipped
    If anyone is bored, I'm having a problem with a rollover
    issue in the above movie that I have been creating. It is an
    interactive, navigable map of city parks. Rollover of the
    individual dots marking park locations on the map works fine. But I
    am also trying to list all the parks' names on the right, where you
    see the "Bergen Park" button. This is so that the user can either
    mouse over the map locations and see the park name
    find where the park is located by mousing over the park name
    on the right. I want this "Bergen Park" button to cause a section
    of the movie clip that has an instance name of "bergen" to play,
    making the Bergen Park dot on the map enlarge when the "Bergen
    Park" button is moused over. I thought that this actionscript would
    do it:
    on (rollOver) {
    on (rollout) {
    But it is not working when the movie loads. Only if I mouse
    over the Bergen Golf Course dot on the map does the "Bergen Park"
    button start acting like a button. Otherwise it just gives me a
    text cursor when I mouse over the "Bergen Park" button. Any help
    would be much appreciated!

    had a look at your fla and didn't quite work out exactly what
    was "working fine" for you. a few comments on your code:
    1. don't you need a stop action on frame 92 ? otherwise it
    continues looping.
    2. flash is case sensitive - be careful of this - on
    (rollout) might work even though the correct syntax is on(rollOut),
    but this is because the on handler is ancient syntax (pre dot
    syntax). most flash syntax requires you to have the syntax
    3. Why is each of your dot clips inside a group? They were
    very difficult to find. I can't think of a reason for them to be
    inside groups, so I'd recommend selecting all of them and breaking
    the group apart so that you can see where they are!
    4. The way you've structured your flash file has redundancy
    and is going to be a nightmare to make changes to. Imagine if you
    or your client decides that they want the dot to pulse twice when
    you rollover it. You're going to have to make that small change 42
    times. Or even imagine if a URL changes for one of the buttons.
    There is a unique line of action-script to open that URL on every
    key-frame within the dot movie-clip. so changing a URL would
    require making that change on 6 keyframes, let alone the park name
    reference to it that you are building on the right. The minimum I
    would suggest you do is to have only one movieclip which contains
    the animation of the dot pulsing, and then for you to put the
    button event handlers on those movieclips, rather than inside those
    movieclips. There are even better ways you could go about this, (by
    storing the urls and titles in arrays, or even xml, and then
    placing the event handlers on the movieclips via their instance
    names on one frame of action-script), but this would at least
    remove your redundancy.
    5. but i digress... to return to your question - the text
    cursor appears not when you point to the bergen park button but
    when you point to the area between {2, 0} and {502, 20}, because
    this is where you created a dynamic text field:
    _root.ToolTip.createTextField("TipText", 2, 2, 0, 500, 20);
    _root.ToolTip.TipText.type = "dynamic";
    add this line after the above code:
    and your problem should be fixed...

  • Audio on button rollover problem

    Very very weird problem as I have six buttons in an Edge project all have the correct audiomp3 and ogg files dragged to the stage.
    4 of the files play perfectly on mouseover but two do not.
    I already did the obvious:
    re did the files
    re imported under a different name
    pulled the problematic audio and inserted that with different buttons in ANOTHER test file and STILl either the audio plays once and thats it or it plays once and then plays backwards on another mouseover.
    If I have to I can upload a file as this kinda stuff really irks me.
    Can I upload  the file?

    FIXED IT!! Both the button image and rollover image were
    saved as Buttons. Converting the rollover image to a Graphic solved
    the problem. Now when I click my Pig, he turns into a juicy ham.
    (Get it?) :)

  • Place button rollover image on top of external swf

    I have a menu that when you click on a button, an external swf is  called up. However I would like for the buttons in the Over and Down  state to show an image on top of the external swf with a description of  what the video is about (Basically when they rollover the button).
    The problem is that the image shows behind the external swf. I  cannot get it to appear on top of the external swf. I have tried putting  the buttons layer on top of the actions layer but that doesn't work.
    I have not been using Flash for very long but I need to know if  there is ActionScipt that can solve my problem or any other way to solve  this issue. Please help. Thank you.

    This is what appeared now in my Output panel.
    Core_K12_Menu CS5.swf Movie Report
    Bytes         Value
           387    <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=""> <rdf:Description rdf:about="" xmlns:xmp=""> <xmp:CreatorTool>Adobe Flash Professional CS5</xmp:CreatorTool> <xmp:CreateDate>2010-07-25T19:31:59-07:00</xmp:CreateDate> <xmp:MetadataDate>2010-08-01T18:42:52-07:00</xmp:MetadataDate> <xmp:ModifyDate>2010-08-01T18:42:52-07:00</xmp:ModifyDate> </rdf:Description> <rdf:Description rdf:about="" xmlns:xmpMM="" xmlns:stRef=""> <xmpMM:InstanceID>xmp.iid:2136C7DCCB9DDF11B1ACFFBB5C2D711F</xmpMM:InstanceID> <xmpMM:DocumentID>xmp.did:2136C7DCCB9DDF11B1ACFFBB5C2D711F</xmpMM:DocumentID> <xmpMM:OriginalDocumentID>xmp.did:423EF45B6198DF1180E5FB9309482BDA</xmpMM:OriginalDocumentID> <xmpMM:DerivedFrom rdf:parseType="Resource"> <stRef:instanceID>xmp.iid:992BC7CBB29DDF11B1ACFFBB5C2D711F</stRef:instanceID> <stRef:documentID>xmp.did:F34D8816A19DDF11ADEA81F4369F4B15</stRef:documentID> <stRef:originalDocumentID>xmp.did:423EF45B6198DF1180E5FB9309482BDA</stRef:originalDocumentID> </xmpMM:DerivedFrom> </rdf:Description> <rdf:Description rdf:about="" xmlns:dc=""> <dc:format>application/x-shockwave-flash</dc:format> </rdf:Description> </rdf:RDF>
    Frame #    Frame Bytes    Total Bytes    Scene
          1         295119         295119    Scene 1 (AS 3.0 Classes Export Frame)
    Scene      Shape Bytes    Text Bytes    ActionScript Bytes
    Scene 1              0             0                  1133
    Symbol                Shape Bytes    Text Bytes    ActionScript Bytes
    ActiveMC                       40             0                     0
    IntroModule                     0             0                     0
    Module 1 Rollover               0             0                     0
    Module1                         0             0                     0
    Module2                         0             0                     0
    Module3                         0             0                     0
    Module4                         0             0                     0
    Module5                         0             0                     0
    Module6                         0             0                     0
    Module7                         0             0                     0
    Module8                         0             0                     0
    Module9                         0             0                     0
    Module10                        0             0                     0
    Module11                        0             0                     0
    Module12                        0             0                     0
    Module13                        0             0                     0
    Module14                        0             0                     0
    Module15                        0             0                     0
    Module16                        0             0                     0
    Module17                        0             0                     0
    Module19                        0             0                     0
    Module20                        0             0                     0
    Module21                        0             0                     0
    next_btn                        0             0                     0
    replay_btn                      0             0                     0
    Rollover                        0             0                     0
    Rollover Image.psd              0             0                     0
    Symbol 18                       0             0                     0
    Title.psd                       0             0                     0
    ActionScript Bytes    Location
                  1133    Scene 1:Frame 1
    Bitmap                                                             Compressed    Original      Compression
    Layer 1                                                                  3675         88264    JPEG Quality=80
    Layer 1                                                                  3287         63936    JPEG Quality=80
    Layer 1                                                                  1205         19668    JPEG Quality=80
    Introduction-Up.jpg                                                      6357         23200    Imported JPEG=102
    Introduction-Down.jpg                                                    5862         23200    Imported JPEG=102
    Module 1-Up.jpg                                                          5957         23200    Imported JPEG=102
    Module 1-Down.jpg                                                        5548         23200    Imported JPEG=102
    Login Page and Tech Check  Topics Covered   - Introduction to A          4791        288576    JPEG Quality=80
    Module 2-Up.jpg                                                          6030         23200    Imported JPEG=102
    Module 2-Down.jpg                                                        5607         23200    Imported JPEG=102
    Module 3-Up.jpg                                                          6035         23200    Imported JPEG=102
    Module 3-Down.jpg                                                        5556         23200    Imported JPEG=102
    Module 4-Up.jpg                                                          5997         23200    Imported JPEG=102
    Module 4-Down.jpg                                                        5584         23200    Imported JPEG=102
    Module 5-Up.jpg                                                          6031         23200    Imported JPEG=102
    Module 5-Down.jpg                                                        5607         23200    Imported JPEG=102
    Module 6-Up.jpg                                                          6030         23200    Imported JPEG=102
    Module 6-Down.jpg                                                        5610         23200    Imported JPEG=102
    Module 7-Up.jpg                                                          5986         23200    Imported JPEG=102
    Module 7-Down.jpg                                                        5575         23200    Imported JPEG=102
    Module 8-Up.jpg                                                          6035         23200    Imported JPEG=102
    Module 8-Down.jpg                                                        5615         23200    Imported JPEG=102
    Module 9-Up.jpg                                                          6031         23200    Imported JPEG=102
    Module 9-Down.jpg                                                        5611         23200    Imported JPEG=102
    Module 10-Up.jpg                                                         6192         23200    Imported JPEG=102
    Module 10-Down.jpg                                                       5707         23200    Imported JPEG=102
    Module 11-Up.jpg                                                         6119         23200    Imported JPEG=102
    Module 11-Down.jpg                                                       5662         23200    Imported JPEG=102
    Module 12-Up.jpg                                                         6189         23200    Imported JPEG=102
    Module 12-Down.jpg                                                       5709         23200    Imported JPEG=102
    Module 13-Up.jpg                                                         6194         23200    Imported JPEG=102
    Module 13-Down.jpg                                                       5710         23200    Imported JPEG=102
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    Module 14-Down.jpg                                                       5705         23200    Imported JPEG=102
    Module 15-Up.jpg                                                         6197         23200    Imported JPEG=102
    Module 15-Down.jpg                                                       5713         23200    Imported JPEG=102
    Module 16-Up.jpg                                                         6202         23200    Imported JPEG=102
    Module 16-Down.jpg                                                       5716         23200    Imported JPEG=102
    Module 17-Up.jpg                                                         6155         23200    Imported JPEG=102
    Module 17-Down.jpg                                                       5684         23200    Imported JPEG=102
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    Module 18-Down.jpg                                                       5719         23200    Imported JPEG=102
    Module 19-Up.jpg                                                         6198         23200    Imported JPEG=102
    Module 19-Down.jpg                                                       5713         23200    Imported JPEG=102
    Module 20-Up.jpg                                                         6205         23200    Imported JPEG=102
    Module 20-Down.jpg                                                       5723         23200    Imported JPEG=102
    Module 21-Up.jpg                                                         6150         23200    Imported JPEG=102
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    Next Button Down.jpg                                                     4684         18240    Imported JPEG=102

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