[SOLVED]Git error when trying to push a package to AUR4

I'm currently in the process to upload my packages to AUR4.
Package 'overlook-fing' builds and run fine on my system, but when I issue the 'git push' command, I get the following error:
Counting objects: 6, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (6/6), done.
Writing objects: 100% (6/6), 1.91 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 6 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: Traceback (most recent call last):
remote: File "hooks/update", line 241, in <module>
remote: for fname in pkginfo['source']:
remote: KeyError: 'source'
remote: error: hook declined to update refs/heads/master
To [email protected]:/overlook-fing.git
! [remote rejected] master -> master (hook declined)
error: failed to push some refs to '[email protected]:/overlook-fing.git'
I don't understand what is this 'source' error as it was running fine until now.
Could someone explain where is my mistake. Here is the PKGBUILD :
# Contributor: Piotr Rogoża <rogoza dot piotr at gmail dot com>
# Created: 08/12/2010
# Maintainer: Salan54 <salan at fremenil dot com>
# Modified: 05/16/2013
pkgdesc='The ultimate tool for network discovery and scanning'
arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
license=('custom:Overlook Freeware license')
depends=('boost-libs' 'openssl' 'zlib')
case $CARCH in
md5sums=('fa523c841daa6963fda51a32b5972bcd' '013488a7afe3048524df6b7527faae69' '95dbef149b9d3a9ea3bac0bd0c77b343')
md5sums=('3e599f665442631657ebc8bef74d98e1' '013488a7afe3048524df6b7527faae69' '95dbef149b9d3a9ea3bac0bd0c77b343')
package() {
cd "$srcdir"
cp -r usr $pkgdir/
install -dm755 "${pkgdir}"/etc/${_altpkgname}
install -dm755 "${pkgdir}"/var/data/${_altpkgname}/{box,sentinel}
install -dm755 "${pkgdir}"/var/log/${_altpkgname}
install -Dm644 ./usr/share/${_altpkgname}/template/conf/sentinel.txt "${pkgdir}"/var/data/${_altpkgname}/sentinel/
install -Dm644 ./usr/share/${_altpkgname}/template/conf/*.properties "${pkgdir}"/etc/${_altpkgname}/
# systemd & fingbox-sentinel
install -Dm755 fingbox-sentinel.service "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/systemd/system/fingbox-sentinel.service
install -Dm755 fingbox-sentinel.script "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/systemd/scripts/fingbox-sentinel
# license
install -dm755 "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/licenses/${_altpkgname}
ln -s /usr/share/${_altpkgname}/doc/license.txt "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/licenses/${_altpkgname}/license
# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et ft=sh tw=100:
Thanks for your answers.
Last edited by Salan54 (2015-06-08 14:56:39)

Try updating the PKGBUILD to use modern architecture-specific source arrays instead of bash conditionals.
man PKGBUILD | less -p "source \(array\)"

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    clfarron4 wrote:A possible related bug is this, referenced in this thread.
    clfarron4: It looks like it could be however the suggested solution in the bug report did not solve the problem.
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    Message was edited by:
    Jiri Suchy
    You will need grant SELECT on DBA_SOURCE, too.

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    ChojinDSL wrote:
    However, when I try to run gitosis-init as the git user I get the following error:
    IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/soaplib-1.0.0_beta8-py2.7.egg-info/top_level.txt'
    What are the permissions of that file? Did you use a restrictive umask while building gitosis-git?

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    as for what's happening: help is just not defined.
    judging from the code you are trying to use, it is supposed to be a string. and indeed http://xmonad.org/xmonad-docs/xmonad/sr … Config.htm
    help :: String
    help = unlines ["The default modifier key is 'alt'. Default keybindings:",
    "-- launching and killing programs",
    "mod-Shift-Enter Launch xterminal",
    "mod-p Launch dmenu",
    "mod-Shift-p Launch gmrun",
    "mod-Shift-c Close/kill the focused window",
    "mod-Space Rotate through the available layout algorithms",
    "mod-Shift-Space Reset the layouts on the current workSpace to default",
    "mod-n Resize/refresh viewed windows to the correct size",
    "-- move focus up or down the window stack",
    "mod-Tab Move focus to the next window",
    "mod-Shift-Tab Move focus to the previous window",
    "mod-j Move focus to the next window",
    "mod-k Move focus to the previous window",
    "mod-m Move focus to the master window",
    "-- modifying the window order",
    "mod-Return Swap the focused window and the master window",
    "mod-Shift-j Swap the focused window with the next window",
    "mod-Shift-k Swap the focused window with the previous window",
    "-- resizing the master/slave ratio",
    "mod-h Shrink the master area",
    "mod-l Expand the master area",
    "-- floating layer support",
    "mod-t Push window back into tiling; unfloat and re-tile it",
    "-- increase or decrease number of windows in the master area",
    "mod-comma (mod-,) Increment the number of windows in the master area",
    "mod-period (mod-.) Deincrement the number of windows in the master area",
    "-- quit, or restart",
    "mod-Shift-q Quit xmonad",
    "mod-q Restart xmonad",
    "mod-[1..9] Switch to workSpace N",
    "-- Workspaces & screens",
    "mod-Shift-[1..9] Move client to workspace N",
    "mod-{w,e,r} Switch to physical/Xinerama screens 1, 2, or 3",
    "mod-Shift-{w,e,r} Move client to screen 1, 2, or 3",
    "-- Mouse bindings: default actions bound to mouse events",
    "mod-button1 Set the window to floating mode and move by dragging",
    "mod-button2 Raise the window to the top of the stack",
    "mod-button3 Set the window to floating mode and resize by dragging"]

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    Did you try with: pacman -Ss. (space between pacman and -Ss argument)
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    Next, you must have a directory structure that matches the package name - a directory named com which contains a directory named davidflanagan which contains a directory named examples which contains a directory named net and ProxyServer.class must be in the net directory,.
    Next, the directory that contains com must be in your Classpath when you execute ProxyServer.
    To execute ProxyServer, use "java com.davidflanagan.examples.net.ProxyServer"

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    First, ProxyServer's source code must start with the line...
    package com.davidflanagan.examples.net;
    Next, you must have a directory structure that matches the package name - a directory named com which contains a directory named davidflanagan which contains a directory named examples which contains a directory named net and ProxyServer.class must be in the net directory,.
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    To execute ProxyServer, use "java com.davidflanagan.examples.net.ProxyServer"

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    Hi Divechickie,
    Welcome to the HP Forums, I hope you enjoy your experience!
    I understand you are getting a error when trying to open the printer properties on Win 8.1 after reinstalling the printer driver. I will be happy to help you.
    If you are using the Windows built in driver then I would download and run the HP Color Laserjet Plug and Play Package. HP Color LaserJet CP1215 Printer Drivers.
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    How to refresh, reset, or restore your PC.
    Hope this resolves your issue.
    Thank you for posting on the HP Forums.
    Have a wonderful day!
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!
    I work on behalf of HP

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    Back up all data.
    This procedure will unlock all your user files (not system files) and reset their ownership and access-control lists to the default. If you've set special values for those attributes on any of your files, they will be reverted. In that case, either stop here, or be prepared to recreate the settings if necessary. Do so only after verifying that those settings didn't cause the problem. If none of this is meaningful to you, you don't need to worry about it.
    I've tested these instructions only with the Safari web browser. If you use another browser, they may not work as described.
    Step 1
    If you have more than one user account, and the one in question is not an administrator account, then temporarily promote it to administrator status in the Users & Groups preference pane. To do that, unlock the preference pane using the credentials of an administrator, check the box markedAllow user to administer this computer, then reboot. You can demote the problem account back to standard status when this step has been completed.
    Triple-click anywhere in the following line on this page to select it:
    { sudo chflags -R nouchg,nouappnd ~ $TMPDIR.. ; sudo chown -R $UID:staff ~ $_ ; sudo chmod -R u+rwX ~ $_ ; chmod -R -N ~ $_ ; } 2> /dev/null
    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C.
    Launch the Terminal application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid.
    Paste into the Terminal window (command-V). I've tested these instructions only with the Safari web browser. If you use  another browser, you may have to press the return key after pasting.
    You'll be prompted for your login password. Nothing will be displayed when you type it. You may get a one-time warning to be careful. If you don’t have a login password, you’ll need to set one before you can run the command. If you see a message that your username "is not in the sudoers file," then you're not logged in as an administrator.
    The command may take a few minutes to run, or perhaps longer if you have literally millions of files in your home folder. Wait for a new line ending in a dollar sign (“$”) to appear, then quit Terminal.
    Step 2 (optional)
    Take this step only if you have trouble with Step 1 or if it doesn't solve the problem.
    Boot into Recovery. When the OS X Utilities screen appears, select
    Utilities ▹ Terminal
    from the menu bar. A Terminal window will open.
    In the Terminal window, type this:
    Press the tab key. The partial command you typed will automatically be completed to this:
    Press return. A Reset Password window will open. You’re not going to reset a password.
    Select your boot volume ("Macintosh HD," unless you gave it a different name) if not already selected.
    Select your username from the menu labeled Select the user account if not already selected.
    Under Reset Home Directory Permissions and ACLs, click the Reset button.
     ▹ Restart
    from the menu bar.

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    Regards, Steve

    Please find the link given below might help you to fix the issue note windows vista & 7 troubleshooting are the same.
    Troubleshooting CD or DVD Disc Burning Problems
    Let us know how it goes!
    "I work for HP."
    ****Click the (purple thumbs up icon in the lower right corner of a post) to say thanks****
    ****Please mark Accept As Solution if it solves your problem****

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    Database version is :
    Operating system= Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-bit)
    OS version=5.10
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Fri Nov 9 07:48:24 2007
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Enter user-name: /as sysdba
    ld.so.1: oracle: fatal: relocation error: file /u01/app/oracle/product/db/ symbol kststop_: referenced symbol not found
    ORA-12547: TNS:lost contact
    Enter user-name:
    Could you all please give me suggestions in order to solve this problem.

    Have you recently patched/upgraded? This sounds like there might have been a problem relinking the executables / libraries, and/or a permissions problem. For example you may be referencing a 32 bit library with your 64 bit client.
    I believe I recently read a similar case - check Metalink for this symptom.
    Regards Nigel

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    Go to Solution.

    The same problem ???
    I discussed it with my local NI technical support team. The application works without any problems now.
    Basic rule: when creating an installer be sure that option "Run Time Engine xxxx"  in "Additional Installers" category is checked in spite of the fact that Run Time Engine is already installed.
    Best regards.
    ADDINST.png ‏13 KB

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