[SOLVED] Japanese Input using IBus/Mozc

Good day,
Recently, I finally managed to install Arch (phew!)
As the title suggests, I need to frequently use Japanese Input. I've tried Anthy, however, the prediction is bad and the dictionaries are lacking.
Then I've found mozc (successfully utilized on Mint and Manjaro before) along with IBus , which worked really great!
Running mozc successfully on Arch has been a series of unsuccessful attempts so far. I have browsed tons of pages about people having similar problems, none of the given solutions seem to work for me.
This is what I've done so far:
1. After installation of Arch, I installed Cinnamon and GDM.
2. I've followed IBus installation page. Installed ibus + ibus-qt packages, then installed mozc through yaourt.
3. Put the lines below to ~/.xprofile (Note: .xprofile didn't exist in the first place, so I created it).
export GTK_IM_MODULE=ibus
export XMODIFIERS=@im=ibus
export QT_IM_MODULE=ibus
ibus-daemon -drx
and in ~/.bashrc
ibus-daemon -drx
5. Ran qtconfig-qt4, under the "Interface" tab, set ibus as default.
6. In /usr/bin/skype, I put the line below.
export XMODIFIERS=@im=ibus
7. Installed a set of Japanese fonts.
8. Finally, added the Japanese input -> mozc to my IBus input methods.
At this point, Japanese input is supposed to work after a relog. I decided to reboot, though, just for safety.
Yes, IBus did autostart. The tray icon would soon disappear for no reason. After restarting Cinnamon, it would magically re-appear and work with inputs like English/Polish properly. Japanese, too, albeit, not with the desired results.
First of all, the typed text in Japanese will not appear unless I press enter in applications like Firefox, Leafpad, LibreOffice. That is not the desired behavior of a Japanese Input Method Editor. Back on Mint/Manjaro the text would appear instantly, that's how it's supposed to behave.
I use Skype extensively, and the Japanese input doesn't seem to work there at all, even after putting the export line into /usr/bin/skype.
I was hoping somebody here would be able to help me. Thank you in advance!
Last edited by ConstruKction (2014-04-14 11:08:17)

I went with the suggestion of using fcitx instead of IBus. I once again decided to follow the fcitx Arch Wiki thoroughly. Here's what I've done:
I've installed fcitx-im and fcitx-mozc packages. Before that, I completely removed IBus.
I put this in my ~/.xprofile and ~/.profile
export GTK_IM_MODULE=fcitx
export QT_IM_MODULE=fcitx
export XMODIFIERS="@im=fcitx"
After that, I configured my fcitx, and added mozc as my layout for Japanese.
Ran this command, too since Gnome apparently tries its best to break other IMEs.
$ gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.keyboard active false
Fcitx seemed much, much better than IBus. It's faster and more responsive, however, the Skype lament still persisted, so I decided to test out one more thing, which has caught my eye whenever I ran an application through the console. The error message was saying something about 'falling back to the "C" locale', so I went way back to the "locale" Arch Wiki article, only to find out, that inside my /etc/locale.gen, I had only one US locale. On top of that, the US locale in locale.gen was different than the US locale in /etc/locale.conf.
A silly, yet, overlooked mistake.
After uncommenting my locale, generating a new one and rebooting my system, Skype finally came back to life, and I was able to type Japanese inside its text field.
Thank you again for your input! This case is solved.

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    Japanese characters are displayed properly by the way)
    My ~Xdefaults:
    *antialias: true
    *hinting: true
    *hintstyle: hintfull
    Xft.dpi: 96
    Xft.antialias: true
    Xft.rgba: rgb
    Xft.hinting: true
    Xft.hintstyle: hintfull
    URxvt.perl-ext-common: default,tabbed
    URxvt.title: makutsu
    ## borderless and no scrollbar
    URxvt*scrollBar_right: false
    URxvt*scrollBar: false
    URxvt*borderLess: false
    ## transparency
    URxvt*inheritPixmap: true
    URxvt*tintColor: white
    URxvt*shading: 40
    URxvt.font: xft:Takao:pixelsize=12
    *background: #000000
    *foreground: #FFFFFF
    *color0 : #222222
    *color8 : #454545
    *color1 : #B22222
    *color9 : #FA8072
    *color2 : #556B2F
    *color10: #9ACD32
    *color3 : #B8860B
    *color11: #DAA520
    *color4 : #4682B4
    *color12: #6495ED
    *color5 : #9932CC
    *color13: #DA70D6
    *color6 : #87CEEB
    *color14: #B0E0E6
    *color7 : #C0C0C0
    *color15: #FFFFFF
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    nitrogen --restore &
    cairo-compmgr &
    export XMODIFIERS='@im=uim'
    export LC_CTYPE=ja_JP.utf8
    export GTK_IM_MODULE="uim"
    export QT_IM_MODULE="uim"
    LANG=zh_CN.utf8 conky &
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    [Japanese is working just fine even without the "exports"
    but I observed that with "export LC_CTYPE=ja_JP.utf8" the
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    My fonts.conf:
    <?xml version='1.0'?>
    <!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM 'fonts.dtd'>
    <match target="font" >
    <edit mode="assign" name="rgba" >
    <match target="font" >
    <edit mode="assign" name="hinting" >
    <match target="font" >
    <edit mode="assign" name="hintstyle" >
    <match target="font" >
    <edit mode="assign" name="antialias" >
    Not sure if it is relevant but I noticed that when I try to do "space+shift"
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    cthon wrote:
    From what I recall, running uim-xim in the background significantly slows down urxvt and xterm startup. I recommend running:
    % uim-fep
    at the beginning of your terminal session. This enables Japanese input only in the current terminal window. I haven't used uim-xim in years.
    I had that problem with scim and setting imFont fixed it
    I have this in my .Xdefaults
    urxvt*imFont: -*-song ti-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
    EDIT: I have it set up for chinese, so maybe song ti does not work for you
    Last edited by xenofungus (2010-09-09 20:01:03)

  • [SOLVED] Japanese input makes things weird

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    Well, recently I've reinstalled Arch Linux. Everything was ok (as well in the previous installation), but since I've installed the Japanese input/fonts, my fonts got weird into QT applications. But that happens only when I activate the input for QT apps! The following image will show you better what is happening:
    While the correct is:
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    export LC_CTYPE="ja_JP.utf8" && anki
    I have the Japanese fonts installed in my computer and the locales.conf is set with the Japanese language. I use GNOME. Any ideas?
    Thank you and apologise this bad written English.
    Last edited by danielskoda (2009-06-15 12:49:15)

    Oh, I know your problem. I should have noticed it earlier when you showed a screenshot of a program that wasn't in English, but I noticed it now when you posted your .xprofile file. A little too late now I guess.
    http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Sci … ated_files
    You need to add your current locale to the supported unicode locales for scim to work with anything other than GTK programs.
    But if uim works and you like it, you might as well just stick with uim.
    As for defining a font for Asian languages, what do you mean? If you only use Japanese and not Chinese or Korean it shouldn't be much of a problem, you could just put a Japanese font there and it'll borrow from that by default. (Or do you have multiple Japanese fonts or something and you want to choose one?)
    You can set a priorities list, by making certain fonts take priority over others, but you can't set a different font for each language because it is impossible for unicode to tell which language it is. This is my .fonts.conf:
    <family>DejaVu Sans Mono</family>
    <family>Arial Unicode MS</family>
    <family>DejaVu Sans</family>
    <family>Malgun Gothic</family>
    <family>Arial Unicode MS</family>
    <family>Times New Roman</family>
    <family>MS Mincho</family>
    <family>MS Song</family>
    <family>Arial Unicode MS</family>
    So for example, "Sans" uses "DejaVu Sans" for Latin characters, and if "Sans" needs to display a glyph that "DejaVu Sans" doesn't have, it tries "iYaHei", then "Malgun Gothic" if "iYaHei" can't display it etc etc.
    However, in firefox you /can/ set a different font for each language. It can be done from the GUI menu: Edit > Preferences > Content > Fonts & Colors
    Last edited by sokuban (2009-06-15 17:20:12)

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    Last edited by gothmog123 (2014-04-15 01:38:38)

    You might try fcitx with mozc instead.

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    Any suggestion?

    Thanks Tom,
    I tested your suggestion on another user account and found that everything worked fine, irrespective of whether the system was set to English or French. But…
    I realized that the difference between the two accounts was that Japanese was in second rank (i.e. before English) in the account which gave me problems.
    So the solution is to leave Japanese as #3, after French and English.
    I guess the reason is that there is no French localization for kotoeri help or preferences. Therefore the systems picks up whatever comes next in the list of preference for languages.
    Your hint was very useful. Thanks again.

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    Hiya キャンサー!
    In the IBus option's advanced tab I set IBus to use the same input method for all applications.
    Also I found an option in qtsettings (I'm using KDE) in the interface tab where you can change the default imput method to IBus but changing it didn't have any apparent effect though.
    With the keyboard shortcut ctrl + space I get global IBus in all applications I've used so far.
    What I didn't test and don't know if it makes any difference:
    I added this to /etc/profile
    export GTK_IM_MODULE=ibus
    export XMODIFIERS=@im=ibus
    export QT_IM_MODULE=ibus
    Don't know if this is what you were looking for this is what I'm using.
    Last edited by Faither (2011-07-29 17:43:25)

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    Gradient, I know you haven't asked for this, but I just wanted to share my experience: I've used IBUS, SCIM etc., mostly changing from one to the next if there was some major hassle (especially after large updates). I've given up on IBUS quite some time ago and the input method I'm using right now is called Fcitx and I'm using it both for Japanese and Chinese input. So if you can't get IBUS to work I'd recommend to give Fcitx a try.

  • System sudden slow/no more Japanese input

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    What could it be? Should I go to a full new system install right away?
    iBook G3 500 Mhz   Mac OS X (10.3.9)   640 MB RAM

    You're Very Welcome Martin!
    I'm happy I could help you solve your problem.
    Be careful not to let your HD get too full again! That factor could have led to the corruption of the user account.
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    Thank You, for extending the courtesy, of awarding stars,
    ali b

  • Japanese Input on a Blackberry in Germany

    We got a 8707v working with Romaji input in the UK.  But the same package did not work in Germany or France on devices there.
    We are with Vodafone.  We deleted the vendor.xml  before install but still not able to get this working.   Chinese and Korean work fine.
    What is it in the Device.xml or CJK.alx files or elsewhere that might make this firmware UK specific or prevent the Romaji methiod from working? All the .cod files referenced in the Romaji method section of the CJK.alx have loaded on the device and I gave them all full permissions.  I choose Japanese input on the device but it does not work.
    I have tried firmware from all over the latest was: Software For BlackBerry 8707v (TM) BlackBerry Handheld Software v4.2.2.342 (Chinese)

    We use at our firm 8707V and I downloaded the same firmware for Japanese Character Support.
    We also have offices across in European town such as Frankfurt and Paris.
    We did try number of devices to achive the Japanese Character Support, however none from European 8707 devices works.
    What we found is that 8707 model with only QWERTY model works with the firmware but not with any other K/B such one you can obtain in German and France.

  • Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct the error and..

    Hi All,
    Scenario XML to IDOC.
    The interface determination decides whether to create IDOC X or IDOC Y based on a xml segment value.
    I have an error in the SXMB_MONI:
    <!--  Interface Determination
    - <SAP:Error xmlns:SAP="http://sap.com/xi/XI/Message/30" xmlns:SOAP="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" SOAP:mustUnderstand="">
      <SAP:P1>Problem evaluating a condition: Exception CX_SWF_RLS_RULE occurred (program: CL_SWF_RLS_CONDITION==========CP, include: CL_SWF_RLS_CONDITION==========CM00Q, line: 160).</SAP:P1>
      <SAP:P2 />
      <SAP:P3 />
      <SAP:P4 />
      <SAP:AdditionalText />
      <SAP:ApplicationFaultMessage namespace="" />
      <SAP:Stack>Error when determining the inbound interface: Problem evaluating a condition: Exception CX_SWF_RLS_RULE occurred (program: CL_SWF_RLS_CONDITION==========CP, include: CL_SWF_RLS_CONDITION==========CM00Q, line: 160). Problem evaluating a condition: Exception CX_SWF_RLS_RULE occurred (program: CL_SWF_RLS_CONDITION==========CP, include: CL_SWF_RLS_CONDITION==========CM00Q, line: 160). Exception CX_SWF_RLS_RULE occurred (program: CL_SWF_RLS_CONDITION==========CP, include: CL_SWF_RLS_CONDITION==========CM00Q, line: 160). Exception CX_SWF_RLS_OPERAND_MISSING occurred (program: CL_SWF_RLS_COMPARISON=========CP, include: CL_SWF_RLS_COMPARISON=========CM002, line: 63). Exception CX_SWF_RLS_OPERAND_MISSING occurred (program: SAPMSSY1, include: , line: 0). Exception CX_SWF_EXP_EVALUATE occurred (program: CL_SWF_EXP_EXPRESSION=========CP, include: CL_SWF_EXP_EXPRESSION=========CM027, line: 38). Exception CX_SWF_EXP_EXPRESSION occurred (program: CL_SWF_EXP_EXPRESSION=========CP, include: CL_SWF_EXP_EXPRESSION=========CM01Z, line: 520). Exception CX_SWF_EXP_EXPRESSION occurred (program: CL_SAI_SWF_RULE_ENGINE========CP, include: CL_SAI_SWF_RULE_ENGINE========CM00S, line: 42). Problem extracting values from the Payload: Check line 2 column 1 of the XML document</SAP:Stack>
    From the SXMB_MONI, the inbound message payload is truncated with an error:
    - <ProductIdentification>
      <GlobalProductIdentifier />
    - <PartnerProductIdentification>
    The XML page cannot be displayed
    Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct the error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later.
    The following tags were not closed: Pip3B12ShippingOrderConfirmation, ShippingOrder, ShipmentLineItem, isContainsHazardousMa...
    ">   <GlobalPartnerClassificationCode />
    - <QuantityInformation>
    - <confirmedQuantity>
    I've checked that the xml format is OK.
    As a matter of fact, if I try to resend the xml file from directory, the message is processed correctly and the payload shows all the xml file.
    Edited by: Daniele*Verdone on Feb 1, 2010 11:22 AM
    Edited by: Daniele*Verdone on Feb 1, 2010 11:23 AM

    Hi Suraj,
    That option is not available in FTP mode..
    This option is applicable only for the File adapter. If you enter a value in this field when configuring the sender FTP adapter, it will have no effect.
    Yes, you're right !!
    Are you sure that the message is not getting picked in half-way
    Now, at this time, I can't see the XML data in the CC monitoring because the tool shows only the recent polling execute in the last 10 minutes. If the error recurs, I will check the payload of CC.
    How can I solve the problem with reading incomplete file (FTP mode)?
    ...Meanwhile I will try with Full cache refresh.

  • How to get Chinese and Japanese input in X11?

    I have tried a few things like building UIM, Canna, and Anthy, but nothing seems to work. For one thing, I seem able to compile and install the Canna library, but when I run ./configure for UIM, it can't find Canna.
    Can somebody walk me through getting Chinese and Japanese input in X11?

    It would probably be good to ask this in the Unix forum:
    What apps are you trying to use?
    For what it's worth, it recently came up on the Chinese-Mac mailing list:

  • Japanese Input Help

    Hi everyone, I'm a new convert and I love it but I'm having trouble with Japanese input.
    When working I have to constantly switch between English, hiragana, and katakana. With windows I used alt ~ to switch between romaji and hiragana, then I would use f7 to convert the most recent word to katakana.
    For OS X I have a working non-ideal solution, I removed everything but hiragana and english. I can flip between them easily now, however, that creates the problem of katakana. If I add katakana to the input menu then it makes flipping between english and hiragana a lot more annoying considering the frequency. That and having to add/remove Chinese when I occasionally need it is a pain.
    I'm not trying to nitpick, and this wouldn't be that big a deal if I didn't have to flip about 50 - 100 times a day.

    For OS X I have a working non-ideal solution, I
    removed everything but hiragana and english. I can
    flip between them easily now, however, that creates
    the problem of katakana. If I add katakana to the
    input menu then it makes flipping between english and
    hiragana a lot more annoying considering the
    frequency. That and having to add/remove Chinese when
    I occasionally need it is a pain.
    Have you looked at the Transliterate options which have keyboard shortcuts and which appear at the bottom of the "flag" menu when Hiragana is active? I don't know if these do what you want for Katakana.
    You might also want to ask in the Apple Japanese forums, a link to which is at the bottom of this page:

  • Japanese Input (Kotoeri)

    I'm using the Japanese input (Kotoeri) on MacOSX configured with French as main language. My keyboard is a Japanese keyboard.
    It just so happens that regularly (once a month), the keyboard mapping stubbornly switches to AZERTY in Romaji mode.
    If I check the Preferences, the Layout for the Romaji Mode is correctly set to "US". If I unset and reset to "US", it works for some seconds then switches back to AZERTY (which is the "stubborn" part)
    If I delete the preference file ("~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.inputmethod.Kotoeri.plist") and logout, the issue get fixed, but would eventually come back after a month or so.
    This is happenning now for some time and it's breaking my nerves, so if somebody has an idea. The broken and valid configuration files can be found at on this link: https://files.me.com/trouve.antoine/2rfqct
    Thank you.
    Message was edited by: yopmaster

    If you know Japanese well, you might also ask on the Japanese forum:

  • How to install Japanese input method on my 8820

    Hi everyone.I just bought an 8820 and I wanna install the Japanese input modules on it.
    However, after installing the 4.5 East Asian version of the ROM, there's no Japanese input selection.
    is it possible that the 8820 could install the Japanese input modules?

    1. Download the OS file to the PC then install it to the PC by running (double clicking) the file you downloaded.
    2. Go to c:\program files\common files\research in motion\apploader and delete the file named "vendor.xml."
    3. Plug in BB and double click on "Loader.exe." It's located in the same place as the above vendor.xml file.
    Now, with loader.exe running, do you see the additional options for the launguages?
    1. If any post helps you please click the below the post(s) that helped you.
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  • Series 60 3rd Edition Japanese Input

    I posted a similar topic about this for the N70 but plans didn't pan out as originally intended and it wasn't required.
    I'm planning to return to the UK and I am looking at phones for my return. I've used some variant of Series 60 for the past 4 years and would quite like to continue.
    Is there any way (third party or otherwise) of getting a 3rd Edition phone running an IME for Japanese text with Japanese font?
    2nd Edition phones can run applications by Psiloc however I've contacted them and they have stated that they are not intending on upgrading these applications to 3rd Edition in the near future.
    I really need a phone that I can enter Japanese into, any suggestions?

    You have the full procedure explained here:
    I haven't tried it yet, but I definitely will.
    I hope it works on Nokia N95.
    Moderator note: one external link removed. All external links must be to sites in English, you are welcome to repost the link if the page has an English version available.
    Message Edited by michaels on 13-May-2009 04:19 PM

Maybe you are looking for