[Solved] $LANG and zsh prompt color problems

I recently discovered, trying to use Newsbeuter, that, in X, certain parts of my profile aren't set. Until now it only seemed to be $LANG, which is empty if I echo it from urxvt in XMonad, but yields the correct setting if I do the same in a tty.
To make things worse now, my zsh seems to be acting up. I have differently colored prompts for my normal user and root. But since a few days ago, the root colors aren't applied unless I source .zshrc again after sudo-ing.
I updated a lot recently and it's gotten hard to track these issues, especially the $LANG one, to a specific update. The only thing I know is that my desktop, running Kdemod, doesn't have these problems.
I'm using Slim and XMonad. Neither issue is limited to a certain terminal.
Most of my configs can be found in my GitHub dotfiles repository. If anything's missing to get a clear picture, ask for it.
My rc.conf can be found here [Gist].
Last edited by count-corrupt (2010-08-22 13:33:06)

jac wrote:
I finally went through the new sudoers file and got mine to work, see this thread for details. Using that, and using a workaround for libetc, your prompt works for me.
You appear not to use libetc, but if you do and don't also have root set up to use libetc, you will need to create a link to/from ~/.zshrc from/to ~/.config/zshrc
I actually just solved it in another way. Your original point, that sudo changed it's default behavior was the key. In the official zsh documentation somewhere it says that all settings that are wanted for root should be put into /root/.zshrc. I just did that and it works.
Your solution works too by the way. Just enabling
Defaults env_keep += "HOME"
does the trick and also (logically) re-enables other things that I hadn't even realized were gone yet like syntax highlighting in vim. I guess I should read into the nature of said privilige escalation problems. Maybe there's a way to selectively keep parts of HOME.
So thank you very much for the help.

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    Hope this helps.

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    #zstyle ':completion*' menu select
    #setopt completealiases
    #autoload -U promptinit
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    PROMPT="[%n@%m:]$ "
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    bindkey "^[[8~" end-of-line # End
    bindkey "^[[5~" history-beginning-search-backward # PageUp
    bindkey "^[[6~" history-beginning-search-forward # PageDown
    bindkey "^[[2~" quoted-insert # Ins
    bindkey "^[[3~" delete-char # Del
    bindkey "^[[1;5C" forward-word
    bindkey "\eOc" emacs-forward-word
    bindkey "^[[1;5D" backward-word
    bindkey "\eOd" emacs-backward-word
    bindkey "^[[Z" reverse-menu-complete # Shift+Tab
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    alias df='df -hT'
    alias cl='clear'
    alias ll='ls -l'
    alias la='ls -A'
    alias free='free -m'
    alias wcu='wicd-curses'
    # The following lines were added by compinstall
    zstyle ':completion:*' completer _complete _ignored
    zstyle ':completion:*' file-sort name
    zstyle ':completion:*' format 'Completing %d'
    zstyle ':completion:*' list-colors ''
    zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'm:{[:lower:][:upper:]}={[:upper:][:lower:]}' 'r:|[. -]=** r:|=**'
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    zstyle ':completion:*' verbose true
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    # End of lines added by compinstall
    # Lines configured by zsh-newuser-install
    bindkey -e
    # End of lines configured by zsh-newuser-install
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    Well, yeah actually. It's the colours
    Adding a color in the left-hand prompt moves the right-hand prompt to far to the left.
    Adding a color to the right-hand prompt misplaces the cursor
    Any suggestions?
    EDIT: If I come across seeming a bit smug, it is unintended. Promise
    Last edited by Bladtman242 (2012-02-15 23:18:54)

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    Last edited by vendion (2011-09-02 16:08:48)

    Sorry over looked that, when I run sudo to check the EDITOR variable it also has vim set
    ┌─(vendion@Tyre Fri, 02 Sep 11)───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────(09:42)──┘
    └─(/home/vendion/Projects/TickIt)─> sudo echo $EDITOR

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    import XMonad.Prompt
    import XMonad.Prompt.Shell
    myXPConfig :: XPConfig
    myXPConfig = defaultXPConfig
    { font = myDroidFont
    , bgColor = myColorGrayBg
    , fgColor = myColorBlue
    , bgHLight = myColorBlue
    , fgHLight = myColorWhite
    , promptBorderWidth = 0
    , position = Bottom
    , height = 16
    , historySize = 100
    , historyFilter = deleteConsecutive
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    brisbin33 wrote:
    How are you pasting? Have you tried S-insert or middle click?
    If it's true that the prompt does not support pasting of any sort, then your config will be irrelevant and the fix/change will almost certainly have to occur in the X.Prompt internals.
    Yes, I tried both. Moving the cursor over the prompt window, it has no "edit" cursor, as in a terminal. Shift insert is the same result.
    Well, OK - but would be a nice feature :-). I'll play with it.

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    Hardware Version:
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    1.0.1 (Oct 6 2011 - 20:04:00)
    Firmware Version:
    1.3.2 (014) May 9 2013
    Recovery Firmware:
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    Host Name:
    Domain Name:
    Serial Number:
    Current Time:
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    Caller ID Method:   
    Bellcore(N.Amer,China)DTMF(Finland,Sweden)DTMF(Denmark)ETSI DTMFETSI DTMF With PRETSI DTMF After RingETSI FSKETSI FSK With PR(UK)DTMF(Denmark) With PR
    Caller ID FSK Standard:   
    bell 202v.23
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    I am out of ideas as to what to do. Please help.
    Last edited by Hindol (2013-04-23 08:37:47)

    What happens if you remove all the oh-my-zsh stuff?
    From your screenshot it looks like you are in X: you might want to change your thread title as it is a little misleading.
    Check your locale while you are at it.

  • Color problems in photoshop cs5 and bridge

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    The monitor color profile tells Photoshop and the other color managed programs how your monitor displays colors. Color profile files are installed by putting them in C:\Windows\System32\spool\drivers\color. Then to assign or confirm a color profile for your monitor, you use the Color Management control panel. Under the Devices tab  when 'Use my settings for this device" is checked, the color profile currently in used is the one which name ends with (default). For example 'Dell U2410 color Profile, D650 (default)'.
    You can download the color profile for you monitor from here http://support.dell.com/support/downloads/download.aspx?releaseid=R279694&formatcnt=0&libi d=0&fileid=413637
    http://support.dell.com/support/downloads/download.aspx?releaseid=R279694&formatcnt=0&libi d=0&fileid=413637
    it downloads a .exe file which is simply a decompressor like .zip files. Run it, and in the folder you will find a file with the name DELL-U2410.icm - his is your monitor color profile from Dell. However most likely Windows has already installed it for you.
    Now, given  your situation, you may have these eventual problems.
    First problem.
    Your monitor is a wide gamut monitor 102% of NTSC and Windows defaults at sRGB which is about 70% fo NTSC. NTSC is a color space representing the visible spectrum and is used in monitor specs for measuring the gamut.
    Assuming that for some time you didn't use a color profile which more closely represents your monitor, Photoshop was displaying images on your wide gamut monitor using the default sRGB color profile which represent standard gamut sRGB monitors and this is very different from yours. Said in other words you were seeing one thing on your monitor while Photoshop was assuming it is another thing. This becomes a problem when you convert from one color space to another and display or reproduce the image on other devices, and in your case when monitor profile is changed to a very different one. To fix this you have to assign your correct monitor profile to the images that were created with the wrong profile and then convert to a common color space like sRGB, AdobeRGB, etc. Assign and Convert to profiles are in the Edit menu.
    Second problem.
    The color profile from Dell may not be representing correctly how your monitor displays colors. Dell creates a profile that is not measured to your particular unit but for what they assume is an average representation of the monitor's model. Using it, you depend entirely on luck. I have u2711 and I was very unlucky. If you are curious you can study my case which may be also very educational for you and will be able to see clearly the difference between the colors of my monitor and those the Dell color profile represents. Follow the same instructions above for downloading the color profile for your monitor but download the one for u2711 from here
    http://support.dell.com/support/downloads/download.aspx?releaseid=R247058&formatcnt=1&libi d=0&fileid=365277
    then go to that web site from your link http://www.tftcentral.co.uk/articles/icc_profiles.htm and download my color profile that I'm sharing there. It is 'Dell U2711 Spyder 3 + Color Eyes DP   User' once you have the color profiles files on you computer, go to this site http://www.iccview.de/content/view/3/7/lang,en/  , upload my monitor profile and the one from Dell and compare. That web site will give a 3D plot of two color spaces in a 3D viewer that you can navigate to see it from all sides (using the Ctrl, Shift navigates faster). The difference that you see made it impossible to create even simple images for the web using Photoshop. I convert from AdobeRGB to sRGB and when Photshop assumes that my monitor displays colors the way they are described in the Dell's profile, all detail in the shadows is eliminated and my images look like crap. I even got better results from creating a profile using this free software http://www.calibrize.com/ it uses the so call eyeometer relying on your eyes for feedback and although the colors were noticeably off, at least the shadow detail was preserved.
    Hope that helps

  • [Solved] Zsh prompt issues

    Ive recently restored my arch system from a backup due to some problems. However I am now having an issue with my zsh prompt.
    I have a .zshrc file in my home dir that was always obeyed by zsh before. Now when I log in the ~/.zshrc file is loaded because all my aliases still work but my prompt is not the one specified in ~/.zshrc file.
    If I copy ~/.zshrc to /etc/zsh/zshrc then the prompt is loaded along with all the other aliases etc.
    Can anyone suggest why this maybe as id like to keep the zsh settings on a per-user basis?
    EDIT: Sorry fixed by reinstalling zsh
    Last edited by ck3mp (2013-04-07 13:01:27)

    Not sure if this is directly relevant to your situation or not, but I encountered a very similar issue starting the other week; loading promptinit and selecting a theme would work, but setting a custom PS1= etc. through my ~/.zshrc no longer did, even though it was still being loaded. I similarly did not think to re-install the package, until I came across this thread. As part of doing so I had to remove several packages with a Zsh dependency. After re-installing Zsh, my normal PS1 etc. came back, but went away again after re-installing the other packages.
    In my case, it appears extra/grml-zsh-config was the culprit; this package adds a lengthy /etc/zsh/zshrc, and the behaviour occurs when that file is present. I couldn't say if this is a bug or just intended behaviour (indeed, I only had GRML-Zsh-Config installed as a dependency for another package); either way, once identified, workarounds became possible.
    Would be curious to know if this was also the case at your end (and if not, well... it seems there are a number of ways one can lose their Zsh prompt configuration!)

  • Epson 2200 Color problem solved...I think

    I have read the posts on the color problems with 10.6 and the EP 2200. I too had the same issues after installing 10.6 this evening. After much teeth grinding and some choice words I set about solving my printing problem.
    The Gutenprint driver has the same problems GIMP had. It isn't really printer specific, as in all the options you once had. I would rather have no driver than have this lame piece of software automatically installed. Gutenprint will make the printer run but that's about all it will do.
    The solution is pretty easy:
    1. Open System Preferences. Click on Print and Fax
    2. Select the 2200 (or any printer giving you fits) and click the to delete the printer. Close prefs.
    3. Go to the Epson site and download the 10.4 driver, Epson 11832. Install.
    4. Also download the 10.6 updater and install.
    5. Open System Prefs>Print and Fax again.
    6. Click the and select the printer model, in my case Epson 2200.
    7. In the drop down window Select Epson SP 2200 not the Epson Stylus Photo 2200 - Gutenprint v5.2.3! The latter being a Jack of all Trades and Master of none.
    8. All the print functions reappear as expected.
    Do I believe the reports of Epson dumping on the Mac market? Not a chance. Mac has the majority (well over 50% and growing) of the graphic and creative arts market. Most professional photographers I know use the Mac platform and are very enthusiastic about it. Epson couldn't afford to turn their backs on the Mac platform.
    With 10.6 I did loose all my custom icc profiles from PS but not PS Lightroom. I also lost the custom monitor profile. I will re-profile my paper/ink/scanner/monitor and consider it a light hit. I'm sure I don't know why this update was so rough on the drivers. I'm also sure that there will be other pains I have yet to discover.
    Is 10.6 crap? Probably not. Will I install 10.7 when it arrives? You bet! At OSX worst it is better than Gate's best!!

    This is all good info, but for me at least, the real issue is not whether you can get the driver/printer to function (most people seem to be able to get it working) but when you get it functioning under Snow Leopard are there color issues.
    Although the printer may work fine for basic documents etc, it is for color-critical photo work that I need my 2200. Many other posts are reporting that although the driver is functioning, there are fairly severe color issues when trying to create high-quality photographic prints using the standard color-managed workflow. This would be rather crippling for photographers and other artists who rely on their 2200.
    Maybe those posting here could comment on whether they have been using their 2200 for photographic purposes and whether or not they have seen color issues. I wonder if some people just aren't noticing a problem because they aren't doing color-managed photographic work.
    I haven't installed Snow Leopard yet and I'm trying to determine if this is affecting a very small percentage of people or if everyone is having trouble getting proper color from their 2200 since Snow Leopard. So far I haven't seen a single post specifically stating that they they are using the 2200 for high quality photo printing and have had no color issues under Snow Leopard.
    Message was edited by: Bazzography

  • I am using Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit OS.  I've never had this problem before... today I opened iTunes and it prompted me to download the newest version.  I use iTunes all the time and have updated it multiple times with no issues.  During the installa

    I am using Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit OS.I've never had this problem before... today I opened iTunes and it prompted me to download the newest version.  I use iTunes all the time and have updated it multiple times with no issues.  During the installation process it gave me an error message that said: 
    Runtime error! 
    Program C:\Program Files\iTunes.exe
    An application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library incorrectly.
    Please contact the application's support team for more information.
    I quit the installation, uninstalled iTunes and rebooted my computer.  I now receive a similar message with a slight difference:
    Runtime error! 
    Program C:\Program Files (x86)...
    An application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library incorrectly.
    Please contact the application's support team for more information.
    I did not leave anything out from the error message.  It doesn't point to a specific file, it just ends with "(x86)..."  Every time I boot up my computer, this error message pops up on my desktop.
    How do I repair this issue?  I have found multiple suggested solutions but am unsure which one is the best, and I don't want to try a bunch of different things for fear I may make the problem worse.  I would like to try and fix this myself if possible but I need to know if that is really possible or if I need to take my computer to someone for repairs.  Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated!!

    Hi lustyln,
    I'm having a little trouble understanding all of what you are trying to explain. From what I can tell, it sounds like your PC has a lot of software problems and you want to know what is supposed to be there and what isn't.
    For reference, here are your product specifications:
    To get your PC software back to how it was when it was first purchased, run a system recovery:
    I hope this helps.
    ...an HP employee just trying to help where I can, but not speaking on behalf of HP.

  • Solve this and you're a genious: Port problems with SRW2016

    One SRW2016 fresh out of the box and set to factory default settings
    One Dell Laptop running Windows XP
    One custom network appliance running a full TCP/IP stack but limited to 10M half duplex.
    The laptop has a static IP address. The network appliance has a static IP address. The switch has the factory default static IP address.  All three devices are on the same subnet.
    The laptop is plugged into port 1 on the switch, and the network appliance is plugged into various ports as described below.  The laptop is set to continuously ping the network appliance using the ping –t command.
    When the network appliance is plugged into switch port 2 I am unable to ping the device from the laptop.  When I plug it into port 3 I get the same result.  In fact I am unable to ping the network appliance on any of the switch ports EXCEPT for ports 7, 8, 15, and 16.  As soon as I plug the network appliance into any one of those four ports, the pings are replied to. 
    My question is - why am I unable to communicate with the network appliance on any ports other then ports 7, 8, 15, and 16? What makes these four ports different then the others?
    Other Notes:
    I have a second Linksys SRW2016 and notice the exact same behavior.
    I’ve also tried a Linksys SLM2008 8-Port switch and experience NO communication problems on any ports.
    I’ve tried a hub and it works 100%
    I notice that after trying to ping the network appliance on a non-working port, I can see the device properly listed in the ARP table on both the switch AND laptop. So I am unable to ping the device yet it somehow makes it into the ARP table.
    Any help with this issue would be greatly appreciated.
    Best regards,

    Thanks for explanation that not all ports are the same.
    I've just had a similar issue with a Siemens C470IP ip phone. It worked fine with my Dlink 8-port DES3010F switch which I've just replaced with the SRW2016, and also when plugged into my Draytek 2820n ADSL router's LAN ports. I'm a bit disappointed that I happened to plug the device into port 3 and suddenly my monitoring showed that things were not working properly. I checked cables and then remembered that auto-negotiation sometimes can cause problems.
    On the SRW2016 if I leave the port with auto-negotiate on I see:
    Port   Enable   Link  Spd/Dpx Ctrl  
    g3      ENABLE   UP    10H     Off
    Yet inspite this pinging the device does not work properly. That is I get from ping:
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=431 ttl=128 time=7.357 ms
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 432
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=433 ttl=128 time=8.956 ms
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 434
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=435 ttl=128 time=5.920 ms
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 436
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 437
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 438
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 439
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 440
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=441 ttl=128 time=9.242 ms
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 442
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 443
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 444
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 445
    Doing the explicit configuration of 10Mb Half duplex as suggested does not help either. In fact it's worse as I get no responses from a ping and it does not make any difference if I enable flow control or not.
    So must be the Siemens device? Well plugging into port 16 as suggested makes all the difference:
    Auto negotiation works and the link comes up and works fine:
    That is:
                    Auto          Flow  
      Port   Enable  Neg.  Spd/Dpx Ctrl  
    g13      ENABLE   On   Auto    Off 
    g14      ENABLE   On   Auto    Off 
    g15      ENABLE   On   Auto    Off 
    g16      ENABLE   On   Auto    Off 
      Port   Enable   Link  Spd/Dpx Ctrl  
      g14     ENABLE   DOWN  -----   ---
    g15     ENABLE   DOWN  -----   ---
    g16     ENABLE   UP    10H     Off
    and ping shows what I expect:
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=353 ttl=128 time=5.918 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=354 ttl=128 time=6.675 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=355 ttl=128 time=8.052 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=356 ttl=128 time=5.430 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=357 ttl=128 time=6.763 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=358 ttl=128 time=7.861 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=359 ttl=128 time=9.996 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=360 ttl=128 time=5.526 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=361 ttl=128 time=6.374 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=362 ttl=128 time=4.750 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=363 ttl=128 time=2.305 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=364 ttl=128 time=4.748 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=365 ttl=128 time=7.279 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=366 ttl=128 time=6.359 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=367 ttl=128 time=6.536 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=368 ttl=128 time=8.089 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=369 ttl=128 time=8.797 ms
    So why is this broken? Is it a firmware issue or a hardware issue?  The firmware I'm using is I believe the latest though it looks rather old:
      Boot Version:          1.0.1 (Date:  11-Jun-2006, Time:  18:43:59)
      Software Version:      1.2.2b (Date:  28-Feb-2008, Time:  16:47:37)
      Hardware Version:      00.03.00
    If this affects me it's likely to affect others and I really wanted to buy the switch to add to the number of "managed ports" I have. This current behaviour is rather disappointing and I would have hoped that perhaps a firmware upgrade would solve this, or the documentation would be clearer that some devices do not work properly (auto-negotiation seems to be rather a troublesome subject).  Is such a fix available?

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