[solved] Scripts in cron.daily not started

I successfully run some jobs using crontab without problem (so cronie service itself runs fine).
However, I need to run some jobs with anacron on a daily basis. I copied those shell scripts to /etc/cron.daily, set ownership to root:root and rights to 744.
[root@arch-desktop /]# ls -la /etc/cron.daily/
total 12
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jan 12 07:48 .
drwxr-xr-x 100 root root 4096 Jan 16 00:08 ..
-rwxr--r-- 1 root root 758 Jan 12 07:13 backup_local.sh
Unfortunately, it seems like the script is not being executed, when cron.daily is scheduled. All I found to trace the issue is the entry in journal:
Jan 16 15:23:01 arch-desktop anacron[3028]: Job `cron.daily' started
Jan 16 15:23:01 arch-desktop anacron[3028]: Job `cron.daily' terminated
[root@arch-desktop /]# ls -la /etc/cron.d/
total 12
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Nov 28 08:39 .
drwxr-xr-x 100 root root 4096 Jan 16 00:08 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 128 Apr 13 2014 0hourly
[root@arch-desktop etc]# cat cron.d/0hourly
# Run the hourly jobs
01 * * * * root run-parts /etc/cron.hourly
Any idea what I could have forgotten? On another arch machine, I am facing exactly the same issue. Maybe I need to add a 0daily file, similar to 0hourly, to /etc/cron.d/?
Last edited by vibee (2015-01-16 23:00:19)

karol wrote:
vibee wrote:It might be a good idea to note this in the wiki.
It already is in the wiki.
Thanks for adding the links in your previous posts. I was only reading this section:  https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Cron#Anacron .

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    *** Error in `/home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam': free(): invalid pointer: 0xf7551f94 ***
    ======= Backtrace: =========
    ======= Memory map: ========
    f614e000-f614f000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
    f614f000-f6158000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 420594 /usr/lib32/libpciaccess.so.0.11.1
    f6158000-f6159000 r--p 00008000 08:12 420594 /usr/lib32/libpciaccess.so.0.11.1
    f6159000-f615a000 rw-p 00009000 08:12 420594 /usr/lib32/libpciaccess.so.0.11.1
    f615a000-f6167000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 420633 /usr/lib32/libdrm_radeon.so.1.0.1
    f6167000-f6168000 r--p 0000c000 08:12 420633 /usr/lib32/libdrm_radeon.so.1.0.1
    f6168000-f6169000 rw-p 0000d000 08:12 420633 /usr/lib32/libdrm_radeon.so.1.0.1
    f6169000-f616f000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 420632 /usr/lib32/libdrm_nouveau.so.2.0.0
    f616f000-f6170000 r--p 00005000 08:12 420632 /usr/lib32/libdrm_nouveau.so.2.0.0
    f6170000-f6171000 rw-p 00006000 08:12 420632 /usr/lib32/libdrm_nouveau.so.2.0.0
    f6171000-f6194000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 420631 /usr/lib32/libdrm_intel.so.1.0.0
    f6194000-f6195000 r--p 00022000 08:12 420631 /usr/lib32/libdrm_intel.so.1.0.0
    f6195000-f6196000 rw-p 00023000 08:12 420631 /usr/lib32/libdrm_intel.so.1.0.0
    f6196000-f676d000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 430062 /usr/lib32/xorg/modules/dri/i965_dri.so
    f676d000-f677f000 r--p 005d6000 08:12 430062 /usr/lib32/xorg/modules/dri/i965_dri.so
    f677f000-f6783000 rw-p 005e8000 08:12 430062 /usr/lib32/xorg/modules/dri/i965_dri.so
    f6783000-f678a000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
    f678a000-f678e000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 420598 /usr/lib32/libattr.so.1.1.0
    f678e000-f678f000 r--p 00003000 08:12 420598 /usr/lib32/libattr.so.1.1.0
    f678f000-f6790000 rw-p 00004000 08:12 420598 /usr/lib32/libattr.so.1.1.0
    f6790000-f6794000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 429451 /usr/lib32/libcap.so.2.24
    f6794000-f6795000 rw-p 00003000 08:12 429451 /usr/lib32/libcap.so.2.24
    f6795000-f67ab000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 416876 /usr/lib32/libudev.so.1.6.2
    f67ab000-f67ac000 r--p 00015000 08:12 416876 /usr/lib32/libudev.so.1.6.2
    f67ac000-f67ad000 rw-p 00016000 08:12 416876 /usr/lib32/libudev.so.1.6.2
    f67ad000-f67ba000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 420629 /usr/lib32/libdrm.so.2.4.0
    f67ba000-f67bb000 r--p 0000c000 08:12 420629 /usr/lib32/libdrm.so.2.4.0
    f67bb000-f67bc000 rw-p 0000d000 08:12 420629 /usr/lib32/libdrm.so.2.4.0
    f67bc000-f67c0000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 420641 /usr/lib32/libXxf86vm.so.1.0.0
    f67c0000-f67c1000 r--p 00004000 08:12 420641 /usr/lib32/libXxf86vm.so.1.0.0
    f67c1000-f67c2000 rw-p 00005000 08:12 420641 /usr/lib32/libXxf86vm.so.1.0.0
    f67c2000-f67c3000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 420645 /usr/lib32/libxshmfence.so.1.0.0
    f67c3000-f67c4000 r--p 00000000 08:12 420645 /usr/lib32/libxshmfence.so.1.0.0
    f67c4000-f67c5000 rw-p 00001000 08:12 420645 /usr/lib32/libxshmfence.so.1.0.0
    f67c5000-f67cb000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 417564 /usr/lib32/libxcb-sync.so.1.0.0
    f67cb000-f67cc000 r--p 00005000 08:12 417564 /usr/lib32/libxcb-sync.so.1.0.0
    f67cc000-f67cd000 rw-p 00006000 08:12 417564 /usr/lib32/libxcb-sync.so.1.0.0
    f67cd000-f67d0000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 417562 /usr/lib32/libxcb-shape.so.0.0.0
    f67d0000-f67d1000 r--p 00002000 08:12 417562 /usr/lib32/libxcb-shape.so.0.0.0
    f67d1000-f67d2000 rw-p 00003000 08:12 417562 /usr/lib32/libxcb-shape.so.0.0.0
    f67d2000-f67db000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 417559 /usr/lib32/libxcb-render.so.0.0.0
    f67db000-f67dc000 r--p 00008000 08:12 417559 /usr/lib32/libxcb-render.so.0.0.0
    f67dc000-f67dd000 rw-p 00009000 08:12 417559 /usr/lib32/libxcb-render.so.0.0.0
    f67dd000-f67e4000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 417567 /usr/lib32/libxcb-xfixes.so.0.0.0
    f67e4000-f67e5000 r--p 00006000 08:12 417567 /usr/lib32/libxcb-xfixes.so.0.0.0
    f67e5000-f67e6000 rw-p 00007000 08:12 417567 /usr/lib32/libxcb-xfixes.so.0.0.0
    f67e6000-f67f4000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 417557 /usr/lib32/libxcb-randr.so.0.1.0
    f67f4000-f67f5000 r--p 0000d000 08:12 417557 /usr/lib32/libxcb-randr.so.0.1.0
    f67f5000-f67f6000 rw-p 0000e000 08:12 417557 /usr/lib32/libxcb-randr.so.0.1.0
    f67f6000-f67f8000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 417555 /usr/lib32/libxcb-present.so.0.0.0
    f67f8000-f67f9000 r--p 00001000 08:12 417555 /usr/lib32/libxcb-present.so.0.0.0
    f67f9000-f67fa000 rw-p 00002000 08:12 417555 /usr/lib32/libxcb-present.so.0.0.0
    f67fa000-f67fc000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 417554 /usr/lib32/libxcb-dri3.so.0.0.0
    f67fc000-f67fd000 r--p 00001000 08:12 417554 /usr/lib32/libxcb-dri3.so.0.0.0
    f67fd000-f67fe000 rw-p 00002000 08:12 417554 /usr/lib32/libxcb-dri3.so.0.0.0
    f67fe000-f6802000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 417553 /usr/lib32/libxcb-dri2.so.0.0.0
    f6802000-f6803000 r--p 00003000 08:12 417553 /usr/lib32/libxcb-dri2.so.0.0.0
    f6803000-f6804000 rw-p 00004000 08:12 417553 /usr/lib32/libxcb-dri2.so.0.0.0
    f6804000-f681d000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 417556 /usr/lib32/libxcb-glx.so.0.0.0
    f681d000-f681e000 r--p 00018000 08:12 417556 /usr/lib32/libxcb-glx.so.0.0.0
    f681e000-f681f000 rw-p 00019000 08:12 417556 /usr/lib32/libxcb-glx.so.0.0.0
    f681f000-f6820000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 420564 /usr/lib32/libX11-xcb.so.1.0.0
    f6820000-f6821000 r--p 00000000 08:12 420564 /usr/lib32/libX11-xcb.so.1.0.0
    f6821000-f6822000 rw-p 00001000 08:12 420564 /usr/lib32/libX11-xcb.so.1.0.0
    f6822000-f6826000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 420569 /usr/lib32/libXfixes.so.3.1.0
    f6826000-f6827000 r--p 00003000 08:12 420569 /usr/lib32/libXfixes.so.3.1.0
    f6827000-f6828000 rw-p 00004000 08:12 420569 /usr/lib32/libXfixes.so.3.1.0
    f6828000-f682a000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 420589 /usr/lib32/libXdamage.so.1.1.0
    f682a000-f682b000 r--p 00001000 08:12 420589 /usr/lib32/libXdamage.so.1.1.0
    f682b000-f682c000 rw-p 00002000 08:12 420589 /usr/lib32/libXdamage.so.1.1.0
    f682c000-f683f000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 420581 /usr/lib32/libXext.so.6.4.0
    f683f000-f6840000 r--p 00012000 08:12 420581 /usr/lib32/libXext.so.6.4.0
    f6840000-f6841000 rw-p 00013000 08:12 420581 /usr/lib32/libXext.so.6.4.0
    f6841000-f6852000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 429761 /usr/lib32/libglapi.so.0.0.0
    f6852000-f6854000 r--p 00011000 08:12 429761 /usr/lib32/libglapi.so.0.0.0
    f6854000-f6859000 rwxp 00013000 08:12 429761 /usr/lib32/libglapi.so.0.0.0
    f6859000-f685a000 rwxp 00000000 00:00 0
    f685a000-f6880000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 419481 /usr/lib32/libexpat.so.1.6.0
    f6880000-f6882000 r--p 00026000 08:12 419481 /usr/lib32/libexpat.so.1.6.0
    f6882000-f6883000 rw-p 00028000 08:12 419481 /usr/lib32/libexpat.so.1.6.0
    f6883000-f6926000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 430044 /usr/lib32/mesa/libGL.so.1.2.0
    f6926000-f6928000 r--p 000a2000 08:12 430044 /usr/lib32/mesa/libGL.so.1.2.0
    f6928000-f692d000 rwxp 000a4000 08:12 430044 /usr/lib32/mesa/libGL.so.1.2.0
    f692d000-f694e000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
    f694e000-f6985000 r-xp 00000000 08:05 8259511 /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/crashhandler.so
    f6985000-f6986000 r--p 00037000 08:05 8259511 /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/crashhandler.so
    f6986000-f6987000 rw-p 00038000 08:05 8259511 /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/crashhandler.so
    f6987000-f6d60000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
    f6d60000-f6e91000 r--p 00200000 08:12 567993 /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive
    f6e91000-f7091000 r--p 00000000 08:12 567993 /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive
    f7091000-f7094000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
    f7094000-f7099000 r-xp 00000000 08:05 8259539 /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libXdmcp.so.6.0.0
    f7099000-f709a000 r--p 00004000 08:05 8259539 /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libXdmcp.so.6.0.0
    f709a000-f709b000 rw-p 00005000 08:05 8259539 /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libXdmcp.so.6.0.0
    f709b000-f709c000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
    f709c000-f709e000 r-xp 00000000 08:05 8259545 /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libXau.so.6.0.0
    f709e000-f709f000 r--p 00001000 08:05 8259545 /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libXau.so.6.0.0
    f709f000-f70a0000 rw-p 00002000 08:05 8259545 /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libXau.so.6.0.0
    f70a0000-f70b9000 r-xp 00000000 08:05 8783177 /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libgcc_s.so.1
    f70b9000-f70ba000 r--p 00018000 08:05 8783177 /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libgcc_s.so.1
    f70ba000-f70bb000 rw-p 00019000 08:05 8783177 /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libgcc_s.so.1
    f70bb000-f70db000 r-xp 00000000 08:05 8259547 /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libxcb.so.1.1.0
    f70db000-f70dc000 r--p 0001f000 08:05 8259547 /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libxcb.so.1.1.0
    f70dc000-f70dd000 rw-p 00020000 08:05 8259547 /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libxcb.so.1.1.0
    f70dd000-f728e000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 418082 /usr/lib32/libc-2.20.so
    f728e000-f7291000 r--p 001b0000 08:12 418082 /usr/lib32/libc-2.20.so
    f7291000-f7293000 rw-p 001b3000 08:12 418082 /usr/lib32/libc-2.20.so
    f7293000-f7296000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
    f7296000-f72ae000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 418060 /usr/lib32/libpthread-2.20.so
    f72ae000-f72b0000 r--p 00017000 08:12 418060 /usr/lib32/libpthread-2.20.so
    f72b0000-f72b1000 rw-p 00019000 08:12 418060 /usr/lib32/libpthread-2.20.so
    f72b1000-f72b3000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
    f72b3000-f7390000 r-xp 00000000 08:05 8259542 /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6.0.18
    f7390000-f7394000 r--p 000dc000 08:05 8259542 /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6.0.18
    f7394000-f7395000 rw-p 000e0000 08:05 8259542 /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6.0.18
    f7395000-f739c000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
    f739c000-f739f000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 418412 /usr/lib32/libdl-2.20.so
    f739f000-f73a0000 r--p 00002000 08:12 418412 /usr/lib32/libdl-2.20.so
    f73a0000-f73a1000 rw-p 00003000 08:12 418412 /usr/lib32/libdl-2.20.so
    f73a1000-f73ec000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 418413 /usr/lib32/libm-2.20.so
    f73ec000-f73ed000 r--p 0004a000 08:12 418413 /usr/lib32/libm-2.20.so
    f73ed000-f73ee000 rw-p 0004b000 08:12 418413 /usr/lib32/libm-2.20.so
    f73ee000-f73f5000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 418416 /usr/lib32/librt-2.20.so
    f73f5000-f73f6000 r--p 00007000 08:12 418416 /usr/lib32/librt-2.20.so
    f73f6000-f73f7000 rw-p 00008000 08:12 418416 /usr/lib32/librt-2.20.so
    f73f7000-f73f8000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
    f73f8000-f7528000 r-xp 00000000 08:05 8259540 /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libX11.so.6.3.0
    f7528000-f7529000 r--p 00130000 08:05 8259540 /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libX11.so.6.3.0
    f7529000-f752b000 rw-p 00131000 08:05 8259540 /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libX11.so.6.3.0
    f752b000-f752d000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
    f752d000-f752f000 r--p 00000000 00:00 0 [vvar]
    f752f000-f7530000 r-xp 00000000 00:00 0 [vdso]
    f7530000-f7551000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 418081 /usr/lib32/ld-2.20.so
    f7551000-f7552000 r--p 00021000 08:12 418081 /usr/lib32/ld-2.20.so
    f7552000-f7553000 rw-p 00022000 08:12 418081 /usr/lib32/ld-2.20.so
    f7553000-f77ae000 r-xp 00000000 08:05 8259563 /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam
    f77ae000-f77b6000 r--p 0025b000 08:05 8259563 /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam
    f77b6000-f77bc000 rw-p 00263000 08:05 8259563 /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam
    f77bc000-f77de000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
    f8067000-f878d000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 [heap]
    ff8d9000-ff8fa000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 [stack]
    ILocalize::AddFile() failed to load file "public/steambootstrapper_english.txt".
    [2015-01-14 19:47:14] Startup - updater built Aug 26 2014 15:35:42
    Uploading dump (out-of-process) [proxy '']
    /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/steam.sh: line 730: 2926 Segmentation fault (core dumped) $STEAM_DEBUGGER "$STEAMROOT/$STEAMEXEPATH" "$@"
    mv: cannot stat '/home/jackson/.steam/registry.vdf': No such file or directory"
    Installing bootstrap /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/bootstrap.tar.xz
    Reset complete!
    Restarting Steam by request...
    Running Steam on arch 64-bit
    STEAM_RUNTIME has been set by the user to: /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime
    Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(0_client)
    *** Error in `/home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam': free(): invalid pointer: 0xf753af94 ***
    ======= Backtrace: =========
    ======= Memory map: ========
    f6137000-f6138000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
    f6138000-f6141000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 420594 /usr/lib32/libpciaccess.so.0.11.1
    f6141000-f6142000 r--p 00008000 08:12 420594 /usr/lib32/libpciaccess.so.0.11.1
    f6142000-f6143000 rw-p 00009000 08:12 420594 /usr/lib32/libpciaccess.so.0.11.1
    f6143000-f6150000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 420633 /usr/lib32/libdrm_radeon.so.1.0.1
    f6150000-f6151000 r--p 0000c000 08:12 420633 /usr/lib32/libdrm_radeon.so.1.0.1
    f6151000-f6152000 rw-p 0000d000 08:12 420633 /usr/lib32/libdrm_radeon.so.1.0.1
    f6152000-f6158000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 420632 /usr/lib32/libdrm_nouveau.so.2.0.0
    f6158000-f6159000 r--p 00005000 08:12 420632 /usr/lib32/libdrm_nouveau.so.2.0.0
    f6159000-f615a000 rw-p 00006000 08:12 420632 /usr/lib32/libdrm_nouveau.so.2.0.0
    f615a000-f617d000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 420631 /usr/lib32/libdrm_intel.so.1.0.0
    f617d000-f617e000 r--p 00022000 08:12 420631 /usr/lib32/libdrm_intel.so.1.0.0
    f617e000-f617f000 rw-p 00023000 08:12 420631 /usr/lib32/libdrm_intel.so.1.0.0
    f617f000-f6756000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 430062 /usr/lib32/xorg/modules/dri/i965_dri.so
    f6756000-f6768000 r--p 005d6000 08:12 430062 /usr/lib32/xorg/modules/dri/i965_dri.so
    f6768000-f676c000 rw-p 005e8000 08:12 430062 /usr/lib32/xorg/modules/dri/i965_dri.so
    f676c000-f6773000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
    f6773000-f6777000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 420598 /usr/lib32/libattr.so.1.1.0
    f6777000-f6778000 r--p 00003000 08:12 420598 /usr/lib32/libattr.so.1.1.0
    f6778000-f6779000 rw-p 00004000 08:12 420598 /usr/lib32/libattr.so.1.1.0
    f6779000-f677d000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 429451 /usr/lib32/libcap.so.2.24
    f677d000-f677e000 rw-p 00003000 08:12 429451 /usr/lib32/libcap.so.2.24
    f677e000-f6794000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 416876 /usr/lib32/libudev.so.1.6.2
    f6794000-f6795000 r--p 00015000 08:12 416876 /usr/lib32/libudev.so.1.6.2
    f6795000-f6796000 rw-p 00016000 08:12 416876 /usr/lib32/libudev.so.1.6.2
    f6796000-f67a3000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 420629 /usr/lib32/libdrm.so.2.4.0
    f67a3000-f67a4000 r--p 0000c000 08:12 420629 /usr/lib32/libdrm.so.2.4.0
    f67a4000-f67a5000 rw-p 0000d000 08:12 420629 /usr/lib32/libdrm.so.2.4.0
    f67a5000-f67a9000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 420641 /usr/lib32/libXxf86vm.so.1.0.0
    f67a9000-f67aa000 r--p 00004000 08:12 420641 /usr/lib32/libXxf86vm.so.1.0.0
    f67aa000-f67ab000 rw-p 00005000 08:12 420641 /usr/lib32/libXxf86vm.so.1.0.0
    f67ab000-f67ac000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 420645 /usr/lib32/libxshmfence.so.1.0.0
    f67ac000-f67ad000 r--p 00000000 08:12 420645 /usr/lib32/libxshmfence.so.1.0.0
    f67ad000-f67ae000 rw-p 00001000 08:12 420645 /usr/lib32/libxshmfence.so.1.0.0
    f67ae000-f67b4000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 417564 /usr/lib32/libxcb-sync.so.1.0.0
    f67b4000-f67b5000 r--p 00005000 08:12 417564 /usr/lib32/libxcb-sync.so.1.0.0
    f67b5000-f67b6000 rw-p 00006000 08:12 417564 /usr/lib32/libxcb-sync.so.1.0.0
    f67b6000-f67b9000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 417562 /usr/lib32/libxcb-shape.so.0.0.0
    f67b9000-f67ba000 r--p 00002000 08:12 417562 /usr/lib32/libxcb-shape.so.0.0.0
    f67ba000-f67bb000 rw-p 00003000 08:12 417562 /usr/lib32/libxcb-shape.so.0.0.0
    f67bb000-f67c4000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 417559 /usr/lib32/libxcb-render.so.0.0.0
    f67c4000-f67c5000 r--p 00008000 08:12 417559 /usr/lib32/libxcb-render.so.0.0.0
    f67c5000-f67c6000 rw-p 00009000 08:12 417559 /usr/lib32/libxcb-render.so.0.0.0
    f67c6000-f67cd000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 417567 /usr/lib32/libxcb-xfixes.so.0.0.0
    f67cd000-f67ce000 r--p 00006000 08:12 417567 /usr/lib32/libxcb-xfixes.so.0.0.0
    f67ce000-f67cf000 rw-p 00007000 08:12 417567 /usr/lib32/libxcb-xfixes.so.0.0.0
    f67cf000-f67dd000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 417557 /usr/lib32/libxcb-randr.so.0.1.0
    f67dd000-f67de000 r--p 0000d000 08:12 417557 /usr/lib32/libxcb-randr.so.0.1.0
    f67de000-f67df000 rw-p 0000e000 08:12 417557 /usr/lib32/libxcb-randr.so.0.1.0
    f67df000-f67e1000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 417555 /usr/lib32/libxcb-present.so.0.0.0
    f67e1000-f67e2000 r--p 00001000 08:12 417555 /usr/lib32/libxcb-present.so.0.0.0
    f67e2000-f67e3000 rw-p 00002000 08:12 417555 /usr/lib32/libxcb-present.so.0.0.0
    f67e3000-f67e5000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 417554 /usr/lib32/libxcb-dri3.so.0.0.0
    f67e5000-f67e6000 r--p 00001000 08:12 417554 /usr/lib32/libxcb-dri3.so.0.0.0
    f67e6000-f67e7000 rw-p 00002000 08:12 417554 /usr/lib32/libxcb-dri3.so.0.0.0
    f67e7000-f67eb000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 417553 /usr/lib32/libxcb-dri2.so.0.0.0
    f67eb000-f67ec000 r--p 00003000 08:12 417553 /usr/lib32/libxcb-dri2.so.0.0.0
    f67ec000-f67ed000 rw-p 00004000 08:12 417553 /usr/lib32/libxcb-dri2.so.0.0.0
    f67ed000-f6806000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 417556 /usr/lib32/libxcb-glx.so.0.0.0
    f6806000-f6807000 r--p 00018000 08:12 417556 /usr/lib32/libxcb-glx.so.0.0.0
    f6807000-f6808000 rw-p 00019000 08:12 417556 /usr/lib32/libxcb-glx.so.0.0.0
    f6808000-f6809000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 420564 /usr/lib32/libX11-xcb.so.1.0.0
    f6809000-f680a000 r--p 00000000 08:12 420564 /usr/lib32/libX11-xcb.so.1.0.0
    f680a000-f680b000 rw-p 00001000 08:12 420564 /usr/lib32/libX11-xcb.so.1.0.0
    f680b000-f680f000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 420569 /usr/lib32/libXfixes.so.3.1.0
    f680f000-f6810000 r--p 00003000 08:12 420569 /usr/lib32/libXfixes.so.3.1.0
    f6810000-f6811000 rw-p 00004000 08:12 420569 /usr/lib32/libXfixes.so.3.1.0
    f6811000-f6813000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 420589 /usr/lib32/libXdamage.so.1.1.0
    f6813000-f6814000 r--p 00001000 08:12 420589 /usr/lib32/libXdamage.so.1.1.0
    f6814000-f6815000 rw-p 00002000 08:12 420589 /usr/lib32/libXdamage.so.1.1.0
    f6815000-f6828000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 420581 /usr/lib32/libXext.so.6.4.0
    f6828000-f6829000 r--p 00012000 08:12 420581 /usr/lib32/libXext.so.6.4.0
    f6829000-f682a000 rw-p 00013000 08:12 420581 /usr/lib32/libXext.so.6.4.0
    f682a000-f683b000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 429761 /usr/lib32/libglapi.so.0.0.0
    f683b000-f683d000 r--p 00011000 08:12 429761 /usr/lib32/libglapi.so.0.0.0
    f683d000-f6842000 rwxp 00013000 08:12 429761 /usr/lib32/libglapi.so.0.0.0
    f6842000-f6843000 rwxp 00000000 00:00 0
    f6843000-f6869000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 419481 /usr/lib32/libexpat.so.1.6.0
    f6869000-f686b000 r--p 00026000 08:12 419481 /usr/lib32/libexpat.so.1.6.0
    f686b000-f686c000 rw-p 00028000 08:12 419481 /usr/lib32/libexpat.so.1.6.0
    f686c000-f690f000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 430044 /usr/lib32/mesa/libGL.so.1.2.0
    f690f000-f6911000 r--p 000a2000 08:12 430044 /usr/lib32/mesa/libGL.so.1.2.0
    f6911000-f6916000 rwxp 000a4000 08:12 430044 /usr/lib32/mesa/libGL.so.1.2.0
    f6916000-f6937000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
    f6937000-f696e000 r-xp 00000000 08:05 8259514 /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/crashhandler.so
    f696e000-f696f000 r--p 00037000 08:05 8259514 /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/crashhandler.so
    f696f000-f6970000 rw-p 00038000 08:05 8259514 /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/crashhandler.so
    f6970000-f6d49000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
    f6d49000-f6e7a000 r--p 00200000 08:12 567993 /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive
    f6e7a000-f707a000 r--p 00000000 08:12 567993 /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive
    f707a000-f707d000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
    f707d000-f7082000 r-xp 00000000 08:05 8259547 /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libXdmcp.so.6.0.0
    f7082000-f7083000 r--p 00004000 08:05 8259547 /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libXdmcp.so.6.0.0
    f7083000-f7084000 rw-p 00005000 08:05 8259547 /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libXdmcp.so.6.0.0
    f7084000-f7085000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
    f7085000-f7087000 r-xp 00000000 08:05 8259553 /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libXau.so.6.0.0
    f7087000-f7088000 r--p 00001000 08:05 8259553 /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libXau.so.6.0.0
    f7088000-f7089000 rw-p 00002000 08:05 8259553 /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libXau.so.6.0.0
    f7089000-f70a2000 r-xp 00000000 08:05 8783196 /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libgcc_s.so.1
    f70a2000-f70a3000 r--p 00018000 08:05 8783196 /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libgcc_s.so.1
    f70a3000-f70a4000 rw-p 00019000 08:05 8783196 /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libgcc_s.so.1
    f70a4000-f70c4000 r-xp 00000000 08:05 8259555 /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libxcb.so.1.1.0
    f70c4000-f70c5000 r--p 0001f000 08:05 8259555 /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libxcb.so.1.1.0
    f70c5000-f70c6000 rw-p 00020000 08:05 8259555 /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libxcb.so.1.1.0
    f70c6000-f7277000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 418082 /usr/lib32/libc-2.20.so
    f7277000-f727a000 r--p 001b0000 08:12 418082 /usr/lib32/libc-2.20.so
    f727a000-f727c000 rw-p 001b3000 08:12 418082 /usr/lib32/libc-2.20.so
    f727c000-f727f000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
    f727f000-f7297000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 418060 /usr/lib32/libpthread-2.20.so
    f7297000-f7299000 r--p 00017000 08:12 418060 /usr/lib32/libpthread-2.20.so
    f7299000-f729a000 rw-p 00019000 08:12 418060 /usr/lib32/libpthread-2.20.so
    f729a000-f729c000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
    f729c000-f7379000 r-xp 00000000 08:05 8259550 /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6.0.18
    f7379000-f737d000 r--p 000dc000 08:05 8259550 /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6.0.18
    f737d000-f737e000 rw-p 000e0000 08:05 8259550 /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6.0.18
    f737e000-f7385000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
    f7385000-f7388000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 418412 /usr/lib32/libdl-2.20.so
    f7388000-f7389000 r--p 00002000 08:12 418412 /usr/lib32/libdl-2.20.so
    f7389000-f738a000 rw-p 00003000 08:12 418412 /usr/lib32/libdl-2.20.so
    f738a000-f73d5000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 418413 /usr/lib32/libm-2.20.so
    f73d5000-f73d6000 r--p 0004a000 08:12 418413 /usr/lib32/libm-2.20.so
    f73d6000-f73d7000 rw-p 0004b000 08:12 418413 /usr/lib32/libm-2.20.so
    f73d7000-f73de000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 418416 /usr/lib32/librt-2.20.so
    f73de000-f73df000 r--p 00007000 08:12 418416 /usr/lib32/librt-2.20.so
    f73df000-f73e0000 rw-p 00008000 08:12 418416 /usr/lib32/librt-2.20.so
    f73e0000-f73e1000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
    f73e1000-f7511000 r-xp 00000000 08:05 8259548 /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libX11.so.6.3.0
    f7511000-f7512000 r--p 00130000 08:05 8259548 /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libX11.so.6.3.0
    f7512000-f7514000 rw-p 00131000 08:05 8259548 /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libX11.so.6.3.0
    f7514000-f7516000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
    f7516000-f7518000 r--p 00000000 00:00 0 [vvar]
    f7518000-f7519000 r-xp 00000000 00:00 0 [vdso]
    f7519000-f753a000 r-xp 00000000 08:12 418081 /usr/lib32/ld-2.20.so
    f753a000-f753b000 r--p 00021000 08:12 418081 /usr/lib32/ld-2.20.so
    f753b000-f753c000 rw-p 00022000 08:12 418081 /usr/lib32/ld-2.20.so
    f753c000-f7797000 r-xp 00000000 08:05 8259559 /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam
    f7797000-f779f000 r--p 0025b000 08:05 8259559 /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam
    f779f000-f77a5000 rw-p 00263000 08:05 8259559 /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam
    f77a5000-f77c7000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
    f8a64000-f9189000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 [heap]
    ffa16000-ffa37000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 [stack]
    ILocalize::AddFile() failed to load file "public/steambootstrapper_english.txt".
    [2015-01-14 19:47:14] Startup - updater built Aug 26 2014 15:35:42
    No minidump written, nothing to upload.
    /home/jackson/.local/share/Steam/steam.sh: line 730: 3020 Segmentation fault (core dumped) $STEAM_DEBUGGER "$STEAMROOT/$STEAMEXEPATH" "$@"
    Finished uploading minidump (out-of-process): success = yes
    response: CrashID=bp-fff3c159-b736-4dbc-8dba-697e52150114
    What is wrong?
    Last edited by artem.jackson (2015-01-20 09:22:32)

    I am having the same issue. I noticed it about a week ago. I hadn't updated in a bit, so I did. Same problem. When I reboot, it works the first time, but it won't work again after that.
    ● archbook ~ >> steam
    Running Steam on arch 64-bit
    STEAM_RUNTIME is enabled automatically
    Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1416617579)
    Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1416617579)
    Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1416617579)
    Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamwebhelper)/version(20141121162341)
    Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamwebhelper)/version(1416587021)
    Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamwebhelper)/version(1416587021)
    Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamwebhelper)/version(20141121162341)
    Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamwebhelper)/version(1416587021)
    Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1416617579)
    Fontconfig error: "/etc/fonts/conf.d/10-scale-bitmap-fonts.conf", line 70: non-double matrix element
    Fontconfig error: "/etc/fonts/conf.d/10-scale-bitmap-fonts.conf", line 70: non-double matrix element
    Fontconfig warning: "/etc/fonts/conf.d/10-scale-bitmap-fonts.conf", line 78: saw unknown, expected number
    Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1416617579)
    Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1416617579)
    Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1416617579)
    Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1416617579)
    Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1416617579)
    FillInMachineIDInfo took a total of 2 milliseconds
    Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1416617579)
    Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1416617579)
    [0116/192453:ERROR:renderer_main.cc(227)] Running without renderer sandbox
    [0116/192453:ERROR:renderer_main.cc(227)] Running without renderer sandbox
    intel_do_flush_locked failed: Input/output error
    Assert( Assertion Failed: Bad thread local ):/home/buildbot/buildslave_steam/steam_rel_client_ubuntu12_linux/build/src/tier0/threadtools.cpp:2678
    Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1416617579)
    Uploading dump (out-of-process) [proxy '']
    /home/buildbot/buildslave_steam/steam_rel_client_ubuntu12_linux/build/src/clientdll/../common/steamservice.cpp (56) : Assertion Failed: m_hServiceLib == NULL
    Assert( Assertion Failed: m_hServiceLib == NULL ):/home/buildbot/buildslave_steam/steam_rel_client_ubuntu12_linux/build/src/clientdll/../common/steamservice.cpp:56
    Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1416617579)
    Fontconfig error: "/etc/fonts/conf.d/10-scale-bitmap-fonts.conf", line 70: non-double matrix element
    Fontconfig error: "/etc/fonts/conf.d/10-scale-bitmap-fonts.conf", line 70: non-double matrix element
    Fontconfig warning: "/etc/fonts/conf.d/10-scale-bitmap-fonts.conf", line 78: saw unknown, expected number
    Uploading dump (out-of-process) [proxy '']
    Uploading dump (out-of-process) [proxy '']
    /home/nathan/.local/share/Steam/steam.sh: line 729: 7761 Segmentation fault (core dumped) $STEAM_DEBUGGER "$STEAMROOT/$STEAMEXEPATH" "$@"
    Finished uploading minidump (out-of-process): success = yes
    response: CrashID=bp-357b79c2-3a7c-49bd-9457-35c1b2150116
    Finished uploading minidump (out-of-process): success = yes
    response: CrashID=bp-71fed77c-a074-4bb8-bd0e-b9dff2150116
    Finished uploading minidump (out-of-process): success = no
    error: Failure when receiving data from the peer

  • Cron.daily scripts ran multiple times since cron package update

    Since cron package update I get a weird behaviour with cron.daily scripts. Indeed these scripts are executed multiple times, which is somewhat annoying for big backup.
    I added this little script in cron.daily to show this :
    # Test cron
    date >> /var/log/date_cron
    And I get this :
    Mon Feb 22 11:27:53 CET 2010
    Tue Feb 23 11:27:13 CET 2010
    Tue Feb 23 11:37:16 CET 2010
    Tue Feb 23 11:44:45 CET 2010
    Wed Feb 24 12:05:08 CET 2010
    Wed Feb 24 12:15:59 CET 2010
    Wed Feb 24 12:22:59 CET 2010
    Thu Feb 25 12:24:32 CET 2010
    Thu Feb 25 12:31:49 CET 2010
    Thu Feb 25 12:35:01 CET 2010
    Thu Feb 25 12:45:30 CET 2010
    Fri Feb 26 12:44:37 CET 2010
    Fri Feb 26 12:52:56 CET 2010
    Fri Feb 26 13:02:18 CET 2010
    Sat Feb 27 13:04:10 CET 2010
    Sat Feb 27 13:13:50 CET 2010
    Sat Feb 27 13:22:06 CET 2010
    Sat Feb 27 13:28:49 CET 2010
    Sun Feb 28 13:29:49 CET 2010
    Sun Feb 28 13:35:19 CET 2010
    Sun Feb 28 13:44:18 CET 2010
    Sun Feb 28 13:49:52 CET 2010
    Mon Mar 1 13:38:06 CET 2010
    Mon Mar 1 13:47:02 CET 2010
    Mon Mar 1 13:55:55 CET 2010
    Tue Mar 2 13:58:21 CET 2010
    Tue Mar 2 14:01:56 CET 2010
    Tue Mar 2 14:08:14 CET 2010
    Wed Mar 3 14:06:35 CET 2010
    Wed Mar 3 14:15:44 CET 2010
    Wed Mar 3 14:24:24 CET 2010
    Thu Mar 4 14:25:04 CET 2010
    Thu Mar 4 14:33:16 CET 2010
    Thu Mar 4 14:41:33 CET 2010
    Fri Mar 5 14:43:35 CET 2010
    Fri Mar 5 14:47:05 CET 2010
    Fri Mar 5 14:53:14 CET 2010
    Sat Mar 6 14:53:32 CET 2010
    Sat Mar 6 14:58:50 CET 2010
    Sat Mar 6 15:04:18 CET 2010
    Sun Mar 7 14:58:30 CET 2010
    Sun Mar 7 14:58:30 CET 2010
    Sun Mar 7 15:09:07 CET 2010
    Sun Mar 7 15:13:29 CET 2010
    Mon Mar 8 15:12:19 CET 2010
    Mon Mar 8 15:12:19 CET 2010
    Mon Mar 8 15:20:50 CET 2010
    Tue Mar 9 15:24:35 CET 2010
    Tue Mar 9 15:24:35 CET 2010
    Tue Mar 9 15:31:58 CET 2010
    We can see that the script is executed three times a day instead of one.
    Here is /var/spool/cron/root :
    # root crontab
    # man 1 crontab for acceptable formats:
    # <minute> <hour> <day> <month> <dow> <tags and command>
    # <@freq> <tags and command>
    @hourly ID=sys-hourly /usr/sbin/run-cron /etc/cron.hourly
    @daily ID=sys-daily /usr/sbin/run-cron /etc/cron.daily
    @weekly ID=sys-weekly /usr/sbin/run-cron /etc/cron.weekly
    @monthly ID=sys-monthly /usr/sbin/run-cron /etc/cron.monthly
    How can I restore the wanted behaviour ?

    Svenstaro wrote:This bug still appears. Is dcron still being worked on?
    $ crontab -l
    # <minute> <hour> <day> <month> <dow> <command>
    0 0 1 1 * /usr/bin/update_dcron

  • Do not see cron.daily log

    So, I set up a TRIM script for cron.daily
    I did this 2 days ago BTW. I cannot seem to find any logs for it /var/logs/
    Any ideas?
    Here is script incase wrong somehow.
    I have no /home btw which is why not in script.
    echo "*** $(date -R) ***" >> $LOG
    fstrim -v / >> $LOG
    Thanks in advance!!!

    Head_on_a_Stick wrote:
    antsunrise wrote:Why does Arch wiki tell me to use discard option as first choice? That's what I used ot do. But then I hear it kills the ssd quicker.
    I didn't write that page so I don't know why, but longevity is not an issue any more for modern production SSDs.
    http://techreport.com/review/27436/the- … -petabytes
    I don't use the "discard" option because it slows down the drive.
    thanks I guess that one worked. I'll find the logs somewhere for that.

  • I am not able to launch FF everytime i tr to open it, it says FF has to submit a crash report, i even tried doing that and the report was submitted too, but stiil FF did not start, and the problem still persists, please help me solve this issue in English

    I am not able to launch FF everytime i try to open it, it says FF has to submit a crash report,and restore yr tabs. I even tried doing that and the report was submitted too, but still FF did not start, and the problem still persists, please help me solve this issue
    '''(in English)'''

    Hi Danny,
    Per my understanding that you can't get the expect result by using the expression "=Count(Fields!TICKET_STATUS.Value=4) " to count the the TICKET_STATUS which value is 4, the result will returns the count of all the TICKET_STATUS values(206)
    but not 180, right?
    I have tested on my local environment and can reproduce the issue, the issue caused by you are using the count() function in the incorrect way, please modify the expression as below and have a test:
    =COUNT(IIF(Fields!TICKET_STATUS.Value=4 ,1,Nothing))
    If you still have any problem, please feel free to ask.
    Vicky Liu
    Vicky Liu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Cron job not running - script uses rsync, ssh (with id_rsa)

    Does anyone know how to get cron to run a rsync/ssh script which uses id_rsa for passwordless logins?
    I have a backup script I have slaved for months over that works wonderfully when running it from the command line.
    It uses rsync and connects with SSH (passwordless using ssh keys). I have setup id_rsa and id_rsa.pub for passwordless logins (this is my user account, and connects using root@ to the server)
    As stated all works find when run from the command line. But when I setup a cron job to run this file (exact same line I run from the command line) it does not execute. Actually, it does run, as I have an email notifiction which sends to me. It is just the rsync/ssh part that does not run.
    I have spent days and days trying to figure it out. No error messages occur, nothing.  Took me a while to find out cron is emailing the user account on Lion the messages (not to a proper email address).
    The error shows a permission denied, which I believe to be the cron user cannot use the id_rsa/ssh connection.
    Cron is running the script as my user, the same I use on the command line. I even tried copying the id_rsa to the root user .ssh folder in case cron is running as root but that does not work either.
    So does anyone know how to get cron to run this rsync/ssh script which used id_rsa for passwordless logins?
    Thanks a lot

    YES! Got it working, finally!
    So the issue is indeed cron/launchd not being able to access the ssh-agent which holds the key.
    So this is the solution...
    Download keychain for Mac:
    Then once its installed and configured, the script to run needs this added to the top:
    eval `keychain --noask --eval id_rsa` || exit 1
    Note I am using id_rsa whereas keychains instructions refer to id_dsa so I just changed it and it works OK.
    When the script runs the first time it asks for the key password. Then it works from then on.
    What I do not know yet is will I need to re-enter the password when I logoff/logon again. That will cause an issue as I auto restart the Mac every day which means if I am off for a few days backup will stop (can you see the madness in this issue!).

  • I'm trying to sync a new i phone to i tunes.  I get message that says cannot be used because the apple mobile device service is not started.  Any idea what I can do to solve this issue?

    I'm trying to sync a new iphone into i tunes.  I'm getting a message that says that this iphone cannot be used because the apple mobile device service is not started.  Any idea what I can do to solve this issue?

    See Here...
    AMDS for Windows
    AMDS for Mac

  • My new iPhone4S could not start after the Apple mark disappear, the running screen stand still over 30mn. Can someone tell me how to solve this problem.

    My new iPhone4S could not start after the Apple mark disappear, the running screen stand still over 30mn. Can someone tell me how to solve this problem.
    I tried to connect to iTune hoped to restore the system but iTunes did not reconige it.

    here is link to the apple product feedback website:

  • When connecting my iphone 4 to itunes for the first time i get the following message "cannot connect to this device because Apple Mobile Service is not started" what does this mean and how do I solve it?

    when connecting my iphone 4 to itunes for the first time i get the following message "cannot connect to this device because Apple Mobile Service is not started" what does this mean and how do I solve it?

    I'd start with the following document with that one:
    iPhone, iPad, iPod touch: How to restart the Apple Mobile Device Service (AMDS) on Windows

  • [Solved]Laptop does not start (not even bios)

    Hi all,
    I was about to install archlinux on my laptop. When I generate partitions (I used GPT), I saw something like this:
    "If you have a BIOS motherboard (or plan on booting in BIOS compatibility mode) and you want to setup GRUB on a GPT-partitioned drive, you will need to create an extra BIOS Boot Partition of size 1 or 2 MiB and EF02 type code. Syslinux does not need one."
    So, I was planning to make this. When I run cgdisk, I was that lthere was a 1007kb unusued(?) space. So I thought I can use this space for boot sector. Then I changed its type to EF02. When I did this, my laptop shutted down quickly and does not start again. When I press the power up button; I hear the usual starting noise, and then it shuts down again.
    What did I do to my laptop?
    What I tried:
    Remove battery, wait for 5 minutes, try again
    Remove hdd, try again
    Unplug&plug bios battery, try again
    Edit: Solved with a shame. Wall-charger was unplugged. This topic can be removed.
    Last edited by firatakandere (2013-12-24 17:09:56)

    firatakandere wrote:Wall-charger was unplugged. This topic can be removed.
    Why?  Others may learn for your experience
    Welcome to Arch Linux.

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