[SOLVED] Weird characters in man pages

I remember I had read a similar thread, but I can't find it anymore.
My problem is that man pages show strange characters and it's quite difficult to read at times. Here is an example:
The traditional protocol for writing to someone is that the string <80><98>-o', either at the end of a line or on a line by itself, means that it's the other person's turn to talk.   The  string
       <80><98>oo' means that the person believes the conversation to be over.
How do I fix this?
Last edited by finferflu (2008-02-27 17:53:23)

Here is a post on that problem if you can read french : http://forums.archlinuxfr.org/viewtopic.php?id=1084
The members suggested to replace
export LESSCHARSET="utf8"
in /etc/profile.
One suggest to replace the line inside /etc/man.conf (from the gentoo wiki fr)
NROFF iconv -f utf8 -t iso8859-1 | /usr/bin/nroff -Tlatin1 -c -mandoc
I must admit that it doesn't work for me neither, and the above does not solve the problem. The file I tested is UTF-8 encoded and the LESSCHARSET defined to use UTF-8 gives badly accentuated characters (But at least printable characters). I think you will have to tweak a little these lines, but it's a start.
Note that these lines suit (or don't suit) french man pages, but you may have to change the given charsets (especially latin1).
Hope it will help you search
Edit: Ah, time to write the answer, the problem is solved !
Edit2: The tip given by dyscoria does not work for me.
Last edited by Cilyan (2008-02-27 18:01:57)

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    Hi John,
    <Location /pls/nxdev>
    Order deny,allow
    PlsqlDocumentPath docs
    AllowOverride None
    PlsqlDocumentProcedure wwv_flow_file_manager.process_download
    PlsqlDatabaseConnectString hostname:1521:... ServiceNameFormat
    PlsqlAuthenticationMode Basic
    SetHandler pls_handler
    PlsqlDocumentTablename wwv_flow_file_objects$
    PlsqlDatabaseUsername APEX_PUBLIC_USER
    PlsqlDefaultPage apex
    PlsqlDatabasePassword pass
    Allow from all
    CREATE OR REPLACE procedure schema.dl_file (p_fileid in number)
    l_mime varchar2(255);
    l_length number;
    l_filename varchar2(2000);
    lob_loc BLOB;
    select col1,col2,col3,col4 into l_filename, l_length, l_mime, lob_loc from km_docs where kmd_id = p_fileid;
    -- Set up HTTP header
    -- Use an NVL around the mime type and if it is a null, set it to
    -- application/octect - which may launch a download window from windows
    owa_util.mime_header(nvl(l_mime,'application/octet'), FALSE );
    -- Set the size so the browser knows how much to download
    htp.p('Content-length: ' || l_length);
    -- The filename will be used by the browser if the users does a "Save as"
    htp.p('Content-Disposition: filename="' || l_filename || '"');
    -- Close the headers
    -- Download the BLOB
    wpg_docload.download_file( Lob_loc );
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    It looks like an encoding problem.  You should try opening the file in a text editor where you can choose one of the various possible cyrillic encodings (utf-8, koi8-r, iso-8859-5, win-1251, MacCyrillic)

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    Last edited by pseudonomous (2008-10-08 23:30:57)

    The pkg 'man-pages' is directly taken from http://www.kernel.org/doc/man-pages/, which is funded by the Linux Foundation. You can see in the link that this pkg provides man pages for system-calls, glibc lib functions, device-files, file-formats and section 7 (miscellanea).
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    Hope it helps !!
    P.S. POSIX is a *nix standardization effort.
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    ! colored man pages on rxvt-unicode-256color
    URxvt.colorIT: #87af5f
    URxvt.colorBD: #d7d7d7
    URxvt.colorUL: #87afd7
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    Last edited by zematis (2014-05-12 22:21:30)

    ayekat, thanks for the warm welcome!
    ayekat wrote:What article in the wiki?
    Here's the section in the Wiki I was referring to:
    https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/ma … vt-unicode
    karol wrote:Are you talking about using man pages before installing Arch or after installing but in the tty? Do you want to get the same colors in X?
    (I think) I was talking about the colors that the man pages are in the TTY. Specifically, my processes is:
    Boot up arch
    Login (X yet not started)
    Look at a man page - like the colors
    Startx - boot to window manager (i3)
    Look at a man page - want to change the colors
    That said, I liked the colors the man pages had before installing Arch quite a bit, and wouldn't object to learning what those are.
    ayekat wrote:Here you are changing how urxvt displays characters that are marked as underline, italic or bold; in particular you are changing their colours.
    The thing is, it won't only affect man pages viewed in urxvt, but everything.
    Makes sense
    ayekat wrote:As for changing the colour scheme of the manpage, you'll probably want to do it more properly, using the LESS_TERMCAP environment variables.
    I tried copying your format to my .bashrc and it worked great! So that's a win. Now I just need to figure out what the '\e[#;#;#m' numbers mean. I think I can probably handle that one on my own though. I found a resource here at:
    http://misc.flogisoft.com/bash/tip_colo … ng#colors2
    And it looks like it covers what I need to know.
    Thanks for your help!
    And honestly, at this point I think I can figure out what colorscheme I like given the info at hand. So I think we can call this one taken care of.
    If it interests anyone, I found a .sh script at the above link to display all 256 colors, then modified it to show the colors bolded, italicized etc. Here's the script:
    # This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
    # the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it
    # and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want
    # To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
    # http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for more details.
    for coltype in {0..8} ; do # Bold, Italic etc.
      for fgbg in 38 48 ; do #Foreground/Background
        for color in {0..256} ; do #Colors
          #Display the color
          echo -en "\e[(0${coltype});(${fgbg};5;${color}m ${color}\t\e[0m"
          #Display 10 colors per lines
          if [ $((($color + 1) % 10)) == 0 ] ; then
            echo #New line
        echo #New line
        echo #New line
      echo #New line
    exit 0

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    Sorry to post such a trivial topic, but the irc channel was unfortunately less than helpful.
    I would like to have man pages tab complete, e.g. 'man pac\t' -> 'man pacman'.
    I do NOT want bash-completion. It is bloated, unnecessary, and contrary to my notion of the Arch Way. Unfortunately, documentation for the completion mechanism itself is scarce, and usually only shows how to do filetype completion. Google has not helpful, this forum recommends the bash-completion package. I have looked at the package itself to look for the pertinent function or command. Grepping for man, manpage, manual was unsuccessful, and the pertinent command is not readily apparent.
    Last edited by egan (2010-02-07 23:13:25)

    File completion should be good enough an example as you're replacing the list of files with a list of man pages - which are files in (below) a specific directory. Basically you need to write a function that returns the list of possibilities - which will be a list of man pages in this case.
    There's a good example (of the general mechanism) at this page http://www.debian-administration.org/ar … ion_part_2 as well as in books like "Learning The Bash Shell" by O'reilly. The man page also covers it (search for "Programmable Completion").

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    since a few days, there have been weird characters appearing in texts, especially in Firefox, but also in Thunderbird or in the XFCE desktop environment. There you can find a screenshot to see what I mean: http://i.snag.gy/y2Xom.jpg
    I found this topic: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=151095
    and installed harfbuzz-git, with no change, and also cairo-git, from AUR, but this does not help either.
    Is this kind of a bug in XFCE, or in some of the new Gnome 3.6 libraries?
    [EDIT] This is with nvidia drivers, enabling or disabling compositing does not change anything.
    Last edited by jellysheep (2012-11-13 17:16:09)


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    Any ideas?
    Last edited by handy (2008-10-19 03:49:01)

    Onwards wrote:
    handy wrote:Which is now entered in my /etc/profile/ but it has no noticeable effect.
    /etc/profile is read by the login shells only. So you could have got the desired effect w/o a reboot by doing either:
    su -
    konsole --ls #starting it as a login shell
    What I needed to know was not just the line to add & where, which first answer told me, but also the line to delete, which second useful answer told me. I had logged out after adding the line, & decided after the removing the offending line that I will reboot for good measure!
    Thanks for your confirmation that a logout would have done the job.

  • [Solved] Cannot start firefox nor man pages without root acount.

    Hi all,
    when i try to start firefox with a normal user account, it doesn't start, but if i do sudo firefox
    it do starts.
    The same happens with the man pages, if i do man ls
    returns "no hay ninugna pagina sobre ls", but if i do sudo man ls
    the man page appears.
    Can anyone offer suggestions? Is there information you need? Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by SWcarlos (2008-05-25 21:18:23)

    My current values in /etc/profile.d/mozilla-commons.sh are:
    export PATH="${PATH}:/opt/mozilla/bin:/usr/bin"
    i added :/usr/bin but there is no change, even if i comment that line, nothing changes
    with MANPATH /usr/profile i have
    export MANPATH="/usr/man:/usr/X11R6/man"
    my manual pages are in /usr/man, but one more time even if i comment that line, nothing changes
    sudo man ls -> the man page appears
    man ls -> "no hay ninugna pagina sobre ls"
    one thing i realized, is that before i made any changes, i try to man as normal user anything on /usr/man subfolders, and that man pages do appear, both sudo and normal user.
    but ls vi sudo and other man pages only appear as root.
    Last edited by SWcarlos (2008-03-19 05:14:38)

  • Thr_create() returns -1 which isn't specified in the man page. What is -1?

    I'm for the first time experimenting with Solaris threads as I'm porting an AIX app. over to Solaris.
    Anyhow, I have a sample program that creates a simple thread. For some reason, the return value of of the initial thr_create is -1, which isn't specified in the man page for thr_create. The man page lists the following return values, non of which are -1:
    Zero indicates a successful return and a non-zero value
    indicates an error.
    If any of the following conditions occur, these functions
    fail and return the corresponding value:
    EAGAIN The system-imposed limit on the total number
    of threads in a process has been exceeded or
    some system resource has been exceeded (for
    example, too many LWPs were created).
    EINVAL The value specified by attr is invalid.
    If any of the following conditions are detected,
    pthread_create() fails and returns the corresponding value:
    ENOMEM Not enough memory was available to create the
    new thread.
    If any of the following conditions are detected,
    thr_create() fails and returns the corresponding value:
    EINVAL o stack_base is not NULL and stack_size is
    less than the value returned by
    o stack_base is NULL and stack_size is not
    zero and is less than the value returned by
    However, I don't see a -1 there and therefore, don't know what this means.
    Here is the simple code that I wrote for this experiment as well as the output. It doesn't get too far into the program before exiting - I've bolded where it exits:
    #define _REENTRANT
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <thread.h>
    #include <errno.h>
    /* Function prototypes for thread routines */
    void sub_a(void );
    void sub_b(void );
    void sub_c(void );
    void sub_d(void );
    void sub_e(void );
    void sub_f(void );
    thread_t thr_a, thr_b, thr_c;
    void main()
    thread_t main_thr;
    int rc = 0;
    main_thr = thr_self();
    printf("Main thread = %d\n", main_thr);
    if (rc = thr_create(NULL, 0, sub_b, NULL, THR_NEW_LWP, &thr_b))
    printf("\n rc = %d",rc);
    case EAGAIN: printf("This one1");
    case EINVAL: printf("This one2");
    case ENOMEM: printf("This one3");
    default: printf("rc = %d");
    fprintf(stderr,"Can't create thr_b\n"),
    * exit(1); *
    /* if (thr_create(NULL, 0, sub_a, (void *)thr_b, THR_NEW_LWP, &thr_a))
    fprintf(stderr,"Can't create thr_a\n"), exit(1); */
    if (thr_create(NULL, 0, sub_c, (void *)main_thr, THR_NEW_LWP, &thr_c))
    fprintf(stderr,"Can't create thr_c\n"), exit(1);
    printf("Main Created threads A:%d B:%d C:%d\n", thr_a, thr_b, thr_c);
    printf("Main Thread exiting...\n");
    thr_exit((void *)main_thr);
    void sub_a(void arg)
    thread_t thr_b = (thread_t) arg;
    thread_t thr_d;
    int i;
    printf("A: In thread A...\n");
    if (thr_create(NULL, 0, sub_d, (void *)thr_b, THR_NEW_LWP, &thr_d))
    fprintf(stderr, "Can't create thr_d\n"), exit(1);
    printf("A: Created thread D:%d\n", thr_d);
    /* process
    for (i=0;i<1000000*(int)thr_self();i++);
    printf("A: Thread exiting...\n");
    thr_exit((void *)77);
    void * sub_b(void *arg)
    int i;
    printf("B: In thread B...\n");
    /* process
    for (i=0;i<1000000*(int)thr_self();i++);
    printf("B: Thread exiting...\n");
    thr_exit((void *)66);
    void * sub_c(void *arg)
    void *status;
    int i;
    thread_t main_thr, ret_thr;
    main_thr = (thread_t)arg;
    printf("C: In thread C...\n");
    if (thr_create(NULL, 0, sub_f, (void *)0, THR_BOUND|THR_DAEMON, NULL))
    fprintf(stderr, "Can't create thr_f\n"), exit(1);
    printf("C: Join main thread\n");
    if (thr_join(main_thr,(thread_t *)&ret_thr, &status))
    fprintf(stderr, "thr_join Error\n"), exit(1);
    printf("C: Main thread (%d) returned thread (%d) w/status %d\n", main_thr, ret_thr, (int) status);
    /* process
    for (i=0;i<1000000*(int)thr_self();i++);
    printf("C: Thread exiting...\n");
    thr_exit((void *)88);
    void * sub_d(void *arg)
    thread_t thr_b = (thread_t) arg;
    int i;
    thread_t thr_e, ret_thr;
    void *status;
    printf("D: In thread D...\n");
    if (thr_create(NULL, 0, sub_e, NULL, THR_NEW_LWP, &thr_e))
    fprintf(stderr,"Can't create thr_e\n"), exit(1);
    printf("D: Created thread E:%d\n", thr_e);
    printf("D: Continue B thread = %d\n", thr_b);
    printf("D: Join E thread\n");
    if(thr_join(thr_e,(thread_t *)&ret_thr, &status))
    fprintf(stderr,"thr_join Error\n"), exit(1);
    printf("D: E thread (%d) returned thread (%d) w/status %d\n", thr_e,
    ret_thr, (int) status);
    /* process
    for (i=0;i<1000000*(int)thr_self();i++);
    printf("D: Thread exiting...\n");
    thr_exit((void *)55);
    void * sub_e(void *arg)
    int i;
    thread_t ret_thr;
    void *status;
    printf("E: In thread E...\n");
    printf("E: Join A thread\n");
    if(thr_join(thr_a,(thread_t *)&ret_thr, &status))
    fprintf(stderr,"thr_join Error\n"), exit(1);
    printf("E: A thread (%d) returned thread (%d) w/status %d\n", ret_thr, ret_thr, (int) status);
    printf("E: Join B thread\n");
    if(thr_join(thr_b,(thread_t *)&ret_thr, &status))
    fprintf(stderr,"thr_join Error\n"), exit(1);
    printf("E: B thread (%d) returned thread (%d) w/status %d\n", thr_b, ret_thr, (int) status);
    printf("E: Join C thread\n");
    if(thr_join(thr_c,(thread_t *)&ret_thr, &status))
    fprintf(stderr,"thr_join Error\n"), exit(1);
    printf("E: C thread (%d) returned thread (%d) w/status %d\n", thr_c, ret_thr, (int) status);
    for (i=0;i<1000000*(int)thr_self();i++);
    printf("E: Thread exiting...\n");
    thr_exit((void *)44);
    void sub_f(void arg)
    int i;
    printf("F: In thread F...\n");
    while (1) {
    for (i=0;i<10000000;i++);
    printf("F: Thread F is still running...\n");
    # /emc/smithr15/solthread
    Main thread = 1
    rc = -1Can't create thr_b
    rc = -1#
    Any ideas as to what -1 indicates and how to solve this?
    Thanks for your response,

    ok, my bad. I wasn't linking in the -lthread library.
    Thanks anyway.

  • Weird characters appear after write to a file

    Here is my story:
    I open a file using RandomAccessFile to replace some characters inside it. Let's say I have in the file string 4000, I replace it by string 400. It works fine.
    Now if I replace this number by string 40000, when I check the text file, some weird characters like ^M appear everywhere at the end of lines.
    What's the reason and how to solve it? I believe there is some invisible characters at the end of string 4000 that causes the problem.
    Note that I use function writeBytes to write strings into the file.

    public static void changeFileRAF(String sFile, String paramName, String paramValue) {
    try {
    RandomAccessFile rf = new RandomAccessFile(sFile, "rws");
    String currentLine;
    long pos;
    while (true) {
    pos = rf.getFilePointer();
    currentLine = rf.readLine();
    if (currentLine == null)
    if (currentLine.trim().startsWith(paramName)) {
    char[] replaceLine = currentLine.toCharArray();
    char[] value = paramValue.toCharArray();
    int i = 0;
    //pass all white space characters
    while (i < replaceLine.length && Character.isWhitespace(replaceLine)) {
    //pass all characters representing tag name
    while (i < replaceLine.length && !Character.isWhitespace(replaceLine[i])) {
    //again, pass all white space characters
    while (i < replaceLine.length && Character.isWhitespace(replaceLine[i])) {
    if (i == replaceLine.length) {//no value, do nothing                                                           
    int oldValueLength = replaceLine.length - i;
    String newLine = System.getProperty("line.separator");
    if (oldValueLength >= value.length) {
    System.out.println("different: " + (oldValueLength - value.length));
    for (int j = 0; j < value.length; j++)
    replaceLine[j + i] = value[j];
    for (int j = value.length; j < oldValueLength; j++)
    replaceLine[j + i] = ' ';
    else {
    System.out.println("old value length: " + oldValueLength);
    System.out.println("new value length: " + value.length);
    char[] compensation = new char[value.length - oldValueLength];
    for (int j = 0; j < oldValueLength; j++)
    replaceLine[j + i] = value[j];
    for (int j = oldValueLength; j < value.length; j++)
    compensation[j - oldValueLength] = value[j];
    System.out.println("it is " + String.copyValueOf(replaceLine) + String.copyValueOf(compensation));
    rf.writeBytes(String.copyValueOf(replaceLine) + String.copyValueOf(compensation));
    } catch (IOException e) {
    I hope it's not too long.

  • How to export all the man page in mac to PDF?

    How to export all the man page in mac to PDF?
    I have tried "man -t cat | pstopdf -i -o ~/Desktop/cat.pdf" but this only output one page.
    How could I dump all the man pages to pdf with one or few command as possible?
    The other question is, I copy all the man pages form /usr/share/man, they are .gz.
    After I unzip them and open with less, texteidtor, ultraeditor, all the formate are weird.
    Is there any tool could open them with the right formate as man does?
    I know the man in linux uses the tool "less" to read man pages. How about mac???

    I use Bwana. Copy all and paste into TextEdit. Then, save it. This is the beginning for diskutil:
    diskutil(8)               BSD System Manager's Manual              diskutil(8)
         diskutil -- Modify, verify and repair local disks.
         diskutil [quiet] verb [options]
         diskutil manipulates the volume-level structure of local disks.  It pro-
         vides information about, and allows the administration of, the partition-
         ing scheme of disks, optical discs, and AppleRAID sets.
         Each verb is listed with its description and individual arguments.
         list [-plist | device]
                    List disks.  If no argument is given, then all disks and all
                    of their partitions are listed.
                    If -plist is specified, then a property list will be emitted
                    instead of the normal user-readable output.  If a device is
                    specified, then instead of listing all families of whole disks
                    and their partitions, only one such family is listed.  In that
                    case, specifying either the whole disk or any of its slices
                    will work.  The -plist and device arguments may not both be
                    specified at the same time.

  • Weird Characters appering in the browser

    My company's product help file is generated in WebHelp, but
    on the web I see in some pages showing some weird characters. When
    I checked my source file as actually what characters are they in
    the file, I see that the trademark signs (TM) , single quotes, and
    double quotes are appearing as a ? inside a diamond. I went through
    the script generated by Webhelp and see the character set Webhelp
    is using as charset=windows-1252, Can't we change it to UTF-8 so
    that its a universal character set and is recognize on all
    platforms and browsers.
    Please let me know if there is a solution.

    UTF-8 is the norm with RH7. If you cannot upgrade, or do not
    want to, take a copy of your output and try changing it manually in
    one topic. If it works then use a multi file find and replace tool.

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