[SOLVED] XFCE Desktop unaglined

I installed arch a few days ago, and I encountered a problem with XFCE. When I log on to tty1, and do startxfce4. Everything is normal except the desktop is shifted upward and leftward. At the bottom, I can see the shell with "Initializing built-in extension XFree-DGA" and "Initializing built-in extension XFree-DRI" and "Initializing built-in extension DRI2" and "Loading extension GLX".
When I move my mouse to the left past the end. It comes back on the right, but can only go about an inch before it cannot move anymore. When I move my mouse to the right again, it goes to the left.
When I move a window all the way to the left, part of it shows up on the right.
I can provide a screenshot, however it displays the screen as if it were perfectly fine.
Please help, if there is any file I can provide please tell me.
I have Optimus, one HD4600 and a GT755M. People on other forums have told me to use Bumblebee, but I've had bad experiences with it so I want to stay away from it as much as possible. If it is nessecary, I can try it though. I am using the generic video driver. (mesa or vesa, whichever it is) I also have installed X. There are no error messages when I do startxfce4.
Last edited by craden (2014-03-05 02:38:24)

Ah yes, silly me. I installed nvidia and everything works now. Thank you. How do I mark this as solved?
Last edited by craden (2014-03-05 01:45:56)

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    My problem is, when I play a song it shows the artist/title on the screen. If a song's title is shorter then the previous song conky update that text but on the desktop there's still text left from the old song.
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    Song 1:
    MPD: [1.28/3.24] Artist - A very long song title for this song
    Song 2
    MPD: [0.08/2.12] Artist 2 - A short title ong title for this song
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    (EDIT 3: Case closed. Installing FAM, get that daemon running, restart of xfce solved it it seems, Mental note #2345: Check ALL possible solutions before spamming a forum..)
    Here's the conkyrc(I use 2, this one is on the bottom of screen):
    START conkyrc ------------------------------------------------------
    # conky configuration
    # set to yes if you want Conky to be forked in the background
    background yes
    # Use Xft?
    use_xft yes
    # Xft font when Xft is enabled
    xftfont DejaVu Sans Mono:pixelsize=10
    # Text alpha when using Xft
    xftalpha 1
    # Print everything to console?
    # out_to_console no
    # Update interval in seconds
    update_interval 2.0
    # This is the number of times Conky will update before quitting.
    # Set to zero to run forever.
    total_run_times 0
    # Create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus)
    own_window yes
    own_window_transparent yes
    own_window_type override
    #own_window_type desktop
    #own_window_hints below
    # Use double buffering (reduces flicker, may not work for everyone)
    double_buffer yes
    # Minimum size of text area
    #minimum_size 280 5
    # maximum_width 215
    # Draw shades?
    draw_shades no
    # Draw outlines?
    draw_outline yes
    # Draw borders around text
    draw_borders no
    # Stippled borders?
    stippled_borders 0
    # border margins
    border_margin 1
    # border width
    border_width 1
    # Default colors and also border colors
    default_color A29F84
    default_shade_color black
    default_outline_color black
    # Text alignment, other possible values are commented
    # alignment top_left
    #alignment top_right
    alignment bottom_left
    #alignment bottom_right
    # Gap between borders of screen and text
    # same thing as passing -x at command line
    gap_x 1
    gap_y 1
    # Subtract file system buffers from used memory?
    no_buffers yes
    # set to yes if you want all text to be in uppercase
    uppercase no
    # number of cpu samples to average
    # set to 1 to disable averaging
    cpu_avg_samples 2
    # number of net samples to average
    # set to 1 to disable averaging
    net_avg_samples 2
    # Force UTF8? note that UTF8 support required XFT
    override_utf8_locale yes
    # Add spaces to keep things from moving about? This only affects certain objects.
    use_spacer yes
    ${color #596380} MPD:${color } [${mpd_elapsed}/${mpd_length}] ${mpd_smart}
    END conkyrc -----------------------
    Last edited by akejo (2007-05-15 14:53:42)

    [disclaimer] I do not use Xfce, but I know several people who do and have reported similar problems [/disclaimer]
    Can you log in at another console (ctrl-alt-f2)? If you can, try deleting these two folders entirely:
    and then reboot. If that does not help, try reinstalling Xfce.
    There is more information in the wiki here.
    Last edited by 2ManyDogs (2012-06-18 00:54:08)

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    Last edited by lkraemer (2012-02-23 18:52:57)

    Thunar ver 1.2.3 did not have a Wastebasket either.  That was the only file manager I used.
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    Last edited by lkraemer (2012-02-23 18:53:48)

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    Can you help me? Thank you in advance.
    -- mod edit: read the Forum Etiquette and only post thumbnails http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/For … s_and_Code [jwr] --
    Last edited by black_fox (2015-04-29 20:43:36)

    Problem solved. Problem was with Linux kernel and Intel graphics card. On boot I was getting this error : [drm:intel_set_cpu_fifo_underrun_reporting [i915]] *ERROR* uncleared fifo underrun on pipe A
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    Last edited by caesar753 (2012-07-03 19:24:39)

    caesar753 wrote: sometimes, when i open the file manager and browse the directories, the old disordered xfce desktop reappears!!
    I assume with 'disordered' you mean that the desktop icons can freely be moved around. That is not possible with xfdesktop (Xfce's desktop).
    It could be possible that you use nautilus as file browser instead of thunar. That would explain this behaviour. Nautilus has a built-in desktop that also allows icons to be scaled and placed freely on the desktop. When you start nautilus and the desktop option is activated it will most likely replace xfdesktop.
    If the assumptions above are correct, your best bet would be to remove xfdesktop (so it doesn't start/restart itself automatically) and add the following command to your autostart:
    nautilus -n
    (This will start nautilus and therefore the desktop will appear. The "-n" switch prevents the nautilus window from opening up as well.)

  • [solved] xfce-wavelan-plugin

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    I have recently installed ArchLinux and have been experimenting ever since. I have my wifi set up through netcfg which uses multiple profiles so I can connect wherever I am. I have also settled with XFCE desktop environment, and am happy so far but I have a tendancy to swap and change a lot.
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    sh: /sbin/ifconfig: No such file or directory
    I know that net-tools has been deprecated, is there anyway round this?
    I tried searching for this issue by googling and on the forum/wiki. Apologies if it has been already solved!
    Last edited by mspn (2012-01-17 20:29:27)

    I guess net-tools is technically depreciated, but I'm used to it and it seems to work fine.
    In the interest of the most simple & elegant solution, how about
    pacman -S net-tools
    However, (and I run XFCE too), I recommend NetworkManager & network-manager-applet for WiFi as it makes dealing with encrypted networks much easier.

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    /usr/share/applications looks like this:
    Terminal.desktop gkbd-indicator-plugins-capplet.desktop nvidia-settings.desktop xfce-display-settings.desktop xfce4-logout.desktop
    Thunar-bulk-rename.desktop gksu-properties.desktop pidgin.desktop xfce-keyboard-settings.desktop xfce4-mixer.desktop
    Thunar-folder-handler.desktop gksu.desktop polkit-gnome-authorization.desktop xfce-mouse-settings.desktop xfce4-panel-manager.desktop
    Thunar.desktop gmenu-simple-editor.desktop rhythmbox.desktop xfce-session-settings.desktop xfce4-power-manager-settings.desktop
    alacarte.desktop gnome-do.desktop ristretto.desktop xfce-settings-manager.desktop xfce4-run-program.desktop
    avahi-discover.desktop gnome-terminal.desktop services.desktop xfce-ui-settings.desktop xfce4-screenshooter.desktop
    bssh.desktop gnome-volume-properties.desktop shares.desktop xfce-wm-settings.desktop xfce4-sensors.desktop
    bvnc.desktop google-chrome.desktop thunar-settings.desktop xfce-wmtweaks-settings.desktop xfce4-settings-editor.desktop
    evince.desktop gsynaptics.desktop thunar-volman-settings.desktop xfce-workspaces-settings.desktop xfce4-taskmanager.desktop
    exo-preferred-applications.desktop gucharmap.desktop tilda.desktop xfce-xfcalendar-settings.desktop xfce4-terminal.desktop
    file-roller.desktop mimeinfo.cache time.desktop xfce4-about-xfce.desktop xfce4-web-browser.desktop
    firefox-safe.desktop mousepad.desktop totem.desktop xfce4-accessibility-settings.desktop xfprint-manager.desktop
    firefox.desktop nact.desktop users.desktop xfce4-appfinder.desktop xfprint-settings.desktop
    gconf-editor.desktop nautilus-cd-burner-open-iso.desktop vlc.desktop xfce4-clipman-plugin.desktop xfprint.desktop
    geany.desktop nautilus-cd-burner.desktop xfburn.desktop xfce4-dict.desktop
    gedit.desktop network.desktop xfcalendar.desktop xfce4-file-manager.desktop
    gimp.desktop nm-connection-editor.desktop xfce-backdrop-settings.desktop xfce4-help.desktop
    I can't seem to find anything qt related here. What should I do?
    Last edited by dcc24 (2009-11-04 21:03:46)

    I've solved it. Turns out, some menu entries are stored in ~./local/share/applications. Removing it there solved the problem.

  • Xfce Desktop showing ntfs volumes as removable disks

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    http://smg.photobucket.com/user/jeli/me … M.png.html
    http://smg.photobucket.com/user/jeli/me … M.png.html
    Last edited by jeli (2014-01-22 21:00:37)

    I'm confused....you don't need to register to see the screenshot. It's a public share....
    What do you see when you click on it?

  • [SOLVED] XFCE - Incorrect windows placement

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    [solved] Xfce4, new windows position
    Xfce 4.8 xfwm4 window placement settings no longer have any effect.
    This is not a big problem, but I'm kind of picky, so if anyone knows a solution to this problem, please share it.
    Best Regards,
    Last edited by Agkel0s (2014-07-14 21:37:54)

    Agkel0s wrote:Currently the slider is on the minimum value, and windows of all sizes should open centered on screen.
    Shouldn't you actually have it on the maximum value?
    I believe the way this works is that the size (or ratio, the option is actually called placement_ratio IIRC and is a ratio of window size vs screen size) you specify here is the minimum to trigger "smart placement." If the window isn't (at least) of that size, then the default (i.e. center or under mouse pointer, as defined below) will be used. So if you want every window to use the default placement, you should set the minimum size for smart placement to be as large as possible. (In fact, I believe with a ratio set to 100 (i.e. slider to the max) it should always use the default placement, regardless of window size, which is want you're after if I'm not wrong.)
    If even with the slider to the max you get new windows placed using smart placement, then it sounds like a bug I'd say.
    (Also, just as FYI and though you might simply want all windows to be centered, I wasn't happy with xfwm's smart placement myself, you can see this topic for a (IMO) better alternative.)

  • No thumbnails on xfce Desktop

    There might be a very silly workaround, but I cant find any to show thumbnails of images on the xfce desktop. Thunar though, can show them. Anyone have any tips?

    A quick google suggets it is unlikely (as of Jan 2010) http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=110&t=37798

  • [SOLVED] XFCE in Dutch

    After installing XFCE on a fresh Arch install, my XFCE desktop is installed/showed in the english language. However, I want my DE to be showed in the dutch language. How can I achieve this?
    Last edited by HydroDiOxide (2009-01-09 21:13:53)

    Did you follow the Installation Guide? If so, your locale should have been set up.
    I set up several in both English and Dutch. Will this give me a choice in languages in the XFCE de?
    Last edited by HydroDiOxide (2009-01-09 14:50:38)

  • [FIXED] XFCE desktop black after libtoolslay update?

    My XFCE desktop is just flat black when it was previously showing the stock arch background image.  I also can't right click on the desktop area to bring up the XFCE menu that appears by default.  Everything else runs just fine. 
    I'm about to go file a bug report but I just wanted to make sure that there wasn't any other information I need to put in as while I'm proficient with Arch, I'm coding illiterate.
    EDIT: Due to a total mindfart, I posted this in the wrong forum... I'm terribly sorry, but could one of you mods move this to the DeskEnvironment forum?

    xfdesktop is not starting. Try starting it manually, and if that works then try deleting the stuff for Xfce4 in ~/.cache which is the sessions and xfce4 folders. I had a similar problem except with Xfwm4 not starting.
    If xfdesktop spits out errors when attempting to start it that prevent it from loading then post them here.

  • Nautilus floods xfce desktop

    Hi all,
    I am using arch 32 with xfce, all works fine except nautilus.
    What happens is after nautilus is installed, and if I try to run it from terminal or via menu, 5 instances of nautilus open up--everytime!
    It gets worst after logout/reboot. After logging in, nautilus floods xfce desktop with like 100 windows, and it takes atleast a minute for flooding to stop. Then I have to issue killall command and all thats left is a crashed xfce desktop. Help!
    I tried reinstalling app and removing config dir from my home dir but to no avail.
    Any help is much appreciated.Thanks.

    I am sorry to post in this thread, I realised after my cell browser showed me the posted content.
    In my cell phone it showed only general program instead of programming.
    Please move if need be. Thanks.

  • [Solved] xfce

    I would like to try xfce (Also known as 4.4 Beta1). Is there an Arch package that I can use? I am getting to like xfce more and more. BUT, xfce dosn't seem to be popular with Arch users.
    Thanks for any insight, jimbo

    shadowhand wrote:
    Xfdesktop is fixed in my repos now.
    You managed to catch an update that just happened to have a bug with xfdesktop not showing desktop icons for anyone, even thought it was built in.
    And just to be clear, this is NOT xfce 4.3.99, this is xfce-svn. It's even newer than 4.3.99. 
    I just spent all afternoon failing to get xfce4-svn to work. I started with a fresh install of Gimmick iso. Add mousetrap repo to /etc/pacman.conf. Then pacman -Syu and editing /boot/grub/menu.lst so it would boot. Then a fresh install of xorg, xorg-apps, xorg-xdm, xterm, and xf86-video-nv. Then configure with xorgconfig. Everything worked OK. Startx brought up the usual cheesy two GUI terminal windows.
    Then pacman -S xfce4-svn.
    startx fails with several messages about missing files, no such file or directory, etc. Changed PATH to include /opt/xfce dirs.
    Now startx brings up a black xfce desktop where none of the panel icons work, no right click menu, desktop settings to allow xfce to manage desktop does nothing and won't stay clicked. In short, a totally useless desktop and I was not able to fix it with endless "fixes".
    Oh well, Arch is easy to install and Xfce 4.2 does work.
    Good luck, jimbo

  • XFCE desktop not quite working

    Hi. First post
    My XFCE desktop seems "incomplete" somehow. Let me try to explain...
    I've got no "right-click" menu. Well, I have if I want the apps menu, but if I de-select that from the Desktop settings, right-click does nothing. I'm expecting things like "create launcher" etc.
    Second, and I suspect this might be related, I can see no way of removing the "Wastebasket", "Home" and "File System" icons from the desktop. I'm sure again there should be something in Desktop Settings (tick boxes maybe), but they simply aren't there. I've tried deleting the contents of my ~/.config/xfce4/desktop/icons.screen0.rc but it has no effect.
    I'd appreciate a little guidance here.

    Here's my Desktop Prefs dialog. I'm sure there's supposed to be some tick boxes at the bottom?

Maybe you are looking for