Sorry to leave Verizon

I agree with all of these comments. Being a 5 phone family (and actually needing more... but can't because of the arbitrary limit of 5 to a family) and trying to keep teens and live-in parents in working and usable phones... with out data packages is being made impossible. I will be eventually leaving (when my latest contract expires of course).
Also as an example of flawed corporate thinking and greed, not only can I not afford the data packages, but I find this last renewal, when I get one of the 4 - 5 mediocre 'free' phones that I am 'eligible' for when I renew for two years, that they are now tacking on a $30 'fee' to get that free phone. Wait... I am supposed to pay for the privilege of getting a free phone when I renew?  I could not believe it.
<Branched to a new discussion.>
Message was edited by: Verizon Moderator

If you want more than 5, go to the share everything plans that allow more than 5, ten i think.
Of course the free ones are mediocre it would be a stupid move to give the good ones away free, complaining does not deserve reward.  New phones cost a lot to get in the first place, be glad you can get them cheaper than retail.  I think upgrade prices should be removed from every carrier for a year just to wake people up.
$30 is less than everyone elses, period.  Dont want to pay it?  pay retail or take a gamble and try ebay.
Threatening to leave doesnt shake people at worker level, people leave constantly, it makes people annoyed and less inclined to bend for you.  And before we get to the "thats not professional" debate, neither is using invalid, irrelevant, and often naive arguments.

Similar Messages

  • How to leave Verizon after contract ends - taking with me the phone number?

    My contract is about to end - Nov. 5 - and I want to port the number over to an entirely new phone, which will use Straight Talk.
    Do I let the contract expire, then port the number? Or do I port the number first, then let it expire? It's not clear whatsoever. If I port it before, then I risk an early termination fee (ETF) unless I clear it with them first. I'd rather let it expire, then port the number over, eliminating any risk of ETF. But if I do that, will my number be lost? or is there some kind of grace period when I can still port my old number out?

    Hopefully more people will find this thread Googling around.  My phone transfer was made but my online Verizon account indicated my phone was "Suspended."  Calling customer service was a joke.  Mind you, my question was simple: "Will I owe Verizon any more $"  and "What does suspended mean.  Answers: "yes," and I never got an answer for number two. 
    So, here I am paying 65% more for Verizon and now they're coming after a pre-paid two weeks of service plus another bill cycle....  You can't imagine how many pieces of cranium I had to pull form the ceiling.  Further, the Customer Service Rep was so poorly trained, she didn't know that "paid in full" means "paid in advance."  To her, I was going to pay for 6 weeks of service whether I liked it or not.  She told me it was due to my new provider canceling my account to late in the billing cycle.  Which made no sense to anyone who's been through this process before.  As long as it's switched within a current month, there is no new invoice for the upcoming bill cycle.  So, I did the math of the situation, realized the CS Rep was wrong, questioned her logic, and then asked for a supervisor.  The other thing that was weird, CS would not give me an explanation in writing other than snail mail!  She couldn't email and was not authorized to give written data to customers.  Who the H#ll uses snail mail anymore?    I was told it would be 45 minutes before I could speak with a supervisor and they'd call me.....  Still waiting!  Almost Two hours later!  Tells you how many mad customers Verizon has or how much they actually care about their customers!
    I finally called my new provider and looked at that account on-line and sure enough, the CS Rep lied to place blame on my new carrier or was clueless of Verizon's non pro-rate policy.  So, I called their CS department again and had someone with a brain at the other end of the line who explained it the way I understood it.  She also told me it was not my new provider!  My comment back was, "That's the way I thought it worked.  You guys do a horrible job training your reps and thanks."  I will not receive another months bill.....  What a joke.  They created all of that aggravation due to their lack of training or dishonest employees.
    My point is this:  The above is the reason I'm leaving Verizon.  For the over priced service, they should be honest, train their Customer Service Reps so we customers do not get angry (they might save a few customers that way), and prorate billing cycles by rounding out to the next week.  The reason I bring this up is I'm saving 65% by switching and, yes, that's a real number...  I had to prepay my first bill.  And, there's no hissing in the connection......  Way better deal!
    >>Edited to comply with the Verizon Wireless Terms of Service <<
    Message was edited by: Verizon Moderator

  • About to leave Verizon

    I am going to leave Verizon next month if they can't get better coverage.  Their coverage map is bogus.  I've been a customer for 15+ years and the service at my house in the last year has become completely worthless.  Verizon promised to do an assessment and fix it, but they never did.   I don't have time to spend hours on the phone while Verizon tries to tell me that there aren't any issues.  Make sure you actually have the coverage they promise.

    i am right there with you, my wife bought a 3g iphone the same day i bought a 4 revolution, she has had 0 problems with the iphone in 11 months, i have had 3 replacements, and they have all had the same problems. i am a sales person for a major retailer, if i treated my customers the way verizon has tossed me around i would never make a dime.

  • Leave Verizon NOW!

    I'd highly suggest that you call Verizon and tell them you are switching,  so that you don't get caught up in what I ended up with. 
    I have a galaxy tab (now disconnected for good, thank god). My monthly usage was 20$/month for 1GB. And then I ended up in Israel for 1 day. I was trying to find my flight schedule, took the divide and used 20MB to look up Continental schedule. 
    The results - 850 $ in charges. No warning, no attempt come up with a reasonable charge - nothing. I have ATT Blackberry (unfortunately it did not have a battery) that all of a sudden I love dearly. I never spent more than 100$ a month on the BB. 
    Do yourself a service (unless you like paying 30X your usage fees, and LEAVE. 

    I am in the same boat as you, harelk.  Verizon is billing outrageous rates to their customers who are unaware of how they will be billed.  I consider myself more tech savvy than most, yet even I can't tell you how much data a smartphone or tablet uses in the course of a day.  In fact, there are so many variables that vary from user to user that it's virtually impossible for anyone to tell you how much data you will use in a day.  If you only needed to accomplish a specific task (in your example, finding your flight schedule), it's still impossible for you to know all the background processes, GPS, application data, etc. that you'll also incur during the process.  The vast majority of consumers will not know how to answer if you asked them how far 1KB, 1MB, or 1GB will take them.  All I know is that I have my monthly allowance in my data package and that I never come close to those limits so I never have to worry about it. 
    Putting myself in your shoes, if all I needed was to access a flight schedule, I would have likely accessed it as well assuming that it would be a reasonable charge for a seemingly small amount of data usage.  You and I are too naive to think that our service provider cares about their customers and would not bill them outrageous rates.
    Unfortunately, I've been rudely awakened to the fact that Verizon does not care about their customers.  I am fed up with communicating to customer service only to be fed lies and treated rudely.  I reached out to them via email and received a computer-generated response that a representative would contact me within 24 hours.  Obviously, I anxiously awaited because an $850 bill will significantly impact my finances.  48+ hours later and I'm still waiting for someone to contact me.   
    I'm still hoping that Verizon will contact me and we can resolve this issue, but I'm not holding my breath.  I'm likely going the same route as harelk and leaving Verizon for AT&T.  I'll be sure to share my experiences with friends, family, coworkers, and a multitude of  internet communities on my way out - hopefully, they'll get our message, and LEAVE.   

  • Will be leaving Verizon Wireless after five and a half years...

    Note, people with Verizon please listen and think clearly on this.  I have asked Verizon a question and I can not get a valid response.  My question is:  How can a person pay their bill on time (due date August 15th for instance) when their bill is coming up as being past due on August 1st?  Yes, I will be leaving Verizon Wireless services after five and a half years and I will not be returning EVER.  So people, please, check your bill carefully because it seems that Verizon's billing software has had a few 'glitches' lately and yes, that glitch was apparently corrected for a short time on October 9th (Tuesday after Columbus Day) but has apparently returned.  Apparently Verizon seems to be making too much money bilking people for being past due before the due date and I just can not continue doing business with such a 'money grubbing' company,  And so many 'promises' broken in recent times that I know better than to believe anyone in the company that says "We're here to help".  I know better.  Goodbye and good riddance and please don't ever turn my phones back on, I wish to have some sanity back in my life again and Verizon Wireless is NOT part of that sanity.
    <Discussion moved from Community Announcements to Verizon Wireless Services for more exposure. The Community Announcements space is not meant for such topics.>
    Message was edited by: Verizon Moderator

    My bill has NEVER come up as being PAST DUE before the due date ECXEPT for the 1 time several years ago when I forgot enter in the new expiration date on my credit card listed in autopay.
    Currently, my bill due on Nov 11 IS NOT listed as past due.
    My guess is if your bill says past due BEFORE your due date is because you did not pay all or some of your last bill.
    Bad news is that other providers will treat you the same way if you do this with them, too.

  • Why I'm leaving Verizon...

    For almost the past two years I've been a reluctant Verizon customer.  I chose the service based on a device (the Galaxy Nexus) and I'm leaving the service behind as soon as I get my hands on a new Nexus 5.  I wanted to post my reasons why I willingly will pay to end my contract a month and a half early because I feel every Verizon subscriber deserves to know my rationale.
    First and foremost, Verizon provides a service to connect to a cellular data and voice network (CDMA/LTE).  It is just that a "service".  I really encourage Verizon to recognize that is your business, to provide your consumers a service.  While I've been quite pleased with my service (great voice coverage, fast LTE speeds), I have not at all been pleased with the support of my device.  As stated, I own a Galaxy Nexus which is a Google branded device, manufactured by Samsung, and sold to work on Verizon's network.  All very basic things, however Verizon at no point intended this to be a Nexus device because they insisted on retesting all of Google's updates because apparently they have zero trust in the testing Google does.  Excuse me, Google is not a fly by night, ma and pop operation.  They are very thorough in their testing and would never send a device or update that hasn't been through rounds of testing.  Verizon allows Apple to own their devices and does not get in the way of timely updates to iOS, however a Nexus device is somehow different?  Well Verizon, you're wrong. 
    I will be taking my business to AT&T because they have a model where unlocked phones can be brought onto their network and have no issues with Google owning the Nexus ecosystem.  AT&T merely will be selling me a service, not hindering my device from updates.
    While it would be great if Verizon would embrace a open handset model, I just don't see it happening and it became clear with the recent Nexus 7 that was announced to work on your network, when in fact you wouldn't allow it.  Many reports note people swapped their SIM card in and it worked just fine, but you continue to spin your wheels and fail to fully support Android. 
    Finally, I am somewhat sad to leave given the service has been outstanding, but I encourage you to reconsider what a Nexus device means and the hands off approach by a provider it entails.  Maybe one day I will be back, but for now I'm not looking back on my decision.  I feel many other customers feel the way I do and once the Nexus 5 is available you may see a dip in your business.
    Edited for rooting discussion as required by the Terms of Service.
    Message was edited by: Admin Moderator

    Never understood why iOS gets a free pass and no delays with iOS control but stock android on a Nexus got delayed so badly and vzw had to test vigorously what Google already spent  time and money doing.  I can understand skinned versions with old moto blur, sense, touchwiz, and what ever LG uses, but Google is a giant in the tech world and knows what its doing on the software side.
    I wish the Nexus 5 would come to VZW, but after all the bad press articles I read about VZW and Google, I guess we'll never see another Nexus device again on VZW unless it's an LTE only version, but after seeing what happened to the LTE only N 7 I guess that is doubtful too. I saw all the videos of phone lte sims working on an N 7.

  • Why is it cheaper to leave verizon including ETF?

    I am seriously thinking of leaving for T-mobile. I have a family plane with 3 iPhones and 6gb of shared data and pay $206 a month. That includes my discount from work.  I can pay my ETF for three iPhones Unlimited everything "bring your own device" and still save money. Directly from their website:
    3 Lines Plan
    $150 per month
    Plus taxes, fees and monthly device payment
    Line 1 / $ 70 month
    Unlimited talk, text and web
    Unlimited high-speed data on our network. Up to 2.5GB of Smartphone Mobile HotSpot (SMH) service.
    International roaming
    Line 2 / $ 50 month
    Unlimited talk, text and web
    Unlimited high-speed data on our network. Up to 2.5GB of Smartphone Mobile HotSpot (SMH) service.
    International roaming
    Line 3 / $ 30 month
    Unlimited talk, text and web
    Unlimited high-speed data on our network. Up to 2.5GB of Smartphone Mobile HotSpot (SMH) service.
    International roaming
    That does not included my 25% employer discount. That would bring me to $113 plus taxes and fees. About three months of service would pay off my ETF. Over the next 9 months i'd save about $800 to switch.  One year left on contract. Why is Verizon so much? Why should I stay? Don't say coverage because I have a "network extender" in my house and I live in a large city.
    Thanks for any help.

    Well no one can really answer that question. Opinions maybe.
    On T-Mobile your first line is $50 unlimited Talk & Text. add in $20 for unlimited data with 500Mb of teathering per month. add taxes and fees around $79 but you lose that 25% discount. You may have a discount of 15% I don't know who you get the discount from.
    On the second line it is $40 for unlimited Talk & Text and again add in $20 for Unlimited data with 500Mb of teathering per month. So that costs $60.00 plus taxes and fees around $66.00
    Now your third line is $20 for unlimited Talk & Texting and another $20 for unlimited data with 500Mb of teathering per month for a cost of $40 plus taxes and fees. Around $45 per month.
    So its $79.00+$66.00+$45=$190 per month for the three lines. if you get a discount subtract that from the total.
    Now you have to purchase three devices at full price so that will cost you around $1900.00 plus tax, sim kits at $10.00 each but you can place these devices on T-Mobiles EIP plan so you pay maybe $25 per month for twenty four months.
    Again another issue is T-Mobile has very bad service in many areas. They are in fourth place and although they are building out, the coverage is terrible. in major cities it us great. but if you travel, forget it. And yes I have one line of service with them.
    However if you travel look at the free texting and data from over 100 countries, and they only charge .20¢ per minute for all global calling. It is the best deal in the cell phone industry.
    Good Luck

  • Overcharged without notification - plan to leave Verizon

    I have been a Verizon customer for a number of years (estimate about 6 years) and until recently there were no concerns.  I had my phone (the primary) with unlimited data, unlimited text and unlimited call.  I had added my wife with a BASIC PHONE LINE, my eldest son with a smart phone and data (2GB), my middle son with a BASIC PHONE LINE and also added Verizon's home service so we had 5 lines total with only two requiring data.
    On January 29th, 2014 I went to the local Verizon store with two of my children.  My eldest and my middle - both looking to upgrade their phones that had been eligible since October 2013.  My eldest traded in his iPhone 4 for a new iPhone 5s and my middle son upgraded his Samsung slide phone for an iPhone 4s.  During the discussion with the sales representative I was informed that the total data usage was very low and well below what my son had as an additional smart phone with data at $30 per month.  I was then told if I switched from my unlimited data plan (not offered any more - I was "grandfathered" in) to a shared plan with 8 GB of data between the 3 smart phones the increase in my monthly charges would be a little less than having a separate plan for each.  The approximate amount of the increase I was told (with witnesses) was between $20-$ I estimated about 15% with fees and taxes.
    NOTHING, AND I MEAN NOT A WORD was said about my wife's line or my home line.  In good faith we made the changes, and because of the trade in credits we ended up paying an initial fee of just over $22, so I felt everything was going to be fine - I couldn't have been more WRONG!!
    I paid an initial bill of $239.46 which is what I had been paying before we had made any changes.  I received my last invoice with a total due of $358.53!!!!  I also have my next payment due of $308.76!!  Can someone please explain how that is a $20-$30 increase?!?!?
    I did some digging and discovered that my wife's line had been increased from $9.99 to $30.00 per month and my home line had been increased from $9.99 to $20.00 per month AND we were being charged a month in advance for ALL lines with the smart phone lines all increasing from $30 per month to $40 per month and my original UNLIMITED from $29.99 per month to $40 per month BUT NOW WE ARE is THAT a better deal?!?
    I went to the local Verizon store this morning to see if I could get an explanation and resolution to this obviously egregious oversight on my bill.  I was told, in no uncertain terms, there was nothing that could be done.  I was offered a SMALL discount on the current payment but no real explanation on why I was being pre-charged for all of the lines when we had been customers for years.  I gathered that the impression was we were under a new contract.  I view it as as a REVISED contract (terms of data usage NOT the number of lines).
    Regardless of what I was told I take issue with what I view as a clandestine and unethical means to make money at the obvious expense of the consumer.  Furthermore because it was not explicitly explained to me or anyone in my family that there would be a significant increase in either my wife's or home line monthly fees I view this as a breach of contract terms and thus the contract appears to be null and void.
    As I stated, I was expecting an increase to my monthly bill due to an additional smart phone but to have an increase on EVERYTHING leading to a total well above what I was told on January 29th is questionable at best.
    I expect some form of response as well as remediation on the terms of payment on my bill.

    OP, I am sorry for you.
    Not letting you know about the changes to your wife's line and the home phone line - this is nothing out of the ordinary. The rep knew VERY WELL if he hadn't lied to you - he wouldn't get the sales. It's very common at verizon and they won't do anything about it since you agreed to it.
    Let's just say somehow I came to know at least 50-60 verizon retail reps in my area, many of them make $120K+ a year just by selling phones. I have to say, in my life I have never met so many immoral/unethical bunch of people in one place. I have seen reps high-fiving each other or even managers joining in to "congratulate" a rep because they used a tricky pitch/tactic to con a customer into buying something. I have seen reps pushing smartphones and bluetooth headsets to a 98-year old great-grandma who can barely stand up and on two feet. I have seen reps pushing jetpacks to a guy who came to disconnect a line that belonged to his wife who died 4 days ago. I have seen managers instructing the reps to tear the accessory boxes so that the customer is less likely to return the accessories. Disgusting.

  • Sorry Your Leaving BT Broadband

    I am getting the "Sorry you're leaving BT Broadband. From the date you left BT you have 30 days to keep your mailbox by upgrading to premium email." message appearing on MyBT.
    I renewed my BT Infinity 2 on 06/10/14 and added BT TV, all sucessfully. I have tried the usual help desk numbers to no avail.
    Can a moderator please pick this up so that I can sumitted a detailed form request to investigate this ?
    PS. I received a similar message for BT Cloud and this is in the process of being resolved by Tech 2.

    You will need a moderator to see this post, hopefully they will get in contact with you, as you need to get BT customer care team involve (I was impress with how the lady from Customer Care on coordinating with the two departments involved. Making sure with me that they had contacted me and they had resolved the problems with my email account and BT Cloud.
    Basically this needs to be sorted by a department called tier 2 or on another post I saw it was called 'level 2' technical support team.
    "I have forwarded your case to the tier 2 and they will be in touch with you within the next 48 hours. We need this sorted before the 13/09/14 incase your email address goes off."
    Not sure what they done but the message disapeared on the day they contacted me, plus the button to create new email accounts under "Manage your email account" re-appeared which was missing when I had the message saying I was leaving. 

  • Should I leave Verizon with one month left on my contract so I can upgrade? The ETF seems worth it considering the bad customer service I received and how long I've been with Verizon.

    I've been with Verizon for a really long time and one of the best things about their upgrades was that they used to allow you to do it a little early.  And since you dont really keep up with plan changes until a new phone comes out or you are closer to your upgrade eligibility date, I didnt realize that they changed this.  My phone is on its last leg.  2 years is a long time for a device that you use every day, 50 times a day.  My upgrade date is a month away and I'm considering moving to a different service and letting them pay for my ETF.  I have called Verizon asking if there was anything they could do to allow me to upgrade early and they said no.  When did this start happening?  They tried to sell me the "Edge" but thats the same as paying 700 dollars.

    ATT doesnt care how long you've been with them
    cox doesnt care how long you've been with them
    your eletricity company doesnt care
    your gas station doesnt care
    your grocery store doesnt care
    your car insurance might care , a little.
    Just because uncle  tommy gives you a discount because he's been cutting your lawn for years doesn't mean a large company would. And why should they?
    << Message was edited by: Verizon Moderator to comply with the Verizon Community ToS >>

  • On the EDGE of leaving Verizon!

    I have had my phone service with Verizon for 6 or 7 years now, and the last couple of years have been nothing but trouble. I received a flyer in the mail 3 days ago about the Edge Single Line Plan First I called Verizon to make sure I understood the plan and to make sure I was eligible to change to this plan. The person I spoke to was very informative and very nice. She answered all of my questions, and I had a lot of them. I felt like I had all the answers I needed, but yesterday I did an online chat just to verify a couple of things. This plan was going to make my bill go down. I get a cheaper plan and a new phone for less than I was paying. So, I decided to go to the Verizon store yesterday after work to look at the phone. I wanted to make sure I really wanted that phone. Please keep in mind, I had all of my facts in order, I knew what I wanted and I knew how much it should be. I had to wait about 20 minutes until someone helped me. When the lady came up to me and asked how she could help me, I told her I wanted to change my plan and what phone I wanted. When we were going over the plan, she was trying to put me back on the More Everything Plan, I kept telling her that was not the correct plan and she kept telling me that was the only plan they had for the Edge Program. I told her I had already talked to two different Verizon people about it, the attitude came out in her at that point. I said, just forget it, change it back to my old phone. She looks at another guy that works there and he said, No we don't have that plan anymore, it ended in February. Again I said, I spoke to someone yesterday about this and today before I came into the store. He just kept saying, No we don't have that plan anymore. If I had not known what I was talking about and verified everything before I went in, I would have been screwed and called a liar! I cannot even begin to put in words exactly how offended I am. Not only that, but the sales girl gathered up a bunch of stuff just assuming I would buy it. I did because I felt pressured into it. I hate going into the store, there is no customer service anymore! They are just trying to see what they can get out of you. I have 14 more days before I can't take this phone back, I am seriously thinking about jumping off this ship and going with another company! As many things as I have read in here, you would think Verizon would get a clue! The manager of that store should be told, but there is NO way I am going back in there unless it is to take this phone back.

    No one knows but store stock versus online stock are two different things. It's not something to be angry about if stores get a certain allotment. It wouldn't be fair to those that choose to shop in store not to have an opportunity to get what they want just because online depleted their stock. If you can go to a store (and you aren't sure you plan on switching providers) and see if they have the one you want. If so you can cancel your current pre-order (as long as it hasn't shipped yet or generated a shipping label) and then purchase that device in store. Not idea as you probably wanted to avoid the store but if waiting isn't an option for you then this is something you can try.

  • May leave Verizon only after one month!

    I recently graduated from college and started my first real job- in the process of trying to become as independent as I can I had my number released from my family's plan and got started with my own. I was still covered on my family's plan for another week, so there was a decent amount of overlap in coverage. In my discussion with the Verizon sales rep she told me my new account was set up and ready to go at that moment. A couple weeks later I get my bill and I had overage charges for the day I switched my account! Apparently when you switch accounts you get an allotment of 15 minutes of calling for that day; that may have been something helpful to know before I switched. Not once in my conversation was a 15 min limit brought up, because obviously I would have waited another day to start up my account! I had 45 min. of usage that day (and this 45 min call was done before I set up my new account) and was charged for 30 minutes, even though I was "ready to go" and still technically paid through another week with my family. I thought it must be a mistake and I'm sure someone in customer support will be able to help me, boy was I wrong. I got to talk to an extremely rude woman, Monique, who told me that it was not right for me to expect to get that day free and be exempt from paying my bill. I tried again to explain the situation and she continued to imply that I was in essence a free loader and then magically my call was dropped. I am not happy at all with verizon; the only reason I decided to stay with them was convenience. Are there any further steps to take to get a bill adjusted? Or does Verizon not assist with mistakes and misinformation given to new customers?

        Hi Largesj,
    Congrats on graduating from college! That is a big acheivement. I am happy to read that you took over your own line too. We want you to have a great relationship with us.  I am following you, please follow me (bobbys_Vzw) and send me a direct message with your number and billing password. I want to look into your account and get this figured out for you.  I look forward to your response.
    Thanks, BobbyS_VZW
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

  • LEAVING VERIZON - Lack of Customer Service Knowledge and Waste of my time

    My son who has his own Verizon account for a year, and was a sub my account from when he was  15, went in on his account and some how was linked to our account.  He was moving and requested a change in service, which changed ours, not his  and it is a mess.  Our service was disconnected, we were given a new phone number and our old number( for 17 years) has been disconnected, our bundle with Directv has been disconnected and I paid through Verizon and now Directv says I am past due!  I call about 6 times, now help just a run around.  I have wasted so much of my time and it has been an inconvience to me and our son son as he had to come out 2 times for a installer to connect his internet and wait for over 2 weeks to get it porcessed.  I am done and over Verizon.  Customer service you call, can't help and only redirect me to other depts.  

    Your issue has been escalated to a Verizon agent. Before the agent can begin assisting you, they will need to collect further information from you.
    Please go to your profile page for the forum, and look in the middle, right at the top where you will find an area titled "My Support Cases". You can reach your profile page by clicking on your name beside your post, or at the top left of this page underneath the title of the board.
    Under “My Support Cases” you will find a link to the private board where you and the agent may exchange information. This should be checked on a frequent basis as the agent may be waiting for information from you before they can proceed with any actions.
    To ensure you know when they have responded to you, at the top of your support case there is a drop down menu for support case options. Open that and choose "subscribe".
    Please keep all correspondence regarding your issue in the private support portal.

  • About to leave Verizon over this phone

    This is by far the worst phone I have ever owned, and only made worse by the fact that Verizon won't do a thing about it. When my original device started having problems, I brought it into the store, and they send out for a "Certified Like New Replacement" i.e. someone else's phone that had been returned for the same issues.
    But, I gave them the benefit of the doubt, thinking that maybe I just got a bad device. Wrong. I've had this phone for about a week and it has all the same problems as the original and more. It is freezing up, shutting down, not receiving calls, not syncing my Gmail, multiplying my contacts, and the dictionary doesn't respond to simple words like "I'm." This time around, I called Verizon, thinking that maybe something could be done. I had some hope, as two people told me they would see what they could do to get me  a new model. Then I was transferred to technical support, where the woman told me that it might be my Gmail account messing up the phone and that I should create a new account to use as the primary on my phone. I could still use my existing address, just not have it as the primary account. Are you kidding me??? She said that I would not be getting into a different device, so she's sending me the same exact phone. Again. This angers me even more since when I upgraded, I went in looking to get an iPhone and the sales guy talked me into the Revolution. Last time I'll listen to their opinion again.
    This is getting to be ridiculous. I use this phone for my personal life, my job, and for planning my upcoming wedding. I simply can't, like everyone else out there, have a phone that doesn't work. Unfortunately, Verizon seems to care more about advertizing to potential new customers than retaining the ones who have been loyal to them since day one. With so many examples of phenomenal customer service out there, it really sucks to see that Verizon really just doesn't care about the products they are providing or the people that they are selling them to.
    If you're listening, Verizon, do you care to prove me wrong? I would love to come back on here, with my foot in my mouth, if you actually listen and do something about this. THAT would be customer service, and a company that actually has some integrity. Otherwise, this customer will definitely be looking into other options as soon as my current contract is up. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

    i am right there with you, my wife bought a 3g iphone the same day i bought a 4 revolution, she has had 0 problems with the iphone in 11 months, i have had 3 replacements, and they have all had the same problems. i am a sales person for a major retailer, if i treated my customers the way verizon has tossed me around i would never make a dime.

  • Difficult to develop WP7 Apps without a phone and I don't want to leave Verizon

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    chinch wrote:
    if you're legit send an inquiry to Brandon Watson about developer device or discount to buy a developer device. Once you have an at&t device you migth even want to change and open opportunities for more devices on a better timeline
    I actually sent Brandon Watson several emails and tweets, as well as replying to one of his blog entries, and never got a response.  I had heard good things about him, but he didn't seem to see me as worthy of responding to.

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