Sort LR vs sort Bridge

In Bridge, when you hit sort by file type or extension it would divide the folder into the raws and jpgs or whatever.  I accidently saved my jpgs into the the same file as ther raws and i want to move them to a new file but when I sort by extension or file type, nothing happens. The jpgs still just appear right after the raws in the viewer and the only way I can see to seperate them is to go thru one by one clicking on them!  There has to be a better way!

You can use the Metadata filter to filter on file type. The following screenshot shows an example.
As you can see, the filter panel appear at the top of the Grid. If you don't see it you can switch it On by hitting the backslash key "\"

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    Re:  Sort is not in proper order
    Sounds as if the data includes spaces or hidden characters that are affecting the sort.
    That is indicated by the fact that manually entering the data resolves the problem.
    Note:  You can use a public file storage website to hold your file and add the link to it in your post.
    Jim Cone
    Portland, Oregon USA
    Special Sort excel add-in (30+ ways to sort) - 3 week no obligation trial

  • How do I open a text file to sort using bubble sort?

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    how do you open a text file and read a list? I have the bubble sort code which sorts.. thanks

    I wrote this, but am getting a couple errors:
    import java.util.*;
    public class sort
         public static void main(String[] args)
              String fileName = "numsRandom1024.txt";
              Scanner fromFile = null;
              int index = 0;
              double[] a = new double[1024];Don't use double. You should use something that implements Comparable, like java.lang.Double.
                   fromFile = new Scanner(new File(fileName));
              catch (FileNotFoundException e)
    System.out.println("Error opening the file " +
    " + fileName);
              while (fromFile.hasNextLine())
                   String line = fromFile.nextLine();
                   a[index] = Double.parseDouble(line);Don't parse to a double, create a java.lang.Double instead.
              bubbleSort( a, 0, a.length-1 );No. Don't use a.length-1: from index to a.length-1 all values will be null (if you use Double's). Call it like this:bubbleSort(a, 0, index);
    public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> void
    d bubbleSort( T[] a, int first, int last )
              for(int counter = 0 ; counter < 1024 ; counter++)
    for(int counter2 = 1 ; counter2 < (1024-counter) ;
    ) ; counter2++)Don't let those counter loop to 1024. The max should be last .
                        if(a[counter2-1] > a[counter2])No. Use the compareTo(...) method:if(a[counter2-1].compareTo(a[counter2]) > 0) {
                             double temp = a[counter2];No, your array contains Comparable's of type T, use that type then:T temp = a[counter2];
    // ...Good luck.

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    Can anybody tell me what types of sort performed by sort method of Array class?

    I'm pretty sure that in eariler versions (1.2, 1.3
    maybe?) List.sort's docs said it used quicksort. Or I
    might be on crack.You are actually both correct, and wrong :)
    From the documentation of the sort methods hasn't changed in 1.2 -> 1.4 (as far as I can notice), and the documentation for sort(Object[]) says (taken from JDK 1.2 docs):
    "This sort is guaranteed to be stable: equal elements will not be reordered as a result of the sort.
    The sorting algorithm is a modified mergesort (in which the merge is omitted if the highest element in the low sublist is less than the lowest element in the high sublist). This algorithm offers guaranteed n*log(n) performance, and can approach linear performance on nearly sorted lists."
    So, how could you be correct? The documentation for e.g. sort(int[]) (and all other primities) says:
    "Sorts the specified array of ints into ascending numerical order. The sorting algorithm is a tuned quicksort, adapted from Jon L. Bentley and M. Douglas McIlroy's "Engineering a Sort Function", Software-Practice and Experience, Vol. 23(11) P. 1249-1265 (November 1993). This algorithm offers n*log(n) performance on many data sets that cause other quicksorts to degrade to quadratic performance."
    Your memory serves you well :)

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    please any one can help me.

    Following code is to enable and disable the tbl control using two buttons. Just alter the code and for each button write the sort code.
    REPORT  YJAN27_SCREEN                                               .
    TYPES: BEGIN OF struct1,
          carrid like sflight-carrid,
          connid like sflight-connid,
          fldate like sflight-fldate,
           END OF struct1.
          CARRID LIKE SFLIGHT-CARRID,                                    "cols in tbl ctrl
          cols like line of TBL1-COLS,
          FLAG TYPE I.
    FLAG = 1.
    CALL SCREEN 2700.
    *&      Module  STATUS_2700  OUTPUT
    *       text
    *  SET TITLEBAR 'xxx'.
    ENDMODULE.                 " STATUS_2700  OUTPUT
    *&      Module  USER_COMMAND_2700  INPUT
    *       text
      WHEN 'BACK'.
      WHEN 'DIS'.                                                         "write code for sort up
        loop AT TBL1-COLS INTO COLS.
           COLS-SCREEN-INPUT = 0.
        FLAG = 2.
      WHEN 'ENA'.                                                       "write code for sort down
        loop AT TBL1-COLS INTO COLS.
            COLS-SCREEN-INPUT = 1.
        FLAG = 1.
    ENDMODULE.                 " USER_COMMAND_2700  INPUT
    *&      Module  GET_DATA  OUTPUT
    *       text
      select carrid connid fldate from SFLIGHT into table itab.
    ENDMODULE.                 " GET_DATA  OUTPUT
    *&      Module  POPULATE_TBL  OUTPUT
    *       text
    ENDMODULE.                 " POPULATE_TBL  OUTPUT
    *&      Module  CHANGE_SCREEN  OUTPUT
    *       text
    MODULE CHANGE_SCREEN OUTPUT.    " use this module if you want to hide the other button
      WHEN 1.
          IF SCREEN-NAME = 'B_ENA'.
            SCREEN-INVISIBLE = 1.
             MODIFY SCREEN.
          IF SCREEN-NAME = 'B_DIS'.
            SCREEN-INVISIBLE = 0.
             MODIFY SCREEN.
      WHEN 2.
          IF SCREEN-NAME = 'B_DIS'.
            SCREEN-INVISIBLE = 1.
            MODIFY SCREEN.
          IF SCREEN-NAME = 'B_ENA'.
            SCREEN-INVISIBLE = 0.
             MODIFY SCREEN.
    ENDMODULE.                 " CHANGE_SCREEN  OUTPUT
    MODULE CHANGE_SCREEN.     " use this if you want to display one button at a time
    loop at itab WITH control TBL1.
        MODULE POPULATE_TBL.       " populate tbl ctrl
    MODULE USER_COMMAND_2700.    " do the sort operations
    loop at itab.
    Hope this helps

  • Where, on the add ons page can I sort for Manual Sort Folder thst you speak of in your answer about positioning of a new address?

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    *[ Manually sort folders]
    *[[Add-Ons and Extensions FAQ]]

  • Bridge Sort Order - Secondary Sort Key

    Noticed an anamoly to sort order when rating images.
    I have sort order set to Ascending by date. Everything starts off fine - all images in the correct order. When I start labeling the images (using numbers 6, 7, 8, 9) the sort order starts changing.
    I have several images with the same exact date/time (e.g., 8/22/08 10:15:13) - my camera shoots 6 frames per second.
    I start labeling "three" images with the same date/time - as I do, the image I label goes to the "end" of the "three" that have the same date/time stamp. So, now an image I just labeled is moved in the order and I end up labeling it again - which based on how bridge works actually undoes the label - label does a toggle.
    Then I hit the next image and rate it - same thing. appears to be sorting on a secondary key when the date/time are the same for multiple images.
    Is there a way to stop the secondary sort key affect. It really screws up the labeling flow.
    Image order:
    Label Image01 as a "6" - order changes to:
    So now image01 is back in the labeling flow...

    To further explain this issue:
    Original file order:
    I look at each file then star File # 1. Instantly, the files rearrange to:
    So I back track and start the sequence over (so that I can see files 2 and 3). So I decide I also like file # 2. The order rearranges again into:
    2 or something like that
    By now, I'm all mixed up as to what order the event actually happened. The more I star, the more the files rearrange. When I go back to see the rearranged files, they rearrange again. It's all very frustrating when I'm trying to edit a wedding and tell the story. It's imperative that I see all different camera files in order.

  • Sorting by Stars in Bridge CS6

    At some point, my previous version, CS4, stopped sorting based on stars or labels. While I could star or label, clicking on Sort didn't do anything -- it remained in the view where everything was shown.
    Unfortunately, this has continued over into CS6 Beta and now the CS6 release. I thought I had a glitch in CS4 that would be fixed in CS6, but apparently some sort or setting was carried over from CS4.
    The trouble is that I can't find what or where that setting is. Can someone please point me in the right direction to reset Bridge so that it will sort based on stars or labels?

    Sound like you have changed your labeling system to make it unreadable.
    Can you give more specifics? 
    What OS?
    Did you change the defalult defination of labels and stars?
    In you filter panel do you see number of images for Labels and Stars?  Such as    ***      6.
    If you click on entry for ***  (if you have stars) what does it do?

  • Help needed in Sorting Columns (date sorts alphabetically)

    Hi All,
    I have a report query as follows:
    select to_date(period,'MON-YYYY') start_date
    from test;
    I need to display the report in the same order as select statement (start_date,exp_type,id etc). I have given default sort order in report attributes and user enabled sort on all columns. The report attributes look as shown below:
    column_name / sort / sort_seq
    start_date / yes / 3
    exp_type / yes / 1
    id / yes / -
    acct_ref / yes / -
    dept_ref / yes / 2
    item_date / yes / 4
    Now my problem is that the start date sorts alphabetically (as varchar) instead of chronologically (date wise). How can I resolve this?
    If I change my default sort order so that start_date is sorted 1st, it works perfectly fine. Is there any restriction for APEX sort that says the column displayed needs to be sorted in the same order? How do I overcome it? Or is it possible to overcome it?
    Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    Thanks. But no I cannot change it to date, as there are many applications using it for displaying the period. But I found an equivalent date column for that period and tried using that. It was not working.
    I did further analysis and found that even to_char(period) works fine. The problem was something else. In my region query the select statement was
    select exp_type
    from test.
    I then had in region attributes used the arrows to change order of display, so that period appears first. That was the culprit. When I change my region query, to match the order in region attributes the date column as well as to_date(period) both work fine.
    I never knew that the order of select statement and that in region attributes should match each other!!! And hence when posting I did not give importance to the order of my select list. Sorry for that.
    The mystery is how was it working when i changed the sort order to say "period" 1st and then exp_type (2nd)
    Thanks everyone for you help.

  • How to call a C sort function to sort a Java Array.

    My name is David, I'm interning this summer doing some High Performance Computing work. I'm significantly out of my comfort zone here; I am primarily a network/network security geek, not a programming guy. I took one Java based class called problem solving with programming where we wrote like 3 programs in Java and did everything else in pseudocode and using a program called Alice to do things graphically. Learned basically no actual programming syntax. Also have done some self-taught perl, but only through one book and I didn't finish it, I only got about half way through it. So my expertise in programming are pretty much null.
    That being said, I currently am tasked with having to figure out how to make JNI work... specifically at this time I am tasked with writing an array in Java, and designing a C program that can be called by means of JNI to sort the array. I have chosen to work with the Merge Sort algorithm. My method of coding is not one where I write the entire thing from scratch, I don't particularly have a need to master languages at this point, rather I just need to make them work. I am interested in learning, but time is of the essence for me right now. So thus far what I have done is take sample codes and tweak them to meet my purpose. However, I currently am unable to make things work. So I am asking for help.
    I am going to paste 3 codes here, the first one will be my basic self-written instructions for JNI (Hello World Instructions), the second one will be my Java Array, and the third one will be my MergeSort function. I am not asking for you to DO my work for me by telling me how to manipulate my code, but rather I am asking for you to send me in the direction of resources that will be of some aid to me. Links, books (preferrably e-books so I don't have to go to a library), anything that you can send my direction that may help will be deeply appreciated. Thanks so much!
    JNI Instructions:
    /*The process for calling a C function in Java is as follows:
    1)Write the Java Program name. Eg.
    2)Compile it: javac
    3)Create a header file: javah -jni HelloWorld
    4)Create a C program eg.
    5)Compile the C program creating a shared library eg. (My specifc command is cc -m32 -I/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_05/include -I/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_05/include/linux -shared -o -fPIC HelloWorld.c
    6) Copy the library to the java.library.path, or LD_LIBRARY_PATH (in my case I have set it to /usr/local/lib.
    7)Run ldconfig (/sbin/ldconfig)
    8)Run the java program: java HelloWorld. */
    //Writing the code:
    //For the HelloWorld program:
    //In java:
    //You need to name a class:
    class HelloWorld {
    //You then need to declare a native method:
    public native void displayHelloWorld();
    //You now need a static initializer:
    static {
    //Load the library:
    /*Main function to call the native method (call the C code)*/
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    new HelloWorld().displayHelloWorld();
    //In C:
    #include <jni.h> //JNI header
    #include "HelloWorld.h" //Header created by the javah -jni command parameter
    #include <stdio.h> //Standard input/output header for C.
    //Now we must use a portion of the code provided by the JNI header.
    Java_HelloWorld_displayHelloWorld(JNIENV *env, jobject obj)
    //Naming convention: Java_JavaProgramName_displayCProgramName
        printf("Hello World!\n");
    }Java Array:
    class JavaArray {
         private native int MergeSort(int[] arr);
         public static void main(String[] args)
             int arr[] = {7, 8, 6, 3, 1, 19, 20, 13, 27, 4};
    }Hacked and pieced together crappy C Merge Sort code:
    #include <jni.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include "JavaArray.h"
    Java_JavaArray_MergeSort(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jintArray arr[],jint low,jint mid,jint high)
       jint i,j,k,l,b[10];
    void partition(jint arr[],jint low,jint high)
    jint mid;

    You're doing OK so far up to here:
    Java_JavaArray_MergeSort(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jintArray arr[],jint low,jint mid,jint high)This is not correct. It is not what was generated by javah. It would have generated this:
    Java_JavaArray_MergeSort(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jintArray arr,jint low,jint mid,jint high)A 'jintArray' is already an array, embedded in an object. You don't have an array of them.
    So you need to restore that, and the header file, the way 'javah' generated them, then adjust your code to call GetIntArrayElements() to get the elements out of 'arr' into a local int[] array, sort that, and then call ReleaseIntArrayElements() to put them back.

  • Sort Order: Natural = Sort by  ;-(

    CR Xi
    SQL 2005
    Under Record Sort Expert I have three (3) groups and a calculated field that is TRIM({Table2.CharacterBasedField}).
    1) When I only have the three (3) groups the sorting apparently is in natural order
    2) When I add the TRIM({Table2.CharacterBasedField}) under the third group and select sort in ascending order I still get the apparent natural order.
    Group 1 is the name of the person (displayed, name of person as a result of the Person'sID (Group 2))
    Group 2 is the Person'sID (Hidden, internally SQL maintained ID)
    Group 3 is the Table1.KeyID (Hidden, internally SQL maintained ID)
    Table 1 and Table 2 are linked via a Left Outer Join.
    What do I need to do to have the sorting done by the calculated (only TRIMmed) CharacterBasedField?
    I'd like for the output to be sorted by name of the person and then their respect CharacterBasedField (like an order #, job # etc.) but the report won't even sort by CharacterBasedField.
    Any ideas?

    Groups take precedence over sorts. if you want CharacterBasedField to be next sort after Person then you will need to add it as group2.
    If you want to see report in PersonID order, make that group one and instead of showing ID, show person name by simply adding the name field to group1 header or use the customise group name option in the change group dialog.

  • Sort sequence and sort rules

    Hello friends,
    In batch determination at delivery level
    In strategy type SD01, if I don't maintain sort sequence
    can sytem automatically determines the batch at delivery level?
    Please clarify my doubt.
    Sekhar_sd consultant.

    Hi Harrison,
    Noted. Thanks.
    Best practice to achieve optimal performance also states that in all the look up tables (includes Qualified), sort index for DF must be set to Normal.
    Ref:SAP Note 1258982 ; Read 'Please Note' which states the above .
    Please put your thoughts on this.

  • Unable to insert program lines in event sort begin and sort end

    Hello friends,
    I am developing a smartform where in I have to print subtotal for every currencies. So I am unsing the sort criteria option and giving the WAERS in 'Data' tab of the Table . And I select 'Event on Sort Begin' which creates a node in the tree under the table. And I need to clear the total variable in this event so that for every new currency, the total is reset. But I am unable to create a program lines here. When I right click and under  flow logic, only Loop and Command options are available. I am using ECC 6.0 . Kindly help me in achieving the solution.
    Thanks & regards,

    Hi Sripaleshwar,
    I tried that.. I am able to create a program lines when I right click on the table. But it always gets placed outside the table node. When I try to drag it also to under the sort begin event node, it says 'Unable to insert program lines at the selected position'. Basically for my logic to work , it has to execute this program lines when the sort begin event occurs.

  • Sort on 2 Sorting Table in same form

    i hv a doubt in sortingtable for Sun IdM. I hv 2 sortingtable in a form.I hv set the sortURLParams as based on id.When i sort one table, the other table is also getting sorted.
    Please let me know how to overcome this problem.

    If by "100 instead of 1" you mean the column numbers, then this won't work as you can only have a maximum of 50.

Maybe you are looking for

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