Soundtrack Pro & Exporting

Hi all,
I have a small problem that is driving me nuts. I always manage to open an audio file in Soundtrack Pro and after spending time tweaking effects settings, I find that I can't export. This is because I didn't bring the file into the Soundtrack Pro project. I then have to redo all my effects and settings.
Is there a way to export from the sample editor?
PS - Save As option does not embed the effects.

When you're editing a single wav file, you don't use Export, just use Save As instead.

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    Final Cut Pro has an OMF export function: File > Export > Audio to OMF.
    There is also: File > Export > For Soundtrack
    and: File > Send To > Soundtrack Pro Multitrack Project.

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    You'd need-

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    hey there MHASH,
    sounds like you're using Soundtrack Pro. this is the Soundtrack Discussion. you should post your question in the Soundtrack Pro discussion.
    good luck.

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    Message was edited by: Marc Buhmann

    Reports of this strange file disappearing behavior surface every few months and almost always involve having both apps (STP and FCP) open at the same time. Speculation has been that somewhere in the round trip, FCP gets confused and believes the original files are renders and are deleted. And when FCP deletes something, it is gone.
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    This is a pain for certain. The other way is make sure you always have a set of the media stored offline (which you would anyway with P2 sourced files) and simply do an offline/online reconnect when the files go missing.
    Good luck.

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    Try mixing down the audio first. Sequence/Render Only/Audio mixdown.
    You could even try exporting the audio with the Export QT movie command using "current settings" and reimport that file, Add that mixed down file to a copy of the sequence. If it syncs in FCP I'd think it will sync on export too.

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    Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    I know the problem you mean - the plugin settings are lost when exporting. I think this is a separate issue that has been fixed. An example of the problem would be when adding a fade to a sound, and then exporting. The fade portion of the sound would export as silence, but the rest of the sound would export fine. Very bizarre, and if no-one else is experiencing it, possibly it is to do with my machine. Unfortunately it makes the software unusable for me. My colleague, who is running the same setup as me, has exactly the same problem.
    The main thing I like about Soundtrack is the ability to add effects non-destructively to each sound, and then go back and edit each effect later on. Also, the video display is good- showing you the video at the beginning and end of a sound when moving it, plus also where your mouse pointer is clicked. It has the potential to be a very good program.
    Pro Tools HD is very good but very expensive. I know some people who don't like it, so I think its down to personal preference. It is used in every professional studio I have worked in, making it good for compatibility. You also won't find nasty bugs like the one i've described in Soundtrack - they've been developing the software for a long time. Personally, I find Pro Tools very quick to work with and very stable. Also, I would recommend Pro Tools LE if you're not going to be restricted by 48 tracks and lack of surround mixing.

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    Welcome To  Discussions justjewell!
    As a Host has relocated your Topic to a more appropriate Forum, it is not necessary for you to repost elsewhere, at this time.
    But for future reference, please review the first entry How To Post A New Topic, on Feedback About Discussions.
    That is the Forum where you erroneously posted your issue.
    ali b

  • Is there a way to export an Avid OMF to Soundtrack Pro?

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    Many thanks

    you would mostly likely need to get something like ADproimport FCP to take the OMF into FCP then use FCP to send that to STP

  • Can I export my Soundtrack Pro audio files, including the video?

    I'm new to soundtrack pro 2, could I export my audio files including the video?
    I tried, but all i get was audio...

    Export -> Master Mix - choose the File Type -> *Using Compressor*, this will give you options for re-encoding or preserving the video file.

  • Urgent: Can't export to SoundTrack Pro

    This is really driving me crazy. Until 2 days ago, FCP and Soundtrack Pro were working together seamlessly.
    Now, when I go to "Send" a sequence to Soundtrack, everything seems to be going fine, the progress bar is cranking, but when it hits 100% it tells me there was an error exporting to SoundtrackPro. The error window doesn't give any details.
    This happens EVERY time. Whether I am exporting an Audio File Project or a MultiTrack Project.
    Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks!

    I was wondering; did you ever solve your problem ? By trashing FCP preference and cash files for instance. Perhaps your problems started to occur after an automatic software update and you can relate it to that moment ? (You're on 10.4.4 right ?)
    10.4.4 and the latest software updates have caused me nothing but problems and stange behaviour so far and believe me, I'm know a "little bit" about Apple software and solving problems. I think we might have to wait 'till 10.4.5. + Pro Application support 3.2 to get everything and running again
    Nevertheless, I hope you've already got your SoundTrack up-and-running again, Cheers JFP

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