Spark List Itemrenderer items outside of List

I have a spark list and i want some of the items in it to appear out side of the list depending on the users interaction.
Is there a way to make items of an item renderer appear outsid of the LIst container?
When i use basic layout on the lsit and explicitly set the x and y, they appear behind the list.

Hi jmandawg,
My ListRenderer.mxml may be what you want as follows,
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
xmlns:fx="" xmlns:s="
library://" xmlns:mx="
library://" hide="mOut(
null)" mouseMove="mOut(event)" mouseOut="mOutValueItem(event)"mouseDownOutside="mOut(event)" creationComplete="inited()"
import mx.controls.TextInput; 
import mx.managers.PopUpManager; 
import mx.utils.StringUtil; 
import flash.text.TextLineMetrics; 
public var mouseOnPopup:Boolean = false;  
public var vi:mx.controls.TextInput; 
private function inited():void {vi =
new mx.controls.TextInput();vi.editable=
false;vi.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mOut);
vi.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, mOut);
vi.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mOverPopup);
private function mOut(event:MouseEvent):void { 
if ( vi.isPopUp ) {PopUpManager.removePopUp(vi)
mouseOnPopup =
private function mOverPopup(event:MouseEvent):void {mouseOnPopup =
private function mOutValueItem(event:MouseEvent):void { 
if ( vi.isPopUp && !mouseOnPopup) {PopUpManager.removePopUp(vi)
private function mOver(event:MouseEvent):void { 
var txt:String = itemValue.texttxt = StringUtil.trim(txt);
if(txt.length<5) return; 
if(!vi.isPopUp) {PopUpManager.addPopUp(vi,
var txtMetrics:TextLineMetrics = vi.measureText(vi.text);vi.width=txtMetrics.width*1.2
var p:Point = itemValue.localToGlobal(new Point(itemValue.x, itemValue.y));vi.x=p.x;
<s:TextInput id="itemValue" text="{data.value}" width="200" mouseOver="mOver(event)" mouseOut="mOutValueItem(event)" mouseMove="mOut(event)" editable="false"/> 
You may test it with the following in your main.mxml
private var detailAC:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([{value:"nteDevice.device"},{value:
"nteDevice.loopbackIpAddrnteDevice.loopbackIpAddr"}, {value:
 <s:List id="lst" itemRenderer="com.att.ntscp.view.component.ListRenderer" dataProvider="{detailAC}" width="200" height="200"/>
Is it a little bit trick?

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    myPhrase is the loop index, but instead of a numerical index
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    Custom itemRenderer:
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    Try: dataGroup.getElementAt(). 
    Alex Harui
    Flex SDK Developer
    Adobe Systems Inc.

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         //some ADITIONAL MXML labels, checkboxes, etc
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    Thank you.
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    Yes i suspected them to be merged, and you gave me a great idea. As you say this behavior is true across all mxml defined components, not just itemrenderers. I want to avoid actionscript renderers because i dont (and wont) have any performance issues anyway and i like flexibility in design view, so instead i found another solution which i slightly modified. Some spark components inherit property mxmlContent, which you can override. This is what i came up with in the end: I added the property override into specific renderer and everything is shown as expected (because base elements are merged with the ones from extended component).
    override public function set mxmlContent(value:Array):void {
                                            var adding:Boolean = true;
                                            var index:int = 0;
                                            while (adding) {
        var element:IVisualElement = null;
        try {          element = super.getElementAt(index); } catch(e:Error) {          }
        if ( element != null )  {
           index += 1;
          adding = false;
                                            super.mxmlContent = value;

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    the easiest way would be with itemRenderer.
    You have to do two things:
    1. In your list declaration use a item renderer: <mx:List itemRenderer="myRenderer"/>
    2. create a flex component myRenderer that will be the single item. This can be a canvas with a background image and a text field on it.
    When you add a new item to the list, a new myRenderer item will be created and the data property will be passed to it. So you have to put "data" in your textField.
    If you need more help try looking at Tour de Flex samples, they're pretty easy.

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    Trick here is not to specify any height for the renderer so that Flex will determine the height according to the content. Also set the variableRowHeight="true"
    Here is a simple example
    <mx:ArrayCollection id="dp">
                <mx:Object label="some very long text"/>
                <mx:Object label="some very loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong text"/>
                <mx:Object label="some very loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong text"/>
                <mx:Object label="some very looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong text"/>
                <mx:Object label="some very long text"/>
        <mx:List dataProvider="{dp}" variableRowHeight="true">
                    <mx:Canvas width="100%">
                        <mx:Text width="100%" text="{data.label}"/>

  • A 2-sided track's Thumb, with a list of items in center, forces the tumb to jump on selected item

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    Check the image for a clearer explanation:
    In the Code of the Skin of List:
    <s:VScrollBar fixedThumbSize="true" skinClass="components.VerticalScrollbar1" x="0" y="0" viewport="{dataGroup}"/>
    And the Skin VerticalScrollBar1:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Skin xmlns:s="library://" xmlns:fx="" xmlns:d="">
    <s:State name="normal"/>
    <s:State name="disabled"/>
    <s:State name="inactive"/>
    <s:Button skinClass="components.Track1" x="7" y="0" id="track"/>
    <s:Button skinClass="components.Thumb1" x="0" y="104" id="thumb"/></s:Skin>
    and the Thumb1:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Skin xmlns:s="library://"     xmlns:fx=""     xmlns:d="" xmlns:graphics="*">
    <s:State name="up"/>
    <s:State name="over"/>
    <s:State name="down"/>
    <s:State name="disabled"/>
    <graphics:Graphic2 x="0" y="0" d:userLabel="ThumbLeft"/>
    <graphics:Graphic1 x="146" y="0" d:userLabel="ThumbRight"/>
    Notice that there are two thumbs, and an empty area in the middle, in the hope that it would ignore the mouse of that area where the items are located.

    Here's a sample script that first defines a list of items in an array and uses it to update a number of dropdowns, name dd1...dd10:
    // Populate an array with the list items
    var aItems = ["-- Select a state --", "Alaska", "Hawaii", "Washington", "Oregon", "Idaho", "Montana", "Wyoming", "Nevada", "Colorado", "Arizona", "New Mexico"];
    // Loop through the dropdowns...
    for (var i = 1; i < 11; i += 1) {
        // ...and set the list items
        getField("dd" + i).setItems(aItems);
    That's all there is to it. This can be run from the Mouse Up event of a temporary button that you create, the interactive JavaScript console (Ctrl+J), etc.
    More info on setItems:

  • Problem with space between rendered items in a list component

        Thanks again for taking your time to read my newbie posts. I found (and prove) over the internet that I can set some space between rendered items of a list based component using paddingTop and padding Bottom (vertical space), so I asume that I can do the same thing with paddingLeft and paddingRight. But as a matter of fact, it didn't work, why? that's what I would like to know, and how can I solve this. I would really apreciate if you help me do this.
    Thanks again
    Sebastián Toro O.

    Yeah, it is inconsistent.  The renderer has to implement paddingLeft/Right.
    It was done this way for performance reasons.  The Spark List in Flex 4 is
    more consistent.

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    I want to have a list with line breaks if the width of the
    items is higher then the width of the list.
    I wrote my custon ItemRender but if i set the no height to
    the mx:Text there would be only first line tdisplayed on the list
    My List looks like this
    <mx:List id="level1" dataProvider="{level1List}"
    width="100%" height="100%"
    <mx:VBox height="100%">
    <mx:Text width="100%" height="40" text="{data.desc}"/>
    The problem is that know all items have a height to fit an
    item with two lines. I want only have this if the width of an item
    is higher than the width of the list.

    try setting minHeight of the RTE to 0

  • How to influence APEX 4.0 autocomplete text item drop down list's colors?

    Could some body please point me to the template that I have to modify?
    I am using theme 15 and the text item with auto complete has a very different color schema, that I would like to modify, so that it would harmonize with Theme 15 colors. It's just that I can not seem to find the template to modify. TIA.

    There's no template for the autocomplete item. It's appearance is controlled entirely using CSS. Theme 15 does not include themed styling for autocomplete items: it falls back to a generic scheme specified in the <tt>apex_4_0.css</tt> style sheet:
    .ac_results {
      padding: 0;
      border: 1px solid black;
      background-color: white;
      overflow: hidden;
      z-index: 99999;
    .ac_results ul {
      width: 100%;
      list-style-position: outside;
      list-style: none;
      padding: 0;
      margin: 0;
    .ac_results li {
      margin: 0;
      padding: 2px 5px;
      cursor: default;
      display: block;
      font: menu;
      font-size: 12px;
      line-height: 16px;
      overflow: hidden;
    .ac_results li {
      margin: 0;
      padding: 2px 5px;
      cursor: default;
      display: block;
      font: menu;
      font-size: 12px;
      line-height: 16px;
      overflow: hidden;
    .ac_loading {
      background: white url('indicator.gif') right center no-repeat;
    .ac_odd {
      background-color: #eee;
    .ac_over {
      background-color: #0A246A;
      color: white;
    }The best approach would be to use a web inspector tool to identify what each of these rules does in the context of using the autocomplete item and create your own theme-15-friendly style sheet to override this subset of <tt>apex_4_0.css</tt>.

  • How Can i display a checkbox with list of items

    Hi All,
            How can i include a check box beside the list of items in a combo box/list box
    Here is the requirement which i need to display
    i need to do above requirement. i have to display the check boxes  beside the each item.
    i can show the list of items but unable to show the check boxes.
    Can any one help me regarding this.
    Thanks in advance

    Hope this can help u
    <mx:ComboBox id="cmbtheme" labelField="id" width="30" dropdownWidth="100">
        <mx:HBox horizontalGap="0">
         <mx:CheckBox id="{data.Nid}" label="{data.label}"/>     
    Kapil Arora

  • List ItemRenderer access multiple data

    I have a list component with a itemRenderer. The renderer has two label compoenents. Imagine the data provider has 4 objects like a,b,c,d.
    I want to display the data in the label components like this 'a' in the first label component and 'b' in the second label component.
    Means, I want to access the next data item in each iteration in the itemRenderer.
    Any help will be appriciated.

    This trick is creating a second, empty, ArrayCollection which is databound to the drop-enabled list.  When you want to do anything to the items in that list, you simply work with that 2nd ArrayCollection.  Heres some code:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx=""   xmlns:ns1="*">
    import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
    private var ac:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
    {restaurant: 'Restaurant 1'},
    {restaurant: 'Restaurant 2'},
    {restaurant: 'Restaurant 3'},
    {restaurant: 'Restaurant 4'}
    private var ac2:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
    private function removeSelected():void{
    <mx:DataGrid dataProvider="{ac}" dragEnabled="true">
            <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Restaurant" dataField="restaurant"/>
    <mx:DataGrid id="chosenList" dataProvider="{ac2}" dropEnabled="true">
            <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Restaurant" dataField="restaurant"/>
    <mx:Button label="Remove Selected" click="removeSelected()"/>
    Hope this helps.

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