Stag: the Simple, functional and fast ncurses music TAGger

so stag is a C curses based mp3/ogg/flac tagging application. I developed it because I was sick of the awful easytag.
- Support for MP3, OGG, and FLAC files
- Support for simultaneous multiple file editing
- Regex file selection
- Very low memory footprint (~2MB unless editing many files)
- Uses the very fast Taglib library
- Intuitive curses interface
- Released into the public domain
- ncurses (probably included with your distribution)
- taglib (sometimes called libtag)
Online man page:
The usage is:
stag [directory ...]
Last edited by sturm (2013-08-07 22:30:40)

It has been available in the AUR for a while:
Last edited by karol (2013-08-08 12:37:22)

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    Message Received: May 04 2015, 04:52 PM
    From: "dj_paige" <[email protected]>
    To: "Carlo Bragagnolo" <[email protected]>
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    Step by step:
    1. On your main vi Front Panel, create your boolean indicator.
    2. On the block diagram, right click the new boolean indicator and select Create - Reference.
    3. On sub-vi front panel, create boolean indicator (or use one that is already created).
    4. On sub-vi front panel, create a reference (Controls Palette - Refnum - Control Refnum).
    5. Right click on the newly created Refnum and select Select Vi Server Class - Generic - GObject - Control - Boolean. The refnum label changes to BoolRefnum.
    6. On sub-vi block diagram, create Property Node (Functions - Application Control - Property Node). Find the BoolRefnum and move it close to the new Property Node.
    7. Wire the BoolRefnum to the reference input of the property node.
    Right click on the property node and select Change to All Write.
    9. Move mouse to point to Visible inside property node box, left click and select Value.
    10. Wire the boolean indicator from step 3 to the Value input of the property node.
    11. On sub-vi front panel, right click on icon and select Show Connector.
    12. Click on empty connector spot then click on the new BoolRefnum. Save your sub-vi.
    13. On main vi block diagram, connect refernece created in step 2 to the new connector terminal of sub-vi.
    14. Save and run.
    Here are the modified vi's.
    - tbob
    Inventor of the WORM Global
    Attachments: ‏20 KB ‏83 KB

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    Can anyone advice, in configuration of system automatic propose the OK function at the time of goods receipt with reference to PO number by migo_gr and using mvt type u2013 105 & User will not be authorized to remove the tick from ok function.
    Thanks in advance.
    Madhukar Mittal
    SAP-MM Consultant

    Hi Antony/ other SAP friends,
    Ok function is made default,  basic administrator has done setting that anyuser cann't remove default tick of ok function but my requirement is that even user cann't change ok function i.e unticked ok function at item level also at the time of migo_gr.
    This is due to BOM explode at the time of goods receipt and user take header material from subcontractor and if child component stock is not available, he removes the child consumption ok function tick and inward header material due to that stock MBLB report and ancillary stock reconciliation problem are facing.
    Can anyone advice in this matter.
    Madhukar Mittal

  • Is it possible to hide the save function and only use the save as function in teststand

    When i'm done building a sequence i want to prevent other engineers to save the sequence with the same filename (or version number).
    Is it somehow possible to "hide" the save button and only use the save as function?
    Or is there another possiblity to solve my problem.
    The idea is to have a sequence called Sequence_V1.0.seq which i have build. When installing this in a factory enviroment I would like whenever there is a change needed in the sequence that the version number increases (manual action) (becomes Sequence_V1.1.seq). So from the moment you want to save i would like to only have the function save as. In this way you are obligated to fill in a new sequence name (original sequence will be read-only)
    What would even be great if there could be a log of what the changes were

    1) You could mark the file as read-only, by default you would then not be able to save over it. The user could make it not read-only though if they know what they are doing.
    2) Another possibility is to lock the sequence file for editing (this is a teststand feature). Go to the Sequence File Property dialog, on the advanced tab, where it says Password Protection, set it to Not Editable and give it a good password. This doesn't however keep someone from saving another file to the same name as the locked one, but they at least won't be able to saved the locked file again without your password, nor will they be able to edit it.
    Hope this helps,

  • With the installation of IOS5 on ipfone4 ​​battery started to run out quickly. I in turn cut off the different functions, and attention when you disable geolocation battery was used as fuktsionirovat

    With the installation of IOS5 on ipfone4 ​​battery started to run out quickly. I in turn cut off thedifferent functions, and attention when you disable geolocation battery was used asfuktsionirovat

    When in Unix ( i guess u are using Oracle Application server installed in unix)
    the owner of the ias in unix is used to run this.
    Its usually oracle. try to login with oracle /the user who owns the ias and run the script
    Rajesh Alex

  • HT1766 I have bought an Iphone 5s weeks ago. Although I am very happy with the devcie, I must say the restoring process and accessing my music in itunes is driving me nuts. I have bought it weeks ago, since then the phone has been in constant restoring. H

    I am very frustrated. I decided to cancel the restoring process and I can't still access my music because is loading iTunes Match.... this has been going on now for weeks, where i ahve turned off the data mobile and stick to wifi.... Nothing seems to work. Any help mroe than appreciate it.

    You should ask your relative to physically take the iPhone to the store rather than shipping it because as diesel vdub has said:
    "No Apple store will accept an iPhone shipped to them"
    All you have to do is safely pack and ship your iPhone from the Philppines to your California-based relative.

  • I am using iOS 8.1 on the iPhone 6 and my music will not shuffle.  It will play one or two songs then go to the home screen and stop playing music.

    I updated my iPhone 6 to the latest iOS 8.1 and now my music will not shuffle.  It will play one or two songs but then shut off and return to the home screen.
    Anyone else having the same issue?

    Then back it up and do a restore.  If that does not work and if you are still under warranty, call Apple tech support or take the iPod to your local Apple Store or an AASP.
    iPod Tutorials
    iPod Manuals
    iTunes & iPod Hints & Tips

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