Steve Jobs quote

Can any Apple savvy users/historians point me to some direct quotes made by Steve Jobs regarding the usefulness or lack thereof for antivirus software on Apple computers, specifically the most recent operating system prior to his death? I have searched high and low and can't find anything.  Surely he has gone on record at some point in time as the subject of "Mac and antivirus software" has been a source for debate for many years.   Best wishes for 2014! 

I am assuming local preview works fine and that you are running into this issue only when uploading to an FTP Host.
In that case, please see:

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    so i want to do this in post but not the irritating way using keyframes because i need to do this fast every week.< </div>
    You could also build yourself a couple of sequences that work as templates for your effects. Then just replace the contents of the dummy or proxy layers with your new biblical advice.
    You don't a plugin, you just need experience. And patience. Video is almost as irritating as the preacher at my parish, a guy I only know by reputation.


    I'm not a developper, I'm not an English speaking guy (so sorry for my english) and this is an off topic message but I need to say something....
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    C. Llerandi

    *1. All Customers should be treated Equal.*
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    Dear Steve,
    My name is Leping, Ph.D. in Physics, working in the San Francisco Bay area as a senior medical imaging scientist. I am a long time and loyal Mac user and promoter -- actually I have not yet really needed to use a PC in my life (except for serious music ripping -- see below), and in the graduate school days our five+ million dollar NMR lab was run from a Mac.
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    However, I know a long time iTunes bug, that have never been addressed. Actually I posted it twice to the Apple web discussion forums, but was twice offered irrelevant answers, followed by the subject flagged as "Solved", and subsequently deleted.
    Please open the still sealed compact disc in this letter, which I got in a retailer just to show you the problem. The title, Deustsche Grammaphon (DG) B0003902, is "Lang Lang plays Rachmaninov Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No. 2 and Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini". It happens I am a Chinese American, but I want you to listen a bit into the disc not because I am a fan of Mr. Lang's playing -- as a matter of fact I actually not, but for the much more serious reason.
    Please rip the Rhapsody in iTunes, to any format (AAC, Apple Lossless (ALAC), WAV, MP3...) starting from track number 4. A few tracks after that point would be adequate -- these are very short (10-30 seconds) tracks that truly highlight the problem. Listen to the resulting music, and the original CD, you will immediately hear the big problem, start right at the end of track 4 and at the end of every of these short tracks -- fraction of the ending second(s) are harshly chopped off, brutally truncated, and uncover-ably lost.
    The same thing happens anywhere I use the Apple codecs, for example, converting the EAC (bit-wise correctly, as confirmed by its check-sum feature against the known sum database) ripped WAV files to ALAC or AAC, for instance, either on a Mac or a PC. The very same thing just happen, while there is no problem to any other non-Apple codecs (mainly to flavours of MP3 -- since Apple has the AAC and ALCA codec nobody bothered to write their own, I guess). So for our serious classical listeners, the iTunes and the Apple codecs are very problematic if not useless in many cases (operas immediately in my mind)!
    Please alse not that, over the time the same problem has always been reported here, there, and basically everywhere, but every time there are gurus made comments which does not solve the issue. The followings are some recent examples.
    I hope you, my much respected and praised Steve, realize, that, how could, and mostly unthinkable, after so many great years, there can be still such very basic and serious issue the iTunes codecs can not handle in the right way? Does the track length information get truncated somewhere (or floored to an integer)? Why it is so difficult to acknowledge such a basic issue, and to have it fixed in the next release?
    Thanks for your time and hope you enjoy the music.
    Look forward to hearing from you soon.
    Best regards,
    Leping Zha, Ph.D.
    San Mateo, California, U.S.A.

    Finally found the reason: in the track's option field for some reason the "stop time" flag is checked and the timing is always about a second earlier than the actual track length.
    Searched Doug's scripts and there is nothing to batch reset, or unflag the "stop time" tag. Anyone has a better idea rather than trying to deselect the tag track by track?
    Once the "stop time" is unset the converted tracks will play through without truncations at the end.

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    Very Sincerely,
    Janet Woodville

    You are not talking to Apple here. We are users like you who help each other with technical problems. If you would like to say something to Apple, click here.

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    I know that this is a new product and glitches will happen. But Apple created the hype and they should have been prepared.
    In the meantime, I will be charged an activation fee even though I cannot activate and I have wasted my weekend with Apple.
    I have a feeling this will become a bigger story on Monday when more stories get out to the press and Mr. Jobs returns from celebrating his "succesful" launch. This is a very frustrating experience and this will probably be my last Apple purchase (I own numerous Apple items).
    Good luck to everyone else.
    I h

    Sorry to hear about all your issues. I am about in the same boat. But, I think mines kinda worse..
    Got my phone last night, got the typical Your activation requires additional time. Spoke with an AT&T rep about 4pm this afternoon. He said he would push the activation and give it up to 2 hours more.. Great! 5 hours later and nothing. So I call the 877 number, option 3 to check activation status.... Your phone is activated and you should be able to use all features.. WHAT?! I look at my phone.. I still have a globe telling me to activate iphone, connect to iTunes.. Im 45 mins on hold waiting for a rep again and im more mad then it would have been if it said it was still processing! I understand glitches, and I expected a few issues, but nothing like this..
    And as i am typing i just got a customer service agent...
    They've done everything they can and i need to wait, since it hasn't been 24 hours yet.. ok, now *** is that?! Im just laughing at how absurd that call was. The customer service rep didn't even understand that i was still at the activate screen, she was asking if i had a dial tone? and if i could get into mail or ipod at the bottom.. oh my.. I really hope I dont have to call AT&T support again for my life with this phone, cause its not starting out good..
    Best to all.. lets hope this gets resolved soon!!

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    If the same audio book that I bought. on the iPad will be under the Music app > More > Audio Books.
    On iTunes on the computer it will be under Books > Audio Books.

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    Try one of these!
    "Google Search"

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    The video appears on the Apple web site at If you don't want to view that video change your home page to something else. It has nothing to do with Safari and there is nothing obligatory about it. Nobody is imposing this on you or anyone else. You can voice your objections here:

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    I purchased Steve job book , I found out after , it was in Russian ,why you were not clear on the page this copy only in Russian. I like refund form apple store.

    User to user forum-no Apple here.
    This is clearly stated in the terms of service for this forum.
    Report the issue through iTunes.

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    Can somebody help me how to download the Steve Jobs Biography for an iPad in Singapore? Is there a way to download it? I was shown in iTunes as this is not available for Singapore apple customers.

    kesanidps wrote:
    Will wait for the official release in Singapore. -:)
    which might never happen.  As with any other book you cannot find at the iBookstore, you should try one of the other free ereader apps  for other stores, like Kindle, Nook, Kobo, or Googebooks.

  • Steve Jobs should demonstrate how tough 5G is in public :p

    complaints everywhere about 5G scratch.
    Apparently the case is not working? or no one use them..?
    If the case doesnt help, people should ask steve jobs to do a demonstration of the toughness of 5G
    They should just put a warning on the box and say "treat me well i'm fragile" or something.

    A lot of people are saying that they are waiting for cases, but the iPod will still get scratched when its out of the case. ive ordered an invisible shield (before i found out about the whole water thing) and ill get a hard case when they come out. no way im taking any risks after spending so much money on one. it isnt easy for me to save £300.
    but i can remember how protective i was over my 3G when i first got it. now i throw it all over the place

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