Stock business content

Hello All,
       we can find out the actual sales from stock movements of stock cube.i.e. movement of stock out of
storage location to distibution centre same with prodcution quanity by movement of stock from factory to
storage question here is  by installing stock business content  if  we can find out sales of material
and production of material then what is the use of sales and production business content. please help me in understanding this.

Hi Jacko
You are confusion stock movements with Sales. It is not necessary that every stock movement related to Sales.
for eg. When stock is transferred from Factory to Depot it is a stock movement not Sales. From Depot (i.e. warehouse) to a Dealer is a Sales (could be primary) . From Dealer to the actual customer is another sales (secondary).
the treatment varies from org to org.

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    I am trying to install this particular query Inventory Turnover from the cube 0IC_C03 (Material/Stock Movements) from Business Content. Now in the third pane in Business Content under Active version available column across the name of this cube there is a calendar symbol.
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    Hi Arun,
    Thank you for that quick reply. I want to activate only the query and not the cube. I did as you advise me but still I am getting the same error when I run the Inventory turnover report from BEx.
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    Hi Everyone!
    Thanks the responses have been encouraging and i do see a glimmer of hope
    since i am fairly new at this I wanted to know
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    hi Niten,
    by choosing that 0IC_C03 and using grouping 'in dataflow afterward' in business content activation, you should get all the queries.
    you can cross check in rsa1->metadata repository->local object (business content).
    in sap help
    (expand left node)
    hope this helps.

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    Hi All,
        Please let me know the business content extractor for the BFOK_A Table.

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    Dear Mohd,
    there is no standard extractor available for your data , You can use a Generic Extraction on tables PBIM and PBED to get your desired data .
    Hope it helps.

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    I am still looking out below information , I tried to find the same in but could not identify the cube from business content . can u please help and let me know which could be the cubes or multiprovider from business content .
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    1.    Invoices for analysis of actual sales, pricing and special charges (2 standard cubes)
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    3.   Sales Orders for analysis of incoming sales orders, open orders, backlog (4 standard cubes)
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    5..   Purchase Orders for analysis of purchase orders, open purchase orders (5 standard cubes)
    Thanks .

    1. Invoices for analysis of actual sales, pricing and special charges (2 standard cubes)
        0SD_C03 And also  check for 0SD_C*
    2. Analysis of Delivery processing (incl. analysis of distribution costs) (2 standard cubes)
       Use DS -->2LIS_12_VCITM and create a Custome Cube for that DataSource
    3. Sales Orders for analysis of incoming sales orders, open orders, backlog (4 standard cubes)
        0SD_C03 And also  check for 0SD_C*
    4. Inventory, for analysis of inventory levels, turnover and slow stock (1 standard cube)
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         0PUR_C01  And also check 0PUR_*

  • Simulate installation-Business Content

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    Please help.Points guaranteed.
    Rajeev Mishra

    Try installing the IO's which are giving errror message first. And then try to install the business content infocube. Also for grouping, try using necessary objects only to make sure that you are not installing stuff you don't need. You can check the dataflow and install components separately.

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    "_settings for material number conversion not found"_*
    so please help me out what is the problem

    Thanks Subash Balakrishnan for replying,
    but let me inform you that i already did that as i need to install this object and now the object is showing with green instead of grey,
    Now my problem is that after selecting grouping and collection when i go to infoobject menu under modelling and find out the object 0mat, it shows in green , but as i need to observe the properties of this object like data type , length etc , i select the object 0mat and right click and select display,
    then instead of showing me the object properties screen it gives me the error as mentioned above,
    so as you say it has to be in active versoin , but i can not view the normal screen which appears after creating any object ,
    now i hope my problem is quiet explanatory so please help me.

  • Unable to 'set the default source system' to Install Business Content

    Maars here. This is my first post hoping that in future ones I'll also be lending a helping hand.
    I am trying to 'Install Business Content' under the BUSINESS CONTENT section in txn RSA1. I am doing this after 'Transfer Data Sources' in R/3 and I can now see all the data sources (under the application component hierarchy) for the source system. But I am not able to see the Info Objects in the Business Content.
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    Could you please help me out?
    Thank you.

    It seems to be a bug in version 3.5.
    Do like this:
    After you open the screen to <i>choose the dafault source system</i>
    Clcik on 3rd button(F6) available in the bottom of the scrreen.
    And then select teh tick mark for required system.
    And then click on Continue button
    You have do this step before you drop the cube to right side of the cube.
    Ok, even after all these steps , if you reopen the screen you would not see Tick mark u have done just before. DONOT WORRY ABT it.
    Drag and drop required cube with dat flow before.
    Now you can see the Transfer rules with selected Source system only in the collected Objects.
    With rgds,
    Anil Kumar Sharma .P

  • How to activate the Info object catalog in Business content

      While trying to activate the Info object catalog, I found that some of the info objects under this catalog was earlier activated by some other developer. I brought this catalog (0SALES_CHA01) over to the Business content activation panel ( with only 'necessary object settings ) and all the info objects that also came along  were de-selected since I didn't want to install those again). When I tried to install these I get an error indicating that some of the info object in question are not already active.. and ultimately the catalog doesn’t get activated , although more than half of its infoobjects are already active under the '0CHANOTASSIGNED' node.
    Please let me know whether I can get only the Catalog activated without getting any existing activated info object merged or installing those which are not already activated.

    Hello Arunava,
    Just drag the infoobject catalog as u did earlier to the left in the bus cont installation screen with "only necessary object" option.
    Dont try to deselect any object. Go ahead with the default options and install in background.
    Now you can check for the available objects in the catalog. if you have some objects missing, and available in unassigned node,double click on the newly installed infoobject catalog, select the required objects (which are not yet assigned to this) from the left side and bring them to the right side.
    this will make the unassigned objects assigned to the required catalog.
    Hope it helps..
    (please dont forget to reward points to helpful answers)

  • Business content datasource enhancement

    Hi Experts,
    I am new to HR.
    We are implementing HR modules Personnel development and Personnel administration, while I was looking into business content extractors 0HR_PA_0 and OHR_PA_1, I found that there were only few fields in the extract structure but there were many fields in the cube.Do we need to enhance the datasources? how it works?. If anybody did the enhancement to these datasources, please give me the information with examples.

    No, it is no necesary to enhance standard data sources. Those datasources extract, basically employee and date. Most infoobjects in cube are calculated from 0PERSON and 0EMPLOYEE attributes, having in count the date and employed extracted, because most in HR is time dependent.
    Assign point is usefull

  • Taking too much time incollecting in business content activation

    Hi all,
    I am collecting business content object for activation. I have selected 0fiAA_cha object,while cllecting in the activation but it is taking too much time and then it asks for source
    system authorisation and then throws error maximum run time exceded. i have selected data flow before there.
    What can be the reason for it.
    Please help..

    Hi ,
    You should also always try and have the latest BI content patch installed but I don't think this is the problem. It seems that there
    are alot of objects to collect. Under 'grouping' you can select the option 'only necessary objects', please check if you can
    use this option to  install the objects that you need from content.
    Best Regards,

  • SRM Business Content

    Hi All,
    I would like to know the infosource of 0SR_C01 procurement overview(aggregated) cube. while on it shows 0SR_MC01 as a multiprovider for 0SR_C01. But could not find the infosource for the same.
    I would also like to know if anyone has the list of content infocubes and their infosources for SRM. Please share it with me.
    Thank in Advance

    Hi ,
    for all business content, you can start here
    and bi best practice
    Check this link for SRM Business Content information:
    New DataSources have been created for NW 2004s BI Content Add-On 2 and SRM 5.0. These are described here, along with their extraction logic.
    The following graphic shows the data flow from the DataSources to the DataStore objects
    Each DataSource has an extraction structure and a data extractor. Generally, this is an RFC-capable function module.
    There are two types of extraction: Specific extraction and generic extraction:
    Specific extraction is strongly oriented towards the data model of the BI System and the necessary extract structure. It executes DataSource-specific processing steps.
    The logic contained within the generic extraction is implemented centrally and can therefore be reused by the specific extraction modules. The generic extraction deals with access to the SRM database and is similar for each DataSource.
    Generic and specific extraction
    Extraction logic in detail
    Data extraction involves the following six function modules:
    InitLoad is called as soon as an initial upload is started in the BI System. In other words, it is executed when data is loaded into the BI System for the first time. The module can restrict the data extraction according to filter criteria that were defined in BI during extraction (for example, extract the data for a particular timeframe). InitLoad packages the data before it is transferred to the BI System.
    DeltaLoad is called when a document is modified in the SRM System. The module writes data that has accumulated since the initial loading to a delta queue.
    Data Collector
    The Collector reads the required data from the database in the source system. For performance reasons, the data is then buffered in system-internal tables. The tables have the same structure as in the database. This saves time and effort, because data conversion is kept to a minimum.
    Data Consolidator
    The Consolidator groups data that belongs together from a business point of view. The consolidated data is stored in internal tables and is prepared for further processing.
    Data Normalizer
    The Denormalizer prepares the source data for the BI System. It calculates key figures that are required for the report but are not contained on the database and converts data types in the source system to data types of the BI System. Depending on the BI data model, the system now decides how each row is filled with data.
    Data Mapper
    During mapping of the data, the system defines which fields of the denormalized data structure are assigned to the fields of the extract structure. In this way, flat and one-dimensional lines are generated from the data.
    The following table shows the technical names of the function modules of the individual DataSources:
    Hope this helps,
    CSM Reddy

  • Finding fields in R/3 for data extraction VS Business content

    Hi all,
    I am doing my first BW project after my training and I am finding it difficult to locate some fields that should be part of my report.
    The Consultant says Sales Group, Inco terms, Open orders, Account assignment group, Sold to party, ship to party, Payment terms, Document currency and base currency, Complete deliver indicator, Order type and Count of Complete deliveries required should all be in the Order while transmission type and number of transmissions should be in NAST.
    I have gone to R/3 - RSA6 to look at datasources and found 2LIS_01_S260 (Sales order) to have most of the fields but not payment terms, complete delivery indicator, open orders base currency and count of complete deliveries required. Also in Sales document header data, these fileds are not there.
    Is it a case of not understanding the correct name of the fields if they are described in a different manner in R/3 or I have not done the proper thing? Can I just use an infocube in BW business content to get all the required objetcs -(infocube, infosource, datasource).
    Thank you

    Finding the correct Infoobject and it's mapped field is a job of BIW consultant. But the problem is how to find them and how to frind respective R/3  field and it's table. You will be familar with them as your experience increases.
    So you need to list of fields you require and then find out the Datasource/s which can give these fields by going through the Business content help or using LBWE Tcode in R/3.
    The datasource you mentioned is obsolate one. i.e 2LIS_01_S260  .
    You better to go wtih new DSes like 2LIS_11_VAITM,2LIS_11_V_ITM.
    If allmost all fields are avialable in a DS , then you can check the possibility of enhancing the DS for remaining Fields.
    With rgds,
    Anil Kumar Sharma .P

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