Hi All,
I have a 1TB STOR.E CANVIO and it is currently formatted as it came out of the box as NTFS ready for Mac.
I have already installed the pre-loaded NTI Back Up tool on my can I re-format the drive to FAT32?
The reason for wanting to format to FAT32 is so that systems such as my PS3 can then view music/films on the external HHD.
Thanks - Jason

Why not? I mean its a common external USB HDD and if you want you can format the HDD and can change the file system
Dont see any reasons why this should not be possible.

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    This is form support email
    Thank you for your recent enquiry regarding your Toshiba Canvio hard drive.
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    Message was edited by: amk316

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    If you make it a DATE field instead of a timestamp field it's stored more in the way you would expect.
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    Thank you

    Try this procedure:
    Start the console window by typing CMD in search or RUN.
    Then console window would open. Here the command: diskpart and press enter
    Then type: automount enable and press enter.
    Now try to connect the external HDD once again and check if it will be recognized.
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    From my knowledge this error appears to prevent errors with Windows and hardware related software that is installed. Mostly its indication that the software or driver or one of the files is not signed for the version of Windows you are using in your case Win XP.
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    For the future you can disable such kind of message.
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    I don't know that there is necessarily a 1-to-1 comparable model. I put that model number in our search box and deleted characters off the end until it sound something that matched the beginning. I found this product:
    Unfortunately, there is no update.
    - Peter

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    The problem is that I don´t know HOW to do this in the dat
    abase logging schema.
    Can I use this method in the API to retrive and store the numeric format string in the database??
    Or is there any other way of achieving this functionality?
    All ideas for solutions are appreciated.
    Thanks in advance!

    Yes you can. I think it would be helpful if you explain in more detail what you are trying to do.
    >>>> Basically I am trying to reproduce the data sheet created by test stand by using the data in the database.
    Are you using an NI default schema or have you already customized it?
    >>>> I already have a custom schema that I created many years ago, But if I have to start with a 'newer' default schema it wouldn't be to much of a problem to incorporate my changes into it. (I had added Model number and Comment to UUT result table and provided support for custom step types, the custom step types are based on the default NumericLimit step type )
    If default, what about the schema is insufficient for what you want to do?
    >>>> In order to generate a datasheet from the data in the database that replicates the datasheet produced by teststand, I need the Formatted values for the test results and the test limits. So I'm thinking it would be easier for me to query the database for the formatted numbers (as strings) instead of having to query the database for the 'numeric value' and the 'format string' and then creating the string for my datasheet.
    Is the data and limits that you are trying to log custom properties or or is this for the NI numeric or multi-numeric step type?
    >>>> No using custom properties, just dealing with 'NumericLimit' step types
    I had looked at how the 'SequentialModel.Seq' calls the modelsupport2.dll to  to produce the data sheet entries.
         ProcessModelPostResultListEntry >
         Process Step Result >
         Get Step Result Body (Sequence) >
         Add Flagged Values >
         modelsupport2.dll >
    But, alas, I don't understanding the whole traversing concept.

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    Thesbrian wrote:
    Looks like I just had to change my preferences 3 or 4 times, and it finally shows the option to convert to MP3. I'll see how successful it is in converting while downloading. Thanks for the suggestions.
    Also please note that if you are looking for MP3 files, it is easier to buy directly in MP3 format from an online music retailer who sells in MP3 format, such as the MP3 download store.
    MP3 format is compatible with iTunes/iPod and virtually every other player, program, and device.

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