Strange Keyboard Problems

This problem began about a month ago. At first it would type a1 s2 d3 f4 etc. for the home row keys. So I cleaned out the keyboard as best as I could, but that seemed to make it worse. It then got so bad that it began to seem like it was typing random keys, like ol9; when I typed the letter L. Now, after a random update, it has mostly fixed itself, except now, everything works fine except left shift, z, x, c, v, spacebar, m, comma, period, and / don't work at all. Does anyone have a solution? Grateful for any feedback you can offer.

It may be a long shot, but have you accidently selected an odd language or symbol set for the keyboard and then maybe also accidently have locked the caps key or the number lock key?   Steps to remedy such a situation:
1.  Unlock any locked key, if such exists.  Also be sure any paired or connected keyboard is either disconnected and not interfering.
2.  If you have set up the computer to show the language of the keyboard in the Finder's upper menu bar at the top of the screen, you will see a flag somewhere in the right half of the menu bar, where you then can hold down on the flag and then scroll down to the US or desired language's flag.
2'.  OR If you have not set up the language of the keyboard be shown as described above, then go to the System Preferences, and select "Languages and Text".  Next highlight "Input Sources", and select checkboxes for your languages of interest that you will be using.  Also select "Show input menu in menu bar".  Now you now will  be able to see the flag and name of the language the computer is using for the keyboard (in the finder's menu bar on the upper half of the screen).  If it is incorrectly set, then hold down on the flag and then scroll down to the US or desired language's flag.
Note: If you also select the checkbox of the item labelled "Keyboard and character Viewer" in the Language and Text Preferences, you can see what each key does.  Once this is selected, then go to the pull-down Finder menu under the flag of the current keyboard setting, and highlight and release on "Show Keyboard Viewer".  This will show you what each key does when you press it.

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    Hey guys,
    I was also having this issue, but found that i didnt have a problem using USB connected keyboards,
    Maybe give that a try?
    Also try re-installing the wirless optical media kit drivers in windows device manager?
    Other than that it is probably an OS issue as its not just one specific type of keyboard.
    Hope this helps in som way (:

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    Hmmm. Did you enable the FN+F11 or FN+F10 keyboard options???
    Notwithstanding that these option could be enabled everything looks like a keyboard malfunction. In worse case the keyboard must be replaced!

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    Hi Ashok,
    It is not easy to say what is causing this strange behaviour, especially since it also occurs with an external keyboard. One clue is that the notebook will not restart after you shut it down unless you leave it for a short while. This would suggest that the unit is overheating and this may well be affecting the unit causing your problems.
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    Hi Oliv
    Such issue is not known to me and I think it must be hardware related issue.
    What you can do about it? Not much except to try with BIOS update but I dont think it will help.
    Satellite P300 is not the newest notebook model. Since when you have noticed such strange keyboard behaviour?
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    Boot in safe mode and test. If the problem goes away in safe mode, then it's caused by third-party software that loads automatically at startup or login.
    Mac OS X: Starting up in Safe Mode

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    Dave Fritzinger
    Honolulu, HI

    Hi Dave,
    By the sound of it your computer has "hung" during the shutdown process, but at a point in the process where the system's temperature control mechanisms were still operating (otherwise the fans would be running flat out). My guess in this case is that it was probably actually a finder crash.
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    Board: MSI 975X Platinum PowerUP Edition V2.1 MS-7246 Intel socket 775
    Bios: Version (can’t recall & can’t check since it won’t go past the BIOS splash screen)
    VGA: ASUS EN7600GS nVidia GeForce 7600GS PCI-e 256MB DDR2 (also tried new XFX nVidia
             Geforce 210 PCI-e 2.0 512MB DDR3)
    PSU: Chiefmax 680W ATX (also tried new OCZ 700W ATX)
    CPU: Intel 2.8GHz LGA-775 Core2 Duo Dual-Core Processor
    MEM: 4 x Samsung 512MB 1Rx8 PC2-5300U (2GB total)
    HDD: Seagate Barracuda 250GB SATA2 (also tried Seagate Barracuda 500GB SATA2)
    COOLER: Intel OEM LGA 775 fan/heatsink C25897-001
    OC: No
    OS: Vista Home Premium 32-bit
    I have been through the BIOS reset procedure several times and pretty much as outlined. As I said before, I could tell that it had taken a reset to the factory defaults, because the power on option had changed.

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    This must be a keyboard mapping problem. Can anyone help me fix this?

    I tried all the non-numeric keys with the blue key.
    The results were;
    QWERT Row
    Keyboard ! & - / = ?
    Display ! " & - + =
    ASDF Row
    Keyboard " @ + i c bckspc
    Display Yen $ Euro _ ` bckspc
    ZXC Row (first three keys only)
    Keyboard ' ( )
    Display > \
    Looks really strange. I think I may have a wrong firmware version. (1.0610.04.04 , 19-04-06 - RM89 - Nokia E61)
    What do you think?

  • Keyboard problem: alt and command swapped

    I am currently experiencing a problem with my Apple Pro Keyboard (Model circa 2000 taken from a PowerMac G4). It used to work fine, except now ALT and COMMAND seem to be swapped.
    COMMAND + Q instead of quitting, gives me this: œ
    Here is the whole qwerty: œ∑´®†¥¨^øπåß∂ƒ©˙∆˚¬Ω≈ç√∫~µ
    Useful if you want to type strange, but slowly frustrating, as frequent mac users will know keyboard shortcuts are deeply ingrained into reflexes and are hard to change.
    Has anyone else experience a problem like this?
    How can it be solved?
    I have already tried several things: reconnecting keyboard, restarting, checking updates. No significant harware or software change either, it just started randomly.
    I have also tried searching google with no luck, results are for different topics with the same search terms.
    SEO helper text:
    Problem with keyboard alt and command swapped.
    Strange keyboard bug alt command mapped incorrectly.
    Pro Keyboard alt command not working.
    Thanks in advance.

    *hangs head in shame*
    You'd never guess where I didn't look*: system preferences.
    Indeed the 'modier keys' were incorrectly mapped. So its now fixed.
    ...but I wonder what caused it to randomly switch?
    [* That'd be because I'm developing 16 hours a day for my dissertation, it does crazy things to your head.]

  • Very Strange Focus problem

    I've encountered a very strange focus problem that I hope someone can help me
    with. In my frame, I have a toolbar and some JTextFields. When I press one of
    the toolbar buttons, I do whatever and at the very end I use requestFocusInWindow()
    to set the focus to one of the JTextFields. Now here's the strange part. If I don't
    touch the keyboard or the mouse, I can see the caret in the JTextField as expected.
    As soon as I move the mouse or touch any key, the focus changes to the next
    toolbar button. Makes no sense to me. By the way, I'm running 1.4 on Windows NT.

    Create a new class ToolbarButton extends JButton where you have the following method:
         * Identifies whether or not this component can receive the focus.
         * A disabled button, for example, would return false.
         * @return true if this component can receive the focus
        public boolean isFocusTraversable() {
           return false;
        }This prevents the buttons from getting keyboard focus, this makes only sense for toolbar buttons.

  • Strange wifi problem on a brand-new MacBook Pro

    Hey there, I'm new here. Desperation has got the better of me, and I hope I can get some advice.
    So, last sunday I bought a brand new 13" MacBookPro with 2.8g i7 processor and 10.7.2 OS (I can't update to 10.7.4 because System Update tells me the download has been tampered with or corrupted after I waited 2 hours for it to finish, but I'm trying a direct download from the website). Here's the exact product: sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1340301247&sr=8-5&keywords=macbook+pro+13
    Everything is all perfect except for a strange wifi problem. Note that the wifi does not turn-on or off, it doesn't disconnect after 'sleep', it doesn't get less speed, it doesn't constantly leave a preferred connection (once I chose my home wifi it always connects to it no problem). The wifi bar is always full. What is wrong is that the internet is kinda 'glitchy'. The best metaphor I can think of is that it's like a car that has to be pushed down the road before the engine can start. Please, bear with me because this is kinda hard to explain and I'm not good at tech lingos.
    One of the symptoms is browsing can get really slow and inconsistent, almost as if the wifi gets turned off in the middle of browsing. For example: if I look something up on Google and then open 5 new tabs, probably only 2 or 3 of those tabs will eventually load while the other two will not get past the long ' etc' address and will eventually show one of those 'error loading page because there's no Internet connection' notice. This happens a lot. Sometimes I have to refresh/retry loading a page a couple of times before it finally loads, then usually everything will get back to normal and I will be able to open multiple tabs with no problem, but in a couple of minutes I would try to open another site and the problem will start again.
    So I tried to see how it does with downloading using iGetter. Fortunately I also have a Macbook (white-plastic casing one) and my brother has an old 2006 MacbookPro so I can compare. With those two older Apples iGetter starts receiving data in less than 8 seconds after I click Start, while my brand-new Macbook Pro can take up to 15-20 seconds, sometimes it doesn't even start at all and I have to re-click the start button. But once the download actually starts (on my new MacBook Pro), it downloads like normal, it doesn't stop and the speed is also as good as I can get. Strange huh? Hence, like a car that has to be pushed before the engine starts.
    I also tried 'speed testing' from a website with all 3 laptops. On my old MacBook and my brother's MacBook pro, once I click 'begin test' it takes only a couple of seconds of 'ping' before the download/upload speed measurements start, but with my new MacBook Pro (just like with iGetter) it takes up to almost a minute before the measurements start, sometimes it won't start at all and I have to re-start the test.
    Well, thanks for reading. And hope you can help me shed some light into this. Because it is really preventing me from really enjoying my new MacBook Pro. And if this is most likely a hardware problem, I'd better get back to the store and try to get it replace or something while it's only been 5 days. *cheers*

    Hey guys.. Thanks for the replies. Unfortunately, I bought the MacBook in Indonesia where there are no such thing as an AppleCare. The only option is to leave the Apple product to one of the 'Authorized Apple care centre' and have whoever do whatever to it without guarantee of success. As for returning it and getting a brand new one, I also don't know if there is such a deal here, but that's actually a good idea, will try to go to the store tomorrow. Although, I'm worried that the problem might be with OSX Lion or something and getting a new one won't help.
    mark75090, I've tried resetting the router when I first noticed te problem, didn't work though. I've checked my new MacBook's wi-fi (option+click wifi bar) and it says 'PHY Mode: 802.11g', so does my MacBook and the old MacBook Pro. I don't know what those mean though, and I don't know whether or not my router is an N., can you tell me more please.. I have tried with the other two turned off, and only the new MacBook using the wi-fi but the problem persists. I have also tried connecting directly to the router, but as I described, the problem is too subtle for me to notice the difference.
    Also, if I create a brand new Wi-Fi connection in network preferences and connect to my router through the new Wi-Fi profile, the problem seems to be gone for an hour or so, then it always comes back though. I have also just finally installed 10.7.4, but it doesn't help either.

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